
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gayfllist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 28

Glasgow m Drawn Out & Painted Pink (killer) of Modern .-\rt. Ro}al szchange Square. 37 3050 l'ntil Sun 7 Jun. l0am 5pm; Thu Illam «Spin; l'rr tk Strri l Iain 5pm. A displa} of 50 titieer'~therned cartoons b} Kate ('harlesisorth and Das id Shenton. is hose light-hearted uorks poked fun and pillor‘ied possibl} ~ga} double acts from histor} and \Vlfl‘M ads. alongside more bittersweet satires abotit attitudes to HIV.

sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (ialler; Ill Modern Art. Roxal laschange Square. 237 3050. l'ntil Sun I .\'o\. l0ani 5pm; Thtr Illarn Spin; l‘l'l & Stiii I lain 5pm. Striking and thoughtful biennial social lustiee exhibition featuring uork frorn the likes of Sadie Lee. Nan (ioldtn. (‘had .‘slc('arl and Robert Mapplethorpe. While each uork can be traced back to a gender» related starting point. more unixersal ideas of lose and tenderness are \srrt large Iltt'otlghotll.


In Mind Matters: LGBT Carers Focus Group l.(ili'l‘ (‘entre for Health (Q Wellbeing. 9 ”ms e SIrCL‘I. .535 Hill). (illlpm. A trailbla/ing session in partnership \\ ith Voices of (arms Across l.othian to create courses specifically for L‘ttl't‘t's ol l.(illl people.

Edinburgh I 0V8 Spider's Web ('ellar Bar. 358 Morrison Street. 228 I‘H‘). Spin lam. £l01members £5). lietish club \tith l5ootrnan John and Mistress .-\|ana. The dress code asks for a minimum of" smart black dress“ ear and a general fetish-wear door polic). The} prefer that first-time \ isitors contact the organisers beforehand. Sassy (‘(‘ Blooms. 35 3-1 (ireenside Place. 55b ”33 I. I lpm 3am. Monthl} chart and camp tracks.

Saturday 30

I Revolver Quiz Re\'o|\'er. (in John Street. 553 345b, me. £l. A general knmtledge qui/ that takes place ever} Saturda}.

I The GOSSlp The Arches. 355 Argyle Street. 5(35 l000. 7pm. £l5. ()Ver-l-ls shim. Mtist-see garage/punk/blues trio fronted b} the immense soulful vocals of Beth Ditto as the_\ preview nen album Music [Ur Men.

I Club Hair ()3 :‘tcadenn. l2] liglinton Street. 0844-1 772000. 0pm 3am. £l-f.50. SOC ('lubs.


I Loud and Proud Summer Concert (‘entral Hall. West 'l‘ollcross, 473 2000. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). lidinbur'gh's l.(iBT choir holds its annual summer concert. featuring a selection of upbeat popular. traditional. classic and shoxs tunes all sung a cappella. This sear their guests are The Pink Singers. the longest- running lesbian and ga} choir in liurope.


I'll! Booty (inc). 4 Pic‘ttt'd) Place. 08-15 lot» (1024. l lpm 3am. Rth. hip hop. soul and funk from [Ms Dale Lush and Na Blige.

I Passionality Byblos. l'nit Q. Merchant Square. 71 Albion Street. 552

88 TNE LIST 28 Mm—I 1 Jun 2009


(Peccadillo PICIUFOSJ

Forty years ago a small bar called the Stonewall Inn in a corner pocket of New York’s West Village sparked the legendary Stonewall riots that spearheaded the global gay liberation movement. In 1984, seasoned documentarian Greta Schiller shot the multi award-winning Before Stonewall, both in response to these riots and as a way of investigating how the modern lesbian and gay movement had formed itself into a social and political force up until that moment.

I meet Schiller in London during the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. When I tell her the interview is for The List, she remembers: ‘When the film screened in Edinburgh way back when, there's a scene in Craig Rodwell's bookshop, and behind his head is the magazine Gay Scotland.

Everybody went crazy!’

Featuring interviews with the gay and lesbian cultural glitterati (Allen Ginsberg, Ann Bannon and Audre Lourde among them), this film belongs to the movement’s courageous foot soldiers. Finding these people and getting them to talk on camera took a lot of painstaking research. In the traditional film archives, instead of looking at categories under ‘images of gays’ or ‘homosexuals', they ended up discovering material listed under ‘pervert’ and ‘sexual perversion’. ‘Considering the tendency towards erasure,’ said Andrea Weiss, the film’s archival researcher, at the time, ‘it is amazing we’ve been able to reconstruct our history at all.’

This is truly a landmark piece of queer history filmmaking that should never be relegated to the top shelf. Extras include deleted scenes featuring Quentin Crisp, and a lively panel debate with Richard Kwietniowski, Ken Livingstone, Monika Treut and Greta Schiller. (Selina Robertson)

3895. Il.30pm 3am. £3 i£2i. D] Roberts pla} s chart hits for the gin/rinsed cr'oxxd.


I VlBEng (MK). 4 Picard} Place. 03-15 lot» 6024. | Iprn Ram. £4 t£3i. James Longxsorth keeps the chees} choons flouing ever} Tuesda} night.

Wednesday 3

I Allure The Tunnel. 8-1 Mitchell Street. 20-1 I000. 11.30pm 3am. £3 istudents £3- f‘or-l l. Cheesy pop sounds from [)1 Darren and the guys behind Passionality


FRI! Deviation ('c Blooms. :3 :4 (ireenside Place. 556 0331. l lpm 3am. Monthl} night for (‘("s “fill eino. rock. punk and pou er pop from [)1 Am}.


I Pink Links Deep Blue. below the Blue Moon. I Baron) Street. 556 3733. 7pm. £5. Pink Links ls back. this tune for \sornen-onl} speed dating fun on the first Frida} of men month. There are 1.5 dates

of three minutes each. bar breaks for llutch courage and opportunities to mingle alterssards urth tree entrs to (Hit) See \usxs pinklinks bi/ for more lllll‘ i‘l li‘ l‘\\\‘P\ llc‘kt‘ls

I Poptastic (illI). ~1 l‘icatd\ Place. osJS ll\(\l\ll:-1 lllpiit zam L1 «1 :. Indie electro and retro pop trash

Saturday 6

I Revolver Quiz Resolxei. m John Street. s5: 3-l5b Jpni Ll See Sat In


I Luvely larth. :05 (\mgate. l0 iltpni 1am £13i£l0i \ sauex sorree of full on. dining house music

“R §<\1


FRI! Borders LGBT Pride Barbecue Holeside l’it nit Site. ”'wa S5llflb" :l‘lll \ sriiall barbecue bx the Rner |\seet| for lesbians. gass. l‘l\t‘\tl.ll\. ll'.tll\j._‘t'lltlt'l [‘t‘i‘l‘lt' .llltl Ulllt‘l\ l’lt‘ast‘ bring meat to eat and sortiething to drink Barbecuing facilities and hasn foodstuffs Pll‘\ltlt'\l


I Taste l‘he (iR\. V (itllllllt' Street. 230 JUN” llpin iani £ti linerrihers L5» l'rsher tk Price and Miss (This in the main room pla} an eclectic llll\ of the \er') best in underground dance llll|\|\ and classics. This month in the bar the Touch ”is and friends

Monday 8


I Passionality lislilos. Inn (3. Merchant Square. ‘1 .'\ll‘ltlll Street. 553 .iSU5. ll.3lliirii iam. £‘s i£3i See Mon l

Tuesday 9


"III Mind Matters: Talking about Anxiety l.( ili'l ('eiitre loi- llt'tllllt tk \Vellheing. ‘) lloue Sll’t‘t'l. 5:5 I 100. (rillpm. .\ good chat can he the first step to otercorning \iorries T his session e\plot‘es options for managing anxiet}.

I VlBEng (3W). 4 Prcard} Place. 03-15 l(i(i()ll:~1, llprti 3am. £~1 t£ii See Tue

Wednesday 10

I Allure The Tunnel. S4 Mitchell Street. 304 I000, llilfpnr iarri. U istudents Lilith l f. See \Ved 5,


nu lcebreakers (.(' Blooms, :5 :4 (ireenstde Place. .556 U l 5 l_ 7.10pm, Social group for people \\ ho want to make ne\s friends in Hill'l coinpan}. This \xelcoming and non-threatening group. organised b} the l.othran (la) and Lesbian strtchboard. is Ideal if )ou‘r'e rich to the cit} or recentl} otit.


I Lissy Trullie, The 1233 and Wilburnsilver King This \Vah \Vah llui. 272a St Vincent Street. 22f 527‘). H.30pm. £6.50. The NY(' musician has a laundr) list of cool attributes: friend of Mark Ronson. roadied for the Mold} Peaches. used to riiodel. Is a lesbian \shat more could sou ask for‘.’ Luckrl). she has some musical charms too as she tours her debut liP. .St'lf-Yilrtu/it /,(’(ll'll(’l'. I QueerBash The l-‘lsiiig Duck. 7 Renfreu ('ourt. 572 0l00. 9pm 3am. £5. A brand new night of lo-fi. DIY and underground l)Js and ll\L' band with a punk ethos. The starting line-up is art} London electro duo No Bra. Berlin one- man band Nois} Pig. local punk chicks Scragf'rght and Queersxille l)Js.