For more food and drink visit

Pret a Manger for info

Although they drd once make the mistake of marketrng a tongue sandy/rch for Valentrne's Day. Srrnon Hargraves. Pret's Director of Food and Comnlunlcatron. admrts that the classrcs always sell the best. wrth therr chrcken club sandy/rch being their 'rnost popular', compared to their worstiseller. the erd salmon sandWrch, which Hargraves admits ‘trcks the rrght boxes nutrrtronally. but rust rsn't sellrngf

The British Sandwich Association Created. unsurprrsrngh. bl, .lrhri Montagu. the fourth liar" of Sarldxar‘l‘. rn 1762. the f;£ill(l\‘.‘|(;ll rndustrj. rs n ‘worth over Slit} brllron' accordrng to Suskra Bollen of The Bntrsh Sandwrch sso(:ratron With 2.7 llllllflll sandwrches berng purchased outsrdt: the home each year. our old faxourrtes chicken salad. BLT and egg and mess are among the top frye bestselling sandwrches.


29 Haddington Place. Leith Walk. Edinburgh. 0131 652 3880

Mrke Marshall. the owner of Leith Walk's best-kept secret. Ernbo. rs open to creatrng all sorts of sandWrch frllrngs. havrng once received an order for a toasted tuna mayonnarse sandwrch wrth egg mayo. cheese. Chutney and mustard. althOugh rt didn't go completely to plan. as he points out: 'We'd run out of egg mayonnaise. so we used scrambled egg rnstead!’

Juice Almighty

7A Castle Street. Edinburgh. 0131 220 6879

Derek Webster. the owner of Jurce Almrghty. belreves that when rt comes to makrng a good sandmch, you've got to ‘keep rt srmple'. and of course. ‘make it with love'. Opened rn 2007. Derek recently launched frve healthy and wallet-frrendly hot wrnter meal deals ranging from porrrdge to baked potatoes. and plans to launch a Summer ver8ron in the near future.


Stores everywhere. vrsrt to frnd your nearest branch

The tilt rrleers of the great Birtlsh meal deal. when asked about the effects of the recent economrrt (lfil.'.llltllll. a

Bo ;-t<:' spokesperson boasted of a ‘.‘£ill(:fl lunch range. consrstrng of over t‘.'.'o rnrllron :‘ombrnatrons of marns. snacks and drrnks." Their most popular sandwich? ‘Anythrng wrth cnrcken tends to be a brg seller' ‘Nuff sard.

Where The Monkey Sleeps

182 West Regent Street. Glasgow. 0141 226 3406

’Blow torches are good.’ replres Andy Yates. the proprretor of Glasgow's unforgettable sandwrch experience. Where The Monkey Sleeps. when asked by The List for hrs sandwrch— makrng secrets. Why the torch? ‘lt's more effectrve than a panrnr rron at rneltrng the frllrng wrthout dryrng out the bread.‘ explarns Yates. So now you know.


Competition level sandwiches

lwan Sasaki of Govan's lrttle sandwrch delr Cherry 8 Heather Frne Food recently walked away wrth the wrnnrng entry rn three of the four categorres of the Scottrsh heats of the British Sandwrch Desrgner of the Year competrtron. Hrs own favourrte entry has been a regular feature on hrs takeaway board srnce the delr opened two years ago: confit de canard, wild mushroom and pistachio dukka on sourdough. Onto the bread Sasakr gets hrs from Tapa Organrc Bakehouse rn Dennrstoun he puts a layer of smoked paprika mayonnaise. On thrs he'll place strips of confit duck. slowly cooked for three or four hours rn rts own fat. The dukka rs a blend of pistachlos, almonds, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, coriander and cumin: typrcally rt's mrxed wrth olive oil to provrde a drp for bread. but Sasakr keeps the mixture dry for a sandwrch trllrng. ‘The dukka works well with the bread. and the wrld mushrooms complement the confrt whrch. to be honest. rs really delrcrous even on rts own.‘ Finally. there's a salad topping of rocket, water cress or. most commonly. spinach. As wrth all of Sasakr's sandwrches. this combo rs prrced at rust £2.50. ‘My customers love good oualrty' he reflects.

I Cherry 8 Heather Fine Food. 7 North Gower Street. Glasgow.

www. cherryandheather. co. uk

I GLASGOW ”II?! I!!! II!!!" has become the first UK lager maker to pick up medals from the DLG. the prestigious Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (German Agricultural Society). Golds were picked up by their St Mungo lager, Hefeweizen and darker Dunkel lager, all of which are brewed in Glasgow under the guidelines of the Reinheitsgebot, the famous German Purity Law regarding the ingredients used in beer brewing.

I BAIILY m m after the dramatic pre-Christmas fire that destroyed Khushr's restaurant on Vrctorra Street. Khushr‘s Diner has popped up at 32b West Nrcolson Street. Edinburgh. It's smaller and carrres a shorter and slrghtly cheaper menu. wrth most mains between $7 and £1 1 pounds. Bookrngs on 0131 667 4871. -

I ma sees the arrival of Appetite for Ayrshire & Arran, a campaign designed to show off food and drink in the area. During the course of the month there will be fixed-price £15 menus at restaurants as part of a Dine Around offer, various food-related events, shopping discounts and ‘Dine & Duvet' offers with special rates on dinner, bed and breakfast.

I III! III! to get hold of a copy of the next issue of The List. available from 1 April, which will contain free copies of our brand- new publication all about Scottish food and where to buy it. The . Larder is a full-colour, 160-pagé magazine covering all aspects a the local food scene. including features on producers, product guides. listings of the best food shops, farmers' market charts and details of events taking place across Scotland. Later in April it will be on sale in bookshops for £7.99.

19 Mar—2 Apr 2039 THE LIST ‘I 1