Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
at: Indicates I-Iitlist entry
Affairs of Julie ll'.l llchinut Kautncr. (icrinan). IUSfii Ilininin Lighthcartcd rnm-cnm lrnm prnIilic pnsI-war (icrman IIIlIllltilkL'r Kautnci (Irrl'lllr‘ liiimul. (i/uwuii. Age of Stupid I IZAI C... ll’l'allll} Arttlsltnng. I'K. SHIN) l’Clt‘ l’nsllt‘lliwatlc. I’icrs (itt). JainiIa Iiavsnud ‘lflmm Marrying Britain‘s hnnnurahlc traditinn nI (I)\ltlplitll sci-Ii with tIic ccn dncuincntar) Inrm. .-\rinsti‘nng's film is an acsthcticall} piaginatit. cIIiicall) dnginattc attcinpt In saw: lltt' wntld MIH‘C Hr IL‘\\ a dncuincntai') stud} IcIImg six stnrics Irnm Inui cnntmcnts. tltc Iilm's sticngth Iics lll tlicii \arict}. and Ihc cnmpclling tisc nl sci It as a training dcxicc. with l’nstlcthwaitc playng a chaiactci Innkiiig altci' Ihc (ilnhal Arclmc Ill tlic lutui’c Matinccs nnl} ('iiim'u. lir/iii/iiii'gli.
Ahlaam I ISI 0... IMnIiammcd
AI I)aradJi. Iraq. 3005) Asccl Adcl. liashii‘ AI Maud. Kahccl Khalid. Mnhamcd Ilashiin. I I Imiii. An ciicrgcticall) blcak pni'trait nl man‘s inhuman”) In man. sct in w ar-tnr'it Baghdad In Ihc cai‘l} days nl Ihc Amci‘ican imasinn, Mm Iiig hack and lnrth l'i‘nm tIic Itcgininng nl' tIic (illll War In Ihc carpct hniiihing nl Baghdad in 2003. Ali/mini takcs iii Ihc stni'ics nl sthI- sltnckcd snldlcr All (AI Maltdl. Corruption» cnmpi‘nmiscd ynung dnctnr Mchdi Illasliiml and Alilaam IAch l. a dcrangcd lil‘ltlc w Itn sccs Iici' husband draggcd aw ay by llussciii’s ptIllL'L‘ nn Iici' w cdding da}. A pnw ci'IuI dchut I'catui‘c I») w i'itci'/dircctni' I)aradii. l’ai't nl Rccl Iraq, Scc l'caturc. pagc 3‘). I‘lIIlI/IUIIM'. Iz'I/iIi/iurg/i. American Graffiti I lSi eeee ((icni'gc Lucas. IS. 1973) Richard I)t‘c)‘Iiiss. ('and)’ ('Iark. llarrisnn linrd. I lllllllll. \N'hci‘c wci'c )nu in ‘hl‘.’ Supci'ini' nnstalgia lnIInwing a day and night in thc Ilu's nI sntttc atIlIIIL'ss ltIgIt-scltnnl graduatcs cnining nl' agc in a small ('aIil'nrnia tnwn. Iindcai‘ing and cntcrtaining w ith a cast nl' luturc
Dance Film 09
luminarics LIINPIii}lIl:._' carI) prninisc ()I/I'mi. ILI/iIi/iurc/i Angels 0. Demons I um 00 IRnn llnward. IS. 3009) 'I‘nm llanks. Izwan \Ic(ircgnr. Stcllaii Skarsgaid I iKIIIIII SL'L' Scc Alsn Rclcascd. pagc 4ft (it'lli'l'tl/ I'c'li'tlu’ Awaydays I Its'i eee Il’at llnltlcii. I'K. ZlNl‘h Stcpltcn (iraham. Nick} licII. I.iam Biwlc IllJimn Scc [L'\IC\\ pagc 4‘ (iI'III'ru/ rI’II'Iin' [rum IT! 33 .Iliii
Bambi ll'l .... ll)a\ Id I)
Hand. [8. I‘MZI ()‘lllllll I)isnc) .it his cutcst. putcst bcst .-\ bah} lawn cti|n_\s Iilc in thc lnrcst with his lricnds I'I‘humpcr Ihc rabbit is surcl} nnc nl I)isnc_\ 's mnst incinnrahlc crcatinnsi. grnws up. has a runrin with Man. and Iwuititcs (ircat I’rincc nl thc l‘tilt'\l Nicc animatinn. with tnuchcs nl cxticmc tw cc. and a inassix c haiikic cnunt w Iicn liamhi's iiitiiii dics (iluigmi I'll"! Ihrum'. (i/mgmi; I‘IIIN/IUHH’. Iii/lllhlll‘ull.
Battle for Haditha I ISI eee
(Nick lirnniiil'icld. I’K. 2007i I‘.llltil Rtiil. Yasminc llaiiani. Andrcw .\Icl.ai'cn 97mm. Brnninl'icld sliil'ts lrnin dm‘uiitcntar) tn drama. l'ncusing tIic luII hnri'ni nl Ihc Amcrican prnJch in Iraq thrnugh atrncitics that Ix‘curi'cd in Nnvcmhci 2005. Ilc ccrtainl} has an c}c hit an iiiiagc. but his dctcrminatinn tn draw as many cninparisnns as pnssihlc hctwccn Ihc imadcrs and insurgcnts gncs Iwci'linard and shcds nn rcaI light nit Ihc ll'it\L'\l) nl warl'arc. I’art nl Rch Iraq. Scc lcatui'c. pagc 2‘). l'l/Hlllt'llu'. Iz'r/i'itliurg/i. Bedtime Stories II’( ii 0. I.»\dam Sliankman. ['8. 2008) Adam Sandlcr. Kci'i Rtisscll. ('nurtcnc} ('nx, 90min. I‘amil) fantasy almtit a man whn can inakc hcdtimc stnrics cnmc In hlc. (iluwmi l-I'lni Hti'rlll‘i’. ('I'Itr'iiur‘lrl I’III'k/ti'ud. (i/usgrm: The Beverly Hillbillies II’(ii O. Il’cnclnpc Spliccr‘is. l'S. I993) Jim Variic). (‘Ini‘is I.cachman. lii'ika lilcniak. I)icdrick Badci‘. ltl3min. A bunch nl‘ backwnnds natix'cs strikc nil. Itccnmc hillinnaircs and mm c In licwrl} IIiIIs. 'I‘hcrc arc nnly a cnuplc nl' almnst wry mnmcnts amid Ihc cscruciatiiigl} had puns. dcspcratc parndics and inanc slapstick. and thc w‘ritcrs sccm tn hclicvc w c nccd a stupid Iacc nr pnsc may (it) sccnnds. ’I‘hat's a l'nrmula that might work nn IV with cnnstant cnmmcrcial
‘ M-l- 2’
hrcaks. hut nnt in a ciiicina tcatnic III. I'IliIi/iiirc/i Uni/ti. Izdinltiirc/l
Beverly Hills Chihuahua II'I
” IR.t|.t(iit\ncII. li‘ \ICHUI. .‘INIXI I)icw Iiarrunntc I\I‘I\L". I’Ipci I’crahn. Jainic I.cc (‘urtis .\Iinin I‘his brightl) lit lainII} Inmcd} Isa \apid f'ishniit nt w.IIci kllIllellUll. rc\nI\ing arnund pnsh punch (‘IIIIK' Ixiitcctl I‘} llatutitnrcl w ltn gcts kidnappcd linin Rathcl Il’ciahnl during a It'stili \acattntt Ill lsCCP (‘lll\‘\‘.\ IL‘JI nwnci. Racltcl\ aunt Vixian II cc ('iiitisi. in thc dark. Raclicl scts nut tn IL'\\ tic Ihc pampcicd pct liniii Itci pntcntial latc at tIic hands nt \1c\icandnglightcis Ialcnt hca\_\ nnc»|nkc talking dng mm Ic
.‘r'li't Ir‘u/ I’i’lc IIH'
Bigger Than Life I lsi COO. INIL‘IInIas Ra). I'S. I‘ISIH J.IlllL‘\ \Iasnit. llitll‘ald Rtisli. \Valtci \Iatthau ‘Hiiiin Mild manncicd sclinnltcachci .\Iasnii‘s pcrsnnalit} is tiaiislniiiicd w Iicn Ihc drug Iic is inutincl) picsciihcd tiiins Inm mtn .In addictcd mcgalnmaniac I)iicctni Ra} cnnccntialcs nn Ihc trappings nl suhuihia Iliat stand arnund his ccntial chaiactci and also cnttlt‘tltltlc In lIIC Ittcakdnwlt .-\ classlt' inclndi‘ama with a sharp sncial c)c and grcat lilmmakiiig skIII. much dcscixing nl cnntcmpnrar} icasscssincnt I’ait nl Jamcs .\Iasnn scasnn. l‘l/lllhr’llu'. lziliri/iiircli Burning Plain I ISI eee
I(iuilIcrinn .-\i'riaga. IS. 30th ('liai‘Ii/c 'I‘hcrnn. Kim Iiasingct. Jcnnilci lawicncc I I Illllll, Sninbic )ct dramatic mclndiaiiia with a iigsaw pu/llc itai'i‘atnc that cuts backwards and Inrwards iIL'lttss timc. spacc and gcnci'atinns. Wrttcr/dii'cctiii Arriafia nlninusl) has an alliiiit) lnI tIic c\pi'cssi\c pnwcrs nl clcmcnlal landscapcs. _\ct lll his dcsii‘c In illusti‘atc Itnw thc past cniindcs lIlL' pI'L'sL'Ill. Ills slnt}lclltttg I‘L‘cnlttt‘s unncccssaril} cluttcrcd, Hit a wnrk that sccks In gi‘applc with raw lcclings nl' giicl. guilt and angci‘. its nwn cinntiniial impact is nddl} subducd. I'l/III/Irlllu'. lat/Iii/iiiruli. Café de los Maestros ll’(il eee IMigucI Knhan. l'S/Iira/iI/l'K/.»\i'gcntiita. 2003i ‘itlmin. I‘ascmating c\p|nratinn Iiitn Ihc rnnts and c\nlutinn nI' taiign inusic. de'umcnIing Ihc Iiiacsti‘n‘s nl langn‘s gnldcn )‘cai's as Ihc} rcunitc hit a gala Iicrl‘nrmancc in Bucnns Aircs' lainnus 'I‘catrn ('nlnn. Part III I)aiicc I‘ilm (l‘). l“l/Hl/IUN.\¢’. Iz‘I/iIi/iiu‘g/i.
Second time out for this wonderful celebration of dance in film. This season of musicals, documentaries, shorts, talks and workshops from around the world include 2007
Bollywood mega hit Om Shanti Om, Jacques Demy’s delightful 1967 musical The Young Girls of Rochefort (pictured), 80s phenomenon Flashdance and song and dance classics Swing Time and Gypsy. Ticket offers available. www.dancefilmscotland.com
I Fi/mhouse. Edinburgh from Thu 27 May.
Name John Crowley Born 1969 Ireland
Background. Not to be confused With the American scrfi author of the same name. John Crowley's background was as a theatre director, Including success at the Donmar Warehouse. His first feature. InferniI33/on. helped Springboard the career of Colin Farrell. and he also scored a notable award-Winner with teenage drama Boy A, a teleVIsion drama which won a substantial cinema release around the world.
What’s he up to now? Crowley's Is Anyone There? pairs Michael Caine opposne Bill Milner, star of Garth Jennings' comedy hit Son of Rainbow. It's a bittersweet meditation of life. loss and magic. with Caine's magician finding comradeship with the youngster when he reluctantly enters a retirement home.
On directing the icon Sir Michael Caine? ”The fact that he's Michael Caine Is something that. as a director. you have to put to one side the moment he comes on the set; otherwise you'd be letting him down. Your job is to direct him, so the fact you've been watching him in films all your life. that iust doesn't matter. But even with that. you can't quite get your head around the incredible amount of experience that he has. One day. while he was filming with Bill (Milner). they were working out how to get the right eye line for a particular shot, and Caine explained how he'd learned the trick from Marlene Dietrich. That kind of experience makes him the most amazing resowce.‘ Interesting fact Things didn't always run smoothly with the film's veteran cast. 'We'd managed to assemble a fantastic supporting cast. Elizabeth Spriggs, Rosemary Harris, who plays Aunt May in the Spiderman films. Leslie Phillips, Peter Vaughn. But what I didn't expect was that there were a few old grudges festering between them. One of our actresses told me that she simply “couldn't abide" her co-star, and they had to be kept apart to keep them out of trouble.’ (Eddie Harrison)
I Is Anybody There? is on selected release from Fri 7 May.
31—28 Uta, 143-09 THE LIST 47