What is it?

A Victorian Gothic fantasy of what a cemetery should look like. At least 50,000 Glaswegians have been buried there, in 3.500 tombs and mausoleums.

You want us to go to a graveyard?

It's not just a graveyard. It's a fascinating look at the lives and deaths of the very rich at a time when Glasgow was the second city of the British Empire. It's also one oi the most beautiful burial grounds in the country, spanning a hillside overlooking the city centre. full of stunning, otherworldly architecture and sculpture. And you access it by the Bridge of Sighs. The Bridge of Sighs!

Okay, you’re moving me. Any famous, er, inmates? The Glaswegian equivalent of Jim Morrison's grave is a monument to the man who wrote 'Wee Willie Winkie'. It has plenty of famous fans. though: Belle and Sebastian have mentioned it several times in interviews. lyrics and publicity shots (so there are usually a fair few scarf-wearing tweepoppers visiting), and it plays a major part in the climax of Alasdair Gray's Lanark.

How will I find my way around, if it’s that big?

If you don't fancy just wandering through by yourself, Friends of the Glasgow Necropolis are starting organised. free. tours of the site from Sat 18 Apr. Email to book. There's also a heritage trail starting at the Bridge of Sighs.

Is there a cafe?

I'm showing you art. and history. and death. and you're thinking about your stomach? (There's a cafe in the nearby St Mungo’s Museum.)

How do I get there?

It's right beside Glasgow Cathedral to the east of the city. about ten minutes' walk from George Square. has full access details.

30 THE LIST 2—16 Apr 200:)

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

it Indicates Hitlist entry


Activities & Events

Alien Wars lllllll .\lon 3| .>\ug. 'l lic :\l'L'llL‘\. 353 .-\rg_\lc Strcct. 565 Hill). noon lllprn. L'llltt'H; undcr l6s 5i

’lcr'r'rl) rng total l't'ttlll} cxpcrrcncc .‘l/Il'll Him rcturns to its spiritual ltorric at lllc :\r'clics. complclc \xtth l'accliuggcrs. llaxc )ou got thc. cr. girls lot it .’

FREE Bratchy and the Wee Man’s Comedy Pub Quiz Thu 3 .\pr. 'l'lic Archcs. 353 :\rg_\lc Strcct. 565 [Hill 3pm. lntcractnc pith tjur/ hostcd h} comctlic hrolhcrs llralcli} and You'l‘uhc star ’l'hc \Vcc \lan. (ir'cat pr'r/cs. lots of laughs. \\'\\'I' \ir‘cstlrng and ma}hc cxcn somc t|llL‘\lltlll\ ol \aricd difficult}. .'\lltl a hunn} still. apparcntl}. \Vc think that‘s just liccarisc it's liastcr'.

Cryptic Nights Thu 3 Apr. (‘(’x\. 35f) Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4000, Split. [5. Montlil) night cclchrating thc ptissihilitics til. lltc (‘( ':\ as ti \cllllc. 'l‘ltcrc's a \pccitll mcal dcal axailahlc. \irtli talks or pcrltirrnanccs. llllltl\\t'tl h} li\c music. lllls month. ()nc l)ot /.cro prcscnt a diwrsc sclcction ol‘ li\ c action. animation and documcntar'} shorts t'rom tlic latcst hriglrt sparks and rrpcornrng l'K talcnl.

FREE Love Your Museum Weekend Sat 4 t& Sun 5 Apr. Kch ingro\ c :\rt (iallcr) tk .\lll\L‘lllll.:\l‘1_"\lL‘ Slr'ccl. 376 050‘). I lam 4pm. lnspir'cd h) tlrc ncu Dr Who cshihilion llic tlrcmc for thc “cckcnd is ‘Rcalrn \s lrnagrnation'. l'intl out about rcal-lilc unicorns. dcsign )our' omi armour. csplorc Scottish \\ lltllllt‘. and crcatc _\our ti\\ll alicn. ch. an actual alicn.

FREE The Pudding Club 'l'ucsda}s. 'l'ltc l"|_\ing Duck. 7 chl‘rcn ('ourt. 573 till)“. 7pm midnight. l)lY hands. rccord shop and clotlics snap.

Rock Band Karaoke inc 7 :\pl'. 'l'lrt- Admiral. 73a \Vatcrloo Strcct. 33] 7705. Spill. £5 (£4). l.l\c ruck hand ktll'atikc night. plrrs pri/cs lor tlic hcst-dr'csscd rock star. \Vc alrcad} hagsicd going as Rick \Vakctrtatl.

Secret Wars - Scotland v Denmark l'i‘i Ill .-\pr. 'l'hc \'ic ('alc llar. (ilasgtm School ol'.-\i1. I68 chlrcu Strccl. ‘lprn. Ll. Scc piclllt‘c. lk‘ltm.

Secret Wars - Scotland v Enqla


FREE Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes Burrcll ('ollcctron. 3W)” l’iilliiksllaus Roatl. 357 355” [mil Mon 4 Ma} .\lon l‘hu tk Sat lllarn 5pm. in k Sun l lam 5pm \\rtli hcrocs. gods. rnonstcrs. athlctcs. music. drama and plirlosoph} rarnpartt. tlicrc \sas nc\cr a dull ruorncnl lll .t\ncrcnt (ircccc l'llltl out morc \iitlt onc ol thc largcst collcctrons ol (ir'cck arlctacts lll tlic \iorld. on loan lrorn thc llr‘rtrsli .\luscum FREE Darwin and Evolution Kclsrngr'mc .-\rt (iallcr.\ tk .\lll\L'lllll. x\rg_\lc Slrccl. 376 05‘”) Sat 4 .-\pr 'l'hu 3| l)cc. Mon 'l‘lru tk Sat lllanr 5pm; in tk Sun I larrr 5pm Scc prclurc. pagc 3] Doctor Who Exhibition Kch ingro\ c Art (iallcr} tk Must-urn. .-\rg_\lc Slrccl. fix-1-14 SI5HI6. l'ntil Mon -1 Jan

lllam 5pm; llarn 5pm. {7.5M iH5ll; lamil} trckcl HM. (’allrng all \\'lio\ians: a gala\_\ ol l)oclor'—i'clalctl trtatcrial is on tlrspla) in Kt'l\irtgr‘ti\t'. .\'o aclrral l)a\rtl ‘l‘cnnant. though.

FREE A Healing Passion: Medicine in Glasgow Past and Present llunlcriari .\lirscurn. (irlhcr't Scott Building. l'nncrsrl} ol (ilasgtm. 3 3” 433i. l'ntrl lllll 30 Apr tnot Suni. Villain 5pm. lisploring major and lcsscr kllt)\\ll ligurcs in Scottish rnctlicinc. this pcr'mancnl displa} includcs scxcral rncdical artclacts and c\plot'cs hoth tltc licld's historical and conlcniporar'} aspccls.

FREE Lord Kelvin: Revolutionary Scientist lluntcrian Must-um. (iilhcr't Scott Building. l'nixcrsit} ol (ilasgtm. 33f) J33l. l'ntil 'l'hu 30 Apr lnol Sun). 0.30am 5pm. This pcrmancnt displa) is hascd around llic lilc and \xork of Lord ls'cl\ in. :\n csciting rnis of hands-on acli\itics. original scicnlilic instrumcnts. dcmonstrations and ctiniputcr-gcncratcd imagcs. Visitors \\ ill Ita\ c lltc chancc to imcsligalc lit)“ sol\ing prohlcms in pli_\sics l5ll )cars ago lcd to practical imcltliolts \xhicli haw tr'ansl'or'mcd all ol our liscs totla).

Skin Deep: A History of Tattooing 'l'hc Tall Ship at (ilasgtm llarhour. llKl Slohcr'oss Road. 333 35l3. l'ltlil Stilt l7 Ma}. Illarn 4pm. lncludcd in admission: £4.95 (£3.75: lil’sl child ll'cc; additional childrcn £3.50). :\ lrawlling csliihition l'rom thc National Maritimc Must-um. (il'L‘Cll\\ ich. London. \ilticlr tr'accs llic dc\cloprncnt ol‘ inking from horncmadc sailor hlucs to hipstcr' slccs cs. .'\rr. Jimlad. FREE Sleeve Art - 50 Classic Album Covers .-\ultl Kirk .\lirscum. (‘ougato Kirkintilloclt. 578 (”4-1. l'nlil

The first rule of Art Club is: you don’t talk

about Art Club. Unless you’re writing a piece in a magazine. We’re not really sure what an event describing itself as ‘like Fight Club, with artists’ entails, but this live art battle has been running at various covert locations worldwide for three years now. The first ever Scottish leg pits local artists against the Auld Enemy, with DJs, music, and a bar to help ease away the strangeness. Admit it, you’re intrigued.

I Secret Wars: G/asgow Schoo/ of Art l/IC Cafe Bar. Fri 70 Apr.

Sat l.\ -\pr illol Sun \loni lllarn lpru .\ 3 5pm ~\ sclcctron ol \tcll knoxsn and not sorsscll knou n alhum cmcrs c\plorcs thc tlcxclopmcnl of tlic l l’ slccx c

FREE WAVES lsclxrngr'tnc \rt (iallcrs .\ \lrrscum. -\rg}lc Strccl. 376 ”5‘N Sat 4 -\pr Sun 3] \la} \lon llru .\ \at lllam 5pm. in .\ Sun llarn 5pm \ shtmcasc of thc crcatixt- \sritrng and photographic work ot \\otncn \garnst \'ro|cnt lam rronrncnts .\\_\\ l-Si

FREE Wildlife Photographer of The Year Exhibition Scotland Srrct-t School .\ltl\clllll. \ltiscunr ol l'tlucalion. 335 Scotland Strccl. 35“ (Will l'ntrl Sun l4 Jun \lon 'l'liu .\ Sat Illam 5pm. l‘ll ts Sun llani 5pm ()utslantlrng c\liihrtron ol llic l\csl natural lristor} photographs lrorn all oxcr tltc \xorltl ls’un h} lilif' ll'r/tllrlt' lltrgtr.‘rirt‘ and l ontlon's \alural llrslor} \ltrscurn


Made in the Shade Sat 4 .\pi_ ( )ratl

\ltll'. 75l 7 3.5 (il‘t‘al \\t‘\lt‘lll Rlldtl. “7 63le. noon. Ll lop notch larr of local

rntlrc cr'atlcrs and dcsrgncrs \\ llll a rctro lccl and a s\s rngrng soundtrack

Food & Drink

Great Food Scotland Sat I | t\ Sun I: .-\pr'. l<ti_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauclrrcliall Str‘cct. 55‘ Hill)”. lllalll l’r‘rccs \al‘}. lcatur'rng dcrnonstr‘ations from top clicls. 'Krtls Krtchcn' dcrnonslrations. lzaslcr r‘clatctl garncs and plcnt} rnorc. \ick .\'arr'n. l’aul Rankon. and ncncorncr lutl llaincs arc among tlrc clicls taking part


FREE The Arches Tech School “in 3 .»\pr. 'l‘ltc ;\r'clics. 353 Arg} lc Slrccl. 565 lllllll. 4pm. 'l‘ltc .-\rchcs rm ilcs I835 )car olds to an opcn scrnrnar on thc licctrc \Hil'k (ll a tccliic ttl lllc :\l'cllc\. :\llcl' this initial scssion. a group of aspiring lcchnicians \\ ill hc rm rtcd to sliatltm our tcclinrcal tcarri. 'l'o c\prcss intcrcst in llit- lccli \L'lllltll L'tilllttcl ct‘llll” lllL‘tll'L‘llL‘s.cti.tlk After-Work Yoga Class 'I rrt-sda} s. Sloan‘s. :\rg'\lc Arcadc. 357 5 387. 7pm. £5. l)c<strcss and slotrgli otl tlrc 0.5 with a mislurc ol' tl_\nannc and )in _\oga. ('ortlacl did”) U“ )tigalicllcscouk ll) hook.

FREE The Merchant Sinfonia 'l‘ucsda} s. ('rt} llalls. (‘antllcr'rggs 353 Still). 730 ‘lpm. 'l‘lic Mcrchanl Sirilonia is an orclicstr‘a for all tliosc musicians out lllcl'c \xllt) llllllk lllc} ttl‘c [UH l‘tlsl}. lliti iricij'rrcnccd. too bus}. or too ncnorrs lo pla_\. ll prox rtlcs a grcal opportunrl} to gcl hack into music. or start lor thc lirsl tom. and is lctl h} ccllisl and conductor l.ouisc Marlin.


Activities & Events VOXBOX 'l‘lttt 3 Apr. 'l‘ltc Mcatltm s liar. 43 4-1 llucclcucli Sll'ccl. “()7 (NU-7. 7.30pm. £3 it3l. Spokcn \iortl. pot-tr} and music night \iitli .\lrkc l)r||on (Scottish Slam ('hamproni. Zorras. Nanc} Somcrxillc. l'.lr/a l.angland A: ('olrn l)onati and Willis ('arrnichacl. .\l(‘s :\llll;l (ioxan and ch lll ('aduallcndcr‘. April Fools’ Festival l'ntil 'l'uc l4 Apr. 'l‘ltc Big Rcd l)()(lr. Ill l.atl} lam stin Strcct. 338 4567. ’l‘imcs \ar}. l’riccs \ar}. Scc prcs icu. pagc 3‘), Edinburgh Chess Congress In .3 Sun 5 Apr. (icorgc llcriot's School. l.auriston l’lacc. 33‘) 7363. 'l‘irrrcs \ar). 1.3.3 [U cntcr. :\ (illusslitlsc Sctillislt (irantl l’rix liwnt \iith cash pri/cs.

X-rated Stories in the Stars

'l'hu ‘) Apr. R());ll ()hscrxaror) Visitor (‘c-ritrc. lililL‘kllll’tl Hill. 553 U333. 7pm. £8 linc glass of “mm. Scc llitlist. The Dead will Rise at Easter Hi If) Sun l3 Apr. ()utsidc St (illC\ ('athcdral. Ro}al .\‘lilc. 335 9044. 7.30pm. 8.30pm. 9.30pm. lllpm & ill-15pm. £8.50 t£5 £6.50). Wcll. that's a chccr) thought. Join a \cr} black liastcr parade as ('it)’ of the Dcad enters the lair of thc ini'arnoUs Mackcn/ic l’oltcrgicst. Please note there is no Ill-15pm tour on liastcr Sunday.