What is it? Do I really have to answer this? It's that gigantic castle thing on a rock dominating your capital City.
Yeah, we know Look. it may seem like rather an obvious choice. but really. when was the last time you actually Visited? May is the best month to Visit. too: the weather's good enough to make the views worthwhile. and it's just before that part of the City gets overrun by tourists and enthusiastic theatrical teenagers.
Okay. What’s in it for us? Despite modern architectures best efforts. most of the landscape is completely unchanged. so not only are the 360 degree views of the City absolutely phenomenal, but the guides' stories about oncoming invaders really come to life. as you can see clearly the routes advancing armies must have taken.
We admit that we’re warming to the idea And if you turn up between Friday and Sunday. they‘ve got actors in costume playing palace servants and historical figures. so you can actually meet Mary Queen of Scots.
Well, we do love a bit of roleplay . . . And it no-one's looking. you could straddle a cannon and pretend you're Cher in the ‘If I Could Turn Back Time’ video.
Sold. How much will it cost? £12 for adults and £6 for children. but thoroughly worth it. and there are hidden discounts if you book in advance online. or if you buy an audio guide package.
How do we get there? Arrive in Edinburgh. See castle. Walk towards it - probably uphill — in a purposeful manner. (Kirstin lnnes) Castle/till, Royal Mile. Edinburgh. General enquiries: 0737 225 9846 Or www. edi'nburghcasf/e. gov. uk
30 THE LIST '-1 .r Ma. ”‘00:"
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to sport@list.co.uk for sport or aroundtown@list.co.uk for all other events. Listings compiled by Suzanne Black.
Indicates Hitlist entry 0 l a sgow Activmes & Events Alien Warsl iilil \un ill \ug; Ihc .\it'hi'\. 35 l .\i;:}lt' \llt'cl. *ffi llefI \ililii Illilln; Sal Ill.ini lflpln Llllith. lllltlL'l If“ {Si It‘llll}lllj_' lilt.il nailit} L'\llk'l|t'll(t' lll lhc t'lt‘k'l‘} hl‘\\t'l\ ill thi' x\lt'llL'\. FR“ Bratchy and the Wee Man’s Comedy Pub Quiz lliii l~l \l.i} llii- .\it'hc\ (lilc Hill. 35‘ \ig,"\lt~ \licct. *ll‘l HHS. Xllnt. ('ilnicilit‘ l‘llllllt'l\ |’>i.ilgh} and thc \Vcc \Iilll. hlin ill \ilu'lullc inltini}. Illlxl .i [lull Lllll/ \\|lll .i ilillcii'nt't‘ \\ ith inli'i'ut'tiw j._'.llllL'\. \\ \\ l: llltl\\'\ .intl cmh [lit/LN FRI-”l“. Film Discussion Group lliii l-l .\l;i}. (iliixgim l‘lllll 'l hctiln'. I.‘ Rll\\' Stiu'l. 3 ‘2 MIX. (ifillpni. \lccl up uilh film \H‘Ilct lailihc ||;iii‘i\iln .inil llll\ ill illhci‘ llllll l‘llll\ lii “up ltl‘llllth .inif [K'lL't'Plllllh ill both an llllll\L' and hug: I‘lllt'kl‘lhlt'l lt‘L‘L‘lll li.‘|L‘.l\t'\.
l, rum: Dennistoun Wild Goose " ‘ Chase Sal If» .\l;i_\. \';ii‘iilii\ \t'llllt'\. l)cnni\lilun. nililn 4pm. St'c HIlIl\l. Traditional Tea Dance Siii lii .\l;i_\. l’illlilckxhuu \Hlll'ghHi1“.”7"”(lll‘ulll3l. l 3pm. £3. (‘ixilixcil tun \xilh Iciii’i‘illlcc. \;inil\\ lt'hL‘\ :inil hilnicnmilc iltiinpling. I’iiil ill .\iliiI/i\ii/i' I'i'xliilil.
ml, Hit t; Argentine Tango Sun I“ "V ‘ \lgi}. Kchmgnn c .'\l'l (Lilli-i} ik \hlxcuin. :\l‘:_‘_\ Ic Sli‘ccl. 270 050‘),
l 2.3llpni. SL‘U Hllllxl.
Glasgow Tigers Speedway Sun I," .\ Z-l Mu}. .\\hllt‘ltl Sliiiliunl. Summit Park.
4‘ L1 H.:\‘.Il‘.illtl \tlccl. :H A!» :lili \\.ii.li l.-.\l initcil iiiillilitlikt' .l\lll‘ll. i‘l‘. flikt'x that haw nil l‘lahtN \u\. that \ilnnih \t-il il.in;_'ctilu\ li‘ tl\. lilil
FREE The Pudding Shop Inc lll .\ If» \l.i} [ht- l lung lltitk. - lx’unltcxi (kltitl. ‘1‘ Hill“ “tlni \\.‘.‘kl} I)” it'tillil \hiltl. . lillho mull .inil niinylt- lnilitgtt'l lllll\l\ liilin thcl'iik ‘. (tilt Illx Tony Stockwell l ii 22 \l.i_\ (‘iii ll.ill\. ()iltillt'iiggx. ‘5‘ NW“ - liln} \liltkucll ill I Hm}; I\ \ \m.‘ /’\\t "Iii .llltl /)\li"1/i \l ".'i'i‘. pilinniiinitalt'x lllt'\\.l_‘,‘t‘\ llilin tlcxilntf thc
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d, I-‘kk- L Southside Festival \ii 3 l “2“ .\ \iin_‘1\l.i§ ()iict'n'x l’.iik ‘3“ I .ingxlilc link. .3“ a”; lllllt'\ \.ll.\ \t't‘ picture below
Glasgow Subway Festival \.ii " \" 3 l i\ 51ml] \l.r\ (ii.i\§;il\\ l iiilcigiiliini . 3:3 Zlflll lllllt‘\ \.ii_\ l’l‘lt‘t‘\ Lil}. \t't‘ lutllllt‘. [\lL'k' 3" FREE Beautiful Bluebells of Mugdock Wood Sun :1 .\f.i} \liiyililtk (‘ilttntu l’.ilk. ('i.it;:.illi.in Rlldkl. \lilnuauc. ”5h (llllfl _‘ ~lilin Likt- .i “.lllklt'l thiilugh tlic \higgililgk \\ililil Sili' ill Sllccml Spiciitilit' llllt'lL'\l .iiitl in.ii\cl lht' lllui'hcll parpct
Body and Soul Fair \gii ll» .\ \llll l“ \l.i). Ril}.i| ('ilnt'i'il l|.il|. .7 \itit'hichall \llt'i'l. fll lflh hfllfii“ ll.iln Q lflpin Ll 5H i\\ili‘k\|iilil lii'kt'l L.\. \\ t't'kt'nil llt'kct [5 l. l't'.iliillng_' \lk'lllllll\llilllllll\. l.l”\\. l;ilill lt'.ltlt‘l\ .inil \l.lH\ \cllin): lcucllt'l}. txinillw .llltl .iiillil.it|it'i.i|l_\ [‘l'iltlllt‘lx
:“HliL— Sloan’s Market Sal lii. Sun 1". Sat 33 & Sun 11 .\l.i}. Slil.iii\. \l:.'_\l\‘ .'\I'L'.l\l\‘. “q 535" ll.iin, \\i'|| lii‘clcil \xcckl) illitililill \hilllpinu lll.lll\L'l lll\l luckcil illl litit‘haiiiin Slim-l. \\llll \l.tH\ \tullcil lull ill giltii‘nit'l llL‘.ll\ .inil \'|.l\\} craft} thingx.
FOO” 8. Drink
Coffee Morning \ii In \l.i_\ \llt'lllt'\li‘ll \lt‘llliklhl (lltllxh. l Ill-1 \ht'lllk‘\ll‘ll Riniil. Ill lHint I zllilin \\ :l.ll l‘i'llt'l “.l} lil \l.lll lllt‘ “cckt‘lltl lh.in .i gt‘itlt't'l \l‘llt't' iniliniiig \\llll \tilnm viliillmllh .intl intixi. liilni thc kt'xlll‘ll \llli't'l\ '\l\'llllll\'l\ l.
Grand Prix Gymnastics 1 ll l* .\ \ii lfl \l.i_\ kclun H.ill lnlt‘in.itiilit.i| \tlilih \tt'im. l-H‘ \l;7}lc \ticct. llX-l-lvl .\]\“jl Iii It‘lll. \il I illilni :\ *ll
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The Douglas Lecture Hm I l \l.i\ \l.it'kinlil\h (‘htitt h. ()tii‘i‘n‘x ( .lll\\. .\"il (i.ii\t'tilli' Rl‘.l\l.”~1(\(i(\lhl ”pin Ul ‘\ll|\lk'lll\ h.ilt l‘llkt'l (Lin'th Hilxkinx gin-x Illl\ )mi \ ( hillt'x I\)\'lllllt' \l.it‘kinlil\h Sikh-ll l)l‘llf.fl.l\ l t't'ttni‘. \\hl\ h l\ llllt'tl ‘\it\, ('i.ill\ .inil \tthilt'i‘ltiic'
FRI: & Critical Applause 3: Tris Vanna-Michell lliii l-l \l.l} ('('\. Nl Salit'hit'hall Slit't'l. 4*: l‘lllll “pin (il.i\3_lil\\ Sihilill ill \It ;:i.iihi.itc lll\ \ilnn.i \huhCH l‘lt'\L'l|l\ .i [li'ililinmnit‘ l’.il‘l ill (‘titihil \[ll‘l.lll\k‘. .i inilnlhll \t'llt'\ ill Liliw .tllil t'\\'lll\ lll.ll \t‘t‘k .illcllmllw lllt';lll\ lili Lilian}: ili thinkinj.‘ .illiliil .iit
I' NLL' Themed Tours at the Burrell Hyit lii \IJ} lliiiit-ll ('illlt-tiiilii. :llllll l’illliikxlmux Kind. 35" 3““ [PIN l)i .\|.in \1.lt'llllll.l|\| gum .i l.i|L ilii lhi' \tilllcil ill l‘t'llt'.lll|ll}'\ Ill ”lt' Htlllt‘ll (.llllt't'llllll.
Hat l: Talk: The North Connection \liln IX \l.i_\ \iilllanil \tli'ct Siliilill \lll\L‘lllll. \llhk'lllll ill I iltii.iliiln. .‘3‘ St-ilil.iiiil Sim-i. 3.x" iiiiiii 3 in z lupin
SOUthSide Festival After a triumphant debut last year, the local festival returns to Queen’s Park for
music and festivities, following a Mardi Gras-style parade through the Southside. The programme also features comedy from the local likes of Bruce Morton, live music, samba, art exhibitions, and telly faces the MacDonald Brothers and Nikitta Agnes performing at the Festival Stars Final. I G.’asgtl'.'.. Qieilr‘s Park. 83? 1;.“ (9. Sun #1 Mai: times vary,