(Ll ll It) I .l . :1 UP THE GLITTER! Hetherington Research Club, Glasgow. Sat 16 May
QUEERBASH Flying Duck, Glasgow, Thu 11 Jun
Two nights are starting up this fortnight which aim to breathe a bit of fresh air into the queer clubbing scene in Glasgow. The first of these is named (in shamelessly outre style) Up the Glitter!. and is the brainchild of Dawid Penkowicz and Anne Kastner, the latter of whom ran the girls-only night Bang! Bang! last year. ‘Things get a bit controversial when you try to limit a club to one sex,‘ says Kastner, ‘so Dawid and l are aiming this night at everyone. It’s going to be trashy and tasteless. Shameless, in fact!‘
Kastner laughs as she says it, but she thinks this kind of attitude is important for a new queer club in Glasgow. ‘The scene takes itself a bit too seriously,‘ she says. ‘A lot of it's corporate and glossy, and it‘s aimed at you very specifically as a gay man or a lesbian. We don‘t expect to take over the world, but it‘s nice to bring a bit of eclecticism to things, a bit of real diversity.‘ She cites Utter Gutter as one of her favourite queer nights in
Up the Glitter! will be primarily DJ-led, and residents Madame Ovary, Chester Minute and Fatty Blaze (Kastner and Penkowicz among them) will play a wide range of styles. QueerBash, on the other hand, is a more underground night, a mixture of DJs and live bands which will attempt to adopt a little of the punk ethos. Arty London electro duo No Bra will be guesting at the first date in June, alongside locals Noisy Pig and Scragfight. ‘Everything I’ll be putting on at QueerBash will have a queer edge to it because I don‘t think such artists get the exposure they‘re due at the best of times,‘ says Kastner. ‘But these will also be the kind of artists anyone with eclectic interests can get into.‘ (David Pollock)
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to gay©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Thursday 14
’III Drawn Out & Painted Pink (iiillci‘) ol' \lodci'ii .-\i‘l. lx’o_\.il lz\t‘li.ui;_'c Squiii'c. 28" RUSH. l'iiiil Sun " .lun. llluiii 5pm; l'liu lllillll .\'piii; l‘l'l & Still l|;uii 5pm. .\ tlixpla} ot 5H gucci lllL‘lllL‘tl \‘lll‘llllllh h} Kale ('li.u'lcx\\oi‘ili and l);i\ ltl Slicnion.
VIII sh[OUT]: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (i;lllt‘l'_\ oi Motlci‘ii .-\i‘l. l{o_\.il li\t‘li;iiigc Square. 38" SllSll. l'niil Sun I \m. Ilium 5pm; 'l'liu lllam 8pm; l‘i'i .\ Sun ll.uii 5pm. Striking and iliougliilul l‘lL‘lllllJl xoci.il jiixlicc L‘\llll‘lllilll lt‘dllll'lllg \xork h} Satlic Lu‘. \llll (ll‘ldlll. ('liutl .\lc(';ul and RUl‘Cl'l \lapplcllioi‘pc.
I Kiss of the Spiderwoman Si Bi'itlc'x ('cnli‘c. Ill ()mcll 'l‘ci'i'acc. Ho l-lllS. 7.30pm. {I} iillh. .\l;uiucl l’uig‘x claxxic pi‘ixoii tli'auigi hi‘iiigx
62 THE LIST '»'- .‘ri ‘.'.a. ‘ri
logcilit'i' pa} \\lllllll\\ tli‘cxxci' .\loliii;i null .\l;u'\ixl political pi‘ixoiit'i‘ \gilciiliii. \xlio xu‘i'cll} )cui‘iix tor a ‘\\oiii;ui \\ iili
I Kiss of the Spiderwoman Si lll'ltlk'.\ (.t‘llll‘c. lll ()l‘\\L‘ll l-Cl'l'llkl‘. {-10 l-lllfi. ~.3lll‘lll. 1; l 3 it; llll. Soc 'l liu l-l.
I Revolver Quiz cholxci. m lolill Sii‘ccl. 553 345d 4pm. {I pci' pci'xon. ;\ gt'uciul kilo“ lt'tlgc gui/ lli.il l;ilwx place not} Saturday
I Death Disco 'l‘hc .\l‘L‘llC\. lo \lltlldlltl ~\‘li'ccl. 5h? lllllll. llpiii Run {ll ('i‘oolxt‘i‘x. (‘ongo Rock and Ki‘.i/_\ lldltlllL‘Jtl lllH‘l lill gucxl liil' \lllllk‘ lll;l\llL‘ll—ll[‘ clccli'o.
III. Mind Matters: Managing Change l.(iH'l' (‘ciiu'c i'oi' llculili & \Vclll‘cing. " llmu‘ Sli't‘cl. 5:3 llllll. 2pm & 5pm 'l‘lic lii'xi ol .i lllllL"\\CCl\ lilc coaching; coui‘xc ior li'.iiixx¢\ii.il lllL'll .lllll \xonicn i.it‘ilil.ilctl h} l)l' l);ixli.i
(nuttorit': Hooking t‘xxt'iiliui luuix women: Jpn I:.u1x Hist: ‘ “pix. I Kiss of the Spiderwoman x: lirnlc'x ('cnlic. l” l hurl; lamp. W“
.1”; I 1l'piii ,\ a 1“pm :1 ; 11'“ \‘c
lllll TL VIII Queer Mutiny l lizt'xl lyiic ll ;‘xi.uix hall a 1llll\li‘ l’luu'. If"
\nollit‘i .illt'irmliw lo lllk' §_'.i:x xtt'iic lioiii llit' l)l\ tollt'tliw who lxlll“\\ llii‘A io p.iil_\. iliix :iiiit' \xiil‘: .in opt'n Illlx lH ( ill
I Fever l'.iilli. So“ (mu-aux. llpin ;.llli t\ lilo lmci tt'lt'liiult'x ilx lillli liiillillux \\1lll\l‘\'\l.ll fgut‘xl \l.i~_'}_'it' lo} ll‘l.i§lll:1ll\‘l liixl xt-l in lliit'c yuuxi I Eurovision Extravaganza (il ll‘). ll’ituill} l)l.l\\'. llNl‘ llili Nifl llpin l it't‘ (HID lit'loit' llpiii l'licci on .llll'lllL'l \'\\l'llk'lll l lx l‘llll_\ i.l.illt' \xlio' .inll lk'll\\' oui ;_'loi) ll.i_\x \\Illl .i luv pciloinmnu‘ li_\ \oni.i
Sunday 17
"II Morelulmit-i \oli.uit-. in W lilaii \lit'cl. 3:” lil "li l lpiii Run K.llll‘ll\\ .uill \lixx ( 'luix llt'liu'i lllk' lit‘xl in llllll\_\ \otul llllll\k'. pluli t l.l\\l\ x .lllll
Monday 18
I Passionality ll}l‘liix. l nu l‘). \lt'it'lmni Squaw. ~l \Ilmm gum-L <§j RV” |l illpiii Run t" ltjl l).l Riil‘L‘llx [il.i}x t‘li.u'l liilx loi lllk'
gu} lll|\\'\l \‘lliuil
1‘ i\ ‘lpin Run
“x <<\;
II“ The Hub l (ilil ('ciilit‘ loi llt‘.lllll «\ \\t'lll‘L‘lllj_'. ‘) llii\\ t‘ \llt't‘l. {3‘ [Hill 5 ill hplii ('olilat'l
l;iuiciil~' lglillit‘ulllioig uk loi llll‘lL' iiilo
Tuesday 1 9
I Audioculture ll}liliix. l llll l). \lci't‘liuiil \guaic. "I \lliioii \liu'l. “3 i805. llpiii Run. i; l. .\ nun-ll llllell ol t’liui'l. t‘lit‘cxt' .inil Rtkll lioiu l).l \li.i//.i ll;llll\\L‘ll,
VIII Mind Matters: Healthy Sleep l.( illl (‘t-nut- ioi llL'.illll .\ \M'lllicuig. ‘l llouc Sli'ct'l. 53* llllli (will hpin. l'lllll oui \xli} xlccp ix iioi iuxi .iiiigi/iiig. liui .ilxo iiiipoi‘iuni [or .i licullli} llllllll.
I VIBEng (NH). -1 l’uxuil} l’l.it‘t'. likli lhli (illll. llpiii Run til ii i. .l.llllL'\ l,on_~_'\\oi'lli kccpx ilic t‘lit'cx} k'lllililh llouing mm} 'l‘ucxtlu} llllell.
Wednesday 20
I Allure 'l llk' luiiiit'l. M \lilt‘lit'll Slit-cl. Ill-l llillli ll illpiii Run U '\lllllL‘lll\ Elihu-l l. Him-x} pop \llllllll\ li'oiii l).l l);u'i'cii :uitl lllk‘ §_'u'\x lk‘lllllll l’;ixxioii;ilii_\
I Revolver Quiz Rmolwi. (m John \ii't‘t‘l. 553 245!» ~lpiii. L’l pci' pu‘xon. Scc \Xil lli.
VIII Mind Matters: Managing Change l.(}li’l‘ ('cnuc lill' llculili it “L'lllk‘lllg. ‘) llim c SII'L’L'I. 52: l lllll 3 iiii & 5pm. Soc Sal lli.
SUdS (l. llliiiillh. 3; 2-1 (ii‘cciixiilc Plan”. 556 ”RI llpiii i:uii \Vaxli that man right out oi )oui liaii’ ;il lliix llli‘llllll} loam part} \iiili a (hail. pop and tliiiit‘c xouiitlirack count-x} ol l)J llliilltllL‘.
Glasgow I Club Noir: Burlesque Workshop
l'iiiwi'xal Bar. 5" 5‘) Suuchichall l.;tllL'.
l tuuii lllk‘ .ui n: .: puricxtiuc l‘t‘ffi‘llllt‘fi lioiii
\\\l\) < l\ “er1 1'§
lx‘: xl.ij_'t‘ it'x.‘:‘..c lo “Mann. ..t\\\‘l kc (tit Rx .lllll \lioico;ti.ipli\ \ll l‘li‘ll'.\ L'l‘ li"-\.tl\l\ l\\i‘ll\l \\l‘ll.lll\l \\l\.1ll\\‘l‘\‘i‘l\2ll:,'l\l\'\l‘llllll\'ll\l\'\l.l\ xxoikxlioi‘x xt'il out l.ixl l in.ul
\.tl.ll‘. '\ lii‘iiioii to uk loi iiiozt‘ lichizix litilriixxty‘
rm ELECTROsexual l '(’ liloouzt.
:‘ :1 (iit'cnxitlt' l'l.l\\‘. “'h ‘l l 1l lipn‘ Kiin lut'kx l utmno \\lll lw xpinniiiz' the mud tliilx lioollw'x .tllll htllt'l‘k}‘ \.l\'\ll\‘ .ll lllt‘ \x‘ti‘llll ll ll'llx’llxtwuullliixinonlli \l‘i‘llllli' ux. l’l a \xlutli li.ix .t \\ liooi
llixto lllt'lllk'
nu More ( '.ll‘.ll\'l \i‘ll.lll\'. I“ ;\ lllaii \ut-ci. _‘_‘ii ill ‘h \uii I"
I Passionality ll\l\lnx.l mi l). \lcitlmni \\lll.ll\‘, ‘l \ll‘li‘ll \llt‘k'l. “. W‘l‘ ll Rllpiii Run 2. 1 .g‘. \t't‘ \loii l\
llpni Kiiii \t't‘
“The HUb l (illl (l‘lllll' ll‘l llk‘.lllll \\ \\\'lll‘\'lll‘.'. H lll'\\\' \llt't‘l ‘.‘; llllll < iii .\pin \t't- \lon l\
Tuesday 26
I Audioculture llxlilox. l mi l‘). \lt'it'lmnl \lpmit'. "I \ll‘lilll \iit't'l. “. lb"; llpiii Run 1‘ \m' lllt' l‘l
I The World Famous Regent Bar Quiz lllk' l\)k'_‘_‘k'lll IL”. .‘ \lllllll\‘\l' lt'ii.i\'t'. (ml \l‘lh ‘lpiu
LI 5” l‘k'l pt‘ixon lo k'lllk'l \ lllilllllll\ _L'L‘ll\'l.ll kiioult-ilpi- \{lll/ iii lliix :‘t'iu ol llic l (illl puli xtciit' llll'lk' .iic lop pii/cx loi t'onlcxluulx .lllll .ill piotn'llx go to l (illl \oulli \t'olluiiil
I VIBEng ( illl‘). ll)l\.llll_\ |’l.iu'. nxl<|rmrlo31 | 1pm Kim 9,1 .2. l. \t'\‘ lllL‘ l‘l
an An Audience with Dave Lynn ('l~ lilooiiix. 3‘ 3-1 (llk‘k'll\lllt' l’l.iu'. RV) ‘l i ‘1 llpiii (Luiip \ .ilmit'l lioiii llic lll.l_L' .ulixi \xilli .iii llllllll‘\\l\l' pt'tliuit't' xlic'x lit-cu Ill lmii iii/i / \. \i/i'lil ll/l/ii'n .lllll Hm In; \ plux .i \llL‘lll .uitliou .lllll lllllk'l pioiiiox io i.‘uxt' lllllll\ loi l (illl \oulli \t'ollaiill
Wednesday 27
I Allure 'l llL' l llllllL'l. 8-1 \liit'lit'll \llt'k'l. 21H llillll llillpiu Kim H lxlllilclilx L2 liil l \L'L' \\k'll 3“
nu Edinburgh Gay Men’s Book Group H ill'l (.L‘llllk' liil
llmllli & \M'lllicinu. " llouc \lit'cl. ‘3‘ l lllll. “ ‘lpin .\ llk'\\ hook t'luli loi int-ii \xlio low lllL'll .lllll lllL'lJllllL' loo llL'lll lill lllt‘ l;l\l \\L'llllt'\ll.i_\ Hl lllL' inoiilli. laiiiuil
Illliil“ pa}lmokjgioupt'ouk loi llllIlL' iiilo
VIII Icebreakers (‘l‘ lilimmx.
3: 3-1 (ll'L'L'llxlllL' l’lllk'k'. 55“ ‘l l l l
_ illpni. Social group loi' pcoplc \xlio \xuni io iiiukt- ncu ll'lL‘llll\ lll Hill’l t'oiiipaii}, 'l‘lux \\L'lL'lillllll}_' :iiitl iioii- ilircgiicniiig group. oiggaiiixcll h} lllL' l.oilii;in (in) and l.cxhi;ui Sn iiglihoaiil. ix ulcul il _\ou'i'c now. to lllL' pit} or l'L‘L‘L‘lill} iilll.
Thursday 28
VIII Mind Matters: LGBT Carers Focus Group Ilili’l (‘cnirc tor llcallli (K “L’lll‘cmg. ‘) llimc Sll'L‘L‘l. 5:“ HM”. H3“ H.3Upiii. A irmlhlanng \L'\\lllll in pariiicrxliip \\ iili Voiccx ol (lircrx .-\croxx l.oilii;ui to acute courxcx xpccilicall} loi' carcrx lil l.(lll'l PL’UPlC.