Music Rock&Pop

I The Blues Band llrc I crzj. \lltlt‘l\Ilill ()na‘. lil“t'llllt'l.:‘.“.. MIN“ ‘60 0&5 \I‘m 9_l\ \cc I it I"

”I“. The Delaneys, Peri and Cheviot Hoods Hot. 2;: \mt lllt‘ll.tll \licct 33: 51W \[nn l otal 1nd1c 1m I. I Ross Clark & The Scarfs Go Missing and Cassidy llcthciincton I<c\c.nth ('lnh. l 3| naughty. (Lililk'll‘. “04503 Mint 9.1 \tt'il\llt \lll‘._'t'l \l'llLWklllt'l likcnctl to a dank} \toltixh lillL‘lll l )t‘x plan \ .n llll\ I1.t.'lk\~ll I‘l.tlll.l_\ muln

Ful‘l‘. Spokes, Cracks in the Concrete and Emily Scott lllt' llalt lidl. IN) \\t~«~tll.ill<l\ I\'H.itl. “3 ”WI“ Mun \\cck|_\ Ilalt Hat ll'latk

I Joe Gideon 8- The Shark, Mitchell Museum and Kochka km}; lnt‘x \\.ih \\.xh Ilnt. Sula \t \ intcnt \ltccl. 3.‘l 5.3"" \ 30pm 2.0 Mark. l.l‘..'j.'t'tl lilncx lll'lll l ondon lxixctl duo loc (iltlt‘Hll .\ lhc \liail. uho. nnlikc lhc \\ hitc \liipc\. at lnall} .nc Inothct and

FREE 2 Bob Rocket \anincl llou K. 6" "l \nhxdalc Road. 1.73 “ll!“

3 30pm Rock \l‘\k'l\

I The Seventeenth Century, Fanattica and Freight Logistics lith \otc ( 'alc. 5” (ill Kinjx \ticct. 553 I638 ‘lpni lhcainjt. c\pcinncntal lolk “Mk

I Demon’s Eye l\’Ht‘l\t‘l\. l-l \lldland Slit-cl. .33! 0736 0 30pm Rock cH\t'l\ I Bombskare Slut-o. 30 3.\ chlicltl lanc. 333 3.351 Illlt't’lltlll\ \ka action lioni thc cich'. pit-cc litlllll\\k.ll't‘.


FREE The Rab Howat Band liannciinanK. \iddix \ticct. 556 335-1 4pm lull}; \l.llltllll_‘_‘ and c\ticincl_\ populai coxclx hand.

I ballboy, Lindsay Sugden 8. The Storm and Lipsync for a Lullaby “cc Rcd Hat. lzdinhnich ('ollccc ol \I‘t. l.;lllll\ltlll l’lacc. 33" H43. 6. 30pm. L5.


The Airborne Toxic Event

Strokes. t)‘.'t {3.1.x}: km "In"

\\ llllll\lc.ll nidtc as halllio} hcadltnc llll\ ()\|ani llllell tcanung: up \\llll Sccl‘cl ('l)\ til“) c\pctl ()\l.un lllt'lc‘lldlltlht'. a pit/c tll.l\\. a (I'm/m l/t'm conipctilion and

I Mars Patrol, Kudos, The Set Up and Dirty Modern Hero ('ahaict \oltanc. 36 3X lilan’ Sli'ccl. .330 (\IVi. "pin. [10. l‘cnialc li‘ontcd pouci'



Wednesday 24th June ABERDEEN AECC

77900 0 / mmlivenationcoatk Tickets subject to booking fee.

An 1TB presentation in association with Regular Music




68 THE LIST '.\"".1' .3 *1" c‘




They might sound like a hardcore metal band but The Airborne Toxic Event are actually an LA indie five-piece. Taking their name form Don DeLillio’s book White Noise and producing an expansive indie rock akin to Arcade Fire crossed with The

pop/lock hand \larx l’ati'ol hcadhnc.

I Tunng and Tinariwen 'l‘hc ll.\1\' l’ictnic llousc. l.othian Road. 0844 847 l740. "pin. 9; l 3.50. ‘l‘hc dcath inctal lllt't‘l\ lolk \ ia Inaclnnc lunk ol' 'l'unng ttlltl lllc tlt‘\t‘l'l I‘llltN ttlltl Mltltllt‘ l‘.tt\lt‘l'll px} chc-gi‘oouw ol ‘l’niai‘iucn tpci'l'ot‘nnng ;t\ a Him.

I The Remains, MV5, Hot Lips and Jaded Playboy 'l‘hc .'\l'l\. 3 7 \Vatci‘loo I’lttct‘. (Q3 Tl-l-i‘. 7.30pm. £4. llltllc rock. FREE Soul Foundation ’l‘hc \‘oodoo RUUIII\. l‘hl \Vth chNcr Sll‘L'L'l. 550 7060, 3pm. Night ol .\loto\\n—\t_\lc soul. FREE Taking Chase 'l‘cx iol Rtm l'nion. lirixto Squarc. 650 4673. 3.30pm. llltllL‘ l‘UL'k.


I Not Advised, Lost on Landing and 3 Times Over l)c\tcr\ Loungc littl'. 34 (‘QINIIL' Sti'cct. Ill .33: 23339-1. Spin. L'thc. .~\ccc\\ih|c cnio inctal l'roin llllx Southampton hand.


I Reloaded 'l‘olhooth. Jail \V} nd. 0|"H6 274000, 7.30pm. £6. Stirling'x li\chc\t shoucaxc ol~ unsigncd acts.

Glasgow I X Factor Live Tour lirachcad .-\i'cna. Kingx Inch Road. 0370 444 6062. 3.30pm tk ".3Hpm. £38.50. Scc Sat 2]. lnstal 2009 'l‘hc .-\rclic\. 253 ' .-\rg_'_\|c Strcct. 565 1000. 3.30pm. {l0 tda} pass» (£25 lcstnal pawl. 'l'hc annual lcstixal ol' mant-gardc and cwcrinicntal lllll\lc. 'l‘oda} '\ linc-up includcx l’lnl .\llnton\ llIU-xtrong l’cral choir. \cil l)a\id\on. Scynour Wright. l'i‘awr litn'nctt. Jcan—l’lnlipp (irths & (Brant Smith. Roll Illlllh. .\lalc_\ Dull. .-\h Rohcrtxon tk Scynour Wright. Scan Mcchan tk 'l‘aku l'nami. .-\ilccn ('aniphcll tk |)}lan \ymkix and Jcronic \octingcr. FREE The Hit Parade liar Bloc. 1 17 Bath Strcct. 574 6066. 5pm. Rock I Decoy Rm. 431 Sauclnchall Strcct. 333 5431. 8pm. l'p-and-connng (ilaxgou act. I New Battle and Void Pleasanteries I’i\o l’im. l5 \Vatcrltm Strcct. 564 Sl00. 3pm. tthc. ('laxxic rock “ith an mpcrimcntal strain from .\'c\\ Battlc plus quict/loud dyianncx lroni \tild l’lCttxttlllcrlL‘s.

I Not Advised, Lost on Landing and Up for The Let Down (‘laxxic (irand. |t\' .lanialca Sticct. N47 0830 Nplll. ()\t‘l* I-i\ \hou. .-\ccc\\ihlc t‘lllti nictal il'tllil llll\ Southampton hand

I Stone Gods, Black Spiders and Hate Gallery King: 'l'ut'x \\ah \Vah llut. 272a St \uiccnt Sticct. III 537‘). 3.30pm. {13. I'.\\t'llll;lll_\ lhc l);tl'kllc\\ nnnux .lll\llll Ilti\\klll\. lhc} ma} haw lost thc L‘;ll\llll\ hut thc_\ i'cniain dcdicatcd to thc rock.

I The Steady Boys, Roscoe Vacant, Poverty Scum and Dave Hughes Huh Nou- ('alc. So (in King: Sti‘cct. 553 I638, 9pm. £4. l’i‘olc punk rcggac.

I Switchblade Scream and Vantage Point Slcl'co. 20 28 Rt'lll-IL'ltl l.ttllt'. 232 2.354. IZPIL' lilack poucr glam thrash niclal. appai'cntl}. I The Mercurymen Nicc'n'SIt-ax}. 431 Sauchichall Stu-ct. Httmoo. l’()S'l‘l’().\'l:l).


I Mind Set a Threat, Dicky and Sphinx 'l-llL' .-\l‘k. 3 7 \thlt‘l'ltit) I’lttt't‘. 633 7l47. 6pm. £4. l‘.;tl'l_\ doorx lock and inctal hill.

FREE Dick Dangerous & the Love Bastards, The Al’s 8. the Pussycats and Sean Paul

(’aharct Voltau'c. 36 3H lilan Strcct. 230 6|76. 7 lllpin. 'l'hc lzdinhtn‘gh CllpcttkL'l‘} l'.\L‘l' S” S“ L'L'l ll;i\ Ik‘cll going; tor a uholc war. II )our mcct tooth still isn't \tlllillt‘tl. or II '\ou‘i‘c wt to tr} its tiL‘llthh. loin thc part} l'or lllll\lL‘ lroin l)ick l)ang_'crou\ & thc l.o\ c Bastards and 'l hc Al's ck thc I’ll\\_\ cats. Scan l’anl tpcrloi'nnng thc music ol thc lzai'l} Notcinhcri and DJ Slitlllllilcx ll‘L'L' L‘llpcttkc\ tintl l'undraixing lor Slicltci'.

I Blackjacket. Intentions, Critikill and Joey Terrifying llcnr} '\ ('cllar Bar. K 16a \ltH‘l'le Strcct. 323 9393, 7,3Upm. £5. h’lix-

xt} lc inclodic hardcorc lroin thc (‘anadian hcadlincrs.

I Skyless and Brittle Head Girl 'l'hc Ark. 3 7 Watcrloo l’lacc. 623 7l47. h'pm. £4. llard rock.

FREE Original Only Acoustic lispionagc. 4 India Buildings. Victoria Strcct. 477 7007. 9pm. Acothlic nlglll. llo L't)\t.'r\ tilltmcd.

I Sylvanus, Wildtype and Hippocampus The (iR\'. 37 (iuthric Strcct. 220 29x7. 9pm. £4. .-\lt.rock.