

Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubsGlist.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Indicates Hitlist entry

II )I I l"


FREE Born to Be Wide at the Voodoo Rooms. 7.45pm lam. 5 Mar. Music industry social club that aims to bring iiitisos. JiliirililIISIS. promoters. record shop workers and musicians together.

I Bounce at Po Na Na. ll).3l)pm 3am. £ihc. Weekly. Thursday night iiil\ ol classic Ree B. iunky house and dance heats lrom 'I‘okyohlu's John IIutchison. I Come: Perform at the Bongo ('luh. l Ipiii 3am. £5 (£3). I3 Mar. The (‘ome colleciiy‘e Iiosl this eIeclrtMart/dance party.

FREE Dance or Die at tiie ”he.

I lpm 3am. Weekly. Hands-up dance. electro house and ‘)l)s.

I Ghantin at the Bongo (‘Iuh

I Ipiii v3am. £4. 5 Mar. l'ndergrotind heats. hard drum & hass. technoid hreakcore and hardcore with special guest [)1 litre lor a three deck drum & htiss tiieels techno adyeiiltire.

I Hark! at Wee Red Bar. l Ipm 3am. £2. 5 Mar. The on'ely indie night is back lor more gi‘ooy'ey goodness. guests thc. I Irregular til Voodoo Rooms.

8pm lain. £thc. I‘) Mar. New club night lrom the i'olks at (‘anongate Books with a mixed musical policy ()l Iiy‘e acts. I)Js, poets and writers.

I Jagerbomb at Shanghai. llipin 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Indie. electro and urban mash-ups.

I Kinky Indie at (‘iii'us (‘Iuh

I Ipm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Indie music with a totieli ol ska. ()l)s and 80s.

I Limbo til the Voodoo Rooms.

8.30pm . Iain. £4. Weekly. The Black Spring I)Js man the decks and bring you a handlul ol live acts each week.

FREE Play at Why Not‘.’. llipm 3am. Weekly. With his (‘hester (iuns and (‘had Heminingway.

I Random at the Bongo (‘Iuh

I lpm ~3am. £3 helore midnight; £4 alter. I‘) Mar. Psy -trance night with special guests Wedanta and Zeler alongside residents I’low. Alien Fossil and Dark el Kante.

I Robopop at (iilQ. I().3()piii 73am. Free helore I lpm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. A mix ol classic pop tunes and electric heats lor those who can‘t wait another day to start their weekend. Led by 1)] JT. FREE Sick Note at Cabaret Voltaire.

I lpm 3am. Weekly. Indie/electro night lrom the (‘ah with residents irom (‘Iash and Spies in the Wires. It's at Me punk show lrom The Viy'ians ( 1‘) Mar).

I Vanity at the Jan Bar. l()pin~3am. £5. Weekly. (‘utting edge soul. R&B. electro and iunky house.


I Big Toe’s Hi-Fi at Wee Red Bar. It).3()pm--3am. £5. (i .Mar. Reggae. dancehall. hip hop and other duhhy grooy'es lroni Barha Poppa ('hoppa. (‘- Biscuit. Papa Luca and B-I)awg with special guest Worries ()uternational. FREE Bubblegum Boogaloo at the Voodoo Rooms. 9pm—Iam. 6 Mar. Night ol ‘grooyy retro. shaggadelic lounge. psychedelic pop. hip instrumentals and easy'n'slea/y listening' lrom your hosts Tall Paul and Big Gus (The (io-(io). featuring special guests Hidden Masters. I Creative Industries at the (RV.

I [pm—3.30am. £tbc. 6 Mar. Night oi Chicago house and Detroit techno with special guest Ben Sims alongside residents Stephen Brown and WoIljaH.

I Dirt at the (iRV I Ipin 3am I'ree heiore midnight. £4 alter l3 Mar Techno. electro. breaks. duhstep and drum & hass irom Bruno I'K. The Set [p and I)ehurgh I Disgraceland at the Voodoo R()()III\ tspm lam. £4 I3 Mar I)eadIy IIII\ oi punk. rock. blues. lounge and indie. now in a new home I Evol at I‘dllll ll).3l)pm 3am £5 Weekly Izdinhurgh's longest running indie mght. With the usual IIil\ oi the best current and classic alternatiy e and crossoy er tunes. Izyol's an institution ('urrently making a new home at Iaith due to the fire at tIie IJqutI Room I Four Corners at the Bongo (‘luh Ilpiii 3am. £3 heiore midnight; £5 alter I3 Mar. Your local one-stop liop loi' lunk/souI/Ja/I/I.atiii/.-\iro/reggae danceiloor action and si//|ing liye percussion. I Funk Shui at Shanghai. Illpin 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. [)1 I-iona inises tip chart. dance classics and dirty house. I Furburger at (ill(). I Ipiii 3am. £4 (£3). I3 Mar. |)Js I)eiayhird. I‘unki I)i\a and guests proy ide aural stimulation (or gay women and their closest iriends. I Gutterpunk at ('aharet Voltaire. llpm 3am. £8 (£7). I3 Mar. Block party IIil.\ ()i electro. iidget Iiouse. synth. disco and beyond as (iutterpunk launches with Jay mo. ('assette Jam and (ius ;\riiisti'ong. I KandiFlip at I’() Na Na. Il).3()pm 3am. £3 helore midnight; £(i alter. Weekly. Rey B. house and dance classics iroin Jay and .Mark B. I Kapital at the ('a\ es. Illpm 3am. £8 U”. l.3 Mar. |)ri\ing minimal techno lrom (ierman duo Super I‘lu (Iiye). with support lroni Barry ()'('onneII. Michael Ford and Brad ('harters. See prey iew. page 35. I Misfits at the my e. I Ipiii 3am. I‘ree heiore I l.3l)pni; £4 alter. Weekly. I)IY indie. electro. punk. rock and retro with hargain drinks. I On-U Sound Party at the Voodoo Rooms. 8pm 1am. £ll). l3 .Mar. Legendary duh arid reggae night lroin Adrian Sherwood. (iIietto Priest and Pete Lockett. See prey iew'. page 35. I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. 9pm 3am. £4 heiore I Ipm; £8 alter. Weekly. I‘unked tip yocaI house and dance classics li‘tiiii JCI Hill. I Our House at (‘aharet Voltaire. I lpm ~3ain. £6 helore midnight: £7 alter. 6 Mar. Tony K and Liam (i take oy er the Speakeasy with some classic house and iunky electro. I Planet Earth at (‘itrus (‘luh ll).3()pm 3am. I‘ree heiore I 1pm; £5 alter. Weekly. Mtisic lrom I‘)7() through to I989. In other words. a healthy dose ()i punk. new w a\ e. new romantic and electro-pop (now with added Otis). I Poptastic at (iIIQ. llipm 3am. £4 (£3). () Mar. Queer cluhhing night with indie/electro lroin Phil Bakstad in room one and retro pop/trash lroin Paul McAy‘oy in room two. I Skunk Funk at the Jan Bar. 11.30pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Night ol top lunk lrom DJ .-\ki and Iiy e guests itiiik iron) the nine-piece Soul I-‘oundation in Mar) and lree iorin luiik and hip lrom (irand Pianoramas leaturing M(' .Mike I.add ( I3 Mar). I Sweet Potato at Hudson (‘Iuh Ilipm »3ain. £5 helore midnight; £7 alter. Weekly. New weekly night dedicated to ‘eyerything classic' in the world oi iunk. hip hop. Motown. disco and pop rock. as long as it's good they 'II play it. I Tokyoblu at (‘aharei \‘oltaire. l lpiii»~3aiii. £ll) (£6). (3 Mar. The I.iye House Sessions continue. riding high on the release ol their single ‘(irooy e Tonight'. I Nisted and Brainfire at Stereo. ll).3()pin—-3am. £12. 13 Mar. Hardcore. techno and gabha lrom Scott Brown. Joey Riot. MC Storm. Tin/yine-X. Autopsy and Vintage Violence at Wee Red Bar. I lpin—3ain. £5. 13 .Mar. (iarage. girl groups. dirty soul. junk shop glam and rockabilly irom DJs Christopher and Anasta/iya Violence.

It’s a third birthday at Karnival this month and they‘ve

invited Steve Porter (pictured) back for the party. You may have come across his famed Porterhouse mix CDs, which showcased his energetic, funky house style. Also appearing will be Fuze duo Gus Armstrong and Stu Todd, plus Karnival’s pals from Solescience (Nick Yuill and Rob Mathie).

Cuba/cf Modal/0. Elvira/Mm, Sgi.‘ l-Z ..."I('1’

I Xplicit at (he Bongo ('lul).

I Ipiii 3am. £thc. (i Mar. Scotland's top hard drum & hass night is iomed by The Brooke)“ Brothers (.llitmtig's ‘drtim ck hass act to watch 2000' ).

Chart & Party

I Friday Night Project at ('ity Nightclub. Ill.3l)pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘hart and party hits with plenty ()l giveaways (lroiii iI’ods to TVs).

I Why Not? at Why Noti’. Illpm 3am.

£5. Weekly. ('hart. dance and house ior [lie \\ L‘L‘kelitl liittsst's.


Big’n’Bashy at the Bongo (’Iuh.

I lpm 3am. £() helore midnight; £3 alter. I4 Mar. I‘oui' deck Illl\ oi duhstep. reggae. dancehall and iungle ieatui'ing a guest slot irom rising grime star 'I‘empa T lrom Slew l)em crew and DJ Magic. I Boutique at (illt‘). Ill..5llpiil 3am. I5ree heloi‘e l lpm; £7 (£(i) alter. Weekly. IiIectro and house iron) I” I)ow/er.

I Bubblegum at the line. I Ipiii 3am. I5ree heloi'e I I.3l)pm; £4 alter. Weekly. .-\ student lriendly chewed tip. spat out mis oi electro. pop. dance. disco. soul and indie.

I The Egg at Wee Red Bar.

I lpm 3am. £2.5l) hei’ore midnight; £5 alter. Weekly. Indie. (ills garage. electro. northern soul. ska. "(ls punk and new waye at this Iidinhurgh institution ior those in the know alter a quick iis oi decent music and attitude iree clubbing. 532“ ‘5’? Fake at Sneaky Pete‘s. "M I lpm 3am. l4 Mar. ('elehrating all things electro. new raye. punk iunk and disco home with special guest Railertie (On the Brink Records).

I Fanteaseya .(t Icy (oi Row l’nion

‘) 3am. H” U: l4 Mai IIiiiik old Hollywood glamour at (his new Indinhtii'gh burlesque night. starting with Inc (an then a night oi cahaiet with perloi'iiiei's Leyla Rose. \iya Mtsadyeiittire. 'I he Bees Knees and

I Fish Fry at lIie .Ia/I Bat

I l.3llpm 3am. £7 (£5 I. Weekly. Scottish |a//. itiiik. soul and Iain) hands ioii) I).l :\\ii'()ly()y. ieatiii‘ing the .-\cid |.i//. Iiip hop and indie pop oi Meat I’ie (M Mai ) and ltiiik. ioIk and ia// iioiii (iolan Heights ( I4 Mar).

I Jam the Box at the (iRy'.

Ill.3l)piii 3am. £5 (£3). 7 Mai. I)isco. deep Itotisc. ()Id school electro. (Iiilislcp and Detroit iiiiIueiiccd heats.

I Karnival at ('aharel \iillaiie

I Ipiii 3am. £Ii) (L'S lie-(ore midnight )_ I4 Mar. IIouse night which promises to indulge 'eyei'y pleasure. eyei‘y Silk. celebrating their third birthday with returning special gticsts Steye I’oi'tei (I’orterhouse) and hue (Iiio (ins .-\i'iiisti'ong and Stu 'Iodd.

I Liquid Soul at I’() Na Na.

Illpm 3am. £4 heioi'c I lpm; £7 aitei Weekly. (iet down early tor this consistently capacity retro-disco and iunky house mght. ieaturing I’o's own Mark B on the decks iusing classic and hang up-to-date iunky house ior those in the know.

I Love2Funk at (in Nightclub.

I lpm 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. Saturday nighter at ('ity. DJ Dan mixes up (lie best in iunky house. Rth. disco. indie and hip hop on iour decks.

I Luvely at I-aith. Il).3l)pm 3am. £I3 (£Ill). 7 Mar. .-\ saucy soiree oi lull-on. driying hoUse music with residents Tommy Kay. Dean Newton. (irum Stone and Jon Iidwards.

i ": '.‘::' 222311115 LIST 39