Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.
Actr/Itles and Fun FREE Saturday Art Club \u I .\ H Um. Ill “Mm Ipm ('mllci} ol \llltlk'lll \Il. l<ti}.rl l.\tll.illj:t' \qllalt'. :55 5”5” \H .Itll‘-lllt'\ lL'ldllllL' lo lllk' .11! on duplex mllr \ll.l\‘-|ll“_'. toll.r~,'t'. \ ulplurt' mulmrjg .llltl L'.llllt'\ \fgt‘x 5 13 FREE Back to the Drawing Board \un \ t\ l5 \l.u..‘ * ‘HI‘HI \lll\k'lllll ol ll.m\porl. Kt'lxm ”.1“. l llunlroim' Roml. lb“ 3(r5l Haw lun .1l llll\ tit-.ilrw \aolkxlrop \xlrt'rt- toil hm \lwlt'lr \Hlllt' ol Illc olrluh on \ll\|‘l.l} Latte and Paint lm- lH .\ l“ \l.u. ll.llll L1 l.rp.r ( 'ollcclrouw. fill l’lllllllx\ll.l\\\ lx’o.ul. 55-1 ‘NNI l’.nnllnf_' .it'ln lllk'\ lt'il h} llux} Hum ( rill \lutllo Teddy Bear Drop-in Coffee Workshop \ul 5 HM. ll|.im noon U51) St‘olllxlr \lmk .lllll l’uppcl ('t'nlic. .\ Ill Halmm'x \wnuc. Kclnmlnlc. 4‘" M85 Kltl\ tum nmlw .l tltllltlllj.‘ It'tltl} \xlillt' [mn'nlx Indulge Ill tulle-Inc Kaleidoscope: The Music and Making Space 8.” " .\ \‘un .\ \l.u. Ill Warn i illpm L5 1L1! lllk' ( imnl \\oll\\llop Slum: Ill l.“ Sullnmrkcl. *5” 5llllll (imnl [llH\lilt‘\ lllk' lll\lllllllk'lll\ lor lunnlrt'x \xllli t'lllltllt'll .lfJL‘tl i ll Io t'lL'tllt' .11) .ul .ulwirlurc m llrc lllxl Ill .r \t‘llk'\ ol l.im|l_\ \xorkxlropx FREE Kelvingrove Museum Nature Club Sal “ \l.u. ll 5llillll. Kclnngrow .'\rl (iullcrx tk \luwuur. .\r;:}lt' Slrccl. To ‘)5(»‘)_ (i.rllcl_\ l0lll\. \pu‘uncn Inimllmgg. ll.llltl\ on .rt‘m Ilrcx .llltl gumm .\:_'C\ .\ IS. FREE Nanny Noo’s Nursery Tours Sal 5' \lur. I -lpm. \luxcum ol lumxporl. Kclun Hall. I llunlrouw Road. 35" 205]. lulu" :1 [our ol the muwum \\ llll \ulm) .\'oo .llltl lrcr huh} (loll. l‘Ul lumrlrcx \\ llll k'lllltllk'll .runl 5.1mlumlcr. Home phone- to elk-ck .i\;ul;i|\r|ll_\. FREE Hina Matsuri Sal “ .\l.u. l 3. ‘llpm. Kll‘lllt‘ l’ulut‘c. (iluxgoxx Holulllt‘ ( inult'llx. "3H ( lrt‘ul \M'xlt'rn Road. “-1 I’ll: 'l‘ukc purl m llrrx tl;l_\ ol .lgilmncw (L'lt'l‘ldlllllh \\ ilh '|.ul\o tlrmnmlng..l;ip.1lrcxctll'c\\. “rum; .iml FREE Burrell for Families 8.” " .\l.u. 3pm. llurrcll ('ollt't'llon. Illhll l’HllHlx\ll.l\\\ Rtldtl. :35 350-1. lll\t‘\llf_‘;llt' lrorxcx m the .lm u'nl (irwlx t“\llll‘lllUll. l’lt‘du‘ I‘tllllx lll .ltl\;lllt‘L'. FREE Doctor Who Extravaganza Sui " .\l;rr. 3.15 -l.l5pm_ \lllt‘hcll l.ll‘l;ll'}. :lll \Ul'lll Sll’t‘t‘l. “NH «5-1-5 ION;~ .'\l‘l\ and null \xorkxlrop \\il|1.r\\'lro\l.m llicmc untl lropclull} \omc unmpct'lctl gucxlx. ,-\:_'c\ .\'+. I’ll/[1".\\( ll rm": “(J/IA H] Xi l’l/(“ll/ HUN/t l‘i \llli1/. Comical Characters Puppet Making Workshop 8.11 H .\l;u. lllum tk 2pm. Ur‘l5. St'ollrxlr \luxk .llltl l’uppcl ('cnlrc. .\' Ill liultuirrtw .\\cnuc. Kch Intlulc. ll.\'"(l (ll 3 5-104. .\lukc .i lunn_\ puppcl out ol l‘llx .iml hohx. I’m! or .‘Illg'IH'IW (”instill III/('I‘IIU'IIHIIiI/ ( Ill/Huh /'('\Inu/. Comedy Club 4 Kids Sal l4 & Sun 15 Mar. 3pm, L'" ll;llllll_\ Irckcl £35l. 'l'hc Stand. 533 \Vootlldnth lx’oml. ll.\"'ll ()l,‘ 5404. lop comulmnx plu} lo the loughcxl croml: hltl\. .lml the} lmw lo kccp il t‘lcun. :\:_‘C\ ~a“. “U! ml \Iilg'lli'lw (i/du’un Inli'rlmlunml (‘u/m'th l'i'\llliI/. FREE Storytelling and Pottery Workshop Sun l5 .\l.ir. 3pm. Burrcll ('ollcclion. leoll l’ollokxlmxxx Rum], 35‘ 2.504. (il‘L‘L‘lx [‘Ullt‘l'} lL'”\ l.llc\ ol' llL‘l‘UC\. gotlx and monxlcrx. l)cl\c inlo yrur imagination and crculc )our o\\ n \L‘l\l\lll. l’lcmc hook lll ;itl\;incc.
Children's Classic Concerts: Crash, Bang, Wallop! Sal " .\l;ll‘. 3pm. (ll) lib; llunil} tickcl {I‘ll Royal (‘ont‘crl Hull. 3 Suuchrchull Slrccl. 35.“
Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Wed 11—Sat 14 Mar Lifting one of the most popular animated TV programmes of all time from the small screen to the stage is no mean feat. When that programme takes place underwater, things get even tougher. Since it first aired in 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants has become a worldwide phenomenon, with both adults and kids regularly checking out the action in Bikini
Now, the fictional Pacific Ocean town is heading to the theatre, with the first ever stage production, The Sponge Who Could Fly touring the UK. According to director, Alison Pollard, a few crucial elements were required to make the adaptation successful. ‘First of all we needed a good script,‘ she says. ‘And the TV episode Nickelodeon chose was already really theatrical because it involves flying and has four
MNN), .loin ()an. ( )II} and :Jllk'\l\ lor .m
crrt'lgclit' pcr't‘lrxxlon \pccmt'ulu
Theatre & Dance
Peter Pan l‘l'l (\ tk Sal ,5 MM. l'l‘l llum; 5.1! l. illpm. H5” U» r L" L715”; l.1lllll_\ llt‘lxt‘l Ll: LlKI. l'.tl\l\\l‘lltl l).lll\ lllLKlll’C. l\)tlllhk'll(llk'll Romllhllnogk. 555-105“, Shallow puppclr) .llltl \ rln'unl Honk-Hm; .i\ llrc t'lmxlt‘ .ulxt'nlurc 1\ brought lo lilt- l‘.‘ le‘lc l'rt‘llonx. llrc ('lultlrcn'x 'I'lrmuc (‘ompuny \lmnmpolrx .mtl ll.l||.m \lmtlou .irlrxl l.ll‘l'l/lil \lonlct't'hl \:_'g‘\ he
The Three Bears Sal " \l.u. 2pm t-l.‘l5 it; l55l \‘cloh \l.l\l\ .lllkl l’uppcl (‘cnllo .\ lll Haltxurcs .\\cnuc. Kclnndnlc. 33" hlh5. (‘lylclmlll l’uppch lill\L‘\ lllL‘ t'l.l\\lt' \lill} Hl (lllltllltk'lx\ .tlltl gnc ll .1 hmlllr} mung; mm. \;;c\ 3+ The Singing Kettle: Boogie Woogie Zoo Sun .\ .\l.u. noon t\ 1 ‘llpm L I“ thuml} [lukcl {For Sl:(‘(‘. l‘mmcxlon Qua-y o.\"o (Ho woo \luoml pundcmomum \xrlh Scolluntl‘x Loourllc clrlltlicn'x cnlcrlarncr»
The Lighthouse Keeper 8.1! H Mm; 2pm, £4 "5 rL'J,"5r St‘oluxh \lthl'x .llltl l’ul‘l‘t‘l ('t'nlrc. .\ lll Bulgurrcx .'\\cnuc. KCh llltltllL‘. 33" 6185. .-\ cloxx n talc lor til—KN 5+. “hull \L‘L‘\ lU\ L'dl‘lc lnol Unkll' gorng .rrountl lhc I“ N to .r lrglnhouw
musical numbers in it. Secondly we have the most fantastic young cast of actors who are completely
committed to the whole SpongeBob thing.‘
The programme‘s sea sponge hero and his pals are so well-loved by their legion of fans, that depicting them on stage wasn't taken lightly. On television, SpongeBob‘s face is spread across the front of his yellow sponge - something even the most flexible of actors would find challenging. Instead, they found another solution.
‘The costume design was very important,‘ says
ku'pt'r on .r rcmolc l\l.llltl. I’m; or
l/uzm I\ (i/llxgnn li.’ltl'l1u’/lr‘l.’u’/(hulllii/X It \Il‘m'.’
Disney Live! Mickey’s Magic Show [NC I5 x “ml l.\ \l.u. (rpm l.ll\tl
\M‘tlll “Mm t\ ipml (1‘ L1" 5” Hmclrcml \lk'lltl. Kingx Illkll Roml. ”hall ll-l (Mo: \llt'kc}. \lrnmc .llltl lricntk Pk'llllllll ”mental spent-x lrom Dunc}
FREE Toddler’s Tales Mi “ \l.u. HUN llKllum mlxo 8.1! H Hm. I: ‘H I :”pull \lllt'lrcll 1.1mm. I'll \orllr Slit-cl. MAJ—l \l‘ lob? lunar} .xtlmIIt-x lill “CU NHL" .lfJCtl 5 5 'u'll tu' .l\¢’
Hill: " “ll/IA H,’ \i I'll’tUU/ “HUI ll HILU/
Anne Butler / Sticky Kids 8.” ” \lm.
noon [pm i" NJ». t'lilltlrcn L 1; lumil} llt'kcl LIJI. \lilt'lrcll l.ll‘l';ll'}. 3“] North \ll'L'Cl. lth-l N1- llth 5. SINK} Kltl\ ll\C L'\l‘L‘l'lL‘ll(L' \kllll \Hllgx \lHl’ltN. lll_\lllL'\ .llltl \ltllh \llltltllt‘. .\:_'L'\ “ -./’(1/ll”.‘\l H Illi ' lid/IL I” M ill/(HUI “will. l'('\ll'.(1/, Linda Strachan Sal “ \lur.
Jl5 3.15pm. ‘4" NJ); children L"; lumrl} [lulu-I {Mr Mitchell l.1hr;ir}. I‘ll North Sll'L‘cl, ”544 5-1“ ”335. Slul'lLN ll'nlll lllc llunlhh \lt‘lluggh \L'l'IL'\ Ago 4 5‘. I’url NI .lH‘ H'I‘lli'f.‘ Him/x (If .Sl I'I/(Hlt/ Brunt. /¢'\Illil/.
Pollard. ‘In particular the three main characters - SpongeBob, Squidward and Patrick — all of which are brilliantly done. The fact that SpongeBob’s head sticks out the top of the sponge, rather than being on the front, worried me a little bit at first - but within the first minute of seeing him, you get it. And the rest of the costume is so well designed that you don't doubt what you're looking at.‘ (Kelly Apter)
FREE Bounce and Rhyme Sun 3 .\ 8.1! H \lar. ll) ill ll Hum \lrlt'lrt'll lunar}. I‘ll \oillr \lrt‘cl. owl-l N1" 105* \lek' \loulcllmp \t'\\lHll lor \lllllllk'll .rml lllL‘ll tlllk'l\ post) i I’d/Inf lw “II/(v Haul I'l \41'1/(1IH/ll'tull It \Illrl/ Experiental Play Sun A \l.u.
ll -l5.un 13-15mm L" IUr. t'lnltlrt'n L ‘. l.mul_\ lulu"! Ll-ll \lrltllt‘ll l.|l\r.u_\. lel \llllh Slum]. llHl-l NJ“ l(l\5 \llillL‘tl hurtling comlmiul \‘.llll plrwrtul :iml llll.1f_'lll.ll|\t' .ulnrlicx .'\}_'k'\ 4 5 I’m/u! .l.( lllllt ' Bil/IA III M I'l/lllll/ Hun;
It \r'liu'l
David Bedford Sun 5 \l.rr.
l l5 I l5pm, L“ tUr. klllllllk'll L *. lillllll} llpkcl LN». \lrltlrcll l.llll.ll_\. I‘ll \oilh Slit-cl. HNH 8‘1“ thi Stone-x lrom lhc .mlllor lk'llllltl Illa} Hull /.lH/(’ [In]; and lumx Nuts: 11/! n! he ll/llr" Iii/HI. it! \( Ill/(HUI “will. /¢’\II‘.(I/
Save money
see page 15 for details
‘ :'.‘,;' 27;: THE LIST 59