How did you get that job?
Name Chris Hunt
Job Title Director Company Genuine (PR, Events & Marketing)
When did you start your job? I started my current job in 2003. wonting freelance for Scotland on Sunday and The List as 3 features and travel writer. Through this I met people interested in my Public Relations experience who retained my services. This job has now developed to a point where l employ four people full time to support my work.
So what does your job actually involve? Flexibility. energy and drive. We devise and implement strategies across a variety of events. sponsorship activities. and communications. This can involve working on programmes with media from The Herald
to NME or W Magazine. and on-line channels like YouTube and Facebook. Recently we also opened our own pop-up gallery and shop selling cutting—edge Scottish art, fashion and music.
What did you do before you started this job? I worked freelance in London for Kim Blake PR and Aurelia. also contributing at Vogue and the Daily Telegraph. progressing to positions at Judy Bennett PR and finally to R-JH PR (HRH Sophie. Countess of Wessex's agency). I worked on a fabulous range of projects in London from Aristoc. Boodle & Dunthorne jewellers and Gaggia coffee to Karen Millen and The Lanesborough Hotel. as well as some celebrity chefs. music events with the Rolling Stones and Oasis. and charity work.
What‘s the best way to get a job like yours? You need personality. formal training and work experience.
What advice would you give to a young Chris Hunt at the start of his career? Keep going! Get great qualifications. and take
up any offers of work experience whilst at College. including the holidays. You may have to work night shifts and weekends to earn your keep. but that commitment speaks volumes to tutors and future employers alike.
What projects do you have planned for 2009'? We are supporting some of Scotland's Public Sector agencies on Consumer Tourism, for example Homecoming Scotland. In Business Tourism we are working on international PR for exciting and innovative destination management company Hello Scotland. Drinks. hospitality and music projects include The Mill (for Miller Genuine Draft). Fashion and retail clients include Keira Thorley. Jane Davidson. Graeme Armour and Bebanoque among others. For the last three years we have worked on the Tartan Clef Music Awards to raise money for the Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy in Scotland charity. so are discussing future plans for them. and will continue to advise emerging musical artists and fashion designers.
Website: wvwvgenuineprcom
Publications Designer
Part-time (maternity cover)
We are looking for a talented and imaginative graphic deSIgner to cover maternity leave for the art director of The List. The post involves deSigning the front covers and feature pages of each issue. The art director is also in charge of the deSign template for the
whole magazine.
You will may also be asked to work on a variety of supplements and stand alone titles as
required in addition to The List.
You should have experience working to tight deadlines on Apple Macs usmg OuarkXpress (or lnDesign), Photoshop and Illustrator/Freehand. You should be able to come up with creative ideas and be used to commissioning photographers and illustrators. Experience of editorial de5ign on magazines or newspapers would be an advantage. A good knowledge of current pre-press and printing systems is important.
This is a part-time freelance posmon working With our Edinburgh office With fees according to experience.
Please apply enclosing a CV together With some examples of your work (copies rather than originals) and current salary where appropriate. We'd also like to hear your opinions of The L/sf's current design and ideas for any improvements you would make.
Write to:
Personnel. The List Ltd
14 High Street. Edinburgh EH1 lTE
email: personnel@|
deadline: Monday 9 February 2009
The List is an equal opportunities employer
“ Fiiiil out on page 87
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