Children's Classic Concerts - The Wow Factor

Amiable hosts, Owen and Olly may not have the acerbic appeal of Simon Cowell, but they can still put on a show as entertaining as any episode of The X Factor. The latest Children’s Classic Concert features well-known tunes from the worlds of TV, film and sport, plus a tense battle between different parts of the orchestra to see which instruments have the ‘wow factor’. If the past two concerts laid on by Owen Gunnell and Oliver Cox are anything to go by, this will be a rip-roaring afternoon of music and


I Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Sat 25 Apr,- rnacrobert, Sllf/l/lg. San 26 Apr.


Activities and Fun

Edinburgh lntemational Science Festival at the City Art Centre t'ntil Sat IS Apr. l0am 95pm; times ior individual events yaiy. Day Pass £6.50 (£5; ages 7+ £S.50; ages 3~6 £5; under 3s ireei. (‘ity' An (‘entre. 3 Market Street. 539 3993. Seven iloors oi latitastic science iun. Choose from drop-in activities to pre- booked workshops to shoyys i‘eaturing characters like lid and ()ucho or Nina and the Neurons. l’art ol'Iz'tlinInojeli International Science I'estii'al.

Come on a Secret Science Mission! [Tritil Sat lS Apr. 9.30am»6pm. Included in admission: £S.50 (£6.75; children £5.75; under 5s i'ree). (‘amera ()bscura and World oi Illusions. (‘astlehilL Royal Mile. 336 3709. Optical illusions and ysondrous demonstrations of science. Part of Edinburgh International Science Festival. Dino Dig Until Sat IS Apr. I0am 75pm. Included in admission: £9.50 t£5.95—£7.50; under 3s free). Our Dynamic Earth. Holy'rood Road. 550 7S00. Drop-in activity with the opportunity to dig into Dynamic Earth's ‘pit of estinction'. Ages 3+. Part ofIfilinlnugli International Science festival.

Fossil Detectives: Discovering Prehistoric Britain Sat IS Apr. 7pm. £4 (children £3). ()ur Dynamic Earth.

60 THE LIST 16—30 Apr 2009

IIonrood Road. 5530332. I)r Hermione ('ockburn tells oi the e\citing archaeological Iinds in Britain. Ages 12+. Part of Iz'ilinltrtreli International Science I'eytii'al.

Great Scots Who Changed the World l'ntil Sat IS Apr. I Iant4pm. Donations \y eleottte. James ('lerk Slaxyyell's Birthplace. l4 India Street. . 0332. A sneak peak oi the Sitiseum oi t‘ommunication's summer exhibition about James (‘lerk .\Ia\yy ell. Ages 7+. Part of Izilinltiagli Internatimral Science I'estii‘al. Daily Garden Walks l'ntil Sat IS Apr.

I lam & 3pm. £3. Royal Botanic (iarden. 30a Iny'erleith ROW. 55.3 0322. I’erambulatc the gardens \yith an expert garden guide. Ages l3+. I’ar! of‘IulinImreli International St‘lt’llt‘i' I't'yllt'ul.

FREE Wild Bus Sat IS Apr. 10am 4pm. The Mound. 553 0323. The launch oi the Royal Zoological Society oi Scotland Centenary Tour btis. Step aboard ior

JI 'Ji ’14

actiy ities and display s. Ages 5+. Part of the

Iiilinlmrelr International Science I'estii'al. The Sun, Your Life and Space Travel! Sat IS Apr. I lam ck 2pm. Included in admission: £l3.50 t£l0.50; children £S.50; under 3s ireei. Iidinburgh Zoo. ('orstorphine Road. 334 9l7 I. Take a joumey to the sun's nuclear centre and leani all about solar stui‘i'. Ages l0+. l’arr oft/re Iz'ilinlmreli International Science festival.

Mini Movers Thu I6. 33 is 30 Apr.

I0 I Iain I'llSl child £3 50 «additional children £3. ()ut oi the Blue Drill Hall. 30 36 Dalmeny Street. leith. 555 “IIII Drop-in creatiye moyement and dance class lot ItKItllL‘TS It‘ PIC-school (‘lttldtett must be accompanied

Pre Schooler’s Craft Club In I". Mon 30. in 34 K Mon 37 Apr. I'ri l0 I lam. Mon 3 3pm £5 per session Imagination \\orkshop. I 36 Marchmont Road. 466 014S Ihiierent actiyities eyer‘y yyeek Please phone ahead to check running dates. ayailabiltty and to book in Ages

Susan’s Art Club l'l'l 34 Apr. 3 3 30pm £2 ior 90 min session St (’athcr'inc's

Argy II ('liurch. 6| 6.3 (irange Road. 66“ 7330. Ans and craits lot S 13-year-olds Easter Beadtastic Holiday Week [hill in I7 Apr. l0 I lam. £35 ior iour days. Imagination \Votkshop. I 36 .\1archittont Road. 466 0I4S Make ieyyellery irom all kinds oi beads: ielt. paper or limo. Ages 7+.

FREE A Slice of Life l'ntil Stiii I9 Apr. I lam Ipiii k 3 4pm. National .\Itiseum oi Scotland. ('hambers Street. 335 7534. Drop in to hear stories oi the olden days irom the people yy ho yy ere there. a steam engine driycr. a doctor and a yyoman m the stocks ayyaitmg sentencing.

FREE Painted Postcards Sat IS ts Sun I9 Apr. 3 4pm. Weston National (iallcry. the Mound. 034 (15in). Take inspiration irom Turner to use the memory iii a special journey you'ye made to create a special postcard to send to a Iriend. Ages 5+.

FREE The Antonine Guard Sun I9 Apr. I I.45am. I3.45pm & 3.45pm. National Museum oi Scotland. ('hambers Street. 335 7534. Meet Scotland‘s last Roman legion. I.egio \'I \"ictria. as they Iirte tip ior art impressiye display oi yyeapons. equipment and drill.

FREE Bags of Art Sun l9 Apr. 2 4pm. Scottish National Gallery oi Modern Art. 75 Bell'ord Road. 624 6300. ('ollect a bag oi neyy actiy'ities irorn the Art Station at the top oi' the stairs to help your lamily explore the collection. and create your oyytt artyyork. Ages 3 12.

FREE Wildlife in your Garden Sat 35 Apr. noon 4pm. Royal Botanic (iarden. 20a Iny'erleith Royy, 553 7I7l. Ii you'd low a garden iull oi birds. butterflies and bees. iind out yy hat you can do to make your garden an attractiy'e place ior them. With the RSI’B. Ages 5+.

FREE Heating the Earth Sun 26 Apr.

I 4pm. Royal Botanic (iarden. 30a lny'erleith Royy. 5.53 7l7l. Lois oi liiile changes cart riiake a big diii'erence. Learn how to Iiclp the em ironment and maybe eyen lower your I'aiiiily's gas bills. Ages 7+.


Transgression Sessions Sat 35 Apr. Spin. £5. 'I'ransgr‘ession Skate Park. Ocean 'I'erminal. I.eith. 555 3755. [be music at 'I'ransgression Skate Park. ('heck yyyyyy.transgressitinsessitinsettuk ior line- up details. Ages S+. Strictly no alcohol.

Theatre & Dance

The Three Bear's Thu I6 Apr. 3.30pm. £7 t£5; iamily ticket £20). Scottisli Storytelling ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 556 9579. ('lydebuilt Puppets takes the classic story oi (ioldilocks and those much put-upon bears and giy es it a healthy eating spin. Ages 3+. I’art oft/1e Puppet Animation Festival.


FREE Anne Forbes Thu 30 Apr. 7pm. Borders Books. I-‘ort Kinnaird Retail Park. 657 404i. Anne Forbes launches I-‘rrestar. the iourth in her children's iiiritiisy series ior ages S rl3. mm a short reading and signing.


Tiny Tales Tue 3| Apr. 10.30am at

I 1.30am. £3 per child (accompanying adult ireei. Scottisli Storytelling ('entre. 43—45 High Street. 556 9579. Stories. rhymes and songs for yyee (and not so wee) ears. Ages 6 months--3 years.

FREE The Killing Times Sun 36 \pi. I3 45pm. I 45pm cs 345pm \ational .\Ittseum oi Scotland. ('hainbers Street. 335 "5 34 “hat \yete inatchlocks. iIintIocks. pikes and broadsyyoids ' I‘ind otit as I I\ iitg llistory Scotland takes you back to ISM to meet the soldiers ot the ('aineionian and the Duke oi tiotdon‘s Regiments

Outside the Cities

Actiy'tiies and Fun EIFF at the National Museum of Flight l'ntil Sun I9 \pi. times may Included in admission £S 50 Ito 50. under l3s £3t National \Itiseuni oi I light. I .ist I‘ortune -\iriield. 34713“ Ihtec .Itll\ ities I‘antaslic I‘HUIPIIIIIS. lantaslic I-oices and I'antastic I’Iingeis about .it‘ltilldllllt s Ages I. in: ot I tltnltrogli lnri Inaaonai .\t It [It t' I‘i'HIIti/ Easter at the Falkirk Wheel I lllll Sun I9 Apt. limes yary Boat trip t“ S5 tchildien £5» The Ialkirk \\ heel. l imc Road. 'Iamloui lllll. l'alkirk. iI-VINI 50030.5 Additional acti\ities tor the holidays include egg decorating. colouring in. lace painting and .III I aster treasure hunt Wild About Art Stiii I9 \pt. 3 4pm Included in admission £2 95 t£5 95. children £4 50. under 4s iieeI Scottish Seabird ('cntre. Ilie Ilaiboui. \oith Beryytck. 0I620 S90203 Make a pulliii kite lll a recycled art yyoikshop ysith Alchemy Arts. The Big Picnic 'I’ue 3| Apt. tilt. Scottish Seabird (critic. The Harbour. North Beryyick. 0I630 S90303 ('liildren are united to take part in a ‘( iet Back to Nature‘ treasure trail Ill celebration oi John Muir's birthday. Handmade Art Club \Ved 33 t 39 Apr. 4 6pm. £60 IUI' tcii yyeeks ('aiiipsie Memorial Hall. Slam Street. l.enno\toyyii. 07.533 57 I 3N), Weekly all class to elude prints. sculpture and paintings Ages 7 I3


Children's Classic Concerts - The Wow Factor Still 36 Apr. 3pm £ I0 1 £6. iarnily ticket £39l. .‘ylacrolwr't. I'niyeisity ol Stirling. Stirling. 0| "S6 466666 See (ilasgoyy and photo caption

Theatre and Dance

The Postman Ihu l6 Apr. 2pm £4 ('umlx'rnauld 'I‘heatie. ls'ildrum. ('utiilwrnauld. 0| 336 7 33SS". See (ilasgoyy.

Willie the Wicked Wolf I‘l'l I7 .\pr. Ipm. £4. ('umbcrnauld 'I hcatre. Kiltll'lllll. (‘umiwrnauld 0| 3 36 7 33SS7. A charming and i'unny children's shots about an unlucky yyoli. Age 4+.

Basil Brush: High Skool Mania In I" Apr. 3pm is 6pm. £I2 t£l0i. \iotherysell Theatre. (is ic (’entrc. \k'indmillhill Street. Motheryy ell. 0I69S 403130 Basil's back It) toyyn and he's deliycrmg lessons in madness. mayhem and mess

No Little Pushkin Tales I-n I7 Apt. 3pm. £3 t£l £3l, (’orn Izschaiige. Main Street. lladdtttglon. 665 3340. See (ilasgoyy.

A Stitch in Time in 17 Apr. 3 30pm £5 tiarriily £l6i. Izast I-s'ilbride Arts ('enti‘e. ()Id (‘oach Road. Izast Kilbi‘ide. III 355 36l000. See (ilasgoyy.

What a Wonderful World Sat IS in Sun I9 Apr. I lam ck 3pm. £6 t£5i. Macrobert. l'niscrsiiy oi Stirling. ot7sri 466666. Highly -interactiy e shots ior the early years i‘eaturing sIttMl‘ttilIs. ilammgos and a dream-like sea oi tranquillity. Ages 3 5 Oscar and the Deep Sea Pearl Sat IS Apr. 2.30pm. £4. Hamilton 'I'oysn IIoUse. I02 ('ad/oys Street. Hamilton. 0l69S 453399. This shots by Mouse-tale Puppets sees ()scar the Home embark on an exciting underyyater adyenture. Ages 3+.

Shopping for Shoes Tue 3| a Wed 33 Apr. 1.30pm tWed mat I0.30ami. £6 t£5 l. Maerobert. l'niyersity oi Stirling. 0I7S6 466666. \"isible iictions presents Tim ('rouch‘s touching tale oi an unrequrted erUsh. iriendship and shoes. Ages l0 I6.