
Rock&Pop Music

I The Vandelays .-\B(‘2. 3 30 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 2232 7pm L5 (hcr- Hx \hou (ilaxgou. ~ha\cd pow L'r [Hippcr\ I The Lynsey Dolan Band arid Alan Murphy ("laxxic (irand. I8 Jamaica Strcct. 847 0820. 7. 30pm U5. lllucx and tau tingL-d soul from I.I)Il I Mike Bones, John Rush and Tukoo Nicc‘n‘SIL-al}. ~12! SauchiL-hall Strcct. 333 0000 "30pm \cu JL-rxc} \ingcr/guitarixt v. ho I\ intIuan'L-d h} ‘hcautilul \xoincn and L'\i\tcnttal dcxpair' I The Acorn StcrL-o. 20 28 RL-ntiL-Id l.anc. 222 225-1 8pm £7.50. laxpcrnnL-ntal Iolk mtmc. cmhracing thc rnodcrn and thc traditional. I Baldego, Salon Society, Mike Nesbit and Gillian Christie l’l\tt l’lH). l5 Watcrloo Strcct. 5h4 8l00. 8pm. i i. A hrtnc ltnL'-up oI ilL'l\ \\ ho lta\c agrL'L-d to appL-ai at llII\ I’oucrcut Scxxion playng unpluggL-d and in thc dark, I Dave Dominey 'I'chai ()Lna. 42 ()tago Law. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. l'llliklllt‘\\ on laptop and lttlxx. I Fire Exit, The Duel and Prairie 0098 RUL kL".l\ l-l Mttllattd Slrccl 22l 0720 8pm. ()ld \LllUUl punk hill. FREE Preacher and Yahweh Box. 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 332 543i 8pm. lixpcrimcntal. amhicnt \oundx trom Yalmch at thix Wickcrman hL-at. I Wishbone Ash 'I‘hL- I‘L-rr). .»\ndL-r\ton Qua}. Iiroomiclau. 01608 3o0 085. 8pm. H5. I'K Iolk rock \ctcranx \\ ho haxc hccn around in onc form or anothcr \incc lltL‘ ltIlL‘ (ills. I Son of Dave, Tragic O’Hara and The Dirt King 'I‘ut's Walt Wah llut. 272a SI \rllllt't'lll SII'L‘L‘I. 22l 527‘).


Ferocious English hardcore punks Gallows are at the forefront of the UK punk scene. They are promoting their bleak new album, Grey Britain, pepped up by vocals from Simon Neil of Scots rockers Biffy Clyro. The Kerrang Award winners are famed for their aggressive, blood soaked live show so expect to be hung-up on a noose


8.30pm. [8. Son ot‘ I)a\c ix thc harmtmica-touting Bcniamin I)ar\'c|I. I'ormcrl) ot' ('raxh 'l'cxt I)ummic\. \\ ho kickx up a ran hlucx Llll\l \torm all on hi\

FREE Lindsay Sugden 8. the Storm, Scott Atkins and Action 'I'hc l)ra\\ing Room. I055 Sauchichall Strcct. 33‘) 88M». ()pm. \Vcckl} Quict Riot night ot' acouxtic PL‘I‘IUI‘IIIEIIICCX

I Who Shot Jonson?, Always Until Victory and First Step to Failure l3llt Notc (XII-Li. 50 ()0 King SII'L'L'I. 553 lh38. 0pm. 9.5. Local altcrnatch hill. hcadIincd h)‘ \ka punk pop outIit Who Shot Jonson'.’

FREE Bazodee 'I‘hc IIaIt Bar. lot) Woodlandx Road. 352 0006. Scc Thu 30.


I Ricky Warwick ('aharct V'oltait'c.

3h 38 Blair Stt‘cct. 220 (076. 7pm. U0. Almight} I'rontman \xhoxc dchut \olo alhum 1211mm Lt :Ililu’s “as L'omparcd to SILWL‘ liarlc and Tom l’ctt)' h_\ Kt'rmng.’ and hax morc rcccntl} hL'L-n collahorating with Bill} hull} of 'I‘hL' ('uIt on a ncxx hand caIlL'LI ('ircu~ Diahlo.

I Luke Doucet and Melissa MCLelIand 'l‘hc l’lL‘;t\;tttL‘L‘ (‘aharct Bar. ht) I’IL'asancL‘. h50 2458. 7.30pm. L' I0. (‘anadian \ingL'r/songu ritcr.

I Pseudo Union 'I'hL- Ark. 3

Watcrloo I’IacL'. 623 7 I47. 7.30pm. £4. Rock “Illi an INNS/Foo I-‘ightcrx \ihL‘ tmorc acts thc i.

I Limbo ’l‘llL‘ Voodoo Rootth. I‘la \VL‘xt RL'gistL‘r Strcct. 550 7060. 8pm lam. £5. SL‘L‘ Thu 30.

I Azriel Thc Ilixc. l5 l7 .\'iddr) SlrL‘L‘l. 5560-14-1. 8pm. {IIWLZ SL‘L‘ \VL'LI h. FREE Zhain \Vltistlchinkicx. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5] I4. 9pm. l’xyhcdclic prog rock.

Friday 8

Glasgow I Bonded by Blood, Fuelled By Fire and Suicidal Angels (‘Iassic Grand. I8 Jamaica Strcct. 847 0820. 7pm. 1' I0. (‘alit‘ornian thraxh mL‘taI hand. Gallows, Everytime I Die and Ghost of a Thousand ABC. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 2232. 7pm. £I3. ()x‘L‘r- 14.x \ho“ Hardcore punk band “llli \.itist_\ingl_\ mcntalixt trontman \\ ho tode \ .llh .\ 2007 ( ool l ist \ot that

he cares.

of rampage. I ABC. Glasgow; In 8 Mat:

I Hatcham Social and Eugene McGuinness .-\B(‘2. 330 SauchiL-hall Strcct. 332 2232. 7pm. £8. .\'c\\ ('roxx indic hand and lrixh indic I‘olk troubadour pla} thix JI) Sct gig hoxtcd It} .l‘llC \VL‘Llthttg l’l'LNL‘lth l);t\ ILl (iL'ngL‘. I Kochka, The Black Flats, Kaila Heartshake and Mecker (‘laxxic (irand. I8 Jamaica Strcct. 847 0820. 7pm. £0. Indic uith \oul Irom Kochka. I Morrissey llarrou land. 244 (iallongatc. 552 4(i0l. 7pm. S()|.l) ()I'I. SL'L' Mon 4.

I Semtex, Aisle 1 1, San Toy, Zonules of Zinn and Dirty Shannon 'I‘hc I‘L‘rr}; .>\ndcrxton Qua}. liroomicla“. (llh‘)8 360 085. 7pm. £5. l.ocal hand \lttm L‘;i\L‘.

I Aidan Moffat Sum» 20 28 chlicld I,anL 222 2254 7. 30pm. £I0. 'l'hL‘ I‘ormcr .»\rah Strap Itontman rcxclx in lII\ \olo \tardom \\ ith hix idioxyicratic idca oI' uphcat Iiill\lL‘.

Girls Aloud SI-L(‘(‘. I-‘inniL-xton Qua}. 0870 0-10 4000. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()lul‘. 'l‘ltL‘ ltL‘\l ttL‘l [0 comic out til~ rcalit) ltlll\IL' 'I'\.' in thix countr}. \xith no

Icw than Ii\c IauItlcxx pop alhuinx to thcir namc.

I Mr Kil ()ran Mor. 73I 735 (ircat \Vcstct‘n Road. 357 (i200. 7.30pm. £5. ()\L'r- I~Ix \ho“. l’op/rock tour-piccc I'rom (il;t\go\\.

I The Pride of Ireland l’milion 'l‘ltL‘ulrL‘. l2l RL‘ttlIL‘lLl SII‘L‘L'I. 332 lX-lh. 7.30pm. £12.50 “0.50. Including Dominic Kiruan. Sand) KL-Il). I‘rankic McBridc. I.arr} Cunningham. Brian ('oII. IiIainL- Bo}lc. and morc.

I Youves (‘aptain'x RL'xt. 185 (ircat \VLNIL‘I‘H Road. 332 73(l-I. 7.30pm. \L'u \Vaw hipxtcrx. l-‘rom Nuncaton. FREE Beatnic Prestige and Soul Circus BM 4 3| 8 nichic;h ill Strc'.Lt 543I. 8pm. .\Iod punkx trom Dunt'crmlinc and dirt} rock'n'rollcr» I Catcher ('oxmopol. I65 llopc Strcct. 22I 0130, 8pm. SL-L' Thu 30.

I Easy Star All-Stars 'l‘hc .'\rchL-\. 30 Midland Strcct. 565 I000. 8pm. {I5


Phi} ing a duh \L‘rxion ot‘ 'I‘hc BL'atlL'x' .S‘L'r

I’t'p/n'r's lunch Harris (714/) Band. I Martin Stephenson \Voodcnd Tcnnis Lt Bonling Club. I0

'I‘hL‘ ’I‘hrcc Irixh 'I‘L-norx,

('hamhL-rlain Road. 05‘) I428 I; ll). \VL‘ll-ltn L‘Ll (iL‘Ut'LlIL‘ \ingcr/xong“t‘itcr makcx anothcr oI lII\ occaxional |i\ c appcaranccx at thc \VotiLlL'ttLl.

I The Butterfly Effect and To the Bones King 'I‘ut'x \Vah \Vah Hut. 2"2 St Vinccnt Strcct. 22I 527‘). 8.30pm. £7.50. ()xcr- le \lttm. .Xtixti'alian hard rock ltmr-pIL‘L‘L‘ 'lltL' lillIlL‘l'I‘l} I'll-IL'L‘I at‘L' thc \ccond hc\t hand in thc world. according to (icrman Kt’rrunu.’ So II intixt hL' truc.

I The Starlets, The Hidden Masters and The 17th Century Mar} hill ('L‘ntral ('ommunit} Hall. 304 Mar} hill Road. 287 55I |. 8.30pm. £5. ’l-llL' Slat'lch L‘L‘lL‘l‘l‘ttlL‘ lltL‘ t‘L'lL‘a\L' till thcir ncu alhum ()ur Into I/u' Hm \ l-mm llt’l't' in thc compan} oI cx-Nccdlcx I'rontman I)a\ic I)i\on'\ ncu hand.

I Unspoken and Bonesaw I3tlt NtitL‘ ('tllL". 5() (ill King SII'L‘L'I. 553 I038. 9pm. .\'or\\cgian dcath mctal. You ha\ c hccn \xarncd.

I Payola and Crevis Inspection Rockcrx. 14 Midland Strcct. 22] 0720. Rock.


I Montevideo Five and Beau Nasties \Vlllfllt‘lllllthM 4 (t Stilllli lii‘tng'L'. 557 5l l—l. (rpm. I'IL‘L‘ llL'l-UFL' midnight; £4 attcr. llard rock L‘o\ct‘\ I'rom .\IontL'\ idco I-‘i\ c.

Aberfeldy and Ex-Lion Tamer ('aharct VoltairL‘. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 220 (1176. 7pm. £10. Iiuphoric SLotpoppLi\ xx ho knou thLir \xa} round

a ch irming turn I? u! of flu print.

I No Drive Home, Black Cherokee and Filed under Dishonesty 'l'hc Bongo ('Iuh. Mora} llouxc. 37 llo|_\rood Road. 558 7604. 7pm. £5. .»\Itcrnati\L- pop punk.

I Yann Tiersen QuL'L-n‘s Hall. 87 8‘) (‘lL‘rh SlrL'L‘l. (ifih 2(ll‘). 7pm. U7. chcrcd in hix natn c lirancc. thc multi- inxtrumcntalixt and compoxcr of thc dclicioud} quirk} \L‘Ul’LN t'or .‘llilt‘llt' and (final Btu [mitt/If Ix IUIIIL‘LI h) \(llllL' HI hix man} collahoratorx in a conccrt that could includc an_\thing t'rom nco- clmflcal [0 NHL [0 rock. aL'L'orLlionx l0 t}pL'\\ ritcrs.


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a: 2’ true LIST 73