Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
t Indicates Hitlist entry
Annie Hall 1 IRI .... ‘\\(NKI} ,-\llcti. l S. IVAN \Nood} -\IlClt. I)l.tlte Keaton. Ion} Rohertx ‘Hrriin Iwo decade~ hetore Set Ind [/11 (II\ had ll\ Iirxt orgaxin. III/in l/u/l \\.l\ la)ing hare the rnore\ ot modern. urhan romance to ilc\a\l.tlltlg cttect (irrmeo. Ill/Ill/HUL‘II
Ashes and Diamonds (Popiol I Diament) I IN .... r.-\ndr/e| \\.iitl.i. l’oland. I‘I‘bi /.higniew (‘_\hul~ki. Izwa Kw} /ew \ka. “at law /,a~tr/e/} n\ki
Illiinin Macrek r( '}l\ril\ki i. a _\otmg I{L'\l\l.iltcc Ilgltlcl. l\ Illtlt'lt'kl IU lxtll S/c/uka. .i ( ‘oinriiunrxt ill\lIlLl leader. on lllt‘ l.t\l (Ia) HI “Ulltl “at II (Inc HI “aida'x \er} hcxt tilrnx. .r gilt to pmt war I’olixh cinema I’art ot Screening Ill\ltil} \eaxon and UIIIISC l‘l/IH/II‘HH, lat/Irrlirue/r Bedtime Stories rm}: .0 i.-\ttam Shankinan. l S. jtlttxi s\dain Sandlcr. Keri I<ll\\t‘ll. ('ourtene} ('o\ ‘ttliniii I'arnil} lantax} about a man who can make hedtiine \lttllt'\ come to lite. Luz/rm- (lule/urrrk. ('lir/e/nrnk
Belly of an Architect 1 ISI oooo il’eter (ireenawgn. I'K/ltal}. l‘lh7t Brian Denneh}. (‘hloe \Vehh. Iannhert \Vrlxon,
I lb'niin American architect Stoui'le} Kraeklrte 1Denneh) i I\ cornnnxxioncd to colhlt'ltcl an e\hihitioii in Rome dedicated to the architecture ol lloullcc, Douht. iiiaiital \IIIIC. and general \ocial ruin cnxuc. (iieenawa) \ inxpired tll\\L‘L'llHlI ot inherent arrogancex and \anitiex icultur'al or HIIICI\\I\CI ol architectx, lire/elm (ml/m. lat/rIr/rure/r.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua it‘i
O. rRaia (imnell. l'S/Mexico. ZUIISI Drew |Iaii'_\inore t\oicei. I’iper l’er‘aho. Jamie lee ('urtix. Sliniii ‘l‘alent-hea\} onc- ioke talking-dog ino\ ie. ('rrieimrlrl l‘.rllII/’lll'L’/I. lat/rIi/itrruli.
Biscuits, Barrels and Billets ll’(i) (Varioux l'K. Variouxi Utlnirn. l‘.IIl|lIL‘lll llltll|\ll'l;ll lll\lttl'|;lll l’rotexwr John lliiine introduce\ a programme ol' hixtorical lootage Irorii the Scottixh Screen Archne. l-.\arnining the workplace ol' the nud- twentieth centur). lootage rncludex \Irale mining and \oap making. Mtixxelhurgh‘x \\ltc rope \Hil'lxx, (‘l‘;t\\liit'tl'\ I‘lu'tlll liélt‘ltll'} and the (‘anoninillx cooper'age. Special exent pr’exented h_\ Scottixh Working I’eoplex' lIl\IUI‘_\ 'I‘ruxt, l‘l/III/IUHH'. Izrlrrrlru/e/i.
Bitter & Nisted t l5i r('hri\top|ier \Veekex. .'\ll\ll';lll;t. IlltlSi Noni lla/Ieliur'xt. Ste\e Rodgcr'x. l.eeanna \Valxnian. ‘lllinin. Director‘ial dehut l'i'oin \\'eekc\ pt'exentx a \irhtle e\annnation ot’ the emotional lallout that occtlr'x alter a t'amil) death. 'I'Iiix \cicening will he tollow ed h} John l{\;r1—'or‘gi\ \hor't 39!) Smith Street. Part of the l.ondon .-\u\tr'alian l‘illlll liextnal ()ii 'l‘our. I’r/nr/rotm'. ln/rirlmrelr.
The Boat That Rocked r Iii oo iRichaid ('urtix. l'K. :Dll‘li (lemma .'\I'IL'I‘IUII. I’hilip Seynour Ilot'tnian. Bill Nigh). l3~Inun. l.il'c onhoard the lictional I‘ltih pirate radio \hip Radio Rock. Seleeted I'r‘lr'rlu'.
Bound for Glory tl)(il coco ittal ..\\hh'\. l'S. I‘Vtii l)a\id (‘arradrne. Melinda Dillon. Rand) Quaid. Ronn) ('o\. 148mm. .-\ hiopic ot one ot .-\incrica\ greatext t'olk \ingerx. \Vood} (itithric. who It'll Ilh dtl\I-\IL‘\;I\I;IIC\I Illc\;t\ home It] IIIL' l‘l.‘st)\ to look tor work. onl) to dixcox er the \utt'ereing and \tr'ength ot‘ .-\merica\ working claxx. This I\ one of .-\\hh_\ \ \er} best Illlll\ which hax heeri hew ilder‘ingl}
o\ erlooked. Part of Screening lll\l0t'_\ \eawn and courxe. Film/rouse. lz‘drn/mre/r. Brideshead Revisited r t2.-\i ooo tJuIian Jarrold. l'K. 2008i Matthew (ioode. Ila_\le) .-\tw ell. limma 'I'hompxon. l33min. Jarrold's re\amp ot' lixel} n \Vaugh\ claxxic no\ el parex hack the opulent trimmingx ot' the tele\ ixion series [0 L‘\po,\c the bare bones of \Vaugh's lament tor the en ilised past. Charting blithe \ocial climber (‘harlex Ryder onodei on his journe} t‘rom humble Paddington dig to the aristocratic arcadia.
the tilrn IIKU\L'\ on hr~ halting Io\ e attair with prim poxho Julia -\twellr [in/rm (ilirlelurlrk. (title/nun. Cactus I5» IJ.t\llIlIIL‘ Yuen (‘arrucarL -\ll\lt.tll.t. loom lr.t\l\ McMahon I).t\ltl |)on\. Jinan Ilrown .S‘trnin St}li\hl} \hot thriller xct in the .-\u\tralian outback lhi\ \(IL'L‘IIlIlg' will he tollowed h) \hort ./¢ II‘\( (III Part ol the London :\U\ll.tllatt l'lllll l-extnal ()n lour li/nr/rouu'. [xi/irr/ime/i Changeling: I5i.... i( ‘lint l'..t\I\\tNKI. l'S. Zoom Angelina Jolie. (iattlin (iIlIIIIll. John Malkoxich IJIinin \\ hen (‘hrrxtme ('ollinx‘ «Joliei \on “alter i(irittithi goe\ inixxing. \hc r\ lllllldll} relr\ed when the I..-\I’D \a} the} can return the ho} to her. but on \eeing hiin \hc docx not tccogtltxc the child lIer \uhxequent .tL’L'll\.tIlUll\ ot conxpir'ac) prompt the .tlllltttllllt'S to take \hocking and radical ilkllllll (Ir/('1!!! 'll l/Ir‘ (Jinn. (r/rl\g'ni\ Cherry Blossoms (Kirschbluten- Hanamilrllmooo tI)iilll\ Doiiic. (ieiinari). SWIM I'.Illl‘.tl' Wepper. llannelore lzlxner. :\'\l;t Iii/uki l27inin t)n tinding out that her huxhand l\ gr;i\c|_\ ill. c|derl_\ 'lr‘udi tl:i\nei i decide\ that now nia} he the time to lttkc lltttl Ioiig LIL'Ict'l'cd It‘llt lo we lltc children a trip lroin which the} iiia_\ not return. The eternal \tor} ot the .tg‘CINI hctr'a}a| getx a Ir'exh (icr'inanic l\\l\l lll IIIIS touching it lair'l) oli\totl\ exaluation ot lite. Io\ e and onx. l-ilm/iouie. Inlrrrbru'elr. Cheri t l5i ... tStephen l'tcat'\. l'K/(iernian). Illll‘li Michelle l’teillci'. Kath} lIatcx. Rupert l'rieiid. 92min See i‘e\ iew. page ~15 and prolile in lixtingx. (i/meow I't/m [treat/e; I'rlnr/iorm. lit/Iltl’lll'ull. Citizen Havel t l2.-\i ... tMir‘oxlrn Jaiiek it I’axel Kouteck}. ('lech Republic. ltltlh'i I I‘lmin, Following the I‘m: \plit ot ('Iechmloxakra. political tll\\ltIClll and ouhpoken exxgnrxt Vacla\ lla\el became the III‘SI [H'L‘Sklt‘lll ol' the (melt Republic. l‘ilnied o\ er ten )earx. llllS \uhtlc documentar) prox ides a conxidered IIISIgIll into (‘Iech politicx and the influence ol~ llax eI. l’art ot Made in Prague. I't/m/iouie. Iii/tit/tru‘e/t.
The Class r lSi oooo tl.aurent
('antet. I'rance. Itlttts'i I-rancoix llegaudcau. Iixinerelda ()uertani. I-‘raiick Keita. I3tliiiin. ()ne teacher. one claw. one term and a whole load of prohlemx. Remarkahle \ocial l'L‘;lIl\l drama. Film/rouse. I‘fdr'rilmrg/i.
Coraline tl’(il .... tllenr) Selick.
l'S. 2009i Vorcex ol' Dakota I-‘arining. ’l‘eri Ilatcher. John llodginan, IDIIIIIIII. See renew. page 40. (ierrerul I't'l('(l\¢’. Crank: High Voltage t IS) coo iMark Newldine/Brian 'I‘a}loi'. l'S. 2009i Jaxon Statliarii. Am} Smart. (‘Iit'ton ('oIIinx Jr. 05min. .\'e\eldine and Ta} Ior'x e\ernplar_\ return to exploitation cinema \aluex continuex unabated in thix \uperior \equel. Picking up exactl} where ('mnk ended. poor old ('he\ ('heliox rStrathami ix kidnapped h) a gang of ('hinexe medicx who attempt to remoxe hix organx. (ienenrl I'¢’/¢'(I\¢'. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 1 IZAI ... il)a\ id I-‘incher. l'S. letllli Brad Pitt. (‘ate Blanchett. Julia ()r'inond. ltrSmin. Born ax an old man onl) to die ax an infant. the Benjamin Button character created h} l5 Scott I‘it/gerald in hix I022 \hort-xtor) gets the hill ‘prextige picture' treatment in Dmid I‘incher'x lax I\Il romantic tantax}. .-\ \alutar} tale ot. a man who would turn back time for Io\ e. and tailx. r'ellecting I'iit/gerald'x own \ iewx ol' the rrnpermanence ol lo\ e. Selected I't’/¢'(l\¢’. The Damned United r ISi coo r’l‘oin llooper. l'K. 2000) Michael Sheen. Jun Broadlwnt. 'l'irnoth} Spall. 97min, Broadl) entertaining it‘ highl} \anitrxed adaptation ot’ Da\id I’eace'x iuxtl} acclaimed rimel The Damned ('nrterl. w hich allowx U\ to we the world t'roin the tormented perxpectix e of t‘ootball manager Brian ('Iough during hix 4-1 turbulent day in charge ot‘ Leedx~ l'nited during I974. Selected I‘t'lc'uu'.
Dead by Dawn 4 ISI (Varioux.
2009) Long weekend of the \er} bext in new land oIdi horror from around the world. For more information \isit www.deadb_¥daw n.co.uk. Film/tome. Edinburgh.
Diamonds are Forever I’( i» 000 .( in} Ilaniilton.l K. I‘I‘I Scan ('onner). Jill St John. (harlex (irat llttrrnn ('onner} \ la\t otticral Bond film rhetore \r 1r ’ terrier l'r\e llllth into the Il.lllclll\t' and ('onner} and co are corntortahle with the \elt patod). tor which WV adxcnture\ are prime inaterial (iia) rnake\ a tine llloteld. but it\ the ga} .t\\.t\\lll\. \Ir Kid and Mr \\ int. who take top \ illarnoih pri/e I’art ot IIotid \caxon Irr’rrrtrome. [dirt/Hue}: Encounters at the End of the World rl i.... r\\einer Iler/og. l S. .‘Wfii \\einer llei/og. Scott Rowland. Stetan I’a\ho\ ‘Nniin l‘\lt.rritdttt.rt}. ( )\c.ll nominated docurnentar} about the lrtc and lartdxcapc around the \ntarctic corniininit_\ ot McMurdo Station \ highl) lkll\‘\)llcl.tllc take on an ahead} piett} out tlieie \lli‘lk'xl. llcr/og dettI) intei\ IC\\\ \clk'llIhlS. technicianx. plurnherx and truck \Itt\ct\ about their L‘\[‘CIICIILL‘\. protound. \lll‘lllIIL‘
renegade Mix liond teatuie \( or Mr.
and lttllcllliilh \ewr lexx than axtonixhing. gcnerall) illuminating. inore ottcii than not llll.tItUll\ and occaxionall) mheiing (i/irwon film [In utu. li/m/torm'. Int/rit/ime/i
The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups) il’(ii ..... rl'iaiicoh Irullaut. l'iance. I‘IS‘M Jean Pierre l eaud. -\Ihert Rein). (‘Iaire Maurici Illlllllll Still aina/rngl} trexh alter all thexe )t‘.tt\. I'rutlautK dehtit about a l iaearold l).tl'l\l.tll ho} '\ od}\\c} through In\ depiexxing tainil} lite l\ llllt'lt\L‘l} iiioxing and xtartlingl} perceptne ahout childhood .-\ rnaxtcrpiecc. ('rrmeo. Izilrrilirue/r.
Fast & Furious i ISI .. tJtI\llll I.in. l'S. BMW \in l)lt‘\L‘l. Paul Walker. Jordana lirether Ill-'rnin -\n upgrade ol the original liliii w ith .lllllU\l the \arnc plot and caxt plux a higher hudget. I‘hh I\ more ot~ a rebirth than a \eqtiel hence the new ahhrcualed title .-\\ \uch it‘x e\cl'_\ hit as thrilling. duinh and occaxionaII} dull ax the original, (ierrem/ I'e/eme
Flame and Citron 1 ISI 0. t( )lc ('hr‘rxtran .\Iad\cti. l)enmai'k/('/ech Republic“iL'I‘lllgtlt), ltltth'i ‘l‘hure l.rndhardt. Madx Mikkelxon. Stine Stengadc. litiiinn. Staid and M ed} \ell»con\c:ou\ film that aiinx to dent} \lll} two ot Denmark\ hig war heroe\ l'ldttllllL'll il.indhardti and ('itroncn tMikkelxeni. A hig liit in Denmark. where the two lighterx belonging lo the ”older l);tlt\kc \\'\\ill rc\i\tance group are legend\. the film will liaxe lexx signilicance to an international audience or to aiworie without a \peciaIN llllL‘I'L‘\l in WWII. ('rtnieu. Izrlrrrlrure/r.
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel 1 ISI 00 r(iareth ('arrnick. IR. 2009) ('hi'ix ()'l)owd. Dean l.cnrio\ Kell). Anna Iiii‘ix 82mm. 'I‘hr‘ee geekx attempt to \ol\c a tune-trawl conundrum while on a night out at the pub. with \er} \urprrxing rexultx. l.ikeahl} /an} low hudget \cience liction coined} w ith a capahlc caxt. ('rrreww‘lrl Rent/en Street. (i/rrierm ; Show me (inertia. ’ur\/e\. ’rrrxlei From Russia with Love tl’(it .... t’l‘erencc Young. I'K. I‘Htil Sean (’onnei'}. Daniela Bianchi. l’edro .-\rmendari/. I.otte I.en}a. Robert Shaw.
I Itnnin. 'l‘he camped and \llllL'xI ot the earl} ('onner) Bondx r'exurrected on new digital print. lleautit'ul clothcx. heautilul women. g}p\ie\. mad Rll\\l;lll\ and Robert Shaw with a hleaclied crop great tun, 3‘4“ In] I'r‘lr’rtii'.
Ghostbusters it’( tr coo tl\;tlt Reitman. l'S. IVS-Ii Bill Murra}. Sigournc} \Vea\ er. Dan .-\_\kro_\d_ lUSinin. 'I’hree
w ack) unernplo)ed par'apx}chologrxtx purxue a little prixate enterprixe ax exterminatorx in \pook-int'exted New York. ()t~ itx time but \Illl an enio}abl} dated coined}. ()rlr’un, Edinburgh.
The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Ill-\i .. tMark \Vaterx. IS. 200‘)! Matthew .\lc('onaughe}. Jennit’er (iarner. Michael Douglax. IlXIinin. Sec x‘xlxo Rclcaxcd. page 40. General re/eme.
Good r 15) 0.. (Vicente Amorim. l'K/(ierman). 2008i Viggo Mortenxen. Ruth (iemmell. Jod} Whittaker. 96min. (ierrnan) in the 193%. the Nazi Pan} \ ttSL‘CIhlt)” ix well uriderwa}. Kindl} prolcxxor John llalder'x (Monerixeni literar} ett‘ortx haxe
drawn acclaim trorn the rno\t unc\pccted titrarterx and when he :x tincwwctedh
lII\ ited to help the gowrnrnentk propaganda ettort on the \trcngth ot III\ highbrow \clll‘l‘lllIgN. a l‘lt‘xk'\\ ot moral ermron l‘c‘g'lll‘ truth which he will wake too late lrnpo\ eri\hed hut interexting adaptation ot t'l’ I‘a_\lor\ trcqucntl) rcxixed plat
(inner w. I’ifrv: list ..‘Hr
Green Fields d’( i» so. It dgai
l liner t\ lacoh Ilen \iiii. l \. I‘HW \Iichael (ii‘I\I\IClIl. Ileleii Ilexerli. lxidore ('axhrer Illhinin Sonltul adaptation ot l’eiet/ Ilirxhheiih \ I.l\\lt play which \ecx a )i‘llllg' \cholar take to the l ithuanran ci'llllll}\l\IC in \earch ot the tilt ot 'tiuc Jew? Re~tored and \uhtitled h) Ilie \ational (‘cnter tor JC\\I\II I iIin I'ait ot ldgar l liner IrJ'rrrr'roau I.."r'r/‘:rret': Hannah Montana - The Movie .l . . rl’etei (‘helxorirl S. .‘Htt‘lv \IIICS (with. Hill} Ra} (with. l Iltll} (Mnent ltlliinn See \lxo Releawd. page Iti
(rr IIr It‘ll, It .‘Ir «Hi
The Haunting in Connecticut 1*. ... il’cter (‘ornwell.l S. .‘llll‘lr
\ iiginia \lad\en. l\_\le (iallner. \lartm l)ono\an llL‘inin \\ hen a I.tlllll\ riio\e\ to a new \uhurhan home. their \on heconnw a target tor the undead \i‘llillk made. walchahle horror haxed. allegedly on real L" L‘lll\ M It I In] It It (Hr
High School Musical 3: Senior Year rl l.. rlx'cnn} ()rtega.l S. loom /ac l-tron. Vanewa \nne lludgenx. :\\hlc} Iixdale I I liniii l'hi\ time high \chool \enroh lio_\ tl‘.IIUItl and (iahiiella rlludgcnw prepare tor \epaiation hetore Illc} Itcatl rill lo dillctcttl collk‘gc\ It} \taging an elahorate \priiig Illll\lt.tl
.M’lr't It‘r/ Ir'lr'rlw
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Lhasa, capital of Tibet, prior to March 1959 il’( ii :1 K/l iheti (illllllll I’iograniriie ol archnal inaterial curated h} the Ill-l, Ilighlight ot the \L'IL‘LIIUII r\ the rarel} \ctecncd Uri/iii lrllllrl lllrlltllllrlllulh. made during Ill\ Iliiliiic'\\' linal _\ear Ill ltlk'l. [\IIHI lH ltlx \Itttc'lt I‘ISII excape to India. l’art ot 'l‘rhet l‘lllll l'cxtnal .‘llll‘l l‘l/III/ll'llu'. Izrlrrrliu/e/r
Homo Ludens tl'.i tl\.itt l’antclcc\. llulgai'ia. lllllb'r (ilrnin I)ocuineritai_\ about a Bulgarian agent pro\ocatcut operating in (ierrnan theatre lhrx \cieenrng will he Iollowcd It) \ltot‘l I’olhlt llltlt 5: Pen en! ('( 2". (i/rliqriii
Hotel Rwanda t IZ.-\i .... i'leii} (ieor'ge. ('anada/l 'K/ItalySouth .-\Irica . 3005i l)ott (Itcadlc. Sophie ()kollcdo. Joaquin l’hoeni\. \ick .\'olte Illiiiin l’ow eilul draina haxcd on the true \ltil'} ot a hotel manager who lltHhL‘tI m er a IIIUll\;tlltl 'l’utxr i'etugeex during their \truggle againxt the lllllll militia in Rwanda. ('headle gnex the perlorrnance ot IIIS carcer. li’rtutlorr I'lrurtr'e. I'a/rIi/rm'e/i,
I Love You, Man r 15» coo tJHllll llainhurg. l'S. 2000i Paul Rudd. Rthllltltt Jonex. Jawn Segel IUJinin I)L‘\pllt’ heiiig engaged to /.ooe} lJttllL‘\l. l’eler Klaxen iRuddi lack\ male coinpanionxhip and auditionx potentralx to tind S}dne) I'IIL' iSegcli alter bonding oxcr wind hr‘eakmg. htrt their hrotherl} Io\e \oon threaten\ to (H Chlltttltm Peter and [iiiic} ‘\ 'Iilll\ ltt'ov rnancc\ hext lllttlllctlh IIIIS the llt’lglllx ol accomplished character corned} that most \Iapxtick cornedic\ can onl} dreain ot (It'lti'l‘rl/ I‘r'lr’rlu‘,
Igor t I’( it ... r.’\nthon) I.condi\. l'S/I‘rancc. 20th Voicex ol John ('uxack. John (‘lce\e. l’.(ItIlL‘ l//ard thnm. Ilunclthackcd lgot‘ (\otc‘cd It} (‘ttxacki ckcx out I1l\ PFL‘L'UFIUUS existence ax hirinhle \er'xant to the \llIISIL'I' Dr (iItL'LL'IINIL'Ill i('lce\ei. an C\II gL'Illltx \et on winning the annual CHI \erence tan in the Dittlihx prtntttc‘c ot Malaria But Igor hraer} decide\ to enter the cornpctiton IIIIII\CII and enterx lllx Bride ot l‘fitllle'IlSIL'lll-Sl}IL' creation called Ina iMoIl) Shannoni Decent but uninxpired animation l'ue Iir/tri/mre/r ()r err/r. lz'rlurlrurulr
II DIVO I IS) .... tl’aolo Sorrcnttno. Ital). 2008i In”) Serxillo. Anna Bonaiuto. (iiulio Bmetti. ll7rnin. Darkl} ainuung and often exhilarating political biopic about nonagenarian (ilUIlt) Andreotti. one of the great sunnors ol‘ Italian politic»
37, Au—az Lia, 2322 THE LIST 47