Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to theatre© Listings are compiled by Kirstin lnnes.
it Indicates Hitlist entry
3‘1 1\11_1\11' 8111'1'1. "1* 1‘11111 H \\1
\1 \1 '
7 Year Itch: A Retrospective \\1~.1 3‘ 8.11.18 \1.11 .. 11111111 9.819.111 \11 .1111'1111111.111'111111.11.111.11‘11 1111'1.1\1 \1".1'11 \1'.11\111111110111111111 \111111111111.' /’111.'111 1/11 1/111'111/1(111110111: //1.1'1 11.'111'1111'..'. ('11II111/\/1\.’I211‘.’v
I THE BUTTERFLY & THE PIG Ii1l£.11118111-1-1..‘31"“11
The Birthday Party 11111 1" 81111.73 \1.111111118.111 ‘ 11111111 1.1 \1'11'1111 '1111'.1111' ("1111111.1111 111111111.1111111111'111 11.11111111’11111'1
I CITIZENS’ THEATRE 11‘11111111.11\ 8111'1'1. 13" 11113.? \\('. \\.\1 Edward Gant’s Amazing Feats of Loneliness 111111 8.11 .‘_l \1.11 1‘15” Ll“ 1t“ 1111 1111'x11.11\1 1111111115: 111.11.1111111'1111} 1111' mm 11111'1111\1' .1\111|11111_\ \1‘11\11|1.111111ll1 .1\11*11111.111 1111'.1111'1111111'1'\.11111 1 \111'11 11'.11\111 111.1211;\111'1'l.11'|1'.11111x11.111_1.r1'111'\\ The Trial 111111 8.11 .‘l \1.11 ' 111111111\.11 111.113.111111111 1.81181 8111111'111\.111111' (11.1xgg1m (‘11111'311'111 \.111111’.1|81111111'\ 1.1111'1111811'\1'11 H1-1111111‘1.111.1l11.1111111111 1'1'.111/ K.1111.1\ 1‘1111'x111111' \1111_\
Be Near Me \\1-11 3* \1.11 8.11 1
:\[11‘. 711111111 18.11 111.11 I 1‘15“ 11,“ 1t" 1111 1111'\11.1_\\1. 1111' \11111111111 '1'111'11111‘111 \1‘1111111111‘\1.111'\11‘11.‘ 1111111113:[11‘1111111'1111111\.111.111.1111.1111111111
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Victorian impresario, which is based around the conceit that the playwright has uncovered a late 19th century manuscript and is using it to create a series of mock-melodramatic sketches.
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84 THE LIST '8".'.1' ,_' -‘«;'
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42nd Streetl 111118.:! :1 \1.;1 ‘ 1111111. 18.1111..11,‘ 1111111:1 :1.‘ L11 1111'1j.111
('11121111'111111.11.11111111.1 .11‘11111.1 :11 1’11“!) 111.'111111'
1111'1‘1'11111111' 1.111'1
11.1:x11.:1 \.1‘1‘. \ .‘1. 1'1‘1‘1111111111‘. 111111.11.
Chess 1111' 41 \1.11 8.11 1 \111 ’ 11111111 18.11111.11.‘ 1111'1111 1’.11\11". \111x11.11.11111 (11111.1 811.1111 1111;.‘171.1i \1’111\11111x11.:1..1111\1'111.111_;f11' 1111111111‘11.1111111111'\\ 11111111111111» 21.1111 111111'1111111 1’11'11111 .1111111111111
I ORAN MOR .. l1 7‘ 1; (111111 \\1'\11'111 1\,11.111. 1;” 11:11“ A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint \\.-1-1l_\
111.1111'1111:11111111111111'111.1111.1 1: 11111111
L 9.13 *111111111'1111111111'xI111'.111111111111.1
('11111'1111111111111111111\ \11'11'.1111111'11_\ 11111.1'11 111 11.1‘. 1'1x1' .1111\111 11111'1'1111 1)1111111111 11111 .11111 \1.111 111'11'111'.1l1'11.11 1111' 11.111'1x1'. 1111' \1.1'1'1. .1111'1 1111111111111111 The Ching Room \1.111 f1 8.11 38 \1.11 \11\1'11\1 \1.111111xx1'11111111x1‘1.1}\1.11;:111. 21.1111 .1 11'1 111.11111111111'111 \1'1 111x1111' .1 111111'1111111111'
Poem in October \11111 31 \.11 3.\ \1.11 \1'\\ \.111 \11111 1.1112111 11111' 111.111 [11.11 11_\ 1(11111'11111111'xl
A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Lucky Box \11111 111\1.11 8.11 1 \111 \1'11 111.1} 11_\
| 1.1\ 111 11.11111111'1.
1.‘1 1\’1'11111'1118111'1'1. 113118111 {11. \\(‘. \\ \1
Their Cheatin’ Hearts: Jessie’s Last Stand 1 111118.11218 \1.11 511111111 18.11 111.11 3111111 9.11 L15. 81'11111'11111111' 1111111111 .11111\11'\11'11111111\11‘.1|
I PLATFORM 1111'111111‘1’1'. 111““ \\1‘\11'1111111\1‘ 1\’11.111_ 1.1811'111111zx1', :Th ‘H\‘N\
The Book of Beasts 111 I“ .\ \11 28 \1.11 81'1'1x111\11\1111_:\
"-8 |11;;1.11118111'1'1. ‘18 1111 Q1’. \\(‘.
\\ \. \\ \ \’
Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! 1 1111l \.11 31 \1.11 11'\ 1‘1-‘1 111111 1111111 .111111111'1111111'\.111'111111111111111111111 11.11111111'x1111x1 .11111;_'1'1111'1 11'11'\.1111 1111111'11} P1111111 ”1.1/11I1'(i.'1.'\-\11111
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— 1‘11“” t: :1)
I ROYAL CONCERT HALL 38.1111'1111'11.1118111'1'1. 1*: 8111111 11’. 11. \\ ( '. \\ \1
St Patrick’s Day - Glasgow Schools Concert with the Glasgow Irish 11111 111 \1.11 " 11H \ 1111111111111111\111.1_\111|11~111'11111111' 1111\1'1111'1111} (1|.1\;_'11\\ (11.x (‘1111111'11.11111 11111111111111 .11111 81111.11 \\11111 81'1\11'1'\ 1111'111111'x11.1111‘1'. 111.1111.1. .11111(‘1'1111~ 111111
Anton and Erin: Cheek to Cheek 1'11211,\1.11 "111111111. {35 US :\11111111111 ”111' .11111 1.1111 1111.13; 11'11111.\'11111/\ (111111 [)111111111' .111' 1111111‘11 11} 11111111 \.11\.1 1'11.11111111111\('1111\ \1.1111111'\ .11111 1.111111 8111'111‘1-1 1111 \111111' 1111111 \11'11111111: .11'111111 111.11111' 1.111111”; x1111111111.11‘11111 1,.11111. R.11 1’111‘111.11111(i111111‘ll.\j_‘1'111 111111}\\111111
I THEATRE ROYAL 3831111111-8111-1-1.11x“11111111(1114“ |1|_ \( 11). \\'(‘. \\.\1
Boeing Boeing \11111 21 8.11 2.\’ .\l.11t ".111111111'1'11111k 8.11 111.11 1311111111.
L") {311. 8.11.111 1.1}111' 1)111111 111111 11111111. \1.11111} 11111111 //11//\111111\11\11111'111 1111'1'1‘ .111 1111\11‘\\1‘\ 1‘113411111‘11111x111111‘l1'l‘1'1111} 1‘.111111\11 “11111111111: 111.111 1‘.1|11'11 111'1'11.11‘11. 111 1111x111111‘1113: 1.11'1'1' .11111.11‘1'1111} \1'1 111.1 111111'111'1111‘1'111.” 11111111'1'11 \\'111111'11'\ 1.111 1111111'1111'111.
The Citz revives Anthony Neilson's heartbreaking fable within a fairytale about a
Cabaret \11111 11' \1.11 8.11 J \111
11111 .\ 8.11 111.11 I 111111111
L ‘11 811111'11x11111.111\\.11 1‘11'11111‘11' 111 ”11111 ..‘*1..11.'11.1~111111111‘111111.111 11111111'xx111'.111.11 111 .1\\.1111~. 1111111111\ 11.11111111.” 111111111111111111.111111; 1'11111'1‘11'11.1 11'1111111\11\\11.1\ 11111 81.11\ 11111111 11'1111\\111'1111.1111‘1'1 \\.11111' 811'1'11.1\ 1 1111’1'1'
‘ 11111111 11‘ 1
:5 \1111'111111111118-1‘ 11113111 \\ \T
Climatology of Bodies: a Trilogy 111111111_‘H\1.11111111\\1'111 .8 11111111.
‘ {1111111 0111.111 8111.11111111.111111.111\1' 1111'x1'111\11\11111111 11111'11111111'111111111\ .11111111 1111' \1.11 11111 11111111'\11'.111 1111' \11111111gi1.1\ 111'111'11\ /’.'1111 1/1'..11:11111 1111' 1‘ \1.111‘11. I1 111/'11 11'} 11:311: 1/1111' 1 [11.11. \11111111‘\11|1111'\1111'111111'11.1111111'\.11111 111'x111'x[111111111’1'11111 .1111111\1'1111'11 1'11\1111111111'111.1111 11111 1‘’ \1.111'11_.111111111' 1111.111111'1‘1'. 11.111. 11111.111111-11-1111_11111.1| \1.1\1'11111111111'\.1111111.‘11\1.11111 111111'1x 1111 \\.1\1'.111'111'1'111111.1111'111'111111'11111'1 111 1111'1'.11111'1 11.111x l'11/.'11/ \111 [11111111111 .‘IHW
Suites Cruelles 8.11 _‘I \1.11 x11.“ 1" 11111 1‘11111111'.111 1’11'11111'11'1111‘.1\ 1’1111111‘1 111'\\ 1111'1'1' 1111 111111'11.11111'1\.1111111111 [11.1111\l\ I’m! 111 MM [11111111111 SUN”
11’. \\1‘.
(11'11111111.111'. “I 1311" [11. \\(‘. \\ \1 The Grandees ‘Box of Cricks’ l 11 311.\1.11 811111111 11811111 \1'1.1111|111111111'1 1111x111'1 \11\\ 111 x111'111'1'1111111'1 11111111 11111111111} [11!] U/ 1,11L’I11'H (1111\1j1'11 /11I¢'/1111H11n11/ ( 1111111/\ [11111111
INK 1111' 3-1 \1.11 511111111 L1 \ \1'111'x111 11111' 1111 111'11111111.1111'1'\111 \111111 1111111111 \111111'111 811111.11111'x11111xl11111'11'\1111§: 1111'.111'1' 111111-11 .111 11111111}: 1'.11'1111111111111111 .11'111111111111.111111'1111'.
1..111_\\11'11 \\'.1_\. .\111\\1'111111_1_'11. (111i 33-111 [1’.11.\\'('_\\3\l
The Book of Beasts 11111 111 8.11 3| \1.11: 81'1' K111x11x1111gx.
12 \111111111'111'1. 111'11111x1'11'111. 33‘) 1821 Absolute Beginner Ceilidh Dance Class “1'11 25 \1.11 85‘11111 1'” 1111 N1111.11'1111'1\111'1‘1'\\.11‘} 1111 1111\ 111111111} .111111‘1'1.1\1'11111'1111 1111'1'11111111’1.1\\ 1111 1111\1111111‘ 111'g111111'1‘x \\1'.11’ 11.11 .11111 1'111111111'1.11111’\11111'»
I KING’S THEATRE 31.1-111118111-1-1.531111111111 111, \\'1 ', 11 \1 HMS Pinafore 111111 8.11 31 \1.11 111111 111111. 7.1(111111. L 13 £111 '1111' “MN” .11111 811111\.1118111‘11'1} .11'1'11.11‘11.111111' K1113_1\ \1111111111111111'1111111'11(11&8 1'|.1\\11'\. .11111 141'1 .111 11.111111'.111111 1111.11‘11 1111'l/1/\ l’um/nn'.
Patience 111111 8.11 31 \1.11 111111 \\'1'111\ 1111. "131111111; 3131111111. t1: L111. [111/«1111' 1111111111 \11lllt' 111\1'|111'11 1)1.1j_'111111 (111.1111\ \11111'111'11 11} 111111. 11111'11111'11» 111111 11.111' 1.111111 1111.11'11111111'111 1'1'11'111'11} p111'1x (1.111.111111'1 _\1111 11.111' 11 11111-11 111.11 11.111111'11x.’
Oklahoma! 1111- 2-1 8.11 2.8 \1.11 731111111 18.11 111.11 2311111111; 711111. L") L11). 8.1111111- 11p 1111118111113 11 1111 .1 111113.11' 1111 11111.11111 1.1xx11}11111‘\1'11 .1;_'.11 111111 111x11'.111‘1 M1} 1111. .1\ 1111' 1&11111'1111.111\1111113: 1111-1‘11111111' 111111111' \\'1'\11'1'11 3111x1111] 1111111' K111;_1\ For King and Country 1111- .11
\1.11“ 8.11 4 .-\pr. 731111111 1\\'1'11 1& 8.11 111.11 2311111111. £12.51) £25. '11'1\11‘.1111 1’11111'11 1111‘1'1‘1s 1111'1111111111111111111 ”11111.11} 11cwl'll1111.
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