FREE Open Mic \\ Insllcbmlcics. 4 o South Ilridgc. 557 5| I4 ‘lpm Scc Mon 23.
I Outcry Collective and Blackhole 'lhc Doghousc. l3 llroxsn Strccl. Ill 332 2lloHI2. h‘pm. Ltbc. Surrc} -bascd hardcorc lttc‘ls quaitct “ho ho c garncicd acclaim Irom thc likcs ol Kcrrang'
I Bjorn Again Alhambra 'I hcalrc. 35 ('anmorc Strcct. 7pm. L'I75ll. Scc Sun |
I Vonda Shepard ()ian Moi. 73l 7 3.5 (ircal \Vcstcrn Road. 357 02”“. 7pm. No.5”. 'lcdious chanthsc \\ ho poppcd up Ill All} \lc'llcal to soundtrack lhc hcromc's cmotional Il';t\;tlls.
I Fight Like Apes, Underground Railroad and Marvel Heights King 'Iut‘s \Vah \Vah Ilut. 272a St \inccnt Slrcct. Ill 332 2|)(iHI2. S. 30pm. to Indic rock lrom Irish mislils I'ight Iakc ;\pcs.
I Master Shortie, Boy Crisis and Dan Black ('abarct \‘oltairc. 3o 38 Illair Strcct. 22H (il7o. 7pm. £7. 'I'hc \Vonk} l’op tour hits Izdinburgh. FREE Band Showcase \Vhisllcbinkics. 4 (I South Ilridgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. Scc Inc 24.
FREE Ayrplay - Burns Showcase for New Bands Competition - Heat :\uld Iloosc- I’ub. I7 .\'c\\ Road. 7pm. Scc 'l‘uc 24.
I General Fiasco 'l'hc- Doghousc. I3 IIrimn Strcct. III 382 2li(i.\’l2. Spin. U». :\|l.l‘Uc'k ll'olll this lid} IIL‘llasl ollllil.
Glasgow I The Bluetones Quccn \Iargarct l’nion. 22 I'nixcrsit} (iardcns. 33‘) 0734. 7pm. £13. Indic stalwarts trom lhc ‘llls still making a working \xagc on this 'Iispccting to |-'|}' tour. Franz Ferdinand and The Soft Pack Barron land. 244 (iallougatc. 552 4(i()|_ 7pm. S()I.l) ()l'I. ()\cr— |4s show 'I‘hc all-conqucring. loot- stoniping. guitar-iangling l'oursomc rclurn to prcxic“ thcir nc“ album Iii/right: I'i'un: I'i'n/imunl. I Outcry Collective (‘Iassic (nand. IS Jamaica Strcct. S47 0820. 7pm. £0. ()wr- I4s \IIU\\. Surrc) -bascd hardcorc rock quartct \\ ho haxc garncrcd acclaim lt’ttlll IIIL' llkt‘s Ul- Kc‘l'l'allgl. I Dan Smith (‘aplain's Rcsl. 185 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 33I 2722. 7.30pm. London-bascd piano man in thc \cin ol' a lcss baroquc Anton} and thc Johnsons. FREE Fin-Ray Bos. 43I Sauchichall Strcct. 332 543|. Spin. I’ilmic soundtracks Irom Ian-Ra}. FREE Open Mic Maggic .\Ia_\ 's. 5H 'I‘rongatc. Mcrchant ('it}. 548 I350. Spin. Scc \Vcd 25. FREE Sugar Crisis and Manda Rin ()ran Mor. 73I 735 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 357 (i200. 8pm. |i\ Bis miss pla}s thc \scclsl} .\Iil| night. FREE Open Stage 'I'hc Ilalt Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 352 9000. 8.30pm. SL‘L‘ \Vc‘d 2.5. I Off with their Heads, Four Letter Word and The Hijacks |3lh Nolc‘ (MIC. 507 (ill King Sli'c‘c‘l. 553 lb3b'. 0pm. Punk rock bands from Minnesota and (‘ardit‘l‘ pla) this \Vrcckin‘ I’it night.
I The Day I Vanished and The Last Phixx The (RV. 37 (‘iuthric Strcct. 22() 2957 ppm. £5-L‘o. Mctal and licas)‘ rock. all proceeds go to I)}\lC\ltl Scotland.
Rock&Pop Music
I Tommy Reilly (".ibaici \olianc.
3b 3S Illan Strcct. 22H MVr 7pm 1‘ SL‘L' 3”” l
I Fabrikant Records lhc I HI. ‘1 (il.ts\l||.ll'I\L'|. 225 ””22 Spm L4 l'abrikant Rccords shoucasc
I Exposed 'I hc Ja/l liar. I ('hambcrs Slrcct. 22H 420% S I5pm L3 \Ionthl} smgc-isonguritcrs/ncxs bands night \xlnch sccs prc~sc|cctcd acts disp|.i_\ mg thcir Iincsl musical \sarcs
FREE Blue Wednesdays I‘ch’sl (lilc. 3IIristo I’Iacc. 22H 4.5 3S ‘lpm l.i\c acoustic music \silh lhc Illncslathcr. :\| Shiclds and .\.non
\\ right.
FREE The Deloreans, The Camionettes, Marshan and The Vibe \Vlnstlcbmkics. 4 (i South lliidgc. 557 5| I4 ‘lpm. Rock.
Thursday 5
Glasgow Franz Ferdinand and The Soft Pack liarioxsland. 244 (ialloxsgatc. 552 «lhlll. 7pm. [2”. Scc \\cd 4. I Protest the Hero, Chariot and Human Abstract I\or_\ Blacks. 5h ()suald Strcct. 24S 4| I4. 7pm. L") ('anadian mathcorc hcadlmcrs. I Tommy Reilly '| IIL‘ (iaiagc. 4‘)” Sauchichall Slrcct. 332 I I2”. 7pm. £7.50. Scc Sun |. I Amplifier \icc‘n‘Slc-a/_\. 42l Sauchichall Strccl. 3 3 3 (Mill). 7.30pm. .\Ianc roclscrs \\ ho ad\ isc thcir audicncc to 'stand back'. . The A" Hill”). .20” (‘l'\\IL' SII'L‘L‘I. (IN—7U VII-,7 (NW), Spill. L5. l.l\c‘ ck Iatc‘al \IIU\\ casc. I Zomes, The Horse Loom and Vom l3lh Notc (’alc‘. 5|) (ll) King Strccl. 553 I038. Spin. £5. .-\ka .'\sa ()sbornc ol |.unglish plus a coupIc ol pals. stipporlcd b} lingcr picking guitarist and ‘IS minutcs ol' brain damagc‘ Irom \‘om. FREE Bazodee 'I'hc llali Mar. Inn \Voodlands Road. 3.52 ‘N‘lb. Scc Ilitl I‘)_ I Master Shortie, Boy Crisis and Dan Black King 'l‘ni's \Vali \Vah Hut. 272a St Vinccnt Strccl. 22| 527‘). ('.'\.\'('|i|.|.|'.|).
FREE Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery lhc Ja/l Ilar. I ('hambcrs Strccl. 220 4298. 5 8pm. Scc 'I‘hu l‘).
I Hot Leg ('abarcl Voltairc. 3o 33 Blair Slrcct. 220 MW». 7pm. £1 |. Iisr Darkncss lrontman Justin ||;i\\kiiis rcturns \\ ith anolhcr band iii a dubious rank pcrsuasion. Scc our intcr\ icxs \sith Ilaxslcins on pagc 22 FREE Profisee and Big Toe’s Hi-Fi IIIL‘ (‘iI\L‘\. \ltltll‘} SII‘L‘CI Stitllll. .557 8080. 7pm. 'I'iclsclcd. Hip hop and dub. l‘rcc liclscts axailablc Irom \\\x\\.thcmi||-li\c.com.
I Steve and Simon from Ocean Colour Scene Hard Rock ('alc. lX-le (icorgc Strcct. 2M) 3()()(). 7.30pm. £2”. .\ spccial charit} \IIU“ in aid ol' .\'ordol'- Robbins music thcrap} causL‘s. 'I‘o \xin _\ourscll' a pair ol' ticlscls scc pagc ()7.
I The Red Well Sncak) I’ctc‘s. 73 (‘ougatcu 225 I757. Spin. £4. Iiollt rock li'om I'cncc Rccords as Rcd \Vcll launch thcir ncxs album.
I Secta Rouge, Sileni, Tinpark, Mechanical Beast and Scrim llcnr} 's ('cllar Bar. S Ioa Morrison Strcct. 228 9393. Split. £5. I’rogrcssnc ltal‘dc‘m‘c. indic ttlltl l'Uc‘ls.
FREE Esther O’Connor and The Halos \Vhistlcbinkics. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| I4. 9pm. I‘ormcr Ashton |.anc tronumman. Iisthcr O'Connor. FREE The Freaky Family Thu Jan Bar. I (‘hambcrs Strcct. 22H 42%.
I 1.30pm. Scc 'I'hu I‘).
I Let’s Hang on - A Tribute to a Tribute to Frankie Valli Rolhc‘s IIalls. Kingdom ('cntrc. (”592 bl I III]. 7.30pm. £|5 t£|3l. Tight talsctto socals and doo-“op.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
at: Indicates Hitlist entry
I Jazz/Sax Masterclass with Gilad Atzmon lhc .lal/ Hat. l (‘hainbcis Sticcl. 22“ 4295 3 5pm
I; Ill l L5! lsiacli sa\ \ ltltioso .\l/mon gixcs adxicc on |.l// impioxisation and tcchniquc
I Tommy Smith & Jacob Karlzon l‘hc lot. 4 (il';l\\III.III\L'l. 225 ””22 Spm, LI2 .-\nothci spccial collaboration bctxsccn sa\ophomsl Smith and Sucdish pianist Karl/on playng a llll\ ol ran with a lolk L'tlgt‘.
I Gilad Atzmon Quartet Inc Jan Bar. | ('hambcrs Sticcl. 22H 42‘).\'.
S. | 5pm. U) iL5i. Imprcssnc Isiacli sa\ \ irtuoso .-\t/mon \sclds cast lauropcan lolk \\llll hard bop and lunk.
I Dino Baptist lhc .lam ”Misc“. 5 ()uccn Strcct. 22o 4 lrs'tl. .\'. 3(lpm. ch, Hlucs and lunk kc)boaid pl;i}c*i' FREE The Freaky Family Illc‘ .|a// liar. l ('hambcrs Strcct. 22H 42‘).\’, I |. 30pm. ()rganic hip hop and
|;t//_\ glittn L's.
I Tommy Smith 8. Jacob Karlzon (it) Halls: Rccilal Rooms. (‘andlcriggx 353 Hillltl. 3pm. U2. Scc Ihu I‘).
Edinburgh I Tam White and the Sermon Organ 3rio ()uccn's Ilall. S7 S") ('lcrk Strccl. (ioh’ 2l|I‘). 7.3llpni. {I7 iconccssions axailablci. Icgcndar} Scottish \ocalist 'I‘am \Vhitc ioms lhc l'unk} trio l‘or sonic-thing old. somclhmg ncxs. somcthmg borrmscd but alua}s bluc. I Haftor Bedboe Group Inc Ltd. 4 (irassmarkcl. 225 9922. 7.30pm. L'I2. It5—L'Illi Rcimcnling Iiuropcan ia/I \\ ith thcir uniquc compound oI cncrgctic gromcs. intimatc soundscapcs and arrcsting mclodics. I HeadZHead lhc Jan Mar. | ('hambcrs Slrcct. 22() 4298. S. I 5pm. £4 1L3). (iraham Robb and Bill Is'_\|c‘s ia// sc\tct that cmcrgcd Irom lhc ashcs ol' lhcir highl} succcsslul ia/x rock l'usion outlil lIcad II|\ c rccording lor thc upcoming Inc (ll ”UR/(1f? BurCI) on Sat l. I Dino Baptist and The Flavours 'I‘hc .lam IIousc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 220 4330. S..3()piii. L'lbc. Blucs and I'unls kc)hoard pla_\cr Baptist has pla)cd \sith thc likcs ot’ |.u|u. Mick Jaggcr and Ico 8a) cr. plus holiscband 'I'hc l5|a\ours. I Departure Lounge 'I‘hc ('axcs. \iddrs Strcct South. 557 398‘). Illpm 3am. m bctorc midnight: £3 al'tcr. World bcats. clcclro tall and Latin rh)thms collidc \sith spccial gucst 'I'ru 'I'houghts Rccords star Nostalgia 77 alongsidc |)as ('ontras III\CI \sith rcsidcnts Iimincl. .\Ir [imbabxxc and ('amm}. I Skunk Funk 'l'hc .la// Bar. I ('hambcrs Strcct. 220 429K. ||_3()pm 3am. £5 iL'3i. Night ot lop Iunk Irom |)J .’\I\I and Ii\c gucsls. including blues) Iunk rock Irom Sat}roi (2|) licbi and horn-ch lunk I'rom Soul Vacation (27 licbi.
I Dias Brazil Rossborough Ilotcl. .\'L‘\\hotisc 'I‘crracc. ()l 368 862 .356. 8pm. £4,.£5_ .|a//)' Bra/ilian rh}thms. bossa nma. samba and salsa.
ti: Feb—'3 Mar 200': THE LIST 75