Name Tuppence Middleton Born 21 February 1987. Bristol. England.

Background Middleton grew up in the West Country seaside town of Cleveden, the daughter of a businessman father and a hairdresser mother. As a teenager she joined a local amateur theatre group and also acted in plays at Bristol Grammar School. While a drama undergraduate at the Arts Ed School in London. she appeared in an episode of the US TV crime procedural series Bones.

What’s she up to now? She's the lead in the new British teen horror film Tormented. in which her character is head girl Justine Fielding, one of many pupils menaced by the avenging ghost of a bullied former student. She began filming Tormented within a month of leaving drama school in the summer of 2008. Recently she has been shooting British feature Skeletons. which is billed as a 'surreal comedy about travelling salesmen who clear skeletons Out of peoples' closets'.

What she says about the script for Tormented ‘I hadn't read anything like this before. I didn't know how to categorise it or what sort of genre to put it into. It was funny and it was scary. and reminded me of films like Carrie. but with a different vibe because it was set in Britain. To prepare for the film I watched lots of Hammer horror films to get in the mood.’

On her favourite scene in Tormented ‘I really like watching

the climax in the sixth form centre,

where my character Justine is being chased by Darren Mullett. We spent two days filming the scene. and it required so much energy because we were working with prosthetics and fake blood. and there were stunts. Seeing it again brings back so many memories.’

Interesting tact Tuppence is her real name. and was passed down by her Danish mother. (Tom Dawson)

I Tormented is on selected release from Fri 22 May. See review.

so THE LIS 14—23 May 2009

Om Shanti Om r l.‘ -\i tl‘dldll Kh in. India. I‘ll“ lfi‘iriiiri -\ri aspiring actor is riiurdcicd in thc "Us. thcn rcincarnatcd in thc prcscnt da} \xhcrc hc altcnipts to solu- thc in} sic!) of his dcath and find his lo\c from his prc\ious lrtc Part of l)ancc l'lllll U‘l l‘l/Ht/luuu’. lat/irr/ruru/i On Her Majesty’s Secret Service il’(ii .0. il’ctcr R Hunt. l'K. l‘lfi‘h (icorgc l..i/crih). l)iana Rigg. 'lcll} S.t\;tltt\ lJllliiin 'l'lic Ulic u ilh (icorgc'llh_\ that docsn't quitc sit right with thc rcst of thc Bond cation lgrcat. dark cnd thought Part of ('uhh} Broccoli scasori I‘I/Ill/HIHH‘. [Lt/rIr/irrru/r

Open Shutters Iraq ll’(il

i.\la'\ soon l’achachi. l8. letlhi lll2llllll. l)ocunicntar} lcnding insight into thc li\cs ol lixc dncrsc Iraqi \soriicn lri\ilcd to Damascus in Dcccrnhcr .‘llflfi. thc \soincn \scrc taught thc hasic photographic proccsscs and thcii cricouiagcd to rcturri to tlicir hoiiic citics to shoot photo-storics ’l‘liis scrccriing “Ill hc ltlllti“ cd h} slior't l'ls' lilrii (‘ir/rrrrrrrrc r/ri' ll'ur. l’at'l ol Rccl Iraq Scc lcalurc. pagc 3‘) I’r/nr/iurm'. [ti/irilmrc/r. The Paradine Case tl’( ii 0.. l.-\llr‘cd Hitchcock. l'S. l‘l-lHi (iicgoi) l’cck. .-\lida Valli. .-\nii ‘l'odd ll5niiii Har‘r'islci‘ l’cck lalls iii lo\c \ch lhc riiiirtlcr' suspccl hc is dclcridirig. and so puts his ii\\ll inar’r‘iagc at risk. Hitchcock‘s takc on lilind passion is iathcr lilcak and lhc coui'tr'oorii scciics arc a hit laborious. Part of ltaliari l‘ilrii l'cstnal. (i/tiwuu I'r/m I/lr'rlll'r'. Paul Blar‘t: Mall Cop tl’(il 000 tStcw ('ar‘r. l'S. lell‘h Kcnn Jaiiics. Kcir ()'l)orincll. Janna Mass. Ullniiii. .-\darii Sandlcr's r'cgtilar' cohort Janics pla) s a big: hcar'lcd. sriiall-tiiiic lu\\lll;lll \\ ho takcs on a gang; ol acrohatic skatchoarding thic\ cs al’tci~ a lcrigth} sci up introducing: liirii as an o\cr'-/calous slor'c dclcctnc. |)cspitc thc \anilla hlandncss of thc conccit. Jaincs pr'm idcs a likahlc criough hcr‘o and scaltcr'cd iiioriicnts of scll-r'clcr'ciitial \\ ll “Ill hc appr'cciatcd h} oldcr' audicnccs. Sluriituu' ('rni'mir. (iHH/U'ng’t'. (i/uiumi. Perhaps Love mm .00 ll’clcr ('han. China/Mala)sia/Hoiig Kong. Zilllfil 'l'akcshu Karicshir’o. Xuri /.hou. Jack} ('hcung. lll7niin. l,;t\lslll} shot ('hincsc niusical chronicling an cpic talc ol low. irispir‘cd h) liollpxood films and Ba/ l.uhr‘inann's .lluulrn Rnuut'. l’ai‘t ol l)ancc l-‘ilin (ll). I'r/nr/mriu'. Ifr/iri/urrylr.

Pierrot Le Fou l IS) .0000

lJc'an—l.uc (iodai‘d. l‘r'ancc/llal). NOS) Jcan-l’aul Bcliiioiido. Anna Karina. l)ll'l\ Saiidcrs, Raynond l)c\os. Saniucl l‘ullcr‘. l lUlilln. SL‘L‘ Also Rclcascd. pagc ~10. l‘l/Hl/lrilnt’. Iz't/rirhur'g/i. Race to Witch Mountain mm 0.. l:\nd} l-‘icknian. l'S. 2000) Dwaync Johnson. ('arla (iugino. (‘iar'an Hinds. 98min. Synpathctic r‘cxixal ol l‘)75‘s Iiii‘u/rc' Io ll'r'rr'lr .llururlrrrri as a \chiclc tor 'l'hc Rock. Jack Bruno. a his \cgas la\i-di‘i\cl‘ picks up tuo alicn childr‘cn (Anna Sophia Rohhi and l.-\lcxandcr l.ud\\ lg) and attracts thc attcntions of FBI-man chr‘) Bur‘kc (Hinds) in this solid liriic-passcr that inakcs up in spccd and slick production \alucs \\ hat it lacks in charactcr. (‘rm'ii‘ur/tl Rr'ri/n’u' .S'Il‘i'c'l. (i/rngrm’.‘ ShUilt‘Uhi' ('r'rri'niri. l’urslcv I’trrs/t'). Raging Bull l l8) .0... i.\1artin Scorscsc. l‘S. Wh'tll Robcrt dc Ntro. ('alh) Moriar't}. Joc l’csci. l20iiiin. Middlcncighl boxing champ Jakc l.a .\lotla finds it difficult to sustain his carl) succcss and as his cai‘ccr llidc‘s hc dcclincs into a traxcst} ol~ his former .scll‘. l)c .\'iro's stunning pll}.\lL‘;ll prcscticc dorninatcs Scorscsc‘s savagcl} hlcak stud) of sclfldcstructnc rnachisrno. ('r'rit’ii'orlrl Rut/nu Srru'r. (i/mgmi ; ('rm'iiur/tl lit/Illhlll'fl/l. I'filrrilrurju/r. Rats and Cats t lSi i'l‘un} Rogcrs. Airstralia. 2007) Jason (iann. .-\darn Zuar. Anya Bc) crsdort‘. 88min. Black conic-d} about a has-hccn .-\u.strali'an film star and a nos} rcportcr “hung a ‘thrc arc thc) now expose. 'l‘his .scrccning will bc lulltm Cd by short film 51)" Rabbit Hap/i). Pan ol~ thc London Australian Film Festival On Tour. Film/mine. Edinburgh.

The Reader i l‘i C... «\tcphcn l).ildr_\.l \' (icriiian). 20th Ralph l-icnncs. Katc \\irislcl. l)a\id Kross l.‘ ‘rnin In a “cst (icrinan tossn at thc crid of thc I‘l5lls. l<-.\ \llcliacl il‘sti‘ssl starts a passionatc atlair \sith Hanna i\\inslcl i. a train conductor riiorc than txsicc his agc lint attcr a tcu iiioriths. Hanna suddcnl} disappcars. and it's almost a dccadc l\clorc Michacl sccs hcr again H) this tiriic hc is a law sludcrit and shc is standing; trial for “at cririics (M'eurr it Hi: Quin, (i/trwim ()t/nin Hurt'huui. lt’t'ri/ri'ii

The Reckless Moment l l.‘-\i C... i.\1a\ ()phuls.l S. I‘l-Wi Jariics Mason. Joan llcrinctt. (icialdiric lirooks eriiin \lason stars as Irish niohstcr l)onncl|_\. a \ulncrahlc accoriiplicc scrit to pray on stoic housmsrtc l iicia Harpcr illcriiictti l’ait ol Jariics \lason scasoii /'r/nr/ruuu'. Iii/rrr/rmu/r

The Redhead lint illcliiiut Katillicr. (icrritarn/Ital}. l‘itili Ruth l cuuciik. Rossaiio ”la/ll. (iiorgio .-\|hcrta//i

‘Hiiiin liorcd of hcr hurridrurii lilc. )otiny l'r'ari/iska tlctm crikl gocs lo \cnicc iii scai'ch of adwnturc .-\daptcd hour a noxcl h) .-\llrcd :\iidcrscli (im'r/it- /II\Il!!lI. (i/trwuii

The Rock: Super Dynamite Soul il’(ii lls'cn stilt/Mikc l‘oth. [8. BMW Siliiiin Hocurncntai) ahout thc Ncu \ork ('it} rhascd \‘ll (ictiis Rock l)ancc l)i\isioii and thou irilaiiious letlJ run of hattlcs at cltlli Ht’oukl}n Solc l‘oolagc til pcilor'riianccs and tcstinionics lr‘oiii daricc tr'oupc incriihcr‘s riiakc lor‘ an indcplh L'\plt)l';lllt>ll ol this uriitiuc daricc lor'rii l’ar't ol l)ancc l'lllli (ll). l'rlm/iurm'. Izt/rIr/rur'u/i Routes llal O... i.-\|c\ Rctihcii. l S. ltlllhl Ufliniri. Inspiicd h} Hair) Smith's xlrrr/ru/nui u/ :lnrt'rrt (III I'm/A limit Rcuhcn's lilrii doctiiiicrits Icsscr‘rknoun l'oi'iiis ol .-\nicr'ican cultur‘c. song and daricc ol thc l)ccp South l’ar‘t ol l)ancc l'lllll ll‘). l'rlrrr/iurru'. IztlrIi/mr'ulr.

Royal Opera House: Carmen il’tii ll’ranccsca /.arnhcllo. l'ls'. 20th .-\nna (‘atcr'ina Antonacci. Jacqucs lnihrailo. Jonas Kauliiiarin. lh’lniiri. Iii/ct's classic opcr'a. liliiicd Inc at ('oxcnt (iai'dcn. and digitall} pi‘oicclcd orito ilic hig scr‘ccn. l'r/mliuuu'. lat/r/i/ruruli. Sarvami12mi\'islinmaitllian. India. 200‘“ 'I'risha Krishnan. lridraJith. .-\;tl‘_\;t. l55niin. 'l‘ainil thi‘illcr' lr'oni thc dircctor ol :lr'rrillrum xlrri'umir/rmr and [ill/u. (‘Iilt’llfll'ld Rr'll/I‘r'ii .Slll'r’r’l. (I/ilyg'rm

17 Again tl’(il .0. Hum Stccr's. ['18. 2009) [ac lifron. Matthcxs l’cr'r‘). |.cslic Mann. lfllriiin, llcttci‘ than _\ou might cxpccl agc l'c\cr‘sal conic-d) in which a no“ l'r'ustr'atcd and iriiddlc agcd loriiicr tccnagc pr'cgnanc} dad tl’cri‘} l gcts anothcr cliancc \i-llcll hc is ll‘ulhltil‘lllul hack to his l7-}car‘-old scll tlil'r‘oril. (ii'rit'nr/ r’r/uru' Sin City ( lHl .... (Rtilicl'l Rodr'iguc/fl"rank .\lillci‘ lspccial gticst dircctor‘ ()ucntin 'l‘ar'aiitinol. l'S. llltlfii lirucc Willis. (‘liw ()“Cll. Mickc) Rour'kc.

Suspiria Mothers) gets a couple of rare big screen outings. I GFI'. Glasgow, Tue 26 8 Wed 27 May.

Jt'\\ls.l \lha ll-liiirn lilcak. hardhoilctl comic hook adaptation troin laii Rodriguc/ ico dircctiiig; \sith \lCJll‘l \lillcr i triicr to its sourcc than aristhing to datc licspitc lx‘rrig rcritlcrcd lll\‘\ll_\ in Mack and \sliitc. this isn’t a film for thc squcaniish -\lori_~;sidc llic stipcr stslisation. \rr: ('m boasts dclt stor_\tcllin;_'. l‘allss iwrtorinaiiccs itroiii a to thc for cnsciiihlc casll and a linc in hrtiisin}; liuiiiotir that‘ll lca\ c you Mack and hluc littilal aiiil l‘lllllJlll (iii/m u I trill/lurch The Singing Blacksmith «H i. C... il‘tlgai l liiicr llcn /\l Haraloll ()ssip l)}iiiti\\_ l S] I” KM \1oislic U} slicr. \liriarii Riscllc. l'lorciitc \\t'iss llSiiiin \1ll\lc.ll \crsiori of Hand l’inski's classu l‘Nlh \ l\l\ll\ll \ll.llll.l lank/ .1} r .\./rnrrt1. starring rcnoxtncd \tllllt‘l \loishc ()_\ slicr Part of thc \ iddisli l'lllll\ ol l-dyar l lliicr scasoti Ir/nr/rnrist. lifrIr/uuc'li Slumdog Millionaire l IM 0000 (“all”) lliislt'. l is l .\. ,‘llllhi lrtaii lsahn, .-\rii| ls'apoor. l)c\ l’atcl lltlniin \dai‘tctl liotii \ikas starup‘s rio\cl QA \ h) \iiiioii llcaulo). Bosh-K lilrii clllt‘lllx lcs a \ltinihai strccl lllLlllll \eris' l)c\ l’atcli \sho riiakcs it to thc lirial round ol India's \crsion of Him “mm In In \ llrl/ruritrrri” .-\ltcrriati\cls hilarious and hcait \sicrichirig. f:Hllll_\ rcalistic arid drcaiii likc. romantic and rcsoliitcl) non scntiiiiciital. \satthrng Slumdog \II/lll'ntll’f lccls likc \salchiiig si\ l‘iliiis at oiicc l‘ru It/rrr/iurt'i: ()t ctr/r. lttlr/r/m/g/r Sounds Like Teen Spirit l l.‘. \i C... lJariiic Ja) Johnson. l K. .‘lltltli ‘Hriiiri l‘ridcaiirig pop tltlclllllt‘llldl) .tlHllll Junior l'.tiro\ isioii \shich. \shilc tinhcard ol in thc l‘ls'. gariicrs 3i Iiiillioii \IL'\\CI\ in contiricrital latitopc lri lollonrng lotir coiitcstants to thc lflll,‘ finals. Johnson ic\cals thc coriipctilron to hc as ticrcc. hilarious and dimriright \\L'|ltl as its girouri up courilcrpait .-\ii cnlcrtainirig: look hchind thc sccrics that also puts hcricatli tlic suilacc. lit-coining: a fascinating: and turn my mploratiori ol thcsc cliildrcn's lt\cs (tmrrn, lat/rIr/iruu/r A Star is Born it l.... l( magi- (‘iikoL l‘S. IVS-ll Jud) (iarlarid. .laiiics Mason lszllllll ('tikor's iiitisical talc of thc r'isc ol a slatlcl r( iarlaiidi and fall of a fading: star (Masoni has liccri riiucli tcpcalcd ltlll llL'H'l lwllclctl (litllalitl displa}s c\tiaordirlar') coiiiic timing: and \ocal ptmct l’ar't ol Jarlics Mason scasori (I/rlxurm I'l/nl I/lr'illli'

Star Trek l l.::\l 0... ll]

.»\hr'anis_ l'S/(icrniari). 3000i ( 'liris l’iiic. .lcrinilcr' Morrison. Siriiori l’cyg: llhiiiin. .-\ quirk Ill thc spacc tiriic continuum allous hoth .i scqucl and pr‘cqucl to lhc alrcad) \ast Slur [H'A ocuuc. iii “Inch [,1er cr'cator Ahrarns surpassCs his pic\ iotis liliii cllor'ts to r‘cimcnt thc \sholc d}naiiiic ol lhc [XS lantcrpr‘isc lainotional struyglcs lroiii l’iric as (‘aptairi Kirk and Zachary ()iiiiito as Vulcan Spock llll\ \Nllll adrcnaliric packcd

l d. l l

Dario Argento’s brilliant 1976 horror, the first of his ‘Three Mothers’ trilogy (followed by Inferno and The Three