TH? 358(03/ .’ ’
linrrhrnlgc I I'NII‘I- ("I-1110'. (‘II.IIl1r1Ilj_'I- llil(l(& l1I1I1lxIIIj_' llhfil :3” lllllll '\illlll\ LII IL4.05 lwlmc (Ime. ('III1I\ L4 ‘5 Illlt‘ :Ill llL‘lxt'l5 Ll ”5 lHlJHFSII/W iIIAl’iI
The Boat That Rocked I I5I 300. 5.00 300
Crank: High Voltage I INI 3 50, I0 30 Dragonball: Evolution Il’(li ll 50IIIII. 3.30. 4.50. 70.5. 0 |.5
Fast 8: Furious I I5I II 50:00. IIIIIIII.
ll 00.101.
3.05. 3.35. 4 40. 5.I0. “ III. “III. 0.45. I0.|5.
Theilaunting in ConnecticutII5I Il.30;Im. I50. 450. 7 III III.II5
lLoveYou,ManII5I I0.I5. KnowingII5I II.05;IIII. I45. .135. 7.I5. 0.55.
Martey&MeII’(;I ll |5;10I. ll.~l.5;IIII.
I.55. 3.35. 4.45. 5.1.5. 7.45. I030 Monsters VS Aliens 2!) Il’(ii II. 554101. I305. 305. 3.35. 4 35. .505. 710. 7.40. 0.35. l0.00.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop Il’(ii Il.50;101. 3.40. 4.55. 7 35. 0.40. Race to Witch Mountain I l’( i I 3.I0. 4.35. 7.00. 0.35. 17AgainII’(}I ||.05;101. ||.55;101. 3.00. 3.30_ 4.40. 5.I0. 7.35. 14.05. I000
Duetotheiashrha-kholidayhnl Isthgstorthiscbemam Matti-neigoingtopnss. mmwuamai michmukleTNlSMr.
Showcase Cinema, Paisley
(iI‘II'IiII.I\\I'I111I‘. l’l1I1I'111\ liuxincxx Park. Info and honking: 0.57! 330 I000. {5.7.5 IL'4.(I0.\1I111 l'ri III'IIII'I' (1(101; 8:0 I\' 5101 before lme ('l11lIl/().I\l’/.\'I0IlI'0I‘ L4 .50 Tue: Illl Iu‘kclx L450.
lHURSli/‘IY 1(5 APR
The Boat That RockedII5I 3.00. 5.00. 3.00,
Crank: High Voltage I I.\'I 7.50. The Damned United I I5I I000. Dragonball: Evolution II’(iI I I.50;IIII. 3.30. 4.30. 7.05. 0.15, FastBFur'lous I I5I II.30;IIII. IIIIIIII. 3.05. 3.35. 4.40. 5.I0. 7.01. 7.40. 0.45. l0.i5.
The Haunting In ConnecticutII5I 11.30001. 340. 4.50. 755. 10.0.5. lLoveYou,ManIl5I I0.|5. KnowingII5I ll.llllgllii. 1.40. 4.30. 7.l0. 0.55.
MarieyBMeII’I‘II ll.lll;llll. I.45. 3.00. 4.30. 4.50. 7.I5. 0.50. Monsters vs Aliens 20 Il’( 11 I305. 3.05. 7.40. 0.35. Paul BlartzMall CopII’(;I 13.01. 4.55. 7.35. 0.40.
Race to Witch Mountain II’(‘.I I I 5ll;IIIl. 3.0). 4.35. 7.00. 0.3.5.
17 Again Il’(iI ll.05;1111. l l..55;1111. 3.00. 3.30. 4.40. 5.I0. 7.35. .5105. I000.
Slumdog Millionaire I I5I I I05IIIII.
11.351101. 3.3.5. 4.55. 5.05. 7.0).
‘ 4'7 “ _ .‘ ' ‘fi _; \. 0 O 0“
54 THE LIST '25-.30 4:" 3.".‘0
When Quim's journey to make things up with his girlfriend is interrupted by a series of strange
and ever more violent coincidences he begins to think it may not be his day. Adapted for screen by up and coming Spanish writer Javier Gulldn from his own short story, this Spanish road movie come thriller is both mysterious and unsettling. Directed by Madrid based director/writer and editing talent in his own right Gonzalo LOpez-Gallego. King of the Hill is
certainly worth a look for fans of noir.
./ I'll"( ll‘Il), .‘ ll", 1"»1551”. In" 1‘. I [I
l;IIl_\\\I‘ll \\5.'1_\. \lll\\t‘ll‘lll_‘_‘ll liIII1k111g\/II1III' III 5| (105 7710 IIIlII-Ix L55 L5 5IIII-150 I5I
\\ \\ u.l11101II10Il1I‘.IIII‘ (0 0k
M< INI my Changeling I IRI “_ III
llll SIIA‘I .W, ,\I>I:
Quantum ot Solace I I.‘ \I “ 3i)
.5I\'llI1IIIL‘ \lIt‘L‘l. liIIIleIIIfJV UN‘l fill-l 3053 lIIlII. (ll 5| 33.5 4.5 5(1 (IIlc/lMI. 'I‘III‘ l‘l'l '\llllll\ U1 l0 IL5 10 l1I'IIIII' 5;101I;(‘I111I'\ L4 00 I L4 l0 lII'IIII'I‘ 5(101 I. \lcmlk‘h L400 I15 (01 III‘IIIII' 511011
.\lIIII (L‘M'L‘III ”0|le lIIIlIIl;I_\5I. Ll lll. \lt'lIIlIt‘I'x L3 (10 5.0 \'101I;1I1Il Hunk llIIlIIl;1_\\I. U1 l0. ('IIIIIN L4.00;\lc01l1v1\ L4 00 810100} |)I111l1|c l11llx LII III IL'400; \lt‘liil‘t‘l'5 0ch. “I‘d lII5l \I1II\\\ III L‘.IL‘lI \L'I‘L'L'II Ll 5U lIII t‘IIlIL‘t‘55III05. “If: Scream IIIII' pnn'nl\I’I‘nrcn .010 Minn I111l_\I' L-lIL5..\lI‘111l1I'I\ L3 .501 \lcmlII-rxhip I'Ilex L35 pI‘I' _\c;0‘ I(’II11I\
L' l I\' I. \\ \\ \\(10111114101wa (0 11k
ll ll JHSIIAV ‘(5 APR
The Damned United I I5I II ‘III 50 Dead Men Walking I I5I :40. II 3.5.
0|0. GranTorinoII5I 0l5 llDlvoII5I I355. 545
Let the Right One In I I5I I3 45. 330. (I I5. 000 Paris 36 I I5. I'HIPAY ‘ 50 Dead M8“ Walking I l 51
I000 l‘l3('
Gun Crazy II’( ‘II + Kiss Me Deadly I I5I 5101. l 50
In the City of Sylvia I l’( i1
'l‘IIIII‘x l'li(‘
In the Loop I I5I
l);Ill}' 1.00. 5.4.5. (150. ”I5
.‘\l\(l l;1Ic In I\ 501 ll .50
Let the Right One In I I 5I
l);0l_\' l345. 550. (1|.5. "II"
.'\l\I‘ late III IN 5111 I I 40
1341 mgr 555' A:
Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback I 5
lIIlL' I II I\ 5.0 III5
State at Play I I3 \I
\lIin 5 iii
ClneworldEdin '3'
l'I‘IiIilJIIII‘IIle. liIIIIIlI-I- \III'I'I ‘ 1l11 liilillxlllL‘5 .\- IIIIII II.\‘| ,‘IIII _‘IIIIII
(LIII' l1.II \Illlll5 III 50 I! 5 50 Huh lII l‘L‘lI‘lL' 5(101I. I‘IIIII'I'wIIInx I 1 50 l .III} l1IIIl I.Ill I‘I'llI‘llllIlll\\'\ lII'IIIII‘ IIIIIIIII tl .\lI1\1I‘\ IIII llllllIII\ I\.II .1011 ii l.0111l\ III'kI'I il” \I'.II|\ l‘-"‘ IIIIIIIIIIIII'Il lllII\lk‘\I LIII ”0 (M 000101
l5” Ji‘: ){ Vail, 5’ r‘lklji‘5
The Boat That Rocked I I5I
ll lll.Illl.
3I5. 5 30. 3 5.5. .545. Crank: High Voltage I I5. II {II \ 15 Dragonball: EvolutionII’III I.‘ 05. .‘ III.
lli (1 |§ DuplicityII.‘\I 5 I5 FastBFuriousII5I I3 III. 510. (I35, .\'_‘Ii_ IIIII ILoveYou,ManII5I IIIII. x15
KnowingII5I 5 3,5. .5 35 Let the Right One In I I5I I.‘ III. (illll' .540
Mariey8IMeII’IiI ll 15.011. .‘ 55 Monsters vs Aliens 30 mm III <II.IIII.
{Illl {15~
ll l5.101. 11IIIIII. lIIII. l 15. j 30_ 3 50. .1 l5. 5H5 5.15. 7 1%
Paul Blart: Mall Cole’IiI ll 35.011.
[ 15
Race to Witch Mountain Il’I ll I3 =I I.
{00. 550 x III
17AgainII’III 1040.011. ll 50.00. III). 315‘ 315.515.1I3II.\IIII_ X5II
;;:II,\.’ " I;:<.' _ Bushmaster“ yhil Isthgsiertflsche-am Wathdmbm “tarnish-distal“ Mbhkaphahltheswl hMatmlsLMhIo-Thl iSApr.
The Boat That Rocked I 5 Crank: High Voltage I I 5 . Damned United I5I Dragonball: Evolution . l’( I Duplicity I ‘ \I
Fast 8. Furious 5
Good T5 I Love You. Man 35' In the Loop 15
Knowing I 5
Let the Right One In 5' Monsters vs Aliens 3D l'( . Race to Witch Mountain I'I . 17 Again I‘I.
State oi Play ~ I .‘ \ I
Dominion l\ \\”.‘.l‘.llll\~ 1i ‘ 1‘ 'l \‘.5II
l‘IIIIkIIII' “I 5'I ‘I‘I‘ll .lllkl :1
lI‘II.I.I'.(( l11III III 5i 12‘ \IlIIlI \I.I11Il.IIIl :5 ‘II \Ill‘x'ilI‘l 2000 I 11001.1 5 ltIIIIII \lI‘II III leIII.~ "I‘III \I.I0Il.IIIlt1 ‘II \IIIII-IIIII 11"I'.( 11001.1 5 195 IIII
\I.IIIII.IIII t '. ‘II \IIIII'IIIII 95 IIII I 0001.1 5 1: I ‘II
(‘IIIII I~\\III11\ I "l11lII1c0
\III'IIIIIIIII H1 ”H. l \I‘lllll‘.‘ tll 5" \I‘l.l\ lx’I'IlIIqu \III'::IIIIIII 2‘50 l \I'11101' f l.‘ 50 (1031115 ‘ \I‘l.l\ \III'IIIIIIIIII '50 |\I'IIIII;' :5 5" \IIIIlI‘IIl5 I\III1 ll‘.'Il t 1 (III lIIIIk
lll\l\‘\ .‘. l.IIIIIl\ 11. l..'!\ lII‘III f 5 W III'I l’.III'III .‘Il‘Il IIIII‘. \II.‘.'I1III‘.'5 ? 5 IIII I'.IIl1.IIIIIIIIII.II1\:II:' .IIlII'II
TheBoatThatRockedII5I ‘IIII 500. \15
KnowingII5I .510
Marley&MeII'IiI 305. 555 Monsters vsAIiens ZDII’I‘II 5Il_ 51H Paul Blart: Mall CopII’III IIIII
Race to Witch MountainII’III I I5. :“5_ (I Iii. \ 5H
17AgainII’III 515.\I1II
The Boat That Rocked I5»
l II \lIII1 5 _‘II. 5 .‘II
Inc lllll 5 10. 5 l0 MarleyBIMeIIII‘II
lll \lIIII 505 510
Inc ll“! 5 50
Monsters vs Aliens 20 I’( II llI \lIIII IIII. II5
Inc ll10 5 55
Paul Blart: Mall Cop II .I lII\lII|1 IIIII
Race to Witch Mountain Il’( ..
lll \lIIII Il5. 5_‘5. 010
Inc ll10 555_ IIIIII
lll \lIIn 300 500. '50
lm- Hill 5 i5. IIIIIIIIIIII [III-I, .\ ;II
Slumdog Millionaire I I5. lMIl} .\ lll
State 0' Play l .5 \ I
\\I*Il .\ lllll \ .‘II
The Young Victoria I l’( '. I ll! \lIIII .\ 55
[10' ll111 500
\h l IIIlII.III RII.IIl. lll 5| 3.53 ,‘(Ihh li.II lx’I'\I.IIII.IIII l\I'010;3 \III'I'IIIngx IIIIIIII 5‘1““ HI I Ll 5llI \l.IlIIII‘L‘5 ll‘L'llllL' 511011 I I 50 I 51. l ll 0.02010 lllIIllllL't'5
1. The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups) M ii 3 III
Music I5I II 00
Heart olTime III. 5 30
2. Shorts Programme 3 I I I I IIII
Tony Manero I I5I I00. 5 .15
The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups) Il’( ii (I l5
3. Religulous I I5I I 30. NisallumberII I 545
1. The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents COUpS)Il’(iI I 30. (Hill
Dr NOII’I'II 340
Wild BloodII5I 5 I5
2. Stop-motion: The Modem Classics
l31 l llll
CenovaII5I IIIII x 30
Iska’s Journey I 15. mm
3. In Search of Beethoven I I3 \I I I5. (1 Hi
WonderfulTownII5I 405. ‘Hill