he launeh exent tor the lhth annual [.h! [Curing A'- in Urg asg OW Drinking (fun/r eeleltrated the _\ear\ {inext dining

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eqwrieneex an utter In l€dinhurgh and (ilaxguw. The ment. at (il;t\:_'0\\\ ('entre tur (‘nntentlmrar_\ .-\rt\. \aw tour e\eellent l'e\l;tlll';tltl\ reeene liating & Drinking (iuide Best Neweniner .-\ward\. with two more reeemng our inaugural Readerx' .-\ward\. in axweiatiun with 'l‘axte «it. lidinhurgh.

(ila\:_'uw\ ('rahxhakk won our Newemner ut' the Year award t'ur mmnialit} and \t}le with l-ldinhurgh'x Muther India pieking up the Newemner til the Year l‘nr retirexhing and inlurmal hudget eating.

Banana l.eal' w ax awarded the (ilaxguw Newentner til the Year t‘ui‘ uneuniprmnixing and inxpiring eating w hilst the lidinhurgh \ewemner ul~ the Year t'ur huld and ln'uad-ranging histru dining award went to l.'e\eargut Bleu.

'I‘ln' 1.1V Readerx' Awardx went to (lihwn Street landmark Stra\aigin in (llaxguw. whil\t ehie 'l‘igerlil)‘ wnn uur readerx‘ heartx in lidinhurgh. 'l‘hix _\ear\ .ludgex' Speeial Award went tn Runnie ('lylexdale nl~ eultural inxtitutiun. 'l‘he l'hiquituus Chip. l'ur his euntrihutiun tn the wurld of eating and drinking in Seutland.

Attendantx \ipped a range ul~ rel'rexhrnents euurtex} ul' Birra Muretti and (lreat (img. while lineure eatering and the (CA ('ale prmided the delieiuux eanapex. Thanks to all (it our \punwrx l‘ur making the part} go all with a hang and tn e\'ei‘_\‘une at the (‘(‘:\ l'ur hmting the night.

—28 Ma; 2009 THE LIST 17