“1'5151111' 1’111/41. 1311\M'51cr Hullcx R11z111.2-1111'11111111111325 1& 111111: (IX-71 22 1111117 1‘”. \11111.\\1‘111\' 11111. .1\1IllIi\ U1~151L5i15111-1111011111111111115 1.31.01) 5111.511111k 11111111: 1111111111}\' {11.15; ('11111\ L100 1011111} 1111111. L-1,‘)1)1';11'11 1111111111111111 1111-1111101.
111111211111 1111} 1101-1 {5751111115 £1.75.
1111111110111 \1'111xu1111 L I.
IiIlJIifiIMW 11‘. MA!
Angels8Demons113.\1 1.15. 4.15. 5.1111. 715. 8.00. Coraline 20111111 2.15. 5.10. Coraline ZD (Subtitled) 11111 7.511. Fighting1l51 335.
The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 1 12.11 .1110. 5.511. 8.25.
Hannah Montana-The Movie11'1 1.40. 4.110. 11.15. StarTrek1I2.-\1 5.30. 7.10. 315. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1 151 2.30.
5.15. 7.15
Angels 8. Demons 1 12.-\1 1):111_\: 1.15. 3.110. -1. l 5. x00.
Coraline ZD 111111
I);111}: 1.05111111\\1-11&'1'1111). 5.35. Fighting 1 151
I):1II\: 3.25. 5.55. 8.25.
The Ghosts ol Girlfriends Past 1 12A) 111 1111': 12.51). 15.35.
Hannah Montana - The Movie 11'1 |);11I): 1.00. 3.20. (1.10 111111 “1111 1% 1110).
Kung Fu Panda 11111
$111: 1 1.3011111.
Monsters vs Aliens 2D 11*(11
1'11 101': 1.10.
Night at the Museum 2 11’( ‘11
“1‘11 1& 11111: 1.21). 2.21). 3.40. 5.15. 11.00. 7.45. 3.10.
Star‘l‘rek 1 12.1\1
I):11|_\: 1511111111111). 2.31)111111\\'c11 1Q 1110). 1130111111 M1111). 5.30. 7.30 111111'1‘111‘). 8.15.
Star ii'ek (Subtitled) 1 | 2.-\1
1.10. 2.45. 431).
5.1)1). 7.15.
1511: 1.30. .\11111: 130. 1111': 7.30.
State of Play 1 12.»\1
1511 1111*: 8.20.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1 151 D1111): 2.30. 5.15111111\\1-d& 11111). 7.511.
For films showing between
see www.list.co.uk
North Face
56 THE LIST 111—28 M.“ 21105.1
They came, they saw, they conquered. long matinee outing. I Cameo. Edmburgh from Fn 22 May.
Scnlxnmn 1111161. 31) \111‘111 ”1111:3203: 39‘)”. £3 51)1£_'.51)1 \Ic.11[1;11‘k113_'1'5 143‘). SL‘L'
u \\ \1.xu11011111151‘11'1'11111px (11111 1111' 11111rc 111111r11111111111.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 1 131 H.110,
SUNDAY 1 1‘ MAY The Lost Boys 1 151 3.00.
SUNDAY ’24 MAY The Man Who Wasn’t There 1 151 3.1111
()ccun '11'1‘111111111. ()L‘cun [)1‘111'. 1.1'1111. 24111‘111111k111gx 1K 111111111371: 34113-11). Adulix £11.50 11.515 M1111 1‘11 111'1111'1‘ 5111111;('111111r1-11 [11.25 11.11.10 111-11111: 5111111; Sludcnlx/(LAIK [4.501L1115 111'1'111'1'5111111. 1":111111} 11111111 1.17 11.111310 111-1'1111'5111111. K111\‘('|1111: [1.50111111' 11111111101111.1013; 11111111 111-1-1. 1.1111: \crccningx 1:1111'1‘ 10.10pm 1111-1 I1\’\ 1101) 1: £5.45; ('11111‘x [-1.15111101241111 iiL‘kL‘lx.
Angels 8. Demons 1 12.-\1 11111011111. 11.001011. 11111111. 1.00. 2,01) 300. 4.111). 5.110. (1.111). 7,111). 8.111). 0.01). 111.111). 11.111).
Coraline 3D11’(11 11111111. 2.31). 5.00. 7.15.
Fighting 1 151 11.45.
The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 1 1 2.1\1 1.00. 3.4.5. (1.3()_ 1H)”. 11.31). Hannah Montana - The Movie 11 ' 1
I 1.0011111. 11111111. 1.45. 2.45. 4.30. 5.31). H.111).
Monsters vs Aliens 2011*(11 10.00.1111.
Observe and Report1151 111.311. Star‘lrek112A1 10.151101. 1115:1111. 12.15. 1.15. 2.15. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. (1.15. 7.31). 8.30. 11.30. 111.45.
State 0‘ Play112.-\1 11111111. 3.45. 5-15.
3.45. x-Men Origins: Wolverine 1 151 3.00. 5.30. 11.45. 8.15. 11.15. 11.00.
Angels 8. Demons 1 12.11
I):1iI_\: 11.001101. 11111111. 2.00_ 100. 5.00. 11.00. 11.45 111111 M11111. 3.00. 11.00. 11.45.
Alw 1:110 I’ri. 8:11 1& Wed: 10.50. Angels 8. Demons (Over 185 Screening) 1 121\1
M1111: (1.45.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 1l'1
8:11 Wed: 10.001101.
Coraline ZD 111111
8.11 “1‘11 ”15.1111
Coraline 3D11’1‘11
I);11|} 1010.11111111111111\ 111111. 12115115515
Fast 8. Furious 1 1 5 1
1.111'1'11.\ \.11 II 11)
Fighting 1 151
11.111} 11 15.1111111111311111k \\1'1I1. 115. 115.1115‘115
.'\1\111.111' 1’11 1\ \.11 11 ~15
The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 1 1 I \ 1 11.111} 515. .515
.'\1\11 1.111" 1'11. 3J1 1\ \\U\1 1H 1% Hannah Montana - The Movie 1 1 1 11.111} 1015.11111111111‘111\ 111111.
II 15.1111. 101). 1-15. 115. (115111111 \\1'1I1\ 111111
Monsters vs Aliens ZD 111111
H1111} 11.00.1111111111\\1'111\ 111111.
I 1511111181111.\\1'1I1\ 111111. 1 11) Monsters vs Aliens 2D (Subtitled) 11’(11
$1111: I 15
Monsters vs Aliens 3D 1111 11
Hull}: 5.15
Night at the Museum 2 1 1'1 ‘11
\\1‘111\ '11111' 11.15.1111 111111 111111. 12 15. 2.45. 5.15. 11.15. “—15_ 111 10111111 111111.
17 Again 11111
1.1111: 1'11 1k $111: I I <0
Slumdog Millionaire (Senior Screening) 1 151
“1111 113011111.
Star Wei: 1 13.v\1
H1111}: ‘1-1511111 1K 11150111111111111-111\
111111. 1130.101. 1230. I 10. 2111‘ 3.31). 1,10. 510. 11111 7 111. 310, 0.111.
:\1\11 1'1'1. 5111 1K \\1'1II 111.111.
State of Play 1 I2.\1
|):111\: 12.31). 1.15. 3.15.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1 1 51
111111}: 0.1511111 111111 111 1\ 111111. 12.15. 2.45. .i.-15111111\\1'111\111111. 5.15. (1.15111111\\1'1I1k111111. 7.15. 3-15 111111 \Vcd 1k 111111.
.1\1\11 1:111‘ 111. 8111 1k \\1'1I: II.|5111111\\1‘1I1,
()111111. (11'1'1'1151111‘ 1’1111‘1‘. 21111 111111111110 1\ 111111: 11x71: 2111)2~11)..1\1111115 U151) 1L'5.-15 M1111 1'1'1111'1111‘1'5111111; $111111'111\/( ).-\1’\ £150 1 Li. I 5 M1111 1'11 111‘1111'1' 511111); (1111111111 1.1125113110 M1111 1'11 111'1111'1‘ 5111111. 11111111} 1111111 £17 1£I(1.-11) .\I1111 1'1'1111-1111'1‘ 5111111. (111111('|;1\\111'kc1\111\1~1' 13511111} 1: {3.0511705 .\I1111 1'1'1111'1111'1-5111111.
Angels 8. Demons 1 12.11 10.15.1111. 11.151101. 1.30. — -
2.10. 4.45. 5.45. 11.1111.
8.1111. 9.1111.
Angels 8. Demons (Gold Class) 1 I _‘ \1 11) 15.1111. 111).»1-15.\1N1. 11111) Coraline 3D 11111 11.11111. 3311. .1 111_ 7 111
The Ghosts ol Girlfriends Past (Gold Class)1 1.‘, \1 11 10.1111. 1511. 11111. x 511. 11111
Hannah Montana - The Movie 11 1
1110.101. ‘ I1)_ 211). " I11 lLoveYou,Man1151 11111 StarTrek11.‘,\1 Ii).‘1).1111. II 211.101. 1331), I .211 f _T11_ ‘21). 1.‘11_ 5 )1). 11311. ‘ :11. \111, 1115. 111111
State of Play (Gold Class)11.‘\1 11 10.1111. .‘ 111. 5 11). .5111. 11111 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1 1 51 11 111...... |_‘ 111 ,‘1111. 11111. 5 :11. ‘15. 51511111. 1111111.
1 :11. [[1111
111111511 ‘- 1,11 1:.4;
Angels 8. Demons 1 1 .‘ \ 1
11.111} 111111.011. 11511.1111. I 11)_
j 511 1511, 5 51151111111» 11111
111111\I11111\ 1111')
\|\11.\.11 \11111 ”011.011
Angels 8. Demons (Gold Class) 1 1 .‘ \ 1
I11 101- 1111). 1511. .\1111
The Beverly Hillbillies 1111 '11
8.11.\ \1111 111011.011
Coraline 30 111111
11.1111 101111.011. 1.7211. .‘ 15. 501)
Fast 8. Furious (Gold Class) 1 l 51
11.111} 111111 \111111\ 1111'1 1101)
Fighting 1 151
I).1II_\ 10 10.1111. 111). 111). 1111).
.511). 111111111111\I11111\ 111111
The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (Gold
1)1111_\ {.‘11. 315.
Hannah Montana - The Movie 11 1
I);11|_\' 1150.101. 211). 1 10. "1111
.\I\11S;11 \11111' ‘1 10.1111
In the Loop (Gold Class) 1 1 51
H.111} 1111)
Night at the Museum 2 1 1’1 11
\\1‘1I1\' 11111 1015.101. I.‘ 15. 115.
5.15. 315. 111111
17 Again (Gold Class) 11’( '11
11.1111. 10.15.1111. 1110. 111111
I1) 11) 111111 \11111 1\
111111}: 1115011111. 11 2011111. I.‘ 11). | {0. 210. 110. 1 10111111811111. 5 11) (11(1. _. 111111111 111111. 3 <1). 1). 111, 1010111111\111111\*|111-1
.\I\11.\';11 \11111. ‘1 11111111
Star Trek (Subtitled) 1 13.11
$1111 -1 10,
1111': 7.11).
Star Trek (Gold Class) 1 HM \\1‘1I1\ 11111: I 10. 11.31) 10. State of Play (Gold Class) 1 1 3 »\1 “11111: 10.10.1111. 12.51). 1.00. ‘1 11) X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1 1 51
I);11|_\‘ 10.15.1111. 12.11). 111). 515. 5-11) 3.21) ‘1 311. 1111111\ 111111111111 \111111\ 1111').
This exciting German mountaineering adventure set in the summer of 1936 gets a week