Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to© Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 19


FREE Jason Donald

\Valcrxlonck l5; l5? Sauclucliall Sli‘ccl. 353 ‘llll5. (x *1) Spin launch ol ('lmAi' ('lmm. llic dchul nowl h_\ .lauul Donald. a gi'adualc ol llk‘ (ilaxgoxx l'nncml} ('icauw \Vi'iling: your»: Sk'k‘ lL'alurL'. page 1.1: FREE Ninset Launch Night (ilaxgou \Voiucn'x l.ll‘l';ll'}. 3nd l'lool'. .\l l’arnic Slrccl. 552 8345. “pill ‘lfillpnr 'l'ickclcd, launch llllell lor |)i|_\\ Row and Karcn Kniglih loiiggdixlant'c pocu‘} collaboration \\llll rcadingx. artwork l\_\ |.auric llaxlingx and l’o|l_\ 'l‘lit'luall. and lllll\lL‘ hour The (’uhic /.ll'CHlll;l\. liddlcr .lcn Marncill and guitarixt :\ll Brown. R“ )ll‘ Booking: cxxcnual on lll-ll 553 8345.


FREE Lost Worlds: Display Royal liolann~ (iardcn il‘crhpd‘alc l’alin llouxcl. lnwrlcilli RU“. 553 ~l"l. l'nul Sat 28 l'L‘lt. lllani 3.3llpin l‘llltl [‘UCIH tllltl proxc L'\ll';lL‘l\ Ull lllL‘ lllL'lllL‘\ ol HI" [,4le “Dr/ll. .\l\U .ll lllL‘ l’HL‘ll'} (iardcn Ill

Doug Johnstone

paperback is launched, Johnstone rocks up to talk,

SI V\ndic\\\ Squaw. lxdinhuiyli. I’m! u/ H]: /.l’\/ Ht‘l'li/ Kurd.


FREE Carole Matthews llortlcix

Hookx. ‘).\' Buchanan Sliu'l. 333 "gilll lpiu. l’rolilic roiuaulit' L'oiucd) \xrncr (‘arolc \lalllit'ux \lnp\ h} to ash llL‘l



FREE Book Group \Vaicrxlonc'x. (‘aiucron 'l'oll Shopping: (‘L'nuu lad} Rind. (l(l(\ l.\'(i(i‘ 5 (\plll. \ l'L‘lellal' l‘imlx group niccung on lllL' laxl Sunda} ol cwr} month 'l‘lux iuonlli'x rcquut‘d wading: |\ .lanc \lixtcih Von/mum; Villa and Barbara l’_\lu\ \ii Inui/ lx’e'mm of [1"! ('onlad lhc l‘lilllk'll loi inorc llllnl'llldllnll.

Shore Poets llk‘ loi.>1(il'a\\lllall\L'l. 335 0032. ".~l5pni. L' i «LII. l’ocuc \\a\ing_'\ lroni 'l raw) llcrd. Angela \lL'SLWL‘llL'} and lzddic(i1hhon\ plus lzli/alwth Burnx rmpondx to Mark ()jglc\


Mon Sat loam 6pm Netherbow - 43 - 45 High Street 0 Edinburgh EH1 15R 0 0131 556 9579

30 THE LIST 7:7 Fetvi‘ Mai 31:3

;.' I".

pot-Iii ‘llol_\ loch. loi lllt‘ \laik ()gjlt' l’ot'u} .\\\.ud.

Tuesday 24


Reading Group: Nothing but the Poem \‘oludi l’ocu'} lihrai}. 5 (‘rit‘lilon'x (low. (‘anongalo .55” 357) (w. ill anr L5 it; 1i lx’cium in; llic prcxxuicx ol ic\1c\\. t‘i'iut'ixiu and ll}[‘k'. and \\llllHlll whiny on background

kno\\ lcdgc. llux pcnllc wading group lcd h} alllllL' .lohnxlouc locum-x on Ilic rt'adu‘x ruponw lo the lat. l'Hl hooking and mom \lL'l;lll\ plum~ phone or k'llldll i'm‘cpuonlw \plorg uk l’lcaxc nolc. (liangc ol \L'llllt'.

Thursday 26


FREE Fiona J Houston ”width Hookx ‘).\' Buchanan Rut-cl. 3.73 "UH “pm, I mm .| llouxlon \pcnl a yum Iu'rcaunj: lllk' li\c\ ol llL'l .lll\'&'\lHl\ lll lllL‘ l—‘Hlx loi lllc hook I/n (lint/t ll (ii/Mgr [Hill/l \. l-iml out all about ll al ilm talk

Edinburgh FREE Kapka Kassabova lilat‘kucll. 5‘ 5‘) South Bridgc. (i2: 833: (i 5lll‘lll lickclcd. llcar hour a trawl nicnlou' ahoul Bulgaria lroiu llir l-dinhuigli l‘awd \L-lll‘k-l

FREE Doug Johnstone \Vonl

l’ink L‘l lglltlk\ll”l‘.‘1;\‘-L‘\l \IL'HlMIll Slit-cl. (‘03 ‘ll l2. "pin Young: Sgollixh aullioi llltl\l(»\L’l |)ou§_' .lolmxlonc launghL-x IllL‘ pawrhapk \L‘l\|Hll ol ll|\ llo\ cl. lln ()\\[(HI\_ “lut‘li |\ l‘awd on lhc uplonx ol a licuonal «or 1\ n ’i hand. l:\pccl a wading: and \ulllL' mug and Illa} l‘L' C\L‘ll .1 l‘L‘Cl'

Writers’ Bloc: Doyle M for

Murder 'l’lic l’lcamnu‘ (Kilml'cl Bar. hll l’lcaxanpc. 55' U53 l. Spin £3 it: i. l‘hc \pokcn \xord pcrlorniancc group outdo lllL‘lll\L'l\L‘\ \\ llll allcrnauw l.ll\U\ on ladinhurghk lncrar} \on Arthur ('onan l)o_\lc. a ncxx \IHI'} h} lhc man lunixcll ”clay-d h} a \piril gurdc and tranxurilwd h) Andre“ J \Vildonl and \a/i Llllin\;llll‘\. apparcnll}. l’crl'orincrx: Slclan l’carxon. Mora; liduard. Janc

Scottish author/music-maker Doug Johnstone followed his debut Tombstoning with the equally affecting The Ossians, about a young band on a tour of Scotland As the drink and play a few tunes made (in)famous by the band.

\lt‘Kic. llannu lx’aianit'nu. \ll\ll\'\\ (' lk'llel\\llll. \ndimx l\\ ll\Hll and ( iax lll llllh in! u! H14 luxl Hui/u” /\'u1i/


FREE Allan Cameron \Mml l’om-i llnnlwllull. ~15 \\L'\l \Iuilwll \llr't'l. Ni.‘ ‘ll 12 ”pin \llan ('anit'ion. \lk'lk'lltlk'l ol lllL'l',llf_'ll\lll.lllj_'ll.l_1,'k'.[‘lt'\\'lll\/Il/’Iill\r n/ [/u (Mun/mm ulupli t ll.lll\ lllk' lliit'al to language powd l\_\ niodcin \Uk icl}

Saturday 28

Edinburgh Fundraising Event for Gaza lllk' \l_L‘_\lk' Hai. I5 l“ \ijg}lc I’lllkk'. Ill ””5” l llpni \li;‘§:t'\lt'tl donation L lll \laxdau (iiay .l.llllL'\ Kcluian. Ron liullrn. \llan ( ~.uucion. Rum ('lauc and loru l.L’Hll.ll\l lcnd lllcu \uppoil lo l.l|\t' lundx loi (ia/a Ill an k'\k'lll HlL'.illl\L'tl h} \\l‘l\l l’H‘-\L'l lliliilnx \llllpwllu'il l\_\ Moltixh l).llL'\llll\‘ \olidaiil} (ariipaiuii

Glasr ow

FR A'CX Gray \\.llL'l\lllllL"\.

15‘ I5" \ltlllklllk'lldll Slit-cl. “I ‘llll5

o {ll \piu llit- \Nlllk'l ol \lllllk' llll'lllL'l\ and t'lk'dll'l ol l)l l.oruut-i lollcn dcwrihcd a\ a ( ila\\‘.L';_'1au \cmou ol Ian Rankin'x lnxpulor Ruhuxi la|l.\ ahoul llL'l llc\\C\l llH\L'l. (Hing/n: /\'I\\

FREE Marion McGilvary lllllllL‘dtl liliiar}. HS H}IL'\ Road. i“) “23* (i illpni. Dchul iron-l lioui lhc contributor to Na lmn'x. [UNI/It m/ /IIH(‘\ and [/11' (NH: Ilt’l. L‘llllllul //!4 /.I'\[ H'r/(K I(l/('.