
Dead Boy Robotics

Two fellas from Edinburgh construct something wonderful out of the dance/

noise/punk/electro sound they’ve been building. Seeing that this gig is part of the Cab’s Duty Free sessions this live set at Sick Note will be free entry and the resident DJ team will be on hand to oversee the


I Crilirimt Volta/rt), Et/r/ilx/rg/i. Hill 25) Jan.

‘tribute to \oul \ct‘. alongxide (iernian production and [)1 collectiie Ja/laana. the 'I‘roiible [Us and luturixtic l'unILerx Digital .IUIIL‘S.

I Red2Red and The Spectres Ilenry'x ('ellar liar. S loa Morrixon Slt'L‘L‘l. 23S 9393. ll).30pni. £4. RL‘LIZRL‘LI play a llll\ ol~ reggae. rock atid \Ix‘il. more aL‘lS lbL‘.

Glasgow I Falling Red, The Colony, Junkyard Shift, Failure to Communicate and Doves of Disorder Burn}. :00 (‘IS'LIL‘ Sll‘L‘L'l. (I370 907 (NW. 7pm. ()ter- I4x show. More young bands play at the Iiniergen/a I'nxigned I'L‘stiuil.

Glasvegas, Friendly Fires,

White Lies and Florence & the Machine ()3 -\L.iLlein\ l3] laglinion Sti‘LeL (IS-14 477 2000 7pm S()I I)()l T. SL“L I ri 30. I Kris Roe I\or_\ BlaL'ILS. 5b ()xwald Street. 248 4] l4. 7pm. £8. Solo gig l‘roni The Ataris man. I Suspire, Salon Society, Diamond Sea, MC Soom T, Mulehog, Stuart Christopher and Burning Flags TUIIIIOUSL‘ Studios. 10 I’ossil Road. 7pm. £3. A One (‘reatiye Scotland bringing together the music and \‘ISllilI arts \Vtifltlx. Radio DJ Jim (ieIIatI) hosts a live music line-up completed by "You l.i\ ed Here You'd Be Home B} .\'ow. Jan Janinierx and D-Bass (3ollectix'e. and there is an exhibition ol‘ digital art. photography and line art iii the lover. The event is licenxed but patrons can BYOB. FREE Dead Sea Souls, Satellite Underground, Kalla Heartshake and The Jack Knives .\Ic(3huiII.\. 40 High Street. 552 2l35. LS‘pm. Indie rocking. FREE Felix, Five Park Drive and Ampersand Rm 431 S'LIUL'ITILIILIII Street. . 3.33 54 3|. .S‘pni Indie bill

including the retro-inlluenced quartet l-‘l’l).

I Geoff Martyn, Kathryn Edwards and The Oran Social TIIL‘ 'l‘wixieLl Wheel. 73 Queen Street. 33! 4S5l. Spin. [7. Local xiiiger/xongwriter. l'ornierly ol~ Travis. who is building a \olo reputation for IIIS rock and pop repertoire.

I Kick to Kill, The Hallions, The Black Rats and King Japan l’ixo I’iyo. l5 Waterloo Street. 504 Slllll. Spin. £5. (iothic. drone and alt.rocIL elements to KTKS sound. plux pxycliedelic l'reakouts from The IIalIionx.

I The Symptoms, 3 Hits in 3 Days and The Jack Jones Band Maggie .\Iit_\ \, (i0 Albion SII‘L'L'I. ML‘l'L‘IialiI (It). 54S I350. Spin. £5. KilmarnoclL indie t'oL‘ILL‘rS head [he bill.

I Hercules Mandarin, Journeybox and Anna Meldrum King 'l‘ut'x \Vali \\'ali IIiit. 273a St Vincent Street. III 527‘). S30pni. £5. .\ riotoux \e\tet who will be entertaining the crowd w ith tracks from their forthcoming album. “is! Behind Illt‘ 'l't'mm.

FREE Triple School, Poltergroom, Tattie Toes and Wounded Knee NiL‘e'ii‘SleaI}. 42] Saucliieliall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £4. .\'ut\ LR Seeds launch l’our new \plit 7-inch singles with an eyening ol‘ Iel't-l'ield. eclectic \ounLIx. I 2 Bob Rocket Samuel Dow 'x. ()7 7| Nithsdale Road. 433 0|07. .S’..30pm. Rock

I End of the Month Club l.3th .S'ote Cale. 50-60 King Street. 55.3 1633. 9pm. l'xual inuIti-niedia mayhem l‘roni Bo/illa and guextx.


I Blues Devils, Communicator and Killian Whistlebinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. .557 51 I-i. (ipm. I'TL‘L‘ I‘L‘ItirL‘ midnight: £4 alter. Blues. indie and rock. I The Strands Rock n’ Roll Circus The (Ines. .\'iddr_\ Street South. 557 SOS"). 7pm» 3am. £5 LL10. 'l‘lie SII‘dllLIS release their tiew single with In e baelL tip

tiotii Ihe \dx. Raiii Haiti IIILIIIIL \ou Haiti and \I.tlII\\\_ with tolk in the bad li‘L‘lll. I3IIIIL‘5LIIIL' and Labatei Ili‘lll \\ ild ('atd Kitty and Ilie Kitten IIa\ ("IawL

FREE The Ritalin Kids, Culann and Grace Emilys (' lI‘.IIL'i \oliane. 3h 3\ III. ”I SttLet 3 __3lt til 7h 7pm \Ienibeh ol \IaiiiiIL anLI( IILISL \Iaiiliaitan toiii totLLN loi new edgy guitar pittieLl Ritalin Kidx at IIllS Hut} I-tee night

I The Valkarys \\ee Red Hat. I'LIinbiithi (‘oIIegL' Lil \it. I LIIIIISIL‘II I’IaLe. 3.3" Ill: 7pm L5 \l\IlL‘\ toLIL'ii‘ioII

I Brian Houston Band IIlllllIHll IIlL‘allL‘. I .iLI\\\ L‘II \\.i\. \‘ll\\k'll‘l”‘__'h. (m5 33w 30pm Lirmltizw Iolk Mt lioiii the IllSIl SIlIfJL'l wngwiitei and IllS baiiLI toiiiiiig new album Iii/LL IL L .' mm: (til/Ll

I The Second Hand Marching Band, Debutant and No Pasaran

IIe iii'_\ \ ('e II II II II. .S Ilia \Ioitiwn StiLLl. 33S‘NI3 7 30pm LI IiinteL-n piLLL loIIL LIanLL patty

I Transgression Sessions I'ianxgiexxion Skate I’aiIL. ( lL'ean

lllllSlL' at Itanxgiexxion Skate I’aik (‘IieeIL w \\ \\ Il.tlng‘lL'SSILillSL‘SSltiliS L'Lt llIL Itil IlliL' tip Lletailx. \gex S1 Strictly no alcohol

Glasgow I Schnapps and The Invisible Republic \IaL'SoiIeyx \IIISIL' Ilai. «1.3 Jamaica Stieet. SIS S5Sl. 3pm. \bxttaL‘t woiiIL} [Link and hillbilly pxych lolIL at I'll/l} I’elt I~oIIL\ \econd biithd.i_\ L'L‘IL‘Iil'alliill. ;'-. The Fortunate Sons ltai ltloe. I7~ IIaIIl SII'L‘L‘I. 37.10000, 5pm IIill'llltllIltlllS (ilaxwegian ITIllL‘SlllL'ISIL'lS I 221, Meursault and Das Filth (‘ ipl ilii3S RL'SI. IS5 (ii'eal \Vexlet‘ii Road. 5I- 3 :3 75Ilplll. I’S}L‘IIL‘LIL‘I|L‘ L‘IL‘L'llU and gaiage i‘oL'IL'ti'xoiiI lroiii IIllS .-\iii\tei‘dani duo. I lnnerpartysystem, Middle Class Rut and My Passion King 'l’iit'x \Vali \\'ah IIut 273a St Vincent Stud 331 5377‘) Split LS ()\Li I-1\ \Iiow (iiLiLwL' laden ioLIL itilItiLnLLd by Sun InLh .\ llIS atid (‘Iiemical Brotlierx alike. I The Black Delorian, Track 9, The Great Underground Empire and New Noise Pollution l3ili \Lile (ale. 50 (ill King Street. 553 INS. S30piii. L31. I’l‘tiL'L‘L‘LIS Ii‘Lilti lIllS gig go lit the Red (.I'()\\,


I Okker, We Modern Cadets, United Fruit, Bronto Skylift and Munchkins llie (iR\. TtiuilniL Sue-.Li 220 JUST. «S'pin. L4. ( oniplu alt.ioLIL with a nod to Sonic Youth li'oiii ()ILILL'i: I’leaxe note change ol \enue.

T-‘L 33'; The Black Diamond Express

The Jan Hai‘. I (‘liaiiiberx Street. 320 42‘).S’. midnight. See Sun 35. ,Li- Hg; 7 «735727 2E :37. ' *r-L-os‘rfi -’.~.~1.~ 57“" : gt‘f’" {11, 74—1


I RKC Music Showcase \.lt(‘3 3 S iuLhiLh ill SuLLt 333 3333 7pm . £5. ()\Li- be \Iiow. \\ ilIi bandx [be

I Chiodos and Sonny Moore King Iut \ \\ iIi \\ lII Hut 3 3i St \inLLnt SttLLt. El 527‘). .Spni, L'lll ()\LT I-lx \Iiow. .-\ mi\ture ol eiiio. L'IilSSIL‘ rock. hardcore and [TI'Ug‘I'L'SSHL' metal. I’Iiew.

Edinburgh Copy Haho and The Xcerts Sneak) PCIL‘35. 7.3 (.tl“ gate. :25 I357. 7pm. L'tbe. .L\berdeen lIItIlL’SIL'TS headline with support lroni melodic altrocIL trio Xcertx. See Ii\po\ure. page 5‘).

Glasgow I Mike Bones .\'ieL-‘n‘SlL-a/}. 42l

Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 7pm. ‘5. New Jersey singer/guitarist who 1\ influenced by ‘beautilul women and existential despair'.



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