On her Majesty’s Secret Service (PG) 0.. (Peter R Hunt. (K. 1969) George Lazenby. Diana Rigg. Telly Sayalax. HOmin. The one with (ieorge La/enby that doesn't quite xit right with the i'ext of the Bond canon (great. dark end though). Glasgow I‘lliii Theatre. Phedre (1i) (Nieliolax ilytner. (IR. 2009) Helen Mirren. Margaret 'l‘y Iaek. Dominie Cooper. 90min. Liye xatellite bi'oadeaxt iii a performance oi‘ Jean Raeine'x l’lietln'. starring Helen Mirren. from the National Theatre. London. (iluagmr I'll/it I'lieutre: Cameo. Edinburgh.

Public Enemies (15) coco

tMiehael Mann. (IS. 2009) Johnny Depp. Chrixtian Bale. Marion (‘otillard l-l3tnin. See rey iew. page 44. General release. Queen Margaret University 1 15) (Various. LR. 2009) 120mm. Seleetion of short i‘ilmx and doeumentariex from graduate xtudentx from Queen Margaret L‘niyerxity. l'i'l/n/tome. lzili'nlnu'g/i. Race to Witch Mountain it’(ii O” (Andy Fiekman. LS. 2009) Dwayne Jolinxon. ('arla (itigino. (‘iaran Hindx. 98min. Sympathetie reyiyal ol [9‘5“ linupe In lllltll .llounluin ax a \ehiele ioi The Rock. Jaek Bruno. a l.ax Vegax taxi»


m n."


On Monday 29 July Optimum". Releasing release both parts of Steven Soderberg's remarkable biopic Che in one boxset. The List has five copies to giveaway. To be in With a chance of Winning one Visa wwwlistcouk/offerS/

'0 TH. LIST 25 Jun—9 Jut 2009

driyer piekx up two alien ehildien t.-\iiiia Sophia Robb) and t.-\le.\.iiidei l.udw ig) and attraetx the attentionx oi l'Bl man lleni'y Burke llliiidx) in thix xolid time-paxxer that makex up in xpeed and xliek pioduetioii \alttex what it laekx in eliaiaetet'. ('l'nt'n'orltl ink/mu]. (ilttigoii; The Reader t 15) O... tStephen Daldry. l'S/(ieiiiiaiiy. 2008) Ralph 1-iennex. Kate\\‘iiix1et. 1)a\id Kioxx. 123mm. in a \Vext (ieiiiian town at the end oi the 1950x. 15 year~old Miehael tKi‘oxx) xtartx a paxxioiiate .ii'iaii with llanna l\\'mxlet ). a tiaiii eonduetoi iiioie than in iee liix age. But alter a lew inonthx. llanna xuddeiily dixappearx. and it'x almoxt a deeade beiore Miehael xeex her again. By thix time he ix a law .xtudeiit and xlie ix xtanding trial for war el'iniex, Briuiion l’lii'tiln. lit/inlnug/i. Red Cliff l 15) .0. lJohii \Voo. l K. 2009) (‘hen ('haiig. Yong 11o. Jtiii llu. 150mm. \Voo'x iii'xt (‘lunexe lilm m almoxt 20 yeai'x ix a triumphant return to liix iootx. Drawing on both the martial artx adyeiituiex with whieh he began liix eareer and the llong Kong bullet balletx he aehie\ ed inteinational i‘eeogintion with. Rul ( 'lill ix an epie n at iiliii “fill an all xtai eaxt xet iii ('hma'x aneient paxt that really delixeix the breathtaking xpeetaele and high xty lixation w itli whieh \\oo made liix name. Sela ml I'('/('(i'\('.

Rude 8. Cursi (Rude y Cursi)

l 15) O... t(‘.ii'lox ('uai’on. l S/Me\ieo. 2008) Diego l.tin.i. (iael (iaieia Bernal. Jexxiea Max. 101mm. See leatuie. page lo and re\ iew. page 45. Si‘ln It (I I't'lt‘tl.\¢. S Darko l 15) ((‘hi'ix l-ixhet. 1S. 2009) 1)a\eigh('haxeBiana1-.\ig.iii.Jamex 1.;ill'erty. 103mm. lii tliix xetiuel to the aeelaiined Donn/r Uri/lo. ('haxe iepiixex her role ax little xixtei Samantha. headx oil on a road trip \\ itli a liiend. and iiiidx herxell entangled in a gliteh in the time- xpaee eontiiiuum. (ilmgoii l-il/n [lint/It. Screen Academy Showcase l l5) t\ai'iotix. l'K. \arioux) 90min. Seieeiiiiig oi award-winning iietion. .iiiiiiiation and doeumentary xhoi't iilmx iiom the iii'xl lotii yeaix oi' Sereen :\e.idemy Seotland. i‘eaturing work ii'om new iilmmakeix iioiii itdiiibuigli \aptei 1'm\eixity and lzdinbuigh ('ollege oi Art’x Skillxet Sei‘eeii and Media :\eademy. l-ilmliotm. ['Jllh'l’lll‘Q/I.

The Secret of Moonacre (ti)

.0. ((iabor ('xupo. Hungary/l'K/l‘ranee. 2009) loan (ii‘ui'i'udd. Dakota Blue Riehardx. Nataxeha .\iel:llione. 103mm. When 13-year-old orphan Maria tRieliardx) uxex an inherited hook to enter a magieal kingdom xhe beeomex ittyol\ ed in all eeoviiiythieal p10! to dextroy Moottaet'e \alley. Damn it xlightly oyer egged adaptation oi I'ln' little llllllt' [lo/1w by lili/abeili (iotldge. lite Iz'tllnlmrg/i (A Hill. Iii/inlnu'gli.

1 7 Again tl’(i) COO tBurr Steei'x. 1S. 2009) Xae lilt'ttli. Matthew Perry. l.exlie Mann. 102mm. Better than you might expeei age i'eyerxal eomedy in whieh a now ii'uxtrated and middle aged l‘orniei' teenage pregnaney dad tl’erry ) getx another ehanee when he ix tranxl'oiiiied baek to hix 17 year» Ultl \ell ll',l'i'tltll. (‘Illt’ll‘tllltl Ri'li/I't'tt Sll't't’l. (lluyerm.

Soylent Green l l5) 000. (Richard l'leixehei. l'S. I973)(‘har1toii llextoii. ixdwaid (i. Robiiixoii. Leigh 'laylor Young. 97min. l’iliil adaptation oi llairy llarrixon'x highly iegai'ded noy el .‘Itlkt' Room.’ .lIu/w Room.’ xetx up a plauxible \ ixioii ol‘ a i'uture world teeming with hungry millionx. llextoii ix a tough eop try mg to dixeoy er e.\aetly

w hat the ingredientx oi Soy lent (ii'een are. a ‘Hlllieiie l‘oodxitlll ”)4th been eooked UP to help teed the planet. The iinal i'e\ elation might be obyioux l'rom a long way on. but it'x \ei'y logieal in a Swiitian xoi't oi way. (( El. (Iluygun.

Space Station 3Dtl‘)t'1‘oni Myerx. (‘aiiada/l‘S. 2003) 47mm. Mutated by Joni (‘rtiixe. tliix big xei’eeii lM.-\.\ piexeiitatioii i'ollowx real axti'onautx into the big blue. lmpi‘exxiy e. but not ax awexome ax it xliould litt\ e been. lllxl.‘ Iltt'illl't. (lliHei'tt. Spartacus l 15) 0000 (Stanley Kubi‘iek. 1S. 1960) Kirk l)oug1ax. l.aurenee ()li\ iei. Jean Simmoiix. 'I'ony ('urtix. 190mm. 'I'e'i‘i’iiie‘. rextoi'ed \ei‘xioii oi' ixubi'iek'x epie aeeount oi a xlay e ieyolt in .-\neient Rome. l-ightx. 1tixt.politie.il intrigue. i'oiiianee it'x got the lot. Sei'eened here ma new "0mm print with piey iouxly uiixeen iootage t()11\ier making a paxx at (.lli'lh. lio lexx). (ilnxgoii I'll/n Illt'tlllt'. Star Trek t l2.-\) O... U] Abiaiiix. l'S/(ieiinany. 2009) (‘hrtx l’me. Jelliitlei' Moriixon. Simon l’egg. 120mm. .-\ quirk in the xpaee-lime eoiitiiiuuiii allow x both a

off screening in the west. Go see and join a union.

I GFT. Glasgow. Sun :3 Jul.

Following a recent outing at the Edinburgh International Film Festival, this restored print of Bill Douglas’ remarkable 1986 dramatisation of the story of the Tolpuddle Martyrs receives a one

xequel and prequel to the already y'axt Slur 'I'rel oeuyre. in w liieli 1.0.x! ereator Abranix xurpaxxex hix prey iotix iiltii ei‘i'ortx to reinvent the whole dynamie oi the [ISS linterprixe. limotional xtrugglex l'rom Pine ax ('aptaiii Kirk and Zaehary Quinto ax Vuleaii Spoek mix with adrenaline paeked adyenture to eiixure that Star Trek ix that rare thing. a bloekbuxter with humour and gtitx. (it'neru/ reliant:

Sugar t 15) O... lAima thlen/Ryan l‘leek. [8. 21108) Algetiix l’ere/ Stilt). Rayiiiel Ruiino. Andre Holland. 1 14min. l’reinier Baxeball‘x Latin Ameriean xlay'e trade route and the immigrant experienee go under the iiiieroxeope iii thix ol‘lbeat and eompelling eharaeter .xtudy oi wannabe 1)oininiean Repiihlie piteher Miguel Santox tl’ei‘e/ Soto). Struggling to make it into the big leaguex and pull himxeli and hix family out oi pm erty. he iinally inakex it the l'S' minor leaguex. only to law a healthy doxe oi eorporate greed. ixolatioii. eaxual bigotry aiid lonelinexx. (inner). Iz'tli'ltlnu‘g/i. Sunshine Cleaning 1 l5) 0.. l('1irixtine Jeiix. 1S. 2008) Amy Adamx. lamily Blunt. Alan Arkin. 91min. See

in te\\. page 4-1. Xt'lt’t’lt'tl I'('l('(l.\('. Surveillance 1 l8) .0. lJentiil‘er ('hamberx i.yneh. l'S/(ieriiiany. 2008) Jtilia ()riiiond. Bill Pullman. Ryan Siiiipkinx. 97nniif1‘wo1-Bl agentx turn up at a baekwatei' xherili”x oil-tee in the wake of the latext axxault by a killer on the looxe and xet otit to intery iew ey eryoiie in xiglit. l'iil'ortuiiately. l.y neh ix prone to longeurx. notably the tedioux xettiiig tip oi' the interrogationx. Still. the denouement ix pleaxiiigly pery ei'xe and. albeit a muddle. thix ix an interextiiig thriller iron) the daughter oi liliiimaker 1)a\ id Lyneh. ()(ll‘Ull :ll Illt’ Qiuii. (iliisgoii.

Telstar - The Joe Meek Story 1 )5) COO t.\‘iek Moran. l'lx'. 2008) (‘on ()’.\‘eill. Key in Spaeey. JJ l‘eild. 1 18min. Stagy btit eiiioyable drama about Joe Meek. the xoiigw i'llel' pi'odueer who wax

llamboy antly gay. tone deal and ei'eated (iiix liitx '1laye l the Right‘. ‘Juxt Like liddie'. 'Johiiny. Remember Me' and "I‘elxtar'.

(”it M will] Rl’Il/l't'n Slit‘t’l. (llllfig’UH. Terminator Salvation 1 t2..\) 0.. tMe(i. 1S. 2009) ('hrixtian Bale. Sam Worthington. .-\iiton Yelehin. 115mm. Set in 2018. 1-1 yearx alter Judgment Day.