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Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 350,000 unique visits per month.
Terms 8 Conditions
Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking serVice. For administration purposes. advertisers mustsupply their full name and address (NOT for publication). The Flatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication in his section. Adverts
for renting a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats
to Let' section. full instructions or booking these ads are availableon our website in the Shop section. It is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of enSive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
if you would like further information about The List flatshare serVIce, there is no need to call The List. please refer to our webSIte Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal
safety. you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.
102 THE LIST" ."
Flatshares cont.
I Queen Square. Large douhle room. 2 minutes \salk l'rom Shim lands and train station. Stunning. \er} quiet. locatedopposite Queens l’ul‘ls. Bi'oadhand. Sk}. large hright kitchen and li\ ing room. £3 ll) ppm Tel: 07795 U58 023
I Flatmate wanted for room in loxel} I)ennistoiin l'lal. ('lose to all amenities aitd good ior to“ n. Non smoking. ./\ll mod cons. £550 incl ("1' hills. ‘l'el: 07554 42| JII
I Kelvinbridge area, modern i'elui'hished i'lai
2 min \salk to underground. pri\ate parking. 10 minute \xalk to (it) ('entre. Sharing \\ itli non smoker. £275 pcm. lias} access to lttt)liti'\\;l} 'l’el: (l777l (HS 252
I Spacious furnished room near Botanics. .-\|| liltitl colts. l.arge lsllc‘ltelt.
li\ ing dining space. pool tahle. hroadhand. DVD. Digital ‘I‘\'. £205 plus ("1‘ £55 plus hills. (‘leaned once a \\eek. .\'o smoking. Suit lll'ttlt‘SSlUiitll. Tel: 07073
262 4-H
I West End flat near
B} t'L‘s Rd to sltitt‘e \\ illt o\\ Itet'. £305 pcm inc hills. esc. ("II (in) l'riendl}. Stiit mature. lid). quiet person. \Veekda} s onl_\ considered. ('ontaci jonathanm i' or 075‘)“ 47‘) 404
I City Centre - ga} l'riendl} l'lat share. mod cons tte\\ decor. (ioiiil ziltic‘ltilles. \Vil'i (i('ll (lean. eas_\
going. near underground.
("1. included. split hills £3llll pcm ('ontact l)a\ id on 07007 ()4! 313
I Southside - very large doiihle room a\ ailahle l'or n s. Sharing \\ itli l\\ii others. ”at has all mod
cons and hand} l'or piihlic transport. £3llll pcm incl ("[1 hills e\tra. 'l‘elz (l7‘)(ill .\’_§.\' 5(i(i
I Double room in llal share \\ itli a _\oung male pi'ol'essioiial. l.ookiiig to share \\ ith an eas} going tid} person. non smoker. £320 pcm and a\ailah|e l'rom lllli .liil_\. ’l'cl: (l7.\'| I lSS 70.:
I Sunny double bedroom a\ail;ihle lst Septeniher. l’ai‘tick. Room unliirnished. shared kitchen lounge hathroom. li\ccl|eni transport links & local amenities. Rent £225 plus ltllls :llitl (“l2 \it tlss. lL'lZ ()7‘).l.1-il.i l2.\’
I Huge, furnished double room \\ itli 'l‘\‘ and Will in l’ollokshields. sharing \\ itli eas} going couple and cat. 5 inins to ('it_\ (‘eiitre. e\eellent puhlic transport. £355 pcm. includes all hills. ‘l‘el: 070.10 I70 S22
I Double room available in gas central heated l'lai. sharing \\ itli 1 girl and l ho}. \Vest l’rinces St. Rent £.‘s(lll pcm inc ("II Tel: “7386 678 (MS
I Double room in
linel}. ltl'igltl stilllltsitle liltil. Quiet street. (ireat transport links. Sharing \\ itli 2h )ear old female. Siiiiahle l‘oi' l‘i‘iendl}.
n s female pi‘ol'essiomil. £550 pm inc ("ll 'l‘el: U779] M2 723
I Large attic room aho\e the clouds in Strathhungo
llat \\ ith o\\ n bathroom and kitchen. ‘) mins to Central Station. Surrounded h) parks. £330 pcm inc. ("I‘ 07830 Tlll) 90‘)
I Friendly female professional llaliiiale hunted to share “arm \\arehoiise apartment. 5 mins \\alk to ('it). Parking. £550 pcm including hills 'l‘e|:(l."l)t)<) (ill—V 57-1
I PAISLEY - Large i'ull} l'urninshed master double room to let £2‘)(l pcm inc all hills. .'\|l iitod cons. :\\ailahle start ol' .lul_\. (’ontact Sarah - (lfSlo 462 7-15
I Bright spacious
2nd Mom ”at on Rossie l’lace. Stunning \ ie\\ s ol' Arthur‘s Seat. Large lounge. kitchen. hig hedrooin. hall. slio\\ el' t‘ootii Ioilel. l‘lllll} llll‘ltlSliL‘tl and centrall} healed \\ illt sanded l'looi'hozit‘ds throughout. (iood parking and hiis links to (‘it} ('enti‘e. £455 l’('.\l. .»\\ailah|e start oi .liine. (‘all Miles on (17700 284 I772
I HAYMARKET Sunny single room in n s professional shared ('it} ('entre l'lat £2Sll pcm inc all hills. Suit 2() fills. .-\\ai|ahle .\'o\\. ‘l‘cl: ll"‘l)3 02-1 "5-1
I Large room to let in |o\el_\ central l'lat. Sociahlc tk considerate person sought to share \\ itli 2 others. Rent £240 pcm plus £50 ("ll ;i\;ii|ahe mid June. ('oiitacl an ex ilpettiiig/oom liotmail. com l'or lui'thcr details 'l‘el: (llfil 552 0568
I Quiet room, central l'lai. Rent £275 pcm including hills. good access amenities etc might suit student or _\oung l’l'olcsslittttil l.(illl ot' l.(illl l'i'iendl) axail no“ or enti'_\ dale iicgotiahle ’l‘el: (llfil NW
I Single room avail in shared ga_\ l'riendl} flat in .'\hhe_\hil|. 5 min walk from (‘it_\ ('eiitre \\ itli great hiis routes. :\l| mod cons incl hroadhand & lrecs ie\\. £325 pcm iall hills incl l. .'\\ai| ironi mid June 'l‘el: ll"“(i5 5(il oil)
I Double bedroom
in lull} l'iii'nished period
.\'e\\ ington l‘lat to share \\ itli 28) l' old female. l‘ree on street parking and ('ameron lo“ 5 mins aua}. £350 pcm plus hills. 'l‘hanks lor looking? Tel: 07730 5‘)” ”()7
I Double room available 4th .-\ugiisi in fantastic hrighi. \\ ell decorated .\lai'c|iiiioiit l‘lat? £375 pcm plus (”i and hills. Sharing \\ itli lemale prol'essional musician \\ itli lo\el_\ cat. l‘emale [)l'ttlt‘sslttlizll in their 2(l‘s onl} 3 Tel: (PU-ll I45 l8"
I Warriston: Bright comfortable double room in shared l'lat i l otheri. \Vil'i. close to shops. transport. cit} L'Cllll‘c. lCllli. leillt \\itlk. hike tracks. l’arkland setting. lias} parking. £250 pcm plus ("l' and hills. Tel: 07753 ‘)(i.\’ 503
I Attractive Central furnished i‘lai \\ ill) 2 double rooms a\ailahle in 5 hed lilalshare. \Vi-l'i hroadhand. (i('ll. /one parking. Seeking .\' S. lid). prolessionals 25-40. :\\ailah|e August. £27ll pent plus ("I‘ and hills. Tel: ()7775 (3-10 .570
Q 'I Saw You in the WESt...
v I Saw You
makin coffee in dee ox, Byres . Road. I come in qwte frequentl and have short cury hair. I’m wondering if you say hi/bge to everyone...? U/6 1/02
V I Saw You .lane ai the ('alhoiise. l‘rida} 22nd .\la_\. Wish I‘d taken the time to talk to )ou and got '\our niimher. get iii touch il~ )ou‘re interested... l’eteialinost as tall as _\oiiYi \
l I (fil (ll
V I Saw You making eoll'ee in 'l‘inderho\. lines Road. I come in quite l'i‘equentl} and lime short curl} hair. l'in \\ondering il' )oii sa_\ hi h_\ e to exer}one...'.’ l. “5| ()3
. I Saw You pi'ctt) (ici'iiian girl at l'nixersal liar gig Sat 23rd .\la_\. \Vc danced and chatted hiil )oii had to lea\c. .\le: older gu} You: prettiest girl there. let's talk some more politics til it tllilel'cttl kind.
l. (\5l ()3