Classical Music
St Andrews
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Dramatic Beethoven Younger Hall. North Street. ()I 3 34 462326, 730pm.
U) £l‘) (£7.50 1. l 5 l. Beethoven aI his Iinpassioned best It] his Symphony .Vo 7 conducted by |.otits Langree. Also on the programme are Beethoven's 'liemoni' ()l‘l’l'llll'r' and 'I’chaikov sky 's much-lov ed Hull/t (‘om r'I'lrI. perfortned by soloist James Izhnes.
Thursday 12
I Westbourne Music The Merchant House. 7 \Vesl (ieorgc Street. H77I I 559653. I2.~I5pm. £7 (£3 £6). Scott Mitchell accompanies Maximiliano Martin in a performance of clarinet works by Romero Wiilor. Mc('abc. Rabatid and Taste.
FREE The Edinburgh Quartet (ilasgow l'ntvei‘sity ('oncert Hall. l'nivei‘sity Avenue. 330-1093. I.I0pm. String quartets by Haydn and Mendelssohn.
I Opera Scenes RSAMI). l()() Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.I5pm. £I2 (£8). Postgraduate students stage some favourite opera moments.
I RSAMD Wind Orchestra RSAMD. I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). Bryan Allen and Nigel Bodtlice conduct a concert featuring IIatitist Jo Ashcroft and percussionist Philip Ilagtie.
I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Nicolson Square Methodist ('Iiiirch. 25 Nicolson Square. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). William ('onway conducts. Tickets available on the door.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Dramatic Beethoven Queen's Hall. S7 8‘) (‘lct‘k Slt‘ecl. (ilih’ 2(Il‘). 7.30pm. £3 £30 (£0 U950). See \Vcd ll.
I Friday Lunchtime Concert Series RSAMD. I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. lpm. £9 (£6). Acclaimed liarpist (iiovanna Reitatio joins RSAMD students in a varied programme.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Dramatic Beethoven (‘in Halls. (‘andlcriggx 353 8000. 7.30pm. £I I £24 (£8.50 £I8). See Wed I l.
I Tunnel Echoes Kelvingrove Art (iallery & Mttsetitii. Argyle Street. 276 9599. 7.30pm. £I. ('horal music iii celebration of the opening of the (‘lyde Tunnel 50 years ago. and those who btiilt it. With archive film footage of (ilasgow in the 5(Is.
FREE Organ Recital Reid (‘oncert Ilall. Iidinburgh l'niversity. Bristo Square. 650 2-127. I.I0pm. (iillian Ward Rtissell celebrates the anniversaries of Mendelssohn. Haydn and Handel with mttsic by the three and others.
I Edinburgh University Music Society Symphony Orchestra (irey friars Kirk. (irey'friars Place. 225I900. 7.30pm. £8 (£4). Rtissell (‘ow ieson conducts a concert to include
Shostakov ich's great Symphony .\'o 5.
I The Psophos String Quartet (‘airns Church. I I Buchanan Street. 7.30pm. £|0 (£5; schoolchildren free). The aw ard-w inning Lyon-based ensemble is joined by violist Nils Monkmeyer in a performance of chamber works by Mendelssohn. Brahms and more.
Saturday 14
I Opera Scenes RSAMI). I()() Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.I5pm. £I3 (£8). See Thtt I2.
I Glasgow Wind Band RSAMI). I()() Renfrew Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £8
(£4.50). The band‘s showcase concert of the year. with a diverse mix of mUsicaI styles and featuring soloist Yvonne Paterson performing Put/‘s I'luli’
("om (-rto.
I Ben Kearsley (‘orstorphtne ()Id Parish ('hurch. Kirk I.oan Hall. 334 3573. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). The talented Scottish classical guuarist goes on tour following the release of his latest album. .Uilti'rluki’r' on Shore Sounds Mllslc.
I Calton Consort: Music to Hear ('anongate Kirk. I53 ('anongate. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). Jason ()rrmge conducts the Edinburgh-based ensemble in a jk‘rformance of his own .lluvii- to llmr alongside songs by Britten. Vaughan Williams. Iilgar and Frank Martin.
I Garleton Singers and Orchestra (ireyfriars Kirk. (ireyfriars Place. 668 30I9. 7.30pm. £I0. A chance to hear settings of the Requiem by two of the country's most celebrated contemporary composers. Karl Jenkins and John Rutter. Stephen Doughty conducts.
I New Edinburgh Orchestra .\'ico|son Square Methodist ('hurch. 25 Nicolson Sqttare. (168 2(ll9. 7.30pm. £8 (£I £5). Harpist Helen Maclcod joins the orchestra for Debtissy‘s Home Srii'rr'r‘ ('l Home I’rolimr'. Also with works by Dvorak. Sibelius and Brtmo Clifton.
I The Scottish Chamber Choir St (iiles' ('athedral. Royal Mile. 3360673. 8pm. £8 (£6; under I6s free). Michael Harris condticts Allegri's celebrated .Illyr'rr'l'r’. Handel's The Passion off/Iris! aiid John Sanders' Ri'])l'(Nli‘/I('.\.
Cappella Nova: The Word and
The Song St Andrew‘s in the Sqttare. St Andrew's Square. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £I0: £l3.50 (£7 £9.50). (‘appella Nova sings settings of Burns by Schumann and MacMiIIan alongside the work of other Scottish poets. Includes the world premiere of a new work by Moulin Rouge lilln composer. (‘raig Armstrong. I Glasgow University Choral Society and Orchestra (ilasgow l'niversity Memorial (‘hapeL The Sqttare. off l'niversity Avenue. 330 5533. 7.30pm. £9 (£6). Marjorie Rycroft conducts a concert of vocal and organ works. With organist Peter Yardley Jottes. Please call or email boxofficem gilmorehillg I 3.co.ttk for tickets.
I St Giles’ at Six St (iiles' ('athedral. Royal Mile. 326 0673. 6pm. Retiring collection. The (ilasgow-based Rtissian (‘hoir performs under the direction of Vladimir Moro/ov.
I Edinburgh Contemporary Music Ensemble Reid (‘oncert Hall. Iidinburgh University. Bristo Square. 650 2427. 8pm. £8 (£5). Works by contemporary Edinburgh-based composers. Jatnes Lowe conducts.
I Joseph Fleetvvood (‘arnegie Hall. Iiast Port. 0l383 602302. 7.30pm. £8
(£1 ). The pianist performs. among other Romantic-era works. Schumann's xlhr'gg Iiiriritions and (‘hopin's fantastic Scherzo in Bflu! minor.
I Kirkcaldy Orchestral Society Adam Smith Theatre. Bennochy Road. (H593 583302. 3pm. £6 (£4). Take a musical tour of our fair isles with Iiric (‘oates' London Suite. William Alwyn's Scottish Dances and George Macllwham's Allm.
Monday 16 . '
I Alison McGillivray performs Bach RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 333 5057. 5.30pm. £5. RSAMD staff member
Alison Mc(}illiv ray performs some of JS Bach's gorgeous works for solo cello.
I A Concert, 3 Cocktail and a Canapé ()ran Mor. 73I 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 6.15pm. £l0. (illc\l conductor Iiric Dunlea leads a concert for St Patrick's Day. featuring the talents of ine/lo (‘aroly n Dobbin and Ilautist Iiddic McGuire. Doors open at 5.15pm.
I 97th Glasgow Music Festival Various venues Bands. orchestras. choirs aitd soloists perform and are appraised by a team of professional adjudicators. For venues. dates and times. see
ww wglasgowinusiclestiyalorg. l'ntil Sat 2l March.
Tuesday 1 7
I Strathclyde University Improvisation Ensemble Ramshorn Theatre. 98 Ingram Street. 548 3444. l.l5pm. £4. Quick-thinking musical spontaneity. led by (ierry Rossi.
FREE William Conway and Simon Smith Reid ('oncert Hall. Iidinburgh l'niversity. Bristo Square. 650 2427. l.l0pm. (‘ello aitd piano music by JS Bach. l.utoslawski. Martinu and Bridge. I Organ Recital St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral. Brottghton Street. 556 I798. 8pm. £5 (under £l6s free). John Scott Whitely performs W'idor's 5th Svmp/ionv with its famous 'I‘occata. and works by JS Bach and Mendelssohn.
Wednesday 18
FREE Contemporary Music Ensemble (ilasgow l'niversity (‘oncert Hall. l7niversity Avenue. 330 4092. l.l0pm. The University of (ilasgow's music department explores composing and performing ‘beyond norms'. combining contemporary and avant-garde tittisic with improvisation. I Double Bass Recital RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £5. ()utstanding musicianship as BB(‘ SS() leader Iili/abeth Layton and pianist Scott Mitchell perform with renowned bass player Tom Martin. Followed by an evening of laid-back ja/./ hosted by rising star. bass player Kristin Korb.
Thursday 19
I Stringtest Lunchtime Concert RSAMD. I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. Ipm. £5. (‘elebrated American bassist Jeff Bradetich returns to the RSAMD. joined once again by Academy pianist Julia Lynch.
FREE Instrumental Masterclasses RSAM I). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 3.30pm. British bassist Barry (itiy shows young bass players how to get to the top of their game. (‘oncttrrently in different areas. Maya Ilomburger and Dan Styffe give insights into playing baroque violin and bass respectively.
I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: The Story Tellers 3 (‘ity Halls. (’andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £10-£33 (£8-~£2l ). Award- winning conductor Michal Dwor/ynski leads Richard StraUss' sepulchral tone poem /)('(Illl and 'I'runs/igurution. which depicts the death of an artist. Prokofiev's Romeo and Julie! and Mo/art's Alma (immle Ii Nohil (‘ore and Elixir/rule. Jiihiluie sung by Ailish Tynan. With a Pre-(‘oncert Prelude and Post-(‘oncert Coda.
Edinburgh Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Bach and Mozart Queen's Hall. 87—89 (‘Ierk Street. 668 20I9. 7.30pm. £84.26 (£6—£l9.50). Internationally renowned pianist Piotr Anders/.ewski
lit >l<
* Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Bach and Mozart Not long back from India. the SCO are just about to jet oil on their travels again. this time to Krakow. Budapest and Istanbul. Hear their tour programme in Edinburgh and Glasgow before they set off. with Polish born pianist, Piotr Anderszewski (pictured). who is soloist and director (or two of Mozart's piano concertos. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 19 Mar; City Hall, Glasgow Fri 20 Mar.
* Edinburgh Quartet 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the internationally distinguished Edinburgh Quartet. making it one of the longest running chamber ensembles in the UK. Guests of festivals throughout the world, and string quartet in residence at Glasgow and Napier Universities. this concert presents them on home ground as part of their 2008/09 Edinburgh season. Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh, Wed 17 Mar.
=I< Cappella Nova: The Word and The Song Choral ensemble Cappella Nova get into the mood of Homecoming with their celebration of the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns and a new piece by Craig Armstrong, Glasgow born and based composer of film scores including Moulin Rouge and. again with 832 Luhrmann, Romeo and Juliet. St Andrew ’3 in the Square, Glasgow, Sun 15 Mar.
joins the S(‘() for a performance of Mozart's Piano Concerto in I} flu! (K 456) and Piano ('onr‘r'rlo in (‘ minor (K 49/). Bach‘s ()i'r'rrun'. Lur'io .S'illu and Mozart's I)it'('riim('n!o in Iiflu! are also on the programme.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Springtime in Paris (‘aird Hall. City Square. 0] 382 434940. 7.30pm. £13.50 (children free). Stephane Deneve conduets a selection of Paris'- inspired works: Mozart's Symphony No 3] ( 'I’uris 'i. Poulenc's Concerto for Two Pianos and Concert chum/wire. and rounded off with Offenbach's (jaité I’arixiennr with its quintessentially French Can-Can. With pianists Frank Braley and Eric Le Sage. and
‘ harpsichordist Jory Vinikour. Plus pre-
and post~concen events in the foyer.
55-19 Mar 2009 Till LIST 81