:1l‘.\l\ll Ell) HOLLY WALSH The Stand, Glasgow, Thu 23 Apr; Eastwood Park Theatre, Giffnock, Fri 24 Apr; Glasgow University, Sat 25 Apr

A self-confessed ‘comedy nerd', writer and long-term, long-suffering temp Holly Walsh only began performing stand-up in 2006, because ‘I was coming up with jokes that nobody else wanted but which I thought were really funny. Turns out they weren't but it was great fun learning.’

Since then, the daftly smart 28-year-old’s career has really taken off, with Walsh scooping Chortle's best newcomer award last year and embracing one of the toughest gigs in showbusiness deputising for Ed Petrie and Oucho on CBBC. Having grasped the cactus of opportunity, she maintains that ‘in grown-up stand-up you've always got swearing and innuendo to get a laugh, whereas with kids you have to be so much more imaginative. It was terrifying filling in for Ed though because I think what they do is


She returns to television this month in BBC2‘s Winging It, where several upcoming comics, including The Inbetweeners' Joe Thomas and Matthew Crosby from Pappy‘s Fun Club, have to improvise their way out of tricky encounters with the public while receiving instructions through an earpiece. Without revealing too much, Walsh was made to impersonate an authority figure while fretting that she was a ‘stripper in disguise’.

‘It was pretty scary but I’ve compered a lot, so that helped with the ad-

libbing,‘ she recalls.

In addition to doing a few ad hoc stand-up sets at the Edinburgh Fringe, she is currently rehearsing the sketch show Institute of the Unexplained with Fat Tongue‘s Sophie Black and Jon Hunter. A ‘freelance renegade think tank‘. the ICU will be striving to answer ‘what is love, does luck exist,

aliens, all that sort of stuff really.‘ (Jay Richardson)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to comedy®list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan. Indicates Hitlist entry


The Thursday Show l‘hc Stand. 33.? \\'1\1l1ll;llltl\ Rl‘dtl. ll\flll N)“ N55

.\‘ 30pm. £8 it“; 1111‘111h1‘1‘x £41 \Vcc 81mm ('alman hoxlx 1l11‘ \wckcml 1111 )‘all.

kt‘t‘pmgll11'g1'an1lol1lt‘o111p1111_\ ol \It‘k \VIII). .lol111 Roxx and Paul l‘ la) loi Watson’s Wind-up (ilaxgoxx l'1l111 lhcalrc. l: RU\C Sll't‘t‘l. :3: 1\l_‘1\ \M‘cltl} loplt'al t‘111111‘1l} 11111 al lllC 11*t'111'1l111g ol Bl“~ St‘ollale pop11|a1 \kclch \l1o\\. \1a1'1'1113: Jonathan \\.11\o11


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Al Murray \l 11 1 11.11‘

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l1l11‘1l11111jil‘. Jongleurs Comedy Club |o11~._'l1'111\. (l111111('1'111112(111'1‘11x11l1'l’l.11 1'.ll\1l \ll H1111 ~l‘pm l111111 2. ll \ \1'l1‘1ll1111ol pop11l.11.111111‘1l1ai1x11‘ll111L1wa111l1loll11‘11 l‘t'\l [11111.1k1‘}1111 l.111-,'l1 \.11111'l\ \11\1| \pi111§_'~l11'11_ ll11'111l.111ll111k1‘. \1l.11l1('111\\ .1111l(i1'oll \1111'1111 \\.1111‘.1l.1l11'1\\.111l\ 11111t.111l1.1\1'.1 \u't'liooglt' 111ll11'1l11l1 111111l K11111111l11~111o111111;'

The Friday Show ||11- \1.1111l. *

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Jongleurs Comedy Club llllli'lk'lll\. l’( i(‘ ll111l1l111j3. ll lx’1'11l11'u \111'1‘1. 11311 .\.1l Hill-l \p111 l'lHlll t'l: St't' l11 l" The Saturday Show l|11-\1.1111l. 1“ \\111 11]],1111lx [(11.11]. ll\-ll (\l lll NH; UPI” Llz \t't‘ lllll ll\

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Ha Ha Raw Comedy [1111} llolt'l.la11;_'\11l1' \\1'11111'. \l1.1\\l.1111l\. .\ z(lpm. \l11'a1111l11l111;;l11ol111-v. t111111‘1l} lalt-nl. l11'a1l1'1l11pli} ap1olt‘w1onal l11'a1ll1111'1 a111l \l('.1111k1'1l1111l11'l11'ailol 1l11'\l1.1\\.l.1111l ll11- |1111‘ 11px t'l1.111§_'1- \xt‘t‘kl}. lint .1l\|..1}\ j_'1-l 1l1t'11'1-a1|_\ 1111 a Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service We 81.11111. “4 \\11o1ll;1111l\ Riml‘11311011110055 .\ lopm 1* 1L1. 1111'111l11'1\ tl1 'l l11\ \\ all) 111-.11. l1t'|1l loggcll1t'1 l\_\ 1l11'111111111al1lt'.\l11'l1at'l lx’1'1l111on1l. lHlHlell lL‘.lllllL'\ .lol111 Row. l’aul l- la_\l111. \Il\.1.lol111\loll. l’a11l (linull‘ldlltl .llltl .lt‘ll ( )ll§1\}lt‘


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? ll1t‘81.1111l.<\o1l1Plan-555 “I“: lp111 \1111111l_\ l1’1c111ll}. opt-11 to all ant-111111111 \lioxk l1ll1'1lmlli1111pIo\1\t'1lto111c1l} gum l1o111 1l11- 81.1111l \l.l\lL'l\ 8111.1111llia11} ll1c1t-\ l1oI loo1l.1\.a1lal\lt'a111l.1l 11oll1111; Cl\k'. ll\ llL‘L' (lk'l )1‘lll\cll tll‘\\ll lllL'l'C. The Sunday Night Laugh-In ’l‘h1- 81.1111l.5\111kl’lat‘c..<5.\ “3-2. N 2llpm

{<1L-1.1111'111l\1'1'\ tl1 l-o1§_'cl about

AI Murray -'."¥ .1 . 1' : '1

Mike Wozniak

Ken Dodd

Holly Walsh 1~ .. 1 .

\111p11l \ko1k loI11o11o'u._ .1ll1l \p1'111l \11111 1'11'1111113 111 [hr 11111111.111x ol liml (11.11‘1111- ll111111.1\.1\l11'11111111l1111'\ \1ll 1. l1111 l’a1l.. l\.1111'('1.11:'. l\’1‘\\ ll.11ll11' .1111l lx’ol11‘1l l’.11l.1'1 111.1lit-.11il1l11l1'111lloll11* \‘1t‘1'l_

(Hasty 11:.

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance H11- \1a111l. 4“ \\oo1ll.1111l\ l{.1_11l.11\‘11111111 NHR \ illpm 2.1 \11111l11'1l\.1l1l1ol 1111111'1l\ \l.1'11l11'\.\1.1111l 11p.1111l1111plo\ l1o111|111al l1':,'1'111l\1l11'\l1-11k1'} Hop \ll1‘11('l1a|111t'1\. l’.111l l’1111- a111l lx’.1\1111~111l \lk'1llll\


Fit 0’ The Giggles Absolute Beginners ll1'1‘l11\.1' l1111. (11.1\\111.11l.1‘l 33*"1 'l 511111 t.‘ 1t l1 HM», 1119. (11.1w111a1l-a-11'12111111-1111111‘11l.11\l111\11o .l l.lllL't‘ Hl ll1'\‘- l.llt'lll, ll\“.hlt‘il lll‘ l“ 1l1a1111111:1.1111l1all1\l( l.1111\111l111-.".-.11l1 l11'a1ll1111'1 \l.11111\ l<}.111

Red Raw ll11' \1a111l, * \111l~ l’la11', ‘*\ ~3~3 \ ”'11111 ?__‘ 1!.l1 \ l.1l111l1»11\ 1111'l11 lo1 111'11. 1.1l1'11111111}. 1l1t-11 111.1l1‘l|.1l..1111ll11l }1111 lo l1.1‘.1' .1 1l11'ap .1\ 1l11px1111'l1l11111 llt'\ll1l\l\. llt'\ll li‘l.\'\.1ll1l.l ‘.‘.1't‘l\llHl l1t'lp 1111111 [‘111l1‘w11111alx \1ll.}. .1111lli1llj. Klll\\\11111l

Glasgow Red Raw ll11'\1.1111l. iii \\11111ll.1111l\ R11a1l. mm (.1111 no“ .\ mp,“ 13 .11, \t‘t' \l11ll :‘l


Vladimir McTavish ll11- \1.1111l. < \111l. l’latt'. <<\ “3": \ ”111111 LN Itfli lop1tal \11111ca111lt'a1h11t v.11 l1o1111l11- to11\1\1t'111l_\ 111.11'xclloux \‘l111ll11l11xl1111w1 \hov. ulntli lookx 111 1l1c (NU/1111111

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