Music Roek&Pop

I Secta Rouge, Sileni, Tinpark, Mechanical Beast and Scrim llL-ni} \ ('L'llal' liar. .S’ I’M \lorrlsotl Strch 225 9393. Spin £3 I’rogicssnc haiLlLoic and tulstcLI metal

I Limbo 'I hc \oodoo Rooms. I‘M \\L'\l RL'glstL'r SlrL'L'l. 55o "oou S iilplll l.illl £4 The Black Spring I)Js man thc LIL'Lks and bring Mitt a llanLlluI oI Inc .iLts L'aL ll \sL'L'k.

FREE Esther O’Connor, El Guapop and The Halos \Vhistlchinkics. 4 o South Iirrdgc. 55" 5I l4. ‘Ipni Ioriuci Ashton I.anc Ironlwiinan. l'.\llIL'l ()’('onnor.

I Townhouse and Seven Deadly Sins 'l'hc r\l'l\. 3 7 \\alL-iloo I’IaL c. (\23 7I47. 0pm. £4. InLIlL'

FREE The Freaky Family 'l he .la/l liar. I ('haiiihcrs Sticct. 220 42‘LS

I I.30pin. ()rganic hip hop and |a//_\ grooLL-s.


I Let’s Hang On - A Tribute to a Mbute to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Rothcs Halls. Kingdom ('cntrc. 0I5‘)2 M I IOI. 7.30pm. £l5 l£|3l. ‘light Ialsctto \ocals and LIoo-uop harmonics makc tor a pop sensation.

Friday 6

Glasgow The Killers SI:(‘(‘. I'inniL-ston Qua}, 0870 040 4000. (i, illpin. SOLD ()1 "I. Ias \cgas rockct's. iL'xclImg in the success ot their third studio album I)u_\ d" .‘lL’l’. return to Scotland. I The Broken Family Band, The Brute Chorus, Seventeenth Century and Adele Bethel x\li('2. 3 30

Sauchichall Street 332 2‘2. pin. £S.

Small Ads

two liveb

bands every hit tit ‘-

DRINKS 17/ 10/0

'01., (1‘ I IONS: Il/I NY I)/ l’

88 THE LIST 15—19 Mar 2009

Ihc lalcsl JI) SL'I hrings to Your) IIIL' Iirutc ('Iioius. a I oHLIon tolkhlucs Litlarlct \HIII LIuL'IIin: maIL' '_'l'llIIL passion. IIILIIL' roLkL-rs Ihc Iiiokci‘. Iaiml} Hand and .i \I‘L'lel guest \ilL'lL' liL'IllL‘l IVIIIS L\ l).tli_'llIL'I\' llL ixL'lS luL luilc a gig rattle and onc unutplrntcutars JaLk llama-Is

I Hugh Cornweil ('lassiL (it'allLl. ls .IaiiialLa StiL'L'l. S1“ 0S20 2pm 1 I 5 I,\ tioiitiuaii ot punk slaluaits tIiL' Stranglcis I Lorna Brooks Sith. 45" Iluiuhaiton Road. ‘34 ‘I‘ll3 "put L20 IIlL' LlisliuLlle'. soultul \oiLc ot llIL' \xcllr L'SlJl‘llSllk‘tl singer \onguiilci at IlII\ llIIllll.tIL‘ unpluggcd shim

I Marmaduke Duke ( ilasgov. School HI \II. lli‘ RL'IIIIL'\\ \IIL'L‘I. ‘2 i _;<2|

2pm Sill lHll I I lL'Ltio Iiilt} (‘lsio siLIL' pron-Lt. tcatuiuig tronlinan Simon \clll and JP Rk'ltl ot Suciopciio \kcaiing ll.tllll\i\}.llll costuiilcs and going I\_\


FREE Motown Tribute Mono. l King's ('ourl. King Sticct. 553 2400 ~pin \Iono L'\tL-uLl an im italioii across lhc nation to cclchialc lhc illusiL oi lhc 'Iainla \lotoun laIwI Ill its 5001 Inrthla} )L'ai \Hlll an exciting ot L'oxL-is and “Is

I Taake, Helheim and Vulture Industries l\tll} lildleS. Sh ()\\\.lltl Strcct. 24S 4| l4 "pin £I0. Iilack inctal Iioili \oma}

I The Toi, Let’ 5 Play God, Vegas Nights md Vendors lliL lL'II}. .-\nLIListon Qua}. IiiooiniL I m lllo‘lS 300 0S5. “pm. £5. I nsignLd hand \ll“\\Lil\L. I Whole Lotta Led ()2 .\caLIL'in_\. l2I l‘.j_'lllllilll Slicct. (IS-144 ""2000. 7pm. £I2. (iIouL'cstcrsIurc hasL-Ll I.L'LI /cppclin lrihutc hand.

I Brotherhood of Man in The 70’s Story I’a\ ilion Ihcatrc. |2I chticILI Strcct. 332 IS4o. 7, illpm £I5. :\ )L'ar h} )mi' llllISIL‘ill rc\ic\\ oi the I‘I70s coxcring lIlllts. ncus. gosLip. IV and lashion.

I Craig Hughes, Paul Michael Clark and Bad Bad Craig 'I‘hL- Stalc liar. HS IIoIIanLl Strcct. 332 2|5‘). Spin. £4. .’\L'UllSlIL' althlucs and countr} Irom c\e( iildL-d .v\ngcls man and more undcr thc hauncr Ihat l)L'\Il Music.

I Hi-on Maiden Rockets. 14 Midland SuL'L-t. 22| 072o. Spin. 'I‘rihutc to lhc might} Iron .\IaiLlcn.

I Republic of Soul ()ran Moi. 73] 735 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 35" (i200. Spin. £LS’. Iiight-piccc soul co\L'rs hand.

I Rising Son, Black Heart Fire, Servants tor Serpents and we are ROCK Star \Iaggic .\la_\ is. (ill Albion Strccl. \Icrchant (’it). 54S I350. Spin. £5. Hard-hitting rock quartct headline.

I The Strike Nineteens and The Killing Time The 'I‘LL istcd \thcl. 7% Queen StrL'ct. 22I ~IS5I. Spin. £5. lnLlic rock hcadlincrs troiu Humbarton.

I Wake the President and Zoey Van Goey l’ollokslllL‘lLls lillt'g‘lt llall. 7” (ilcncairn I)ri\ c. Spin. Ilcarttclt guitar popslcis. Irontcd h} hrothcrs Izrik and Iiiorn SanLth-rg. launch thcir he“ alhuin )iw (tint ('litmgt‘ I/tul Hm out on IiIcL‘triL‘ Hone}.

FREE The Hit Squad l.dlll'lL‘\ liar. 34 King Strcct. 552 7I23. .S'.3tlpiii. ('o\crs. FREE Independence Samuel l)t)\\ 'L. 07 7| \ithsLlaIc Road. 423 0l07. S30pm. Local rock.

I Pearl 8. the Puppets, Rod Thomas, The ID Parade and Graeme McDonald King 'I‘ut's \Vah \Vah Hut. 2"2 _a St \inLLnt Str”LLt. 22I 522‘). S30pm. £5 \oung KirkintilloLh singer/song“ritL'r \\ ith a light. pop st}lc \\ ho sharcs managcmcnt “ith Iilton John. I Soul Circus, Passenger No.6 and Indian Ink l5lli \olc (XII-Li. 50 Lou King Strcct. 55.3 IMS. 0pm. Full on rock'n'roll pltis inLIic sounds t'roin Indian Ink.

I Tokyo Knife Attack, The Futuristic Retro Champions and Nevada Base Stereo. 20 2.\' chticld Lane. 222 2254. 9pm. £5. Itan-clcctro tunk act supported h} colourful clcctro indie pop cnsL'inhIc IIUIII Iidinhurgh and Hot ('Itip-llkL‘ L‘lL‘L'lt'o PUPPCIS .il IIIIS Hca\_\hright I)arklight night run h} the Pinl'ps t'olks. I’Ius incinhcrs ot~ I5inLIo (iask DJ.

and lL'iuaIc ‘mLalists and a

touLIi o!

. "a


Liiy Allen

‘QC tut



- :r. ‘W ‘3 ’; ' e. n 39.7“: '9: ‘. C A It’ 3 easy to dismiss Lily Allen. Her online blog, rent- -a- quote attitude, the many imitators (Adele, Kate Nash.

" -... . . ‘2‘- 'II 4.4 .. v .3 ,

”0 ,l

Laura Marling, etc, etc) and the overexposure oi tunes like ‘Smile’ and ‘LDN' soon turned them from quirky. endearing pop to irritating. However new album It’s Not Me, It's You has shown a new maturity in

her lyrics and song structure.

I OL.’A(:;1(I<)/m< G/asgow. Sat 74 Mar. (Rock 8 Pop)


FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery The Jan liar. I ('hainhcrs Street. 220 42%. 5 Spin. Sec Thu 5. FREE Walk This Way and Shameless Iianncrman's. .\'iLILIr_\ StrL'L-t. 55o 3254. 5pm. Local rockers. I Thriller Live I-‘cstix'al 'I'hcatrc. I3/2‘) \icolson Street. 52‘) 6000. 5.30pm (\1 8.30pm. £l5 £27.50. See Thu 5. I Bluesoul, Jack Glass, Aye & Aye and Alma Fiera Whistlchinkics. 4 (i .Soulh IiriLIgL'. .557 5| I-i. ()pIil. l'IL'L‘ hci'orc midnight; £4 alter. .\li\cLI night oI inLlic and covers. I Emerganza 'I‘hc IIixc. l5 l7 \iLILIl') SlrL‘L‘l. 556 044-1. ().3()pm. Lth‘. Round one in this big battle of the hands comp. I Caezium, The Planes anLI Bainbridge \Vcc RL'LI Bar. IiLlinhurgh ('ollcgc oi' .-\rt. Lauriston Place. 22‘) I442. 7pm. £4. Synth-IaLlcn L'Icctro rock. Elbow (‘orn Iixchangc. l l Sen

6 .\Iarkcl Road. 477 3500. 7pm. £22.03. ()\L'r-I4s shim. Strangely uplii'ting inLIic miscrahlisls Irom Manchester hack on a \ ictor} lap alter their .\IL-rcur_\ Music I’ri/L' “in with The Sch/um .Si't'li Kill. I Hip Parade, Jakil and Callel ('aharcl Voltaire. .36— 38 Blair Street. 220 (076. 7pm. £(i. Rollocking (ilasgim indie rock quartet \\ ho “CFC rcccntl) runners-up in the Orange l'nsigncd competition. I City of Statues, Split Swords, Polar Haze and The Fatalists The .\rk. 3 7 \VatLrloo Place (123 7H7. 7.30pm. £4 I mo tIa\ourLLl roLk irom (ilasgou \( it) oi Statues. I Wildtype, Kiltreiser and Katy Bar the Door IIL-nr} 's (‘cllar Bar. S Ioa Morrison Street. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £4. (iuitars collide with pop hooks u ith \Vildt)pe \\ ho have drawn comparisons with .\Iuse. I Everything Everything, Come On Gang! and Epic 26 Sneak) Pete's. 73 (‘ougath 225 I757. 8pm. £5. (ienre- straddling 'uncomcntional pop' t‘rom Manchester’s hotl) -tipped lixerything Iixer}thing. I Armoured Cats and Slow Motion Replay Bannerinan's. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 9pm. £4. Local stoner rock line-up.

I The Brutes, The Knavemen and Chateau Greyskull HL-nr} ’s (‘L-llar liar. S Ioa Morrison Street. 228 0393. l Ipm. £5 (£4l. (iaragc rock.


I Classic Clapton RLgal ( (Hilliilllilh lhcaltc. 24 34 .\orth Bridge Street . ()l5tlo 433634. Spin. £l2 (£I0l. Iilcctril'ying recreation of ('Iapton's stage shou and greatest hits.


I The Jamm and The Paul Weller Tribute Show Fat Sam's. 3| South Ward Road. (”382 2284‘”). 8pm. £thc. ’I‘on respected Weller trihutcs tor the price oI one.


I Upbeat Beatles IIaLILIington ('orn Iixchange. Main Street. Xpni. £I5. A punchy anLI tun IicatIL-s trihute act.


I Mercury Magnum 'I‘hL-atrL'. IlarhoursiLIL'. 0I2‘)4 27838]. 7.30pm. £Io. Relive the mUsic. outfits and excitement oi ()uccn with this tribute band.

Isle of Mull

I Sorren Maclean An Tohar. Argyll Terrace. 'I‘ohcrmor)‘, 01382 434940. 8.30pm. £8 (£6). Acoustic indie from rising local star.


I Dunnlkler Primary School - Wee Hite Out The Victoria Hotel. 28 Victoria Road. 7.30pm. £I4.50. A buffet followed by The Big Night Out Band. Raising Iunds for the school.


I Let's Hang On - A Tribute to a Tribute to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Motherwcll Theatre. Civic Centre. Windmillhill Street, (”698 403120. 7.30pm. £12. See Thu 5.


FREE The MeatMen Maggie May‘s. 50 Trongate. Merchant City. 548 I350. 5.I5pm. Rockabilly. bluegrass and skiffle from Glasgow trio The MeatMen.