Child's Play

Going to the theatre means sitting quietly in a row, right? Not at the Imaginate festival discovers Kelly Apter

ow that it‘s settled into its new name. the

e\ent tormerI} known as the ('hildren's

International 'l‘heatre l‘t‘sllVUl is linding higger and holder wa_\s to spread its wings. 'l‘his _\ear. the Bank of Seotland Imaginate I‘esti\al has shows in no less than se\'en loeations around the Capital. not to mention its extensi\ e ‘on tour' programme.

Imaginate's ehiel e\eeuti\e. and the man responsihle tor tinding these theatrieal gems eaeh _\ear. 'l’on} Reekie esplains w It). ‘It’s partl} intention and partl_\ toreed on us h} the eompanies.’ he sa}s. ”'lraditional spaees don't reall} work in a lot ol‘ eases. the} ’re not l'le\ih|e enough to allow these pieees to he enjo} ed in the wa} the eompanies intended.‘

So. alongside more oh\iou.s lidinhurgh \enues. Imaginate is using studios at Danee Base and a pateh ot‘ land at the Rtwal Botanie (iarden. lronieall}. the Danee Base shows don't eontain an} danee. hut one ol‘ them promises to gi\ e ehildren an interesting VlSllitl perspeetix'e. Pert‘ormed h_\ l)uteh eompan}.

BonteHond. [Jilly Down takes plaee amid a sea ol

mattresses. on w hieh audienee inemhers ean sit or lie.

'In the Netherlands and lilanders the} spend a lot ot'

time working on the emironment tor the audienee.~ sa_\'s Reekie. "l‘he_\ ‘re interested in the whole sensor} experienee. and know that ehildren are happ} to look around them and he surprised and delighted h) different things that go on.‘

Belgian eompan}. Studio ()RK.-\ also thinks outside the box with their innox'atixe show Lui'u. Stepping inside a beautiful. purpose-built wooden tent at the Royal Botanie Garden. audienees are drawn into a


Lying Down

hi/arre geologieal dig searehing l‘or little people ttnderground. ‘It‘s an unusual show and an ahsolute

.io).' sa)s Reekie. ':\nd there‘s an emironmental

message in there too. ahout what happens when _\ou interl'ere with the earth. But it‘s edueation h_\ stealth

that )ou don‘t ex en notiee. heeause ol' the sheer io} ol

heing with three slightl) deranged geologistsf

.-\s tisual. Reekie has programmed a wide range ol

shows to keep all ages happ}. l‘roni toddlers upwards. This _\ear. how e\ er. those at the older end ol the speetruin are heing espeeial|_\ well eatered lot: with the shows targeted at ages ten and elex en plus. .r\nd onee again. untisual surroundings ahound. 'In The THIQ/("U/ life off/it't'st'lmi' _\ou enter a Wth eentur} Vietoriana stiii'}telliiig hooth lull ol‘ wind-tip projeetionsf e\pl;tllts Reekie. '.-\lltl )(itl'l'e [old the

stor_\ ot a ho} l‘rom another world who's made ol

eheese. It‘s a shameless e\euse lo etttotef While it‘s lair to sa_\ that the Imaginate l'L‘SllHtl has

plent} ot' eomed}. there‘s also a good deal ot

poignane} something aeeoinpaming adults otten don‘t expeet hut elearl} enjo}. ‘lmaginate is l'or e\'e'i‘}twiitl}.' s;i_\s Reekie. 'It has to he a trul_\ eolleeti\e esperienee in terms ot making sure there's something there tor the adttlts and earers who eome along with the ehildren and _\oung people. Beeause oliten. what rea||_\ good theatre l'or ehildren does is trigger oil a lot ot memories in adults.‘

Bank of Scotland Imaginate Festival, various venues, Edinburgh, Mon 25 May-Mon 1 Jun and on tour. See listings for details.



>i= Bank of Scotland Imaginate Festival l rom sensor“, atheiiturer; for two \eai oltls to engaging shows about shyiiess; tot (thth l l and over. Imaginate ()lt(‘(} again pulls together an impressive range of theatre trom home and abroad. See piewevv. lelt, Various venues, Mon ("5 i‘vii'ty-A/lori .7 Jun.

>lr~ Family Weekend - Zest Weekend Better known for their lun packed holiday programmes, the /est team takes over Kelvmgiove for the v-xeekeno. With storytelling, (lemoiistrations and a whole lot more. Ke/V/hgrove Art Gil/(31y 8 Museum, Glasgow: Fri 22 Mon 25) May.

1' Museum of Dreams This magical show set in a museum aims to communicate With S|X*'Clglll*\/G€ll-Ol(l8 Without uttering a Single word. Featuring puppetry by Ailie Cohen. Citizens" Theatre, G/asgow, Tue IO-Tue 26 May; Bruntoh Theatre. /l./, Thu 28 May-Mon 7 Jun.

>l< Sooty in Space The little orange chap sets oft for an outer space adventure, Joined by his pals Sweep and 800. Perfect for little ones and their nostalgic; parents. Jaw/ion Theatre. G/asgow, Fri 22 May. =t< His Dark Materials - Parts One & No Philip Pullman's epic novels. Northern Lights. The Subt/e Knife and The Amber Spyg/ass have been respectfully squashed down into this two- part theatre show by Birmingham Rep Theatre and West Yorkshire Playhouse. See prewew in Theatre. Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Thu 21—Sun 24 May, times vary.

>i< Saturday Stories Andy Cannon tires yOur imagination wrth a morning of storytelling. Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh, Sat 23 May.

,. 2. . :THE LIST 59