
FREE Zest Holiday

Programme 'luc 7 Thu lo :\pr. 'luc 'l’hu llatn noon (K 2 3 30pm Scotland Strcct School \1ttscum. 22.5 Scotland Strcct. 287 0500 .-\cm tttcs and lttn during thc holida}s. DJ Skills inc 7 :\pr. 1 lam l2 l5pm 8; l2 30 l45pm £4 ('tt} Halls. (itllltllt'l'lg'g'S. 353 Still) :\ lrlp llllt) lllL' \Hrlltl ot t|||\t'ls_ cuc llll\L'\ and hcal- matchmg No cspcrtcncc ttcccssar}. l-trst \HlllsSlltip agcs 7 ll; sccond, agcs 12+. FREE Flying Kites inc 7 Apr. 2 4pm. lilll‘lt'll ('ollt'cllttll. 200” l’ttllttkslltms Road. 287 2550, \lalsc and dccoratc )our oun kttc lot thc ()Ing Ming l'csttsal ol lhc ltttngr} ghosts. FREE The Tree, the Fish, the Bird and the Bell “ml 8 Apr. Want a 2pm, l’coplt'\ l’alacc & \Vintcr (iardcns. (ilasgou (itccn. 27l 2‘Ni2. chtgn _\our msn pcrsonal coat ol arms. Agcs 5 l2. FREE Children’s Tour WM 8 Apr. II I |.45am. (iallci') ol Modcrn Art. Rosal l'.\changc Squarc. 287 305‘). :\ Incl}. intcractn c tour arottnd thc (iallcr). Agcs .' l 1. Book Ill adxancc. FREE Drawing with Shadows \Vcd 3 :\pr. I2 30 3pm. (iallcrs ol Modcrn .-\rt. Rosal lzscltangc Squarc. 287 305‘). ('rcalc sour on n shadoss tmagcs. .'\gcs l2 l5. Book in adsancc. Make Me a Pop Star Thu 9 :\pl'. |0am 3.30pm. £12. ('il} Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. lmpros c _\our \ocal tcchniquc and dancc mos cs in this cscnl tor agcs 7 l2. FREE The Patter 'l'htt ‘) Apr. l0ant ts 2pm. l’coplc's l’alacc & \Vintcr (iardcns. (ilasgms (irccn. 271 2‘)(i2. l.carn sonic (ilasgac pattcr. ttsc it to crcatc a pocnt and takc part in thc l’coplc's l’alacc l’attcr ()ui/. :\gcs 5 12. FREE Walk Like an Egyptian 'l'hu ‘) ,-\pr. |0.30am. liurrcll (‘ollcctiotL 2(l(il) l’ollolsshaus Road. 287 25(14. liittd otll \shat ltlc \xas t'call) lilsc in .-\ncicnl lig}pt \\ ith rcal attcicnt ohiccts and storylclling. Book in ;Id\;tnL‘C. FREE Documentary Photography - People, Places and Spaces 'l‘hu t) Apr. I230 3.30pm. (iallct) ot' Modcrn .'\rt. Rosal lischangc Squarc. 287 305‘). lispcrintcnt \sith digital photograph} to csplorc and documcnt your sttrrottndings. :\:_'Cs I5 l8. Book in adsancc. FREE Mini Afterlife Workers 'l‘hu () .-\pr. 2 4pm. littrrcll (‘ollcction. 2060 l’ollokshtms Road. 287 2550. ('rcatc a \\ L'L' tittidcl pL‘t'stm to do lltc jolts )tiu‘d rathcr not. Iikc thc lig} ptians tiscd to for thc altcrlilc. FREE Translucent Images Hi It) :\pr. 10am noon. (iallcr) ol' Modcrn An. Rosa! li\changc Squarc. 287 3050. l'sc .-\ndrc\\ Bick's painting Sham! I’m/ml .tlmm'nr as a starting point to makc sour o\\n. .-\gcs 3 8. Drop in. Music for Early Ears Sat l I .-\pl'. ll l|.45am tk noon 12.45pm. £3. (‘ity llttlls. (‘tllldlt‘l‘lggx 35.3 Kill)”. lntrodttction to thc l'nc-xscck block ot‘ classcs l‘or parcnts/carcrs and tltcir _\oung childrcn. 'l‘uo classcs cach da}. l‘or agcs 2 and 3 4. rcspcctiscl}. FREE Burrell for Families: Spring Flowers Sat l l .-\pr. 2pm. Burrcll (‘ollccliotL 20o0 l’ollolsshasss Road. 287 2564. l)isco\ cr thc llosscrs hiddcn arotmd thc ntttscums and crcatc a hcatttilul spring pos}. Book in adsancc. FREE SAC Mood Dens Sat l l Apr. 10am 5pm. (iallcrs ot" Modcrn Art. Ro}al l{\changc Squarc. 287 3050. l'sc colour. linc. shapc and ohiccts to csplorc t‘cclings and cmotions \\ ithin thc (lallcr) ‘s mood dcns. .-\gcs 3 l l. Drop Back to school with Miss Baxter Sun 12 Apr. 2 3pm. £2. Scotland Strcct School .\luscum. 225 Scotland Strcct. 287 0500. It you think school is bad noss. tr) a da) at school in 193‘). ..\gcs 5+. FREE Pattern Craft Mon 13 Apr. l2.30»3.30pm. (iallcry ot’ Modcrn :\rt. Ro_\al l{\changc Squarc. 287 3050. l-Iqx'rimcnt \\ ith .scrccn-printing. appliquc and fabric collagc. Ages l2— l 5. FREE Comic Strip Characters Tuc l4 .-\pr. I0am~noon. (iallcrs of Modern

.-\r1. Rina] lischangc Squarc. 287 3050 Dcstgn )our msn comic. tltphook or maga/tnc .-\gcs S | l Book Ill ad\ancc Music for Theatre Workshop

'l‘uc 14 Apr. l0am 3pm £l2 (‘tt_\ Halls. ('andlcrtggs. 353 8000 lttttoductor} scsston ol thc drama group lot agcs 8+ FREE Medieval Warriors 'l'ttc 14 -\pt. l03l lam tk 2pm Hurrcll ('ollcction. 20h“ l’ollokshasss Road. 287 2564 lasanunc thc \scapons and armour ttscd h} mcdtcsal \sarrtors. Book Ill .td\.tncc FREE Pouring Shapes \Vcd 15 .-\pt. Illam noon. (iallct'} ol \lttdcrn .-\rl. Rosal lixcltangc Squarc. 287 305‘) l'sc moulds. plastcr casting and ruhhmg tcchntqttcs to draxs \\ tth lorm. .-\gcs

l2 l5. Hook Ill ilthdllL'L‘.

FREE Where’s yer Wally? \Vctl I5 Apr. 10am tk 2pm. l’coplc‘s l’alacc tk Wintcr (iardcns. (ilasgoxs (irccn. 271 2‘)(i2. \Vall} tilcs cart hc t'otmd tn closcs all out (ilasgms dcsign and paint sour tmn pcrsonal onc. .-\gcs 5 l2. Make Your Own Hit Track “at 15 Apr. llam l2.l5pm. £4. ('it} Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. l'sing thc latcst computcr sot‘tssarc crcalc )ttur on it hit track .-\gcs l l+.

Musical Adventures ’l'hu In .-\pl'.

l0 llatn & l 1.30am 12.30pm, £4. ('it} Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. .-\n intcraclisc musical adwnlurc through storics and songs lor childrcn agcd 3 (i. FREE Heracles - the Ultimate Superhero Thu |(i.-\pr. 10.30am. littrrcll ('ollcclion. 2000 l’ttlltiksli;t\ss Road. 287 2564. ('ould )ou complctc Itis l2 lahours‘.’ Book in adsancc.

FREE Hard as a Hoplite 'l'htt lo Apr. 2 4pm. Burrcll ('ollcction. 2060 l’ollokslitt\\s Road. 287 2550. Scc hou sou mcasurc up to thc (ircck hcrocs.

Theatre and Dance Old Mother Hubbard and her Cupboard Sat 4 Apr. 3pm. Donations. Villagc Sttir')lcllittg (’cnlrc. St .latncs' Parish Church. I83 Mciklcrig ('rcsccnl. 882 3025. (iarlic 'l'hcatrc's charming talc ahout a dott} old lads and hcr hapha/ard kllL‘llL‘ll antics. Oscar and the Deep Sea Pearl 'l‘uc 7 Apr. l lam. £4. (iilntorchill (H2. ‘) l'tii\'ct'sit) Ascnuc. 330 5522. Oscar thc Mousc cmharks on an csciting lllltlL‘l'\\;llL‘l' adscntttrc lll this talc h} Mousclalc l’uppcts. Agcs 3+. Willie and the Wicked Wolf Thu 9 Apr. llam. £4. (iilmorchill (il2. ‘) l'niu‘t‘sil} :\\'L‘IIUC. 330 5522. l.t)\;ll3lt‘ rogttc Willic attcmpts to cat (iranm but fails miscrahl} hccattsc of his unrcliahlc motorbikc? The Three Bears \Vcd 15 .-\pi'. l lam. £4. (iilmorchill (ll2. ‘) l'niscrsit} .-\\ cnttc. 330 5522. Hcalth} cating and lint arc thc kc} clcmcnts ot‘('l'\dchttilt 'l‘hcatrc's ncss slltm l‘or )oungcr childrcn. The Book of Beasts Wed l5 Sat l8 Apr. 2.30pm tl’ri/Sat mat l lam). £7 tl'amil} tickcts £l8-£30l. ('iti/cns' 'l‘ltcttll'c. l l‘) (itirltttls Slt‘L‘Cl. 42‘) 0022. ('alhcrinc thcls prcscnts li. .\’cshit's talc of a \scc ho} \\ ho opcns a torhiddcn hook and unlcashcs all tnanncr ot hcasts.


FREE Lynne Rickards Sat 4 Apr.

3 4pm. Watcrstonc‘s. I53 I57 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 ‘)l05. 'l'hc local author rcads t‘ront hcr childrcn's hook. I’inL. Ages 4—(i.


Activities and Fun

Mini Movers Thu 2. *) & to .-\pr.

10 l lam. First child £3.501additional childrcn £3). Out of thc Blttc Drill Hall. 30- 3o Daltncm Strcct. l.cith. 555 7l0l. Drop-in crcati\ c mmcntcnt and dancc class for toddlers to prc-school. Children's Singing Workshop: Saami Joiking and Songs Sat 4 Apr. l0.30-l l.30am. £5 pcr child taccotnpan) ing adults tree and \sclcomc to join in). Scottish Stontclling (‘cntru 43-45 High Strcct. 556 957‘). A chancc

PREVIEW STAGE .Almi’l/‘dith THE BFG King’s Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 7-Sat 11 Apr

Nineteen years after his death, Roald Dahl remains as popular as ever with the bedtime crowd. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches - the list goes on, each of them bringing delight to generations of children (and, let’s be honest, the grown-ups reading to


Much of Dahl’s children’s fiction shares the same ingredients - fantastical figures, a downtrodden child and lots of very silly words, all of which appear in his 1982 book, The BFG. The tale follows Sophie, a poor orphan who joins forces with the BFG (or big friendly giant to give him his full title) to rid the world of mean giants such as the Fleshlumpeater and


Originally adapted in 1991 by David Wood, the man behind many a children’s theatrical treasure, the show makes innovative use of puppetry to tackle the issue of size. In Act One, when Sophie is the only human, she is played by a small puppet - allowing tall adults to play the giants. In Act Two, however, the BFG is surrounded by humans, so it’s his turn to

become a vast, 14ft puppet.

Wood has been adapting children's books for decades, including several of Dahl's - what is it about the author’s writing that works so well? “He's extremely good at baddies,’ says Wood. ‘The giants in this try to eat children - and you can't get much nastier than that. He also starts with a real situation then moves into a fantasy world, as well as empowering the child by making her the protagonist - all of which children enjoy.’

(Kelly Apter)

tor childrcn agcd 5 10 to tr} ‘ioiking'. thc \ocal st} lc ot‘ thc Saami pcoplc from nonhcrn Scandinas ia. Finland and nonlmcst Russia.

Family Live Healthy Day Sat 4 Apr. 10am. U. St Bridc's ('cntrc. l0 ()r\sc|| TClTllL‘C. 346 l405. \Vcclsl} L‘lttsscs in gardcnittg. cooking and titncss for all thc l‘amil}.

Pre Schooler’s Craft Club Fri 3. Mon (1. Fri 10 ck Mon l3 .-\pr. Fri 10 llam;

Mon 2 3pm. £5 pcr scssion, Imagination Workshop. l3o Marchmont Road. 466 (ll-18. l)ill'crcnt ilL'llVlllCS MCI") \\ L‘cls. l’honc [0 book ill. Agus 2 .5. Afterschool Arts l’ri 3 Apr. 2 4pm. £5. ()ut ot' thc Bluc Drill Hall. 30 3o l)a|mcn} Strcct. l.cith. 555 710l.\'isit thc chaissancc in this Raphacl-inspircd \sorkshop. Book \ia

u \s \s .iulicdau. st inntcuk or 07‘)5l

1372 l 8. Agcs 7+.

27-", M,’ 27/! THE LIST 61