
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to theatre@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

Ill Indicates Hitlist entry



35 3 .I\tg-\lc Stt’cct. 5o5 I000. Ill. “(1 \\'.-\|

Scratch Moves 'l‘htt 5 Mar. 7. 30pm. l’a_\ uhat )ou can, _.\ tlillcrcnt (altc on Sctalch Night. alloutng pll}\lc‘;ll pcrlormcrx antl chttrcographcrx a chancc to tr} ottt nc\\ ttlcax.

Into The New 'l‘hu l2 Sat l-l Mar. (rpm. £0 (£0). l'tnal _\car \llltlt‘HIS ol' ('ontcmporar} 'l'ltcatrc l’racttcc at (ltc RSAMl) \hotxcaxc ncu atttl \crxattlc pcrlormancc ptcccx. /’ur1o/.\'¢'u- Ii'l/‘Ilurlm 200‘).

I CITIZENS’ THEATRE ll‘) (iorbalx Stt'cct. ~l3‘) 0023. Il’. ll. Wt '. WA] Educating Rita ooo l'nttl Sat 7 Mar (not Sun/Mont. 7.30pm (tttat 2. illpllt). £9.50 £ l 7. (iootl l‘crlortnanccx lrom limma ('unntl'lc antl ('harlcx '.ltm .\lactlona|tl‘ l,a\\\on just abottt rcxcttc tltc \trttctttral tlil'licttlticx at lltt‘ llc‘ut'l ol \thl} RttxxcllK tuo-ltalttlcr. Men Should Weep l'ntil Sat 7 Mar. 7.30pm ('l‘hu ntat 3.30pm). £8 (£(tt. Rcitl (‘ollcgc linal )car acting SllltlL‘lll\ prcscnlx lina Lamont Stcuart'x intitnatc portrait of a latttil) \ \Irugglc l‘or \lll'VlHll (luring thc Dcprcxxion ((ltc onc itt tltc l‘)30\t. Only When I Laugh 'l'ttc I0 Sat l-l Mar. 730th (Sat mat 2.30pmt. £0.50 £ 1 7 (£7 on 'l'ttcxtlatxt. l.o\c & .\lil(lllL‘\\ l’rotlttctionx prcxcnt a comical (akc on poxtuar \aricty cntcrtainmcnt \tarring Jack Shcphcrtl. Jim ll) \t'atcr antl .\'cil Shcppcck. l’crl‘ormancm 'l‘hu l2 Sat l4 Mar arc part ot' thc Magncrx (ilaxgou lntcrnational (‘omctb l'cxtixal. The Pillowman 'l‘ttc 10 Sat l4 Mar. 7.30pm ('l'htt & Sat mat 2.30pm). £l0 (£7). Martin Mcl)onagh'\ critically acclaimctl black comctl) abottt Katttrian K Katttrian a \ltort \tor) \Vt‘llL‘l' living iii a totalitarian \(atc. \xhoxc grucxomc talcx wan to mirror tltc tlixappcarancc of local chiltlrcn ix pcrl‘ormctl b} l.(‘ 'l'hcatrc ('ontpan)‘.

Edward Gant’s Amazing

Feats of Loneliness 'l'ttc l7 Sat 2| .\lat‘. 7.30pm. £0.50 £l7 (£7 on 'l-llL'Stlit) St. 'liltt‘ cvcr-ittvcnliu‘ Anthon} Ncilxon'x ncw work is abottt a Victorian (ltcatrc impruario. antl pl‘ttllllSc‘x licatx ol~ magic. .xpcclaclc antl \tt';tttgcttc.\\. Scc prcVicw. pagc 82. The Trial 'l‘ttc l7 Sat 2| Mar. 7.30pm (Sat ntat 2.30pm). £8 (£5). SllltlL‘lllS at thc (llaxgou (‘ollcgc ol' Nautical Sttttlics takc on Stcvcn Bcrkol‘l'K adaptation ol‘ l‘ran/ Kttlkat'x grucxomc \lttl‘};


207 Bath Slt'c‘c‘l. 0870 (Kill (ib-lb'. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.-\|

Dreamboats and Petticoats l'ntil Sat 7 Mar. 7.30pm (Wctl & Sat mat 2.30pm). U I £20. Ncw jttkcbox lltllSlL‘ttl basctl on thc songs of Ro} Orbison. 'l‘hc Slliltl(l\\.\ and othcrx. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Mon 0 Sat l4 Mar. 7.30pm (\Vc‘tl & Sat mat 3.30pm). £l2 £33.50. (ilossy \cht lintl production of thc classic mttsical about scxcn brolltcrx' cr. unusual. llk‘lllUtlS of finding tltcmschc‘s SpttttSCS in thc oltl \Vcst. It‘s looscl)’ basctl on Rtt/n' oft/(c Su/H'm' ll’omt'n. but \\ c'rc \urc it‘s loxcl). tlL‘SpllC that. (I‘I't’tlfi't' is Illl' ll'onl winncr SUSHI] Mcl-‘addcn stars. 42nd Street Inc l7 Sat 2| Mar. 7.30pm (Sat tnat 2.30pm). £l2 £l-1. 'l'hc Lyric (‘lub take on thc musical- about-a-musical. about a chorus girl who SlL‘ttlS lltc‘ Show.



30| North Strccl. :87 30‘)” ll’. \\(‘. \\’.-\|

Alan Bissett: Times When I Bite l~rt l3.\lar. 0 l0th £7 (UH \tt\t'll\l .-\|an lllSSc'll takcx to tltc \tagc ttt llt\ (mn ‘ottc \xomatt \ltou'; a \L‘I'IL'\ ot hcartuarmmg. tcrrtt_\tng lttoltologttcN trout (ltc potttt ol \IL'\\ ot \lotta Hcll. l-alltirlx's llthlL'Sl \Voman ’tut of lo ll'rth" Hun/t of St ot/tmt/ “(ML /('\H\ (1/

I ORAN "OR 73] 735 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 357 (i204). A Play, a Pie & a Pint \Vt-t-kl} changing lttttclttttttc tlt'atna. l2. 30pm lot a 1.05 \tart. 'l‘tckct prtcc \artcx according to (la). but a|\\a_\\ tnclutlcx a drink and a pic. \cu hall \caxon run (it coniunctton \ttth tltc 'l rawrxc. and It M'alt'tl lltL‘t‘L‘. lwglltx \\ Illt /\'\ulu * Kyoto Mon ‘) Sat |~l .\lat.

£7 £l2.50. .\'c\\ p|.t_\ about loxc antl cltmatc changc. b} ”at ttl (irctg. Scc prc\ (cu, pagc 84. The Ching Room .\l(tlt to Sat 3| Mar. £7 £ l 3.50. 'l'hc proltlic Alan llixxctt llll‘llS p|a_\\\rtght )t'l again llltS l'ortnighl. \xillt a tct black comctl} \ct inxitlc a totlct cttbtclc,


lll RL‘lll—lt'lkl Slt'L‘L'l. .33: lb“). Ill. \V( .. WA]

Brotherhood of Man in The 70’s Story l‘ri b Mar. 7.30pm. £l5. .-\ _\c;tr bywar mttxical I'c\ic\\ ot‘ thc 107W. co\cring lilmx. nc\\\. g()\\tp. 'l‘\' and l'axhton.

We’ll Meet Again 'l‘ttc 10 Mar. 2pm. U I (W). A light—hcartctl look at “artimc Britain. l'catttring lllL'lUtllL‘S ol _\c\tcr)'car antl hitx l'rom tltc bli(/. Their Cheatin’ Hearts: Jessie’s Last Stand \Vctl IS Sat 28 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat mat Zputt. £l I £l5. chucl to thc cottntt'} antl \xcxtcrn lllttxlc‘al.


'l'hc Britlgc. I000 \chtcrhottxc Road. liaxtcrhouxc. :70 06W».

Baby Baby l't‘i (t Mar. 7.30pm. £8 (£3.50 £4.50). Stcllar Qttincx lta\c atlaptctl Vivian l-‘rcnch'x bcxt-wlling noxcl about tuo l5-)c';tt‘-o|tl.\ (l’inlxic thc ctno kitl antl glatnottr girl April) u ho think thcy haxc nothing in common ttntil thc)‘ botlt cntl up itt (hc \tllllc‘ claxx at thc 'l‘inlcy Road School for _\otutg mums. Sttitablc l‘or agcs l3+.


98 lngrattt Strcct. 5-18 34-1-1. ll’. \\'(‘. WA, WAAI

an The Angina Monologues Thu 5 & l"ri () Mar. 7.30pm. 'l'ickctctl. \Nriltcn by the l’t'olcxxot' ol‘ Pharmacology (Slrillllt‘l}'(lt' llt\llllllL' ol' Biomctltcal Scicnccx) Robin l’lc\in ax part of thc Scicncc lingagcmcnt proicct. thix play l‘ocuxcx on tltc cauxcx ol' cartliovaxcular (IISCZISC. tlrug intcrx'cnttott and asxociatctl hcalth lSSllL‘S. l’rL‘Scntctl by l'ioctts 'l‘ltc‘att‘c Comma”).

Can’t Pay? Won‘t Pay! Mon to Sat 2| Mar. 7.30pm. £3 £0. lt'x l‘)74 antl llNKl and fuel priccs haw got ottt of control itt l)ario l‘tfx no“ altogcthcr rclcx'ant political satirc. l’urt offlllugm-n (ilmcou‘ Intt'rnulionul ('nmn/t‘ I't'\ll\‘(l/.


St Antlrcw'x Squarc. 55‘) 5003. Arabic Dance Night l-‘ri l3 Mar. 7.30pm. £ l 5. A cclcbration ot lig}ptian tlttllc‘c‘ Will] Prim?“ litrhana.

Save money

see page 9 for details



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