, Recruitment— ‘.



How did you get that job?

Name Zeb Shaw

Job Title Event Manager & Producer of the Beltane Fire Festival

Company Beltane Fire Society When did you start your job? January

So what does your job actually involve? I'm ultimately responsible for every aspect of the largest fire festival of its kind in the world. This comprises 3 main roles: Organising the infrastructure which includes negotiating with the council and emergency services to lease Calton Hill, gain licenses and produce an event safety plan. Liaison and coordinating the production side to ensure that all necessary staging, security and facilities are in place. Finally. overseeing development of the performance and being responsible for the event on the night. Oh yes, and I do anything which isn‘t done by someone else.

Best / Worst Aspects“? It's always best working with happy content people and I’m a natural problem solver. So I love finding the solution which balances the emotionally invested needs of 300 performers with the legal requirements of the authorities and fits in the budget. The after party is pretty special too. The worst aspect is imminent unemployment; my contract ends after the debriefs. I love the passion and intensity of this job however it hasn't left enough time to find my next project so May is looking quiet and I don’t enjoy being idle.

What did you do before you started this job? I've always been involved in events work and the arts but only recently made it my full time profession. Until last year I was a massage therapist/teacher and ran Elysium Massage for a decade.

What's the best way to get a job like yours? It's all about experience, organisation and people. So take on as many varied roles as you can in arts and events. And be prepared to work very hard.

What advice would you give to a young Zeb at the start of his career? Listen to what everybody has to contribute but always make your own decision.

What projects do you have planned for 2009’?

The next big project is the Samhuinn Fire Festival at the end of October. This is similar to Beltane except that it takes place on the Royal Mile and celebrates the end of summer. We are looking for new performers. drummers and production crew. No experience necessary; all friendly enthusiastic people welcome.

Email: volunteers@beltane.org Website: www.beltane.org

The Beltane Fire Festival is on Calton Hill from 9:30pm on Thursday 30th April.




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’i’, A;/— ‘-‘. Ma,’ 27/; 93 THE LIST