Music Rock&Pop


I lnqestod, Dyscarnato. Nouroma. Cerebral Boro. Nurrus Kor .IllIl BonoSaw llli‘(1l\'\ l'lilllllllt‘ \im-t "H "’h' 'Ipiii l‘I \t‘lltlll‘-l\ tin-lit III 1ll'.llll llli‘l.ll Iii-in 1 illll l'lllllll'llllll- Ill .l‘-‘.ili |.lll|'ll \\llll /l'l|‘ lllli'lJlli i‘ \i‘i‘ l \INIHIIII' I Jonllorovor, Be a Familiar .lllil LlonI.Chaso.TlgersI .Il\.tII‘l \iIll.ttli‘. WI ‘5 lll.iii \ti-t'l ‘HI-l '1- 'pin HI \l‘|‘-\ .lllil lllIHlI’lllllll pout 1-» k 111.! \iI'iii Ron \l\|\

I PJ Harvey I John Parish Uni-mix ll.lll .\' .\"l li‘tl- \lti‘i‘l (Ilih ‘(ll‘l 'lini t ‘11 \ ll\'\\ - -Il|.ilI-Ii.iIi-Iii lI-‘lut't'ii


ll.ll\i \ .lllil pin-hit vi - I'lll|\H\i‘l I'.iii\li .|\ at't'ii I'll lli‘\\ .lll‘lllll 1 “with”: .. ll.;r.‘ “.111..." /i\ FREE The Dalry Llamas .md Cranachan llJlllli‘llllJll \ \i-l-ln \li-‘t'l "\l .\|Iiit \t‘i' Mill 1"

I Eoghan Colgan Il-t- \o-ulot- lx'n-Iiiix l".i \\-‘\t lx'y-‘le-‘t \ttct't \VI 'tN-il .\|‘lll 1.\ I-Ilk \itiy‘t‘i \iIii-WHII-‘I FREE Sorter Ride .m.1 Oatbeanie \\ lll\ll\‘l‘llll«li‘\ l (I \i‘lllll llti-ly't‘ “' "I ll ‘llIiii Iii-ht~

I William Douglas 3 The Wheel llh' |.i 11.11 tilt.iiiil\ci\ \ttt‘cl ‘11 l“’.\ ll l\|‘111 21 \x‘ \tiii l"

‘\'\(\ ;

l\111‘tlt‘l"ll '11 I Rumours ol Fleetwood Mac

\‘.tl‘l.i l'tt‘.iltt‘ l‘l .ixtttt-Itt‘\11t\'1 l‘l .u_\‘\ “l;_\; in“ ii\ \‘1 \\.\. \J: ‘\

\ l.l§lil\‘\\ I Alestonn I \ .tzfm. \e ;\ 1 mm.

\llii‘l ‘;\ i‘i‘l‘x‘ i‘.“.‘.' ' 1‘ \‘\\ i\ \l‘-‘\\ l‘l‘.tle "X ..t '..\‘ '1 l‘\

I Joe Bonamassa -“ \ “Maw l-Mi‘..-“\;H. -‘.\2;2 "‘t\\‘

'.‘-‘ \ 2‘. ow C‘ .t‘\ .\\ ‘...

I Canterbury 1 w Rex; .\\ \\ "lg-HM 21"1‘1; 1m

1 .' -\ \

I Acoustic Jam \ \ x J‘

\N \ . \l... \


I The Days. Be a Familiar .

Carnivones \ {v . ~ \\..'~ \\..'~ 31... \_\ \ .1 ‘..\ \s

I Julia Deccan. Cami Humble Hobos :‘ x; " I.‘ “. tx‘ \.

‘(w .\ .\. \“ “tux \ \U‘. x. .

3:“ \ \. n

I Michael Sirno-ris \‘I ~. .\‘ J\ I, \.\~ \‘-.‘- \IH.

IOpen Mic \ " . :1. . \\.\

~ “a . \‘ \‘ ~ \‘-2 \' I 6 er 5 Musicians \ \. u“ ‘» \ \ \‘\- \.‘ _\. '_‘

I The F‘latl-iners ; The Nuacks 1 ~- \ H

\. t " \ \ .. “: “1\ "‘ \\ -‘ ‘i_ \ -\ 1-1- 1 I. .. I ~..‘.‘.-‘ \.

‘\.- IClassi-cOpenfiice

\ I. 'u. \ 1'. _\ . l‘ " |\ I Sch-GM ~ c \ . \’ l \ I \ .\ x \ \ \‘ "' '. \\ I. .|. e mEOpenfii-cn \ \ u; .| a \\ \ \,'.' \ \I \ '1. .\ :ll i'i I Ont, M Llaud \ 2 .- \-.I.“I. \. a \li \ . \“ II “\ .I H ‘i i a ‘i_ I ‘12 l \ ; . II \ - ‘I. t; ~ I,- \l ii l i t.\' i l \ 1 I Saran \ w \;-.u H ‘. ~ 1‘ .‘I ‘. \.. . . \‘Lw

Ale t Trying to confuse us all with yet another music subgenre. S 01 Ill . .

Alestorm are purveyors of pirate metal and are proud of it. Yes. you heard right. The pirates from Perth have made a splash in the metal community and are turning heads across Europe and beyond. Shiver me timbers.

1 . t n 1 t \1 \ FREE Band Showcase - x com \\-:;«.. 1 .~ . o 5-1:: Bridge, 5? 1‘1“ ‘...\ "C' . .‘ N 7‘“ l-‘\\ c \ .."ti I ”1"“. \CC l c‘ :1

u 1 '~ H - '2 e I Alex Cornish 1 ex, \;;it:r_\ 0 Nice: .\‘..'."., 5“ WW 1::\ 1:11;: :\I;‘ I The Specials - \ —~\ .‘ u 1" cf co._-.;~:..\. R.:c:'x‘7‘:g‘c:c:. R..t..~

\ \.'.'. . _‘ H \\__g‘\u' \\ . i‘x‘L‘. \fu

I Cancer Bats. The Plight; Take a Worm for a Walk Week

1 “Me-.1 \ -~ .- ~_ \5- - ~ x... x - __ -

I The Specials k“);- . I

\I1 ‘1... \ .x;.'..; H 7-»

IBlackPoet's“ cCastofthe

I The ‘fiag'ic Carpet Cabanet ‘. Caprhl \ ;; ‘\ .-.. 4: \.__-.~ 3.-

1 M:- .; -~‘- ui ‘tt-p " w. \I\ "~‘~-~ .‘ \\~ I.‘. ’_ Insular-um - m- ‘5 IThe Wildhouse. Q'cle of Zen ; n, x 2,2 :x; - .71

Phikb’on - - -~. - -- ~. \ ~ -;;-;-

IMexCorn-sh ;LndrIe..l-ones i'u .. _ u \:""“ zI‘u-L .

IFreeP'e-aceTheSherm-ans \r-".\.- '.-

Ben Smmck \ g '. ~ -~. -..~ FREE Kev Fox .\ I" r'-‘-.'-.’-.‘

\ I .‘_ \ ‘1 :: <:-\ \‘ -‘-‘ - ._, \Klk \:.-- "(.Ik-‘ “- ' . I. _ II‘ . c . _ . . '; -~.. 1 -.- ;\-.'-. 2. FREEOpenStage 7.; ‘I . . _ a \ .~ 2 in .~ [L .‘ - l |"- u " y- —' 5;...

.. tw ' ' IwhrbeBehYellaufagVIao I Shook Ones . -. Thieves The fiasco. Glut POP“ \ .1‘.\.' _ : " ‘._ .l‘ I.".__ \ l’l l'l - - - \'

l.' ‘l‘. I. I. .I.‘ I . I I I.".' .‘I. 3.“, -- ‘- ~ ‘1. 1.7 " M" I 2 2 |— ‘. _l' ., .li'. ‘I

I Gillian Chnsbe. Hello he Lied. Tray-c O‘Rara ..--. Wham ‘x -. s.... ._ s; ~v:--'. ;_

\ \ ' \ \ g ‘- 11‘ 2 1'" "i" 4.". ‘11.." . \ '-.‘1.'2~.

- -. --. 2...; FREE Head sin-yen é -' -I ‘.I. I; ..;.'I: :.:: ::.:-— '7" :1."

:l‘ 'S' ‘l .\.'; "‘;'.' :-

Illa-stain “W‘.|..' - -~-‘ IGre-eiashauauTheTen-ars

e '- x .;I.. “‘ ‘-‘ .‘I - III .““" 1' - :" '— "T.I I- -41I. -l': -- 4

l i l \ .‘i L: 2 1. I ~ I' l" 1 I 71.171 I “211;. 'I

F'R‘EIE Oran; W ‘1. e - 1- ~

\i - Jane-r e .‘i . I I 5- 1'. - .— jl-‘l: - 23-

liar. lidinhurgh (‘ollcge ol‘ An. lglllrlsltlll Place. 22" 1442 7pm .1am. U before 111, ltlpm; 3 utter. launch night lot this club/gig croxxoxer kicking oll mth Inc \et\ l'roni rixing hop hop artist Superwnic Sinix. electronic ltiiik lTUlll Yoxhi and electronic pop from RBRBR With 1)] \et\ lrotn RllRBR l‘roin

111. lllpm onward»

I Juana Molina Sneak) l’t-te'\, 73 (‘ougate 335 1757; 7pm. {the Argentinean l'olk chanteuxe

I The Levellers 'l'he llMV' l’icturc llouxc. l.othian Road. (1344 3-17 1741). 7pm. £19.51). linglish purIe)or\ ol folk rock “llll a political edge.

I Sand Creek Massacre, Alpinist, Uncalm and Issues of Morality llenr)\ ('ellur liar. h‘ lha Morrison Street. 33‘ 03‘” 7.30pm. £5. ('rtixt and hardcore l'roiti Netherlandx' SCM and (ieritiaii) \ Alpinixt.

I The Den Collective 'l‘he Jail liar. l (‘htiinherx Street. 2311-1203, .\' 15pm. £4 1U). Night ol .-\ 1plll\;1tlJCllllX‘. .-\lric;in drum. \iorkxhop)

FREE Hollow Point and Year Zero Whntlehinkiex. 4 (- South Bridge. 511-1 ‘lpni. Rock.


I Eddi Reader (Kirnegic lltill. l'gixt l’iIrL 0133'} (will): lllpni £17 511 (me ol contemporar} Britixh inuxic\ leading l.ltllL‘\ Incorporating pop. |;i//. tolk. lltirnx .llltll‘dll.1tl\


I Catcher lhe( Street. 245 Ni lh pop r-x‘k

I Fightstar, In Case of Fire and Laruso Hit. 11-) Sauchichall Street. “2:: ‘2 “pm £1351I()\er-1«‘- \h- v.1 Charlze tr-Im llmted c-Inttnuex 1 1‘ qucd for acceptance 1.". the mm of fuel, mth .zlt YIKhL'T‘ 1 1n‘.’

I The Frayt)--\ec-dem;.1 '1:

lithouxe. 15 l‘mon “pm (‘omtnercial

1 lghntnr.

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I fiadina Lake 1 Leer \1_r :4: e.

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S- I ~‘ ' . 'uJ; . -J ._.'I- .. ' 0.0

FREE fiarl-o. _-.; The Brent: Sea 3". 3— —- ' -' '.;_'i- 13-: -""I’

‘-~ l.’ ., _ —‘_.7_ ~_ " _ _-.._ _

.11 0" -"' .' J- ’2. FREE Glasgo- Juli Scwan .2." .1: ."~— -‘z-SLI’ .1; ...:- - 'Il’I"_ _\2'.2 '

‘uJL" I: .1. ‘-‘. """ .14 "‘I "'1" "‘-“.'-1-;"’ii‘1‘I"i:Iw

IVcheka 3-1' ’I-LIL: L21": .‘IIHTIZ ‘—17’§ 5.71:. .‘f'? tf-J! '43:. :ttt:\;."'i?i:1; 21: 1 31112132172: :31 mg: m m; Tim tint'

FREE M”? i: ~21! E412 til -I:i:i:1;ziti::s i311; " 4"'-'t. 51:: "31'. ’.