

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black. it indicates Hitlist.

Thursday 5


ran Alex Gray Waterstoiie's.

153 157 Sauchieliall Street. 332 9105. 6.30 8pm. The creator or Dl Lorimer talks ahoul (i/uyeuii KIM.

ran Marion McGllvary llillheatl Library. 348 Byres Road. 33‘) 7223. 6.30pm. Debut rloyel from the contributor to The 'Iinley. l'lllllllt iu/ limes and The Observer. entitled The Ins! ll'i/e'y iii/e.

Edinburgh Christopher Rush Watersrorie's. 128 Princes Street. 220 2666. 6 7.30pm. £2 (redeemable against purchaser. Set. I.iey unil S/rukespeure a memoir ot groyy irig tip in Scotland l'roni Bard lunatic Rush. rm international Women's Day: An Evening of Poetry Blackwell. 53 5‘) South Bridge. ()2: 8222. 6.30pm. 'l‘icketed. Sec llitlist.


Alan Bennett Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 l(i83. () 7pm. £lll (£91. Alan Bennett talks about his llL‘W book. The ('neoinnlon Rem/er. Proceeds to charity Visibility. Purl (if/331’ ll'rile.’ Raymond Tallis Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 6 7pm. £7 (£61. 'l‘alk from the atithor ol The Kingdom ul'lnlinile Spuee. an investigation into the uncharted yyor'ld ol the mind. Purl (l/le’ ll'rile.’

Robert Fisk Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£6). The Middle liastern (‘orrespondent for The ImIe/iendenl talks about his neyy political writing. Purl rill-lye ll'rile.’ Laura Marney, Louise Welsh and Zoe Strachan Mitchell Library. 2(11 North Street. 0844 847 1683.

7.30 8.45pm. £7 (£61. Homecoming Whisky Stories from three of (ilasgoyt ‘s leading noy'elists. Purl lustre li'rile.’

The Scottish Poetry Slam Championship Final Mitchell Library. NH North Street. (1844 847 I683.

‘) 1 1pm. £4. Slaniniers troll] the LR and beyond hay'e two minutes to proy‘e themsely'es Scottish Slain ('hampion. I’url ofxly‘t’ lkl'ilt’.’

Saturday 7


nu New Glasgow Writing Mitchell Library. 2(11 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 1 1arn~ lprii. 'l‘icketed. Jason Donald. Andrea McNicoll and (‘hieyy -Siah 'l‘ei. talk about their seribblings. Purl ulstye li'rile.’

Jane Bidder Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. (1844 847 1683.

1 1.30am 712.30pm & 2.30-3.30pm. £7 (£61. A discussion of parenting issues. Purl of.-ly‘e ll'rile.’

Hick Davies and Robert Fisk Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. Noon— lpiii. £7 (£61. The (hum/run and The Independenl joumalists talk about the trtistyy'orthiness of journalism. Purl rill-lye ll'ri'le.’

III! Jeremy Piercy Borders Books. 98 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. Noon. Launch for Jeremy Piercy's book (111nm, ('ulx untl Fuir Trude Set ’liiyty‘.

Atheism Panel: Raymond Tallis, Julian Baggini and Christopher Brookmyre Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 1.30—2.30prii. £7 (£6). Writers of science. philosophy and crime fiction discuss the state of contemporary religion. Purl ulstye ll'ri'lef

32 THE LIST 5—1 9 Mar 2009

Victoria Hislop Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 84' 1683 1.30 2. 30pm. £" (£61 The bestselling author or [he ls/uni/ returns to launch her lieyy book. lire Rt turn I’url or in ll rile" Willy Maley on Muriel Spark Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 1.3(1 2 30pm £7 (£61 Insights trito Spark's yyork. Purl or lie 11 rrli. Doctor Who Mitchell Library. 201 Ninth siit-t-i. (1844 84’ its: ' 1.30 3pm. £7 (£6; children £3; taiiirly ticket £141. Wliet your appetite tor the l'ortlicoiiiing eshibitiori at Kelyingroye tyrth some Who tun. including guest appearances. Purl or .'i\¢' ll'rile' FREE Pat Monteath Borders Books. l-ort Retail Park. 300 1’royan Walk. 773 2010. 1.30pm. The poet and author or the lierry man series talks about and signs his neyy book The lluillne (iunre. AL Kennedy Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 3 4pm. £7 (£61. lntery ieyy mm the acclairiied Scottish yyriter. Purl of .'l\‘(' ll'rile' Ben Goldacre Mitchell Library. 201 .North Street. 0844 847 I683. 3 4pm. £7 (£61. The (iiiunliun Bad Science columnist debunks more pscudoscience. Purl it] .-\_y‘e lkl'lll‘.’ Robert Fisk on TE Lawrence (ilasgoyy l‘iillti 'lheatr‘e. l2 Rose Street. 332 8128. 4 5pm. £6 (£4501. Middle liast correspondent l‘isk talks about 11". Layyrence (aka Layy rence ol' Arabiai. l’url (if .‘ltl' lkl'lll’.’ Julian Baggini on Complaint Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 4.30 5.30pm. £7 (£61. The philosophical yyi'iter tells tis boys to moan properly. Purl o/thy'e ll'rile.’ Melvyn Bragg Mitchell Library. 2(11 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 4.30 5.30pm. £7 (£61. Bragg talks about his book. including the (possibly'1 auttibiographical recent bestseller. ly’enlenllier .lle. It’enlenlller .lle. Purl of .’l\'(' lkl‘ill‘.’ Roberta Taylor Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683.6 7pm. £7 (£6). Iii/11' Iii/i actress talks about her lit‘st noy'el. 'I'lle Reini'enriun of I1'\‘ Ii’l‘oit'n. Purl u/fl-tre ll'rile.’ Steve Jones Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 l(i83. 6 7pm. £7 (£61. Steye Jones. author of the neyy book I)urii'in "s Is/unil. sticks tip tor Dam in and ltis theories. Purl ulfiy'e lkrile.’ AL Kennedy on the Writer’s Life Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 lti83. 7.3(1 83(1an £7 (£6). (”otticdy from (ilasgoyy author .-\|. Kennedy 's dark and thinly mind. I’url ill .-t\'e ll'rile.’ Andrew Crumey, Rodge Glass and Gavin Esler Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 l(\83. 7.30 8.45pm. £7 (£61. lloriiecoriiing Whisky Stories on the theme ot~ harne. Purl ofxtre ll'i'ili'.’ Christopher Brookmyre and Mark Billingham Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 3) ltlpm. £7 (£6). 'l'yy'o bestsellers cspunging on their stories of dirty deeds. Purl or site ll’rilc.’


Karen Campbell and GJ Moftat Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 1 2pm. £7 (£61. 'l'here's been a murder? 'l'yyo crime tiction yyriters discuss their trade. l’url (llxiw' li'rile.’

Richard Holloway Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 1 2pm. £7 (£61. Musings on our place in the modern yyorld in Between the Minister and the Suinl. Purl offlity'e llrile.’ Jonathan Coe’s Desert Island Flicks (ilasgoyy l-‘ilm Theatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 8128. 2 -3.30pm. £6 (£4501. The novelist (and writer on the cineriiai talks about the films that haye inlltienced his work. Purl offl-iye li'rile.’

Billy Kay Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 2.30:3.30pm. £7 (£61. A homecoming eyerit looking at Scottish Diaspora and including a Whisky tasting. Purl ofxiy‘e ll'rile.’


The History of the Beano: Morris Heggie and Euan Kerr Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 2.31) 3.30pm. £7 (£6; children £3; larnily ticket £141. 'l'his illustrated presentation charts the history (it. the yy ell-loy ed comic. Purl U/ixiy't' lill'l-It'f

Mark Kitto and Jan Wong Mitchell Library 2111 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 2.3(1 3.30pm. £7 (£61. Discoyeries o1 (‘hina t'rorn ('anadian Journalist Jan Wong and Mark Kitto. ty ho yy as almost the lirst authorised toreign publisher in ('hina. Purl uffl'iy't' lil'lll’.’

Nick Cohen Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683. 2.30 3.30pm. £7 (£61. Proy‘ocatiy'e political comments troll] his neyy book. lliiiline for [lie Iiloniuny. Purl (Illll't' liil'llt’f

Andrew Simms and Andrew Price Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. 0844 847 1683.4 5pm. £7 (£61. Simms and Price look at the damage catised to the earth by contemporary lil‘esty les. Purl or .-l‘\'e ll'rile.’

Christopher Rush Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 4 5pm. £7 (£61. Set. I.iey uni/ S/iu/tes/u'ure a memoir of groyying tip in Scotland t'rom the Bard fanatic Rtish in this talk yyith Rosemary (ioring. Purl of site ll'rr’le.’ Gavin Esler Mitchell Library. 2(11 North Street. (1844 847 1683. +5pm. £7 (£61. Neyy tiction from the .\'eu wire/ll presenter. Purl rill-lye li'rile.’

Jonathan Coe and Rodge Glass on Biography Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 5.30 6.30pm. £7 (£61. The biographers of BS Johnson and Alasdair (iray talk about writing liy'es. Purl iifxty‘e li'rile.’

Jackie Kay, Denise Mina and Val McDermid Mitchell Library. 2(11 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 5.30 7pm. £7 (£61. Homecoming Whisky Stories with a tree dram. Purl rill-lye ll’ri'lef

Alasdair Gray Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.3(L()pm. £7 (£61. Alasdair (iray returns to his

A former child soldier with the rebel army in Sudan’s civil war, Jal tells the story of his life through gospel rap as part of Aye Write! Bank of Scotland Book Festival. I Mitchell Library: G/{isgottr Trio 10 Mar.

playyyright roots at tlirs launch tor his play book. including a twrlorniance and (‘)i\.i\. Purl of .ilye ll'iile.’

FREE Federation of Scottish Writers: Sudden Flame Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 84“ I68 3. 7.30 10pm. Spoken yyor'd eyent tor riieiiibers ol yyriters‘ groups and the public Purl of .«ly’e ll'rile'

Monday 9


Hector MacLeod, Malcolm MacLeod and Joe Jackson Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847' 1683. () 7pm_ £7 (£61. Join these true crime yyriters tor a peek at (ilasgoyy 's dark side. Purl or ,lti- ll'rile.’

Joan Bakewell Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 11844 847 1683.6 7pm. £7 (£61.(‘lare liriglrsh troiii 1313(' Radio Scotland‘s ill/1e lilmk (it/IF chairs all t'\L'lll With the neys chaiiiprori (11 older people “If! H! rite lllllr"

Piers Dudgeon and Justine Picardie on Daphne du Maurier Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 168 3. 6 7pm. £7 (£61. Daphne dti Maurier ptit a riioratoritiin on publication 61 her adolescent diaries until 50 years alter her death. Purl ll] :lye lk/‘lll‘.’

Ruth Padel on Chanes Darwin Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. (1844 847 1683.6 7pm. £7 (£61. Daryyrris great greatgranddaughter reads troin her latest poetry collection. I’ll/'1 (I! .'l\(' “rill" Mairi Macarthur and Brian Wilson Mitchell Library. 201 North Street. 0844 847 1683. 7.30 8.30pm. £7 (£61. :\ (iaellc- rich journey through the llebrrdean islands and beyond. Purl of .'i\(‘ ll'rile.’

Our Glasgow: Piers Dudgeon Mitchell Library. 2111 North Street. U844 847 1683. 7.3079pm. £7 (£61. l’iers Dudgeon's iiCW oral history or (ilasgoyy. Purl of .‘lH’ ll'rile.’ James Frey Waterstone's. 153 157 Sauchiehall Street. 0844 847 1683.

9~ 10pm. £7 (£61. The author or A Million