



Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE

do! .i mom to lent Men The . is! i |.itsti.iie seiiice is for you. '1 s .i leiiaole and successful nay oi .ltl\t‘l tisinti I0i .i il.itni.ite. tiecause "tel .s‘t is Scotland‘s best selling eiiteitainniont .iiitl llIl‘5I\ le ni.ic).l.'ine, it .s the perfect place to find someone nitii interests to you. What .s more the .lclu‘ll Lists ioi .‘ weeks which maximises youi responses, so you can pick and choose is ho you really mint to ll\c‘ nitti. hen bettei .ill of oui fiJIsliJic‘ .idiei ts are non .i\.ii|.itile to \ It‘\\ on out net‘site

nnicn euiientiy ieceises oiei 350 000 unique \isits pet month.

A. Gotomflstcutentlcflckon ‘fletshere'ettlletopolthepege You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number I Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent. number ot other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number tor potential flat mates to ring

Ms & Conditions

flatshare adverts must be laced using our onllne booking service. For admin stration purposes, Idv.‘ isers must suppl their full name and address (no for publication). e Flatshare service is for Rople seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts will accepted for publication In his section. Adverts r rent ng a whole flat must be laced In our ‘Flats Let' section. full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It is ompan policy not to accept adverts that are deemed o be of enslve or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

if you would like further information about The List flatshare service. there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety. you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat

94 THE LIST 1-1—28 May 2009

I Double bedroom available loi rent starting tith \la} L'Ihli plus hills Students onl} please (‘cntt'al location and onl§ a lit minute \\alk to Princes Street l’lt‘ast' contact \lla oil (WSW) (68 "5S

I Furnished double room for rent in lo\cl} 3 bed flat near ()cean lerniinal Rent £295 pcm includes ("l to share \\Illi .\' S professional female x\\ailahle ,-\pr \la} lel llfiq‘ll ”0954

I Bright spacious room on 3 lexels in large main door flat. Hrtintslield area. prixatc parking and garden. Internet access. £35“ pcm pltis hills. l K landline calls tree. looking for a considerate person lel: (“78S lhl (ill

I £300 pcm (bills niclndedli \\ ill get )otl a bright spacious peaceltil double mom. \\'i ll. dislmaslier. near ( )cean 'l'erininal and ;\sda. good hus sL‘i'\ ICC. ll _\oii are a house- trained. considerate person please call Ill3| 553 7333

I Warriston: Bright double room in shared flat

l l otheri parkland setting.

close sllops li'tiiispot‘i. Walking distance ('it} (’entre. |.eitli llarbonr. l.eitli \Valk. \Vili. lias} parking. Shit NS professional. £340 pltis ("l and hills. lel: H7753 ‘)(iS 593

I Dalkeith Road, 3 lk‘tl flat \\ llli stunning \ lL'\\s to Arthur Seat (‘rags. Double room a\ailahle immediately liriendl}. re|a\ed n .s atmosphere. £376 pcm pltis ("l and hills. lel: (MRI ()0: 37 l4

I No large double

rooms (one 3i) sqni so ok for a couplei in large. just refurbished l.eitli Walk flat. Short-term let possible. £75 p \\ lnc ("land internet 'l‘el: (i703l 526 587

I Bright, furnished single room for rent. £330 pcm including hills and ("l‘. Sharing \\ ith 3 females in a lt)\Cl_\ uell-maintained l.eith flat. .-\\ailahle start Ma}. Mtist see? ('ontact limi on 0733-1 407 403

I Room in two bedroom flat in the heart of Next

'l’oon. Full} furnished and in excellent condition. .\'o couples. Monthl} cost oft-15H includes council ta\. electricit) gas and broadband. Tel: 079-13 (>05 5-14

I Double room in nice n s llat near Leith Shore. Sharing

\\ ith prof. male. Will access. Rent £350 pcm full} inclusixe of all bills e\c‘epl telephone. ()ne month deposit. .\'o couples. Tel: 07812 L‘s-1688

I Leith - Timberbush

- N s professional Female named to share clean. attractixe. modern flat \iith l other.

Double bedroom. l'sual mod cons. Parking. .-\\ailab|e mm. L'ZStipcm. Tel: 0798] (fill 395 or (MRI 4-13 2536

I Marchmont - Large single room ill lull} liiinislied llat large ll\ ing iooni. t'.istlc

\ ie\\ s. \\ Ill. piano. sharing xi illi l male. 3 females tall piol . £35“ pcni plus ('land hills lel H-_(‘(‘ “”3 “is

I Gorgeous spacious room in lrinit} \\llli huge kitchen lounge L“ pct \\eck l'eniale preterit d ~\\ailah|e \l.i_\ limail doikliotii‘} i” ialktalk iict to \IC\\ or call lel ill 1I 3 ‘3 (WIS llalllq “U“ N)“

I Lovely double bedroom in bright .\Ioriiingside flat to share \\ itli one other female.

neu kitchen. flooring. l)( i. ( 'll would still ii s leniale UH“ pcni plus hills :\\ailahle lio\\ l~niail kthinackerw aolconi lel mil-Ill 3”“ :I‘)

I Large double furnished room in lahiilous spacious

clean. lid} llat Iii l’ortohello l)isli\\asher. \\;i\llliif._' machine. large fridge free/er. bath \liti\\c‘l and Internet included for UH“ pcni plus deposit. gas. elec and phone bill. Tel: “”50“ 5 l 5 (‘7‘)

I Bright double room in ne\\ llal at Western llarhoiir iNeii lia\ en i. sea harbour

\ ieu s. Sharing \\ itli one other Rent Hill) includes hills. ()u n bathroom. \Vili. 'l'\'. DVD. (‘lose to :\sda. hiises. 'lel: (l7ill4 IN 807

I Bright, spacious double bedroom in nice l.eith flat. Shared \\ till one other pi'olc‘sslolilil. large. sunn} li\ ing room kitchen good public transport. £37“ pcni iticl. (“l and hills. 'l'el: “7‘th

l(i5 (ll l

I A lovely double room aiailahle in a 3 bedroom flat in l.eith la\ail lst .liinei Rent Mill pcm plus ("I and bills. llic‘ room is furnished. cos} and snnn}. Suitable lor pi'olc‘sslolitlls. lcli H7304 ll(i7 (llfi

I Lovely double room aiailable in neuhuild ground floor flat to share \\ itli 3‘) _\r old n s li'iL'iitll} female. l)(}. (i(‘ll. l’l’. Deposit £43“. rent £33“. monthl} hills L' l 35. 'l'e\t me to \ ie\\ 7 Tel: (l7‘)l7 (ytlS 498

I Leith, cosy double room in loxel}. spacious flat. (i('ll. TV. Broadband etc. Seeking professional. non-smoking llatmate to share \\ itli ears}-

goiiig l: 139) aiailable 25th Ma}. £2(v()pcm + deposit. ("ll bills. 'l‘el: “7930 1605M

I Large room to let m shared flat iolf Broughton

Street i. Rent £350 pcm. plus (”I utilities. (Kill lan on H7939 3‘)“ 7H] lda}timeiorl)|.‘~l 5570M“ leieningi

I Beautiful double room in triendl} flatshare on the Meadous. lll mins walk to train station. £325 pcm. I.(X)klllg for sociable _\oung professional to come share is ith us. .\'o students. Tel: 07970 033 792

F latshares cont.

I Sunny Double Room

.i\ .iilahle in beautiful. spat ions lichli \litiit' .llL‘J. l t'llli Sliaiing “NH 3 males l.tIIl\I\i

L “It l\ iii tint ltides ( ~lI h iiioiilli sublet oiil\ Soiix no liSS lel o“% m .1 I: I

Outside the Cities

I Single Room, Close

to lio‘\ess l iiilitligoo l'llll} furnished. new build house close lo M“ \l‘l .tc ccss ltlcal lot coninintnig \ll IlliKl\Ull\ liisl to see \\ ill ienl \on \niokei please Lilli pent lel “HUS (t-IF‘ (\‘F‘


I SAW YOU I CHATLINES I SOCIETIES I M NH listings loi Scotland and lliL‘.\Ui1lil‘;l\lol lingland l‘liitl (la) bars. ( 'liihs. Salinas tk \eiiiies \isil |’ol}siipei coin

O I Saw You in the West...

v I Saw You . seeing me making a pseudo-romantic gesture. 9 months, not enough, i declared at the Buff! For et that lwas ree in’ of. Subway and this poem’s guff... So what do you say chic-eh? U/629/02


. I Saw You 'l'raining for the RBS (‘aledoman (‘halleiigtu )oii (ialloping Scoundrels )on... Man} a toned call and bullock on displa}. .Vlticll lose... l’ (0‘) ill

. I Saw You seeing me making a pseudo-rtimanlic gesture. ‘) months. not enough. I declared at the Hull? l-orget that l \\ as reekin‘ of Suboa} and this poeni's gull...So o. hat do }()ll sit} clllo-eli'.’ l. (33‘) I):

. I Saw You in in). dreams again - this time _\ou were tr}ing to saie the norld b} diserting

a giant asteroid from colliding

\\ till the earth. but to be honest. it isasn't looking promising? Jtist as o. ell we ordered three bottles of red to cope \sllli

our impending doom. and the gnocchi. of course. I' 63‘) ()3