King Tut's, Glasgow, Mon 26 Jan 0...

Wrth a l’ll)’l()£lllll{) oporrrng sot troIrI aoorhrr: Scots gurtar horoos Copy Ilaho war'rhrng tho (:rowd up nrr:o|y. Sky l ar'krn took to tho stago wrthout rrruoh lanlaro.

Playrng to a crowd rrrado up of tho (:ur'rous r'athor than tho doyotod. tho trrst hall of tho” sot had a sornowhat tonso atrrrosphoro as tho rousrrrg (:horusos and pop hooks loll flat on a crowd strll rrrakrng Irp thorr rrrrnds. Ohvrous from tho start howovor was that Sky l arkrn know how to wrrto a groat pop song. WIth load srngor Katro I-larkrn's vorrto as swoot as could ho and In woloorrro opposltron to tho drstortron hoavy gurtar sound.

A shrtt to koyhoar'ds hy l-larkrn showod that thoy know how to Change thIngs up a llttlo too and II was at thrs pornt that tho songs heoarrro more uplrftrng and tho hand loosonod up. ovon whon lorood to stop In tho rnrddlo ol ono song and Harkrn havrng to rosort to sorrro nervous (that whrlo a low toohnroal pr'ohlorn was sortod. Apart from that. a stornprng, tool good frnalo rrroant Sky Larkln (:ould loavo knowrng thoy had won the crowd's hoart.

(John Johnston)

I www. III/oaros/x y/arArr r. < x )m

62 THE LIST 19 Feb-5 Mar 900:)

School of Seven Bells formed in 2007 after Secret Machines’ guitarist Ben Curtis met identical twins Alejandra and Claudia Dehaza, then part of On! Air! Library! Now the three-piece make dreamy soundscapes and stunning celestial pop, with ambient melodies sighing over glitchy electronica and droning guitars. Alley dodges Brooklyn traffic to explain more down the phone.

What made you want to work with Ben?

(I /\ , [(1 A n- t' A .. t ' .n 1. "I Il.t«a...i,‘ .' .

I"It"’:"f ll»: Irv" : r. . :I, .' If " a ‘T " n z :s :9. w "1 t‘\..""" croa‘ l,"’lzl‘» a“: W ‘rlw 2 ~- l‘.l".f""‘ II . V»: a my, »_ .1, .9; '.v t Your sister and you seem to work really well together, both writing and

performing. Is one person in charge of writing lyrics or melodies, or do you share?

\..‘,‘(]lr ,l,” ' (J. " ' (/(]A )(1 1" 1| ' ' 1' 1‘ (i'rrl “t‘ K _" ' ' " A.

.'.'t' a rm .Ilrl' .r murmur '. .rru: f" T‘Ws .- . r~ warm x: " ~ ~ »

II/pyp lr- r (‘I](. Ir'w WWII: mt, F); , ‘vwl , vrr . ywv r \n l r ,.I n y‘. t 0- 0 y~ H. ,I. .

.1 ,tu. \) ....<1_\ ,(-r. .r .Itl’l It I .. wituhtt I ’II'. ”‘1‘ ."rr- 1" .\ ‘..

«alrorts..:' mr'r'r augrrs‘ II (III ." '-.-' I'wtmnlt.a..g"rtfyr'rxn ,1'I1r,""r.\.

You’ve also toured with your friend, hip hop and electronic producer Prefuse 73. When did you start getting into electronic music?

‘Wo ‘rsforwl to a "II o‘ Mrarrr. hasod 'a'lro gun-wry; .rr‘ 3;” .1"I ta I" IN .‘..'*w" "rut

l‘oa'd a lot of roalll, go'rrl ‘rrp hop and hoat rt' orrto‘l ltttr“,lr‘

I" ‘r 1,r-"1r, I" .«irt

‘or; Ihat's tho .‘.'a. a f;f)l‘:(} got". Irlsrdo so'vwr'ro's 'road ()Mtarrr 'rwadws arr. ml ,,1

al‘rso'lr. I tr‘rnk .fs roally rrrrpo'fant lust fr. rgroato arr atrr'osphwro a riortarrr I?» n}.

(Llavro Sawors

I Sohoo/ of Sol/on [Jo/ls play tho (,‘apnrrrr's Host. (S/asgoat. loo ."-1 rm and support Ha? rr Ir I as/ros at ()MU. (Nrrsgor‘u. Wod r’w‘ Apr.


Limbo at Voodoo Rooms. Edinburgh, Thu 29 Jan 0000

Mrt(:holl Musourrr aro a guartot from Glasgow whoso gloolul oxprossrons and koyhoard rrrrkyidrnkor‘y thr‘oaton to sle ovor‘ Into tho roalrrrs of tho (tor‘nhall, hut hold hack Just onough to onsur'o thoy ontor'tarn rathor' than annoy. Both tracks lrorrr thorr dohut srnglo, 'l ast Warnrng' Ivory goodI and 'l'ako tho longuo Out' (not so good) rllustrato two possrhlo luturos as orthor tho noxt Flarrrrng l rps or tho noxt Supornaturals.

YIFI, rnoanwhrlo. am a Irnoly honod hand of hluosrnon lrorn Falkrrk. who start off wrth a loyol ol rrghtoous swarrrp~rookrng powor whroh prorrrrsos rnuoh. although thorr sot sorrrohow woakons attor tho stunnrng trrst traok. Not so Edrnhurgh's Moursault, rndryrdual yotorans of tho looal soono and (:ollootrvoly tho noxt harrdernostrlrkoly torn Edrnhurgh Srngor Norl Ponnyoook has tho rrrost attoctrng (Jalodonran srngrng voI(:o. and tho rnusrr: rs a (tonvorgonoo of folk. olootronroa and occasronally rousrng rook - tho sr/o and volurrro ol the crowd who had turnod out lust for thorn was Iustrlrod. IDavrd Pollock)

I wmv.rnyspacorrorn rrrourst’tu/UOI


Oran Mor. Glasgow. Thu 5 Feb 0...

look husy. horo (:orrros l'ho Boss! Yop, tho logondary Bruoo Spr‘rngstoon pard a sprrrtual It not physroal yrsrt to Oran Mor durrng a Boorraokot r:ovor of 'l)anr:rng In tho Dark. and tho song's hrttorswoot tono and roprossod optrnrrsrrr sloltod vory noatly Into thrs splondrd sot.

lloadlrnrng attor tho llirstrorrg Sooond lland Marohrng Band was no Irroan toat lor ono rnan and hrs gurtar'. hut acoustrr: trouhadour Potor‘ Kolly pullod rt off. and onoour‘agrng tho (:rowd to clap, hunt and srng along whrlo ho lrllod tho vonuo to tho hrrrrr Wrth hrs hoar'tlolt (:r'oon rnoant that ho had tho audronoo's undrvrdod (IIIOIIIIOII.FlOSIIIy'lllllllfld rrratorral Irko 'Evrl Arr' and ‘l louso of Toys' I'l know I'm lucky I'rrr alrvo'r struck a rrroro suhduod hut no loss wolr;orrro torro than rrrost ostahlrshod rrurnhors lIko 'Danoo Darroo Darroo' and “lho Bar That Noyor Closos'.

‘I hopo you had a good trrrro.’ ho says at tho orrd, That ho suoooodod rs as oortarn as Mr Sprrrrgstoon's lyrroal statorrront that 'you can't start a frro wrthout a spark'. And ovoryono knows you can't arguo WIth The Boss. IErrrrrra Nowlandsr I www rr ryspa(:o. (:orrr/hoer/ar:kot

REVIEW Ill )(lk’ THE FOXES Barfly. Glasgow. Mon 9 Feb 000

Narrrod attor ‘tho groat rrrarr hrrrrsolt', as angolrr: lookrng loxos load srngor Nrgol I'horrras s; ys. rrrtrodurnng thorr torthoorhrng srnglo ‘Brll Hroks', tho hand'solosrng song Isa two Inrrruto long r‘rlftastro rrrarrrago rrrado In hoayorr of pop hurrrrrrahrlIty and hroakrrork punk onor'gy. And rt's arr aptly angst, trrlruto to tho lato<1orrrorlrarr larrrrly say ho'd hay/I: lovod thorr rrrusrr.,

But pluggrng thorr lroo MI’TI tl‘at's ayarlahlo hy toxt. thoso oltspr'rrrg of tho MySpar:o gonoratron and any now hand hosrdos would ho wrso to hood Hr(:ks' warrrrrrg that ‘you do a oorrrrrrororal and you'ro oll tho artrstrr; roll call forovor'.

LIkoWIso. tho ropoatod thrashy yolprng on sooorrd nurrrhor 'lraurrra town that puhlrr; transport rs “lull ol twats' thrns out tho crowd In (Surn/ross Book of Horrords worthy trrno. although tho hand gots fastor. hottor and angrror on ovory song and ‘I ovor. Krllor' rs an aoo corrrhrnatron ol harrrronros. tux/rly doafonrrrg gurtar aotron, propor honkors drurrrrnrrrg and a snoorrng vocal worthy of ham GallaghorSo anyono wrth a lrttlo trrrro on thorr hands COuld do a lot worso than huntrng down those Foxos for sport. lErrrrna Nowlandsl I www. tho/oxeshand. Com

.-:l ‘.l w.-