ller kooky eleganLe makes her an

4 Hair. enduringr retro ieon tor our contemporary Ilolly (iolightlys.



Audrey exuded style. graee and poise in an utterly inimitahle Iler early training as a daneer. an aeute

way. awareness ol' her physieal attributes and llaws. and her minimalist approach to lashion all lent a

hand in seulpting 'the look‘. She ahsolutely loy'ed hallet pumps l‘or example. which gay'e her a gamine air. She wore them heeause she was so tall. hut that was yery unusual lot" a starlet at the time. ()thers haye tried to copy (iod bless her. Vietoria Beekham is one but what Audrey had. you can‘t buy. eopy or lake.

Holly Mitchell


My layourite Audrey llephurn Iilm is I'IHIII_\‘ I’uu'. There's a brilliant moment when she is dancing with the Beatniks in a smoky underground _ia/./ bar in Paris. She is wearing a black polo neek. skinnyrih jumper and tight eapri pants. with white soeks and little pumps. She looks l‘ahulously ehie. jtlst like a little hlaek pussyeatl


Audrey is always an inspiration e I regularly w'ateh 50s and ()(IS Iilms when I'm designing. In an era of huxom hIondes. Audrey didn't exaetly lit it. She wasn‘t conventionally ‘heautil‘ul‘. And yet she's the delinition of style. She had that rare " ability to bring playl'ul yiyaeity to exquisite elothing.

My lay'ourite outlit is from Roman Holiday - a ': white hlouse. l‘ull skirt and flat shoes. Iler waist ' is the tiniest ever. but with the broad helt she ._ looks stunning. l‘rom Roman Holiday's tomhoy ehie to the eheeky sophistieation oI' 'IUfiury"s. Audrey is an inspiration to all of us who run tip i the oeeasional lroek.

Adele Bethel


Audrey llephurn was probably my first ey'er serious style ieon when l was a teenager. I saw

Break/its! u! ‘Ii/liurws on IV when l was I‘) and heeame huy'ing the yideo and w‘atehing it. pretty mueh daily? I thought she earried hersell' with so mueh graee and dignity. it almost didn‘t matter what she wore. although the elothes are ineredihle. My hoylriend hought me an Audrey doll on eBay a I'ew years ago I'or ('hristmas. She is wearing the pink dress and tiara from the moy'ie. and it is a mueh treasured possession. She really ignited my lirst interest in lashion.


Clare Muldaur



Audrey llephurn makes me smile. She makes rue wish I was alive in the day when being l'ahulotrs was fabulous: not ‘trying too hard‘ or ‘oy'er the top’. I live in New York. the plaee that Audrey. in 'Ii/‘liurr's. made look like a sale hay'en from normal or average; a refuge for people who wanted to stay young. savvy and heautil‘ul l'oreyer. I think that idea remains here in people's minds. but not so mueh with how they dress —* are they too hip to care" Audrey. you could say. was a hipster ol' the times in 71(70):wa wrapped up perl'eetly in her sal‘ety bubble of 'seene’ and ‘eool‘. When I go hear the New York l’hil I get hlue seeing people. who have the perl‘eet opportunity to look l‘ahulous. opt for jeans instead. Ilaye they no desire to deeorate themselyes'.’ I do any ehanee to tap into my inner l'ahulous is a little gilt. I say.


24 City

Chinese auteur Zhang Ke Jia's pseudo dtxtumentary about a factory closure in a Chinese town IS a highlight the llI()\’l(‘S.

tor tans ot outre world The M/tchc/l Theatre. Sat .27 Cinema. GFT, Fri 73 Feb. Feb. a‘prr:

1300/71. The Grosvenor,

Sun 75 Feb. (3 75pm

In Conversation with Bill Paterson

A SCOIIISII great takes; to the stage to chat about his life in

22 THE LIST 5—19 Feb 2009

The Black Audio Film The List Surprise Movie

Collective \‘r/hates'er it's going to he. :1 Two excellent tllrns hy Brit .‘nll he brilliant llllll‘l‘)‘$?ll/l‘f John Akornfrah get the hag Cart you hanrile Tl.e

screen treatment rr: IIIIS trihute evening Harrdswortt‘ Songs and Seven Songs for Malcolm X. Rennie». F7120 Fer). 7 300m

Suspense“ C/rreworld Reilfrew Street. 8.1327 Feb. ’0‘ (100m.

'I-MFESTIVALO9 ................ .. .......................................................

THE ACTIVIST Sean Hepburn Ferrer HEPBURN'S SON AND CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDREY HEPBURN CHILDREN'S FUND People ask how I rememher her hest. and all I ean say is. as my mother. We didn't haye I)\'l)s when l was little. so it was orily later that l hegan to wateh her tilms and realise she had lel't an indelihle imprint on soeiety. She made a lot ot' unl'orgettahle gents. w hieh touehed many people. My layourite is prohahly l-rmrn' I'tll't'. Ilaying wanted to he a daneer in her youth. and missing out heeause ol' the war she was also too tall to he a halleriua it Illealts a lot to wateh her get to dance w itll l‘t'etl Astaire. ()ther lilms remind tis she was more than a ‘eute tau". hut also a serious aetress ()n a personal note. her last role as an angel in .-l/\rrl\'y hy Steyen Spielherg is may speeial too. I miss her a lot. httt I'll walk into a hotel room in Japan. and she'll he on the sereen. 'I'hat makes it easier. Although her humanitarian work wasn‘t the eentrepieee oI‘ her eareer. it was a wry important part. She spent her last the years working with Children litll' I'NK‘Iil'. II let people see lllttl IIIL' twig they had l‘aIIen in loy e with 40 years earlier had grown into this heautil'ul. strong oak tree. The Audrey llephurn ('hildren‘s hind earries on in her Itmtsleps with ehildren‘s L‘llzll‘ily pl‘nieets. ()I' all the work she did. her humanitarian work makes me most proud. I'in' more details. l'r'sr't n'n'u;um/n‘y/u'p/mm.r‘om



Audrey llephurn worked tirelessly to improye the Iiyes ol' girls and hoys around the world. As a young girl. llephurn hel'sell' reeeiyed IIHIII and medieal relief from l'.\'l('lil‘ l‘ollowing WWII. Later. as a l'NI('IiI‘ (ioodwill Amhassador. llephurn trayelled the world. touehing the Iiyes ot' millions ol ehildren through her work. In her own words. she said: ‘I speak for those children who cannot speak l'or themselyes. ehildren who haye ahsolutely nothing but their eourage and their smiles. their wits and their dreams.‘

The Audrey Hepburn season runs Thu 12 Feb-Sun 22 Feb, showing My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Charade, The Children’s Hour, Funny Face, Robin and Marian, Sabrina, The Unforgiven and My Fair Lady.

Valentine’s Day Romantic Movies -;inri ‘JISII a (JV/fl: fmrn ',e/en iIIIYl',

Shhhh! An Evening of (Not So) Silent Movies Turn liar illll Iii/()5 IIIIII the. ':itrr MIMI le help of some modern local hands and burlesque rxzrtormers The Arches: / ’N/{mr

.‘i'l’,ll/Illi/) Hepburn ', I l/n/r/ flit/3 11W} Cr’lb/Ifl/l. and [Wu [VJ/ef', utiirrinq .Joaatrvrn Phoenix

(Jr/rework} Hen/raw Street, (Sat M Feb, from 2pm 'Iprrr

Sun 22 Feb