
I Tanzania National Day at lithlos lltpin 5itlli £thc Zoflpr .\ special national celebration with leinale socalists Biick t‘c l.ace. Ra} (' aitd l)Js Naeein ll‘.lt'\.‘tl(tll and Rule

I Velvet at l)rop lltpin iaiii. £5 \‘v'eekls A iiess cltih tor a next \eiitie. p|a_\ing sotil. garage. Rt\‘B. griiiie aitd

I Burn at the Btill (‘luh llpiii ‘ain £5 (£4! \Veekl). l’t't'sclllt'tl to _\oti h} Norinski. Zeus aiid Mash. Burn protides all the disco songs )(itiae loi‘golteti ahotil attd tltc oiies _\oti can't loi'gct

I Eli ‘Paperboy’ Reed Aftershow at the l-|_\ing l)tick. Ill. thni 3am. £thc. 2U Apr. Modern l.o\et's liosi an itllt'l'\lltt\\ to the gig at the ('lassic (iraiid. \sith a DJ set troni l2li hinisell. I Garage Mondays at tlte (iaragc. llpiii 1am. £5 (£it. \Veekl}. D] And} R plats student classics in the main hall. \shile Muppet dishes otit rock aitd ptiiik iii the attic.

I Passionality at ”Htlos.

ll5llplll 3am. £i (£2). Weekly l)J Roherts plats chart hits lttl' tlte g:t_\/tltl\etl (food.

I Poptimism/Rocktimism at the (iai'age. llpiii iaiii. £4 (li‘eet. Weekly l)ot‘s L'\:tt‘ll} \sltttl ll s;t_\s on the tilt. :\ health} dose ol pop and rock loi‘ lltltl‘ \seek part} people.

Glasgow Tuesdays

FREE Eureka at Bamhoo. llpiii 3am. Wet-kl}. Rohiii B spitis dance. Rth. hip ltop aitd house.

I Juicy Tuesdays at ls'ushion.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. A student iiigltt to entertain the masses across [\so i‘ooitts. Rooiii oite lt‘altil'cs indie pop and clteese while i'ooni txso plats R&B and liip hop.

I Killer Kitsch at (he Bttll. l lpiii .iant. £4 (£3). Weekl}. litian and “mid pla} electro. ltotise aitd rock upstairs. \shile 'l'he l‘raiitic Ant has tlte ltiiik. soul and ltip hop cotered dots iistaii's.

I Mad Hatter Tea Party at the l-‘|_\ing l)tick. lllpiii 3am. £4. 31 Apr. :\ one—ol'l' e\ent \\ itli cheap drinks. guest l)Js. tea and cakes.

I On Fire at ('rih. lllpm 3am. £5 (£3t. Weekl}. In rooiii one llesk} pla_\s tip lioiit R&B. ltip hop. danceltall. garage attd grime \shile Big .-\I plass \elset) stitootlt R&B aitd sotil iii room txso.

I Psycho Candy at l-‘irettater.

llpiii 3am. £thc. Weekly Rock'n'roll aitd indie classics li‘oni tlte l'iressatei‘ team.

I Revolution at Queen Margaret l‘nion. lllpin 3am. £3 (£3). Weekly. [)1 Muppet pla}s rock. ittetal and emo.

Glasgow Wednesdays

I After Hours at the Butt. I lpin 3am. £3. \VeekI}. (ierr) l.}'ons pla_\s a mix (it esersthing lie loses. from The Stones to Hot ('hip.

FREE Head Surgery at Stereo.

ltlpm 2am. \VeekI}. :\ \seekl} Me music itigltt at Stereo. \sith guests Barn ()\\l aiid Yahss eh (22 Apr). aitd llanna 'l‘utilikki featuring .-\th\ \'tilliain_\ ol~ Nalle (3‘) Apr).

FREE Rehab at Box. Midnight 3am. Weekl}. .-\n indie. punk rock aitd ps}chmh‘lic soundtrack.

I Remote Control at the \’ (‘Iuh lt)..‘~()pm 3am. £3 (£1 students). \Veekl). No‘i (l’andeiiiic. Nice‘n‘Slea/s t aitd John ltost an alteritati\ e iitdie disco.

I Sensations at l’ireuater. 0pm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Rock‘n'roll aitd indie classics from tlte l-‘irets'ater team.

I Tongue in Cheek at Bamboo. ltlpm 4am. £5 (£4). Weekl). DJ Miguel pla_\s R&B iii the itiaiii room. DJ Toast pla)s cltart iii the lounge aiid And) Wilson plays rock iii the red room.

I Watchamacallit at the Bull.

l lpm—3am. £3. \Veekl}. l’tink'. funk and pop \sith DJ Bohh) Bluebell.


Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Horthmore.

Indicates Hitlist entry



I Beltane Afterparty at the Bongo (‘Itih llpiii iain £" to ;\pi Keep the tires hurtling at the ollicial .iltei part} lot the pagan rites tip ('altoii llill |.i\e di'tiiniiung. constituted lll;t}llt'lll and dance heats gtiaiaittced

I Bounce at l’o Na Na lll. illpin iaiit. £thc. \Veekl} 'I'htii’sda} itigltt iiii\ ol classic Rth. ltiiik} house and dance heats lroiii 'l'ok_\ohlti's .loliii llutchisoit

I Drum Club at the Bongo ('luh

llpiii iain. £5. lo :\pl l‘l\t‘ lixe di'timiiting L'i't‘\\s pounding otit esei‘)thing lioiit Saiiiha to Malta rh_\thiiis \sith l).l l.e l.|t'\lt‘.

I Hark! at \Vee Red littl. Ill. 5UP!” iaiii. £3. lo x\|il'. ’l’he lo\el_\ indie itiglit is hack loi' iiioie rock'ii'ioll and gt'oo\_\ goodness

I Kinky Indie at ('iti'us (‘ltih

llpiii 5ttlll. £5 (£2t. \Veekl}. Indie music “till a touch ol ska. (ill\ and fills,

I Kitsch! at the lltse. llpiii iaiii. l-‘ree below I lillpin; £2 alter, \Veekl}. ('ltart. cheese and student anthems limit the Big ('ltt't'st' “is

I Limbo til the Voodoo Rooms.

h’pin laiit. £4. \Veekl}. The Black Spring His and |i\e acts Marina t\' the Diamonds and .\l_\ ('ousin l Bid You liarets ell ( lo .'\|il'. please note £5 £(t L'ttll‘} lot lltls (lttlc olil} l; the l.ltltlto ('l) launch. acts thc (23 :\prt aitd linall} the post-punk next \sase ol \Vectors.

S('l '.\l and The l-oundling \Vheel (3t) :\pt'l.

FREE Play at Wit} Not'.’ ltlpin 3am. \Vet‘kl}. \Villt l).ls (‘llLNlL‘l' (itltts and (’had lleinniingua}.

I Robopop at (Hit). It). topin 3am. l‘i'ee hel‘ore I lpni'. £4 (£3t alter. \Veekl). .-\ ini\ ol' classic pop tunes aitd electric heats l'oi‘ those \sho can't wait another titt} lo \Ittt‘l lltt‘ll‘ \\ L‘L‘kt‘ttd. l.L‘(l h} l” Jill. FREE Sick Note at ('ahai'ct Voltaire.

l lpiit 3am. Wet-kl}. ludie/electro night limit the ('ah. \\ ith residents li'oin ('lash aitd Spies in the Wires.

FREE Sneaky Beats at Sneak} l’ete‘s. llpiii .5ttlll. \Veekl). Hip hop. ltiiik. sotil and a dash ol electro.

I Stiletto at l.lllll. lllpiii 3am. £5 (£4). \Veekl). lilectro—pop. glain house classics and disco.


Andrew Weatherall at the

Voodoo Rooms. llpiii latit. £7. l7 .-\pr. It's a i'ockahill). punked tip set lroiit the titasterltil Weatherall (as seen on his .X't'i-l-i-ln-I-"i' compilation on Somat. FREE Autobahn at the Strathiiiore. (ipm midnight. 24 Apr. Kraltsserk alter \sot'kl Masonic Youth ((‘arholic lirolic. Destin} Streett spiii tic“ \sase. electro. ki‘atit rock. post-punk. industrial and ssnth pop. I Back to Old Skool at the Voodoo Rooms. 7.30pm laiii. £0. 24 Apr. Rase. jungle. ltiiik. sotil. drtiiit tk bass and dtihstep form the last 15 wars l‘rom Barcla}. Peter R Martin BSli all raising funds for the ('_\ stic l-‘ihrosis 'l‘rtist. FREE Bubblegum Boogaloo at the Voodoo Rooms. 9pm Sam. 3‘) Ma}. Night ol' ‘grooss retro. shaggadelic lounge. ps_\chedelie pop. hip instrumentals and east 'ii‘slea/s listening' l‘roin sour hosts Tall Paul and Big (itis (The (io-(iot. I Confusion is Sex at the Bongo (‘luh llpiii 3am. £5. l7 Apr. Aiming tor a l)a\'id l._\'nch \ ihe \\ itli an eclectic mis

ot htiilestiue. lise acts (disco ptiiik lioiit \(tl‘lcssc ( )l‘llg’ct and l” st‘ls (‘l g‘laltt. tiash. indie. ptiiik aitd electio lioiit the residents and Hollis .-\nol See piestess. [Mg‘t‘ :5

I Evol at l'.tllll I” “Will ‘aiit £5 “cc-kl} lidinhtiigh’s longest running indie night

I Four Corners at the Bongo ( ‘Iuh llpiii 5cm} £1 helore itiidtiight. £5 altet .\ \la} Youi local one stop hop tot

ltiiik sotil«'ta//,‘|.atin .-\lio'reggae dancellooi‘ action and si//ling ll\L‘ percussion

I Funk Shui at Shanghai lllpiii iaiii L‘s (Us) \\eekl_\ l)_l l‘lttlld llll\t‘\ tip chart. dance classics and dirt} house

I KandiFlip at l’o Na Na

l(l..‘~(lpiii iaiit L i heloie iindnight. to alter \Veekl} Rth. ltotise and daitce classics lioiit .la_\ and .\l.iik B

I Misfits at the llixe llpin 5.tllt l-i‘ee heloie I l..5llplll. £4 altet \\eek|_\. HIY indie. electro. punk. rock aitd ietro \sith hargain drinks

I Modern Lovers at the (;R\’.

llpiii ‘Muii. £4 heloie midnight; £5 .tllt‘l. 34 :\|il'. Blues. garage ptiiik. (itts pop, .\loto\sn. ltiiik and hesond as Modein |.o\ei's aie touted h} then good liieiid Vic (ittll(t\\;l}.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge.

llpiii 5ttlll. £4 heloie llpiii; £8 attei. \Veekls l‘llltlst'tl tip \ocal house attd daitce classics li'oiii .le/ Hill.

I Pins 8- Needles at Sneak} l’ete‘s. llpiii ‘ant. l’lt‘t' heloi‘e midnight; £i alter. 34 .»\pr. l'east ol itch} glitch} tech house \sith a li\e set ol ltill lat techno. electro. dtihstep and hreakhcat lroiu .\loi'phainish.

I Planet Earth at ('iti'tis ('ltih. llHllpin 3am. l'i‘ee helore llpiii; £5 alter. \Veekls. Music lioiit l‘)7(t through to l‘lX‘). in other \sot‘tls. ti ltt'alllt} (lost‘ ol punk. nets \sa\e. nexs romantic aitd electi'o»pop (mm \\ itli added ”list.

I RSVP at l.tilti. lllpiii 3am. £5 helore midnight; £8 alter. \Veekl}. (ilainorotis L'lllh hits.

I Skunk Funk at the .la// Bar.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£3i. \Veekl}. Nigltt ol top ltiiik ll‘ttllt l)J :\l\l and li\ e gtiests. including lull-ltiiik li'om Washington Street ( l7 .-\pi't and The Dirt} Martinis (24 .-\prt.

StepBack at Sneak) l’eie‘s. llpiii 3am. £8 £ltl. l7 Apr. Baltiitiore night \\ itli residents \Vollia/I and Keste ioined h} \er} special guest Radioactixe Man tor some ‘rass analogue

hleeps aitd hootns'.


Sugarbeat at (‘ahaiet \oltaiie

l lpitt 5.tlll £15 .‘4 .-\[‘l l‘iiit aitd .le/ (l’tah Saintsi host tliis .tliNIlilllg'g‘UtN iiiashup ot hieakheat. tlltlllt t\ hass. electio and ltip hop \Hlll grinding electi‘o lioiit l'ake Blood .titd setiotisls ltiiik) heats lioiit Kidda (Sktnti I Sweet Potato at lllltlstiti ('luh lllpiti iaiii £5 hetoie midnight. £" .tllt'l \\t‘t‘i\l} \t‘“ “(CNN lllg‘lil dedicated to 'eseisthing classic' iii the \soild ot ltiiik. hip hop. \lotoun tltsco and pop iock \s long .ts it‘s good the} 'H pla_\ it I Telefunken .it (‘ahaiei \oltaite llpiii iaiii Ui heloie midnight. £5 (UH .tltei l" \pi lteep ltiitked tip house tiigltt .tiid lltidd lia\\ pails \Hlll special guest SluitiScience I Volume! at the Bongo ('luh lll illpiii iaiii £5 helote tiiidiiigltt. £5 .tltei 34 \pi (iiiiite. dtihstep. itingle. hip hop and Bitioie selection as \oluine' celehiates its second hit'tltda) \sith sets lioin .-\ktia Kiteslti .utd ('loak \ Haggei See pies iexs. page *5

I Balkanarama at Studio 3-1 ‘lpiii 5.tltl £7 hetoie llpiii. £‘l .tltei. l8 .~\pi. Night ol gsps}/Balkan/k|e/iitei iiiadiiess. liliit .tiid \ istials leattii‘ing li\e music l5 piece 'I he l)t'\ll(i_\t'i\ and support lioiit Iii 'lachke and a DJ slot lioiit the old lad_\ aitd giaitd daiiie ol Balkan heats (iiandnta Stallas. I Bubblegum at the lll\t'. llpiii iain. l'iee helore ll..\llptn; £4 attei. \Veekl}. ;\ sttideiit lriendl} chess ed tip. spat otit llll\ ol electro. pop. dance. disco. soul and indie,

Departure Lounge at the (Ines.

lllpiii 5tlllt. £8 heloi‘e midnight; £0 (£ts’i alter. 35 :\pi. \Voi‘ld heats. electi'o tau and l.atin l'lt}llllll\ collide \sith special gtiests tlte Sotilian ()i‘chesti'a tor a lise set ol Ila/l}. sotil and ltiiik (tittllll'ull) l alongside I).l l.uht Joxaiiotic. .\lr [unhahsse and .liineiie/. I The Egg at Wee Red Bar llpiii 3am. £3.5ll heloi'e ll.5l)pllll £5 alter. Weekl). Indie. (ills garage. electro. northern soul. ska. 70s punk aitd tic“ \sase at this ladiiihtirgh iiistittitioii loi' those iii the kittm alter a quick lis ol decent iiiusic aitd attittide liee cltihhing. I Fever at l’aith. llpiii *aiii. £8 (£7 itteiithei'si. 18 Apr. l).ls l‘hllt‘i' & l’rice ('lastei pla_\ an eclectic nus ol the best underground dance music as l'esei' iiio\ es to l’aith.

Edinburgh’s only serious Tuesday night clubbing option. Gino and Fryer supply a formidably knowledgable repertoire of all that’s great and good about funk. This fortnight, on 28 April, they host a fashion event from the kings of cool clobber at Pageant in Lauriston Street. See our Independent Shopping Guide, page 15, for more info on the clothes emporium. I Opal LOt/iige. Edinburgh, Tue 28 Apr.

”3—39 HI 7/29 THE LIST 41