Music {Celtic Connections
I Dirk Powell, Riley Baugus and The Foghorn Duo St Andrew \ Ill the Square. St Andrew 's Square. 55‘) 5003. 3pm. U35“. l'lddlc pla}ci l’ow cll and hamo maestro Baugus |oin forces with bluegrass legends 'l'hc l'oghorn l)uo.
I Jim Moray and Kaela Rowan ('lasslc (irand. Jamaica Slrccl. 8-17 0830 8pm. {I350 'l he langlish songwriter and tradition-hendcr returns with songs from his latest alhuin 1.1m (‘u/Iun'. l-oimer Mouth \ltisic and Sola \ocalist Kaela Rowan opens the show with her self- penned compositions.
I Mary Gauthier and Carrie Rodriguez 1 ion 1 heatic. 'l iongatc. 35 3 8000, 8pm. U350. Sharp ohscnation. long experience and a dose of humour from the l.otnsiana horn songwriter. guitarist and harmonica pla}ei. l-cllow l'S songwriter Rodrigue/ supports.
I The Mick West Band, Lori Watson and Rule of Three Rtwal (‘onccrt llall: Strathclylc Suitc. Stttlclllcllttll Street. .353 Sill)”. 8pm~ Ll2.5(l..'\lll;1llltil Scottish music when (ilasgow 's pow erlul tiadltioiial singer and powerhouse hand ls loincd h} Bordcrs' singer/fiddler Watson.
I Songs of Scotland: Glasgow Songwriters 'l he l'ni\crsal Sauchicliall Lane. 333 889‘). 8pm. L'l0. l)orts Roug\ic hosts the last in the Songs of Scotland series. with lain Ingram. Maggie MacDonald. and Ian l)a\idson. FREE Travelling Folk/Folk Club Special Bl“. Scotland. 4” Pacific ()ua). 433 7000. 8pm. Archie l‘ishcr and Ireland's (‘olnm Sands host this li\c spt't'lttl “ltlcll St't‘S lllL' l\\t) longest— running lolk progrannnes on BB(' Radio come together.
I Showcase Scotland: Fiddlers’ Bid, Brendan Campbell, Bodega and Corrina Hewat ’l‘hc ()ltl l-‘ruitinarkct. (‘andlcriggs 353 8000. 0.30pm. l; Hi. The tenth Show case Scotland ment at ('cltic ('onncctions pla)s host to a wide \arict) of Scottish inusicians.
I Simon Thoumire and David Milligan ('it) llalls: Recital Rooms. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. opin. f It). Nimhle ('cltic _ia// and traditional music on conccrtina and piano.
I Le Vent du Nord with Ross 8. Jarlath .-\B(‘. Sauchicliall Street. 353 8000. 7pm. L'l5. ()xcr Hs show. l‘lucnt instrumental chops and high entertainment from the ()uchecois hand. Joining them are spectacular Scotland- hascd piping duo Ross Ainslie and Jarlath.
I Transatlantic Sessions: Bringing it all Back Home ltoyil (‘oncert llall: Main .-\uditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 3538000. 7.30pm. £33 £3o. Al} Bain and his pals present a rcla\cd c\ening featuring a selection of top [S and (chic talent.
I Cherryholmes and Fiona Mackenzie St Andrew 's in the Square. St Andrew ‘s Square. 55‘) 5903. 8pm.
I l 3.50. (‘lici't')holiik‘s the si\ piece famil} hand who ha\c taken the bluegrass world h} storm are joined h} (iaclic singer .\lackcn/ie.
I Findlay Napier, The Bar Room Mountaineers and Paul McKenna Band ('lassic (irand. l8 Jamaica Street. 847 0830. 8pm. U350. \Vr) and roots) Scottish acoustic outfit ’l‘he Bar Room .‘slountainecrs and up-and-coming singer Paul McKcnna. ()\er l4s old}.
I The MacCollective and Rachel Hair 'l'ron 'l‘heatrc. o3 'l‘rongatc. 553 4307. 8pm. U350. BBC l'iolk Award- winning fiddler Lauren Mct'oll launches her second album with regular accompanists Barr) Reid and .\lhairi llall. Youthful harp pla)er Hair is tremendousl) accomplished.
I Millish, Box Club and Catriona Watt Band Ro_\a| (‘oncert llall: Strathclyde Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £l3.50. Michigan horn
62 THE LIST ‘32 Jaw?» Fat» 3009
. ‘-
Carrie Rodriquez
Before being a fiddle-toting, mandoguitar- slinging Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter,
Carrie was a violin student in Texas absorbing the influences of an opera-obsessed mother and folk-singer father. It was only when she went to Berklee College of Music, that the Carrie we see on sophomore album She Ain’t Me came in to being. Catch her supporting Mary
Gauthier’s haunting country-noir. Bl 7mm (float/t). T/origato. Thu :25) Jan.
performers .\lillish t(iaclic for aw csomcl hring lltcil' L'L‘lccllc mis Ul' (‘cllltl Middle liastcrn. Balkan. inn and flamenco to (ilasgow. l‘our top Scottish accordions- w ith-attitude lcad Box (‘luh. and Watt sings heautifull) in (iaclic.
I Ruarri Joseph and Iain Morrison ()ran .\lor. (ireat Western Road. .357 (i300. 8pm. U350. Acoustic folk rock from hoth ends of Britain. lidinhurgh- horn. (‘ornwall-raised singer/songwritcr. tours his new album lint/i Sit/m u/‘Ilu' ('nin. Morrison hails from the Island of ls. ()\ L‘l‘ l-ls tinl}.
I Blazin’ Fiddles and Galant, Tu Perds Ton Temps The Old liruitmarkct. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 0.30pm. L‘lo. Keshoards. guitar and fiddling st} lcs from all parts of Scotland. hoth solo and in superb arrangements. pla_\cd h} some of the finest fiddlers in Scotland. Quehccois quintet (lalant w ill he performing from their latest alhtnn Ian-mi pm (1' illusion.
I Innovation and TMSA Young Trad Tour Ro)al (‘oncert llall: Strathcl_\de Suite. Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. lpm. L'l0.50. lnnmation area 35-piecc ensemhle made up of c\isting and former members of the A} rshire l-‘iddle Orchestra. The 'l'.\lS.-\ features the rising talents of last _\ears BB(‘ Radio Scotland's Young 'l'raditional Musician of the Year winners and llnalisls.
I Saint Andrew 8. the Rare Wee Helps (ill) llalls: Recital Rooms. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. (1pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. A rare performance from the enigmatic Dundee hard who. accompanied h} Michael Marra and Ke\ in .\lurra_\. reprises some of his hit album The lliml on the I’ui'c')‘. .
FREE Take the Floor Qualit} llotel. (iordon Street. 33l 9680. 7pm. The longest running Scottish l)ancc Band
radio show returns to the fcstisal one more time. presented 0} Robbie Sllcpllct‘d.
I The Treacherous Orchestra 8. 6 Day Riot :\B('. Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. U5. “'l‘reachcrtius' Pillcrs Ross Ainslie and Ali llutton. llautists Kenn O'Neill and Bo Jingham. fiddlers Adam Sutherland and lnnes Watson. guitarists Barr} Reid and Michael Br) an. accordionist John Somchille. lrish banjo pla}cr liamonn ('oyne. hassist Duncan I.) all and drummer l’aul Jennings are the ones not to trust. Support from the London-hascd line-up of ukulele. trumpet. guitar. bass. percussion and \ocals mising linglish and liast linropean folk. hlucgrass. Hunter and ptlp.
I Genticorum and Liadan ()ran Mor. (lrcat Western Road. 357 (i300. 7.30pm. L’ l 3.50. ()uehccois power trio comhining North .-\incrican and liuropean folk cultures return to the fcstixal in support of their third alhum. All female six-piece Liadan complete the hill. ()\ er l-ls onl}. I Karine Polwart and Rachel Unthank and The Winterset (‘its llalls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm.
9; lo. 'l‘he considered. and unique blend of
folk. traditional. indie and alt.countr) from her alhums lam/11mm and l'iu'n'si l-'/uu'w'. make l’olw art the finest talent to ha\c emerged in Scotland for )ears. l‘rom the Newcastle area. Mercur) l’ri/c nominees Rachel l'nthank and The Winterset are making mer-higger w aVCs. I Classic Album: Catriona McKay Starfish and Les Chauffeurs a Pieds 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatre. (i3 'l‘rongate. 553 4307. 8pm. U350. Released in late 3007. McKa} ‘s second solo album is a milestone in contemporary Scottish harp mtisic. Modernist Quehecois folk musicians l.cs ('hauffeurs support.
I James Yorkston, Sorren MacLean Band and Blue Rose Code (‘lassic (Brand. l8 Jamaica Street. 847 0830. 8pm. U350. ()VCF l-ls show. l-‘cnce (‘ollectis'e member sings from his
current album llln-n I‘lit- Ham R. .11, In. Young 'l‘ohcrmor} luscd songwriter \laclcan and all iolk outfit Blue Rose (‘ode support.
I Moonlighting and Daimh Rtwal (‘oncert llall: Stiathclsdc Stntc. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm
{ l 3.50. l~ormed after an impromptu session at last _\cars lcsti\al. Moonlighting features some of the most skilled Irish instrumentalists in Michael .\lc(ioldrick. ('iaran l'ouitsh. Dermot B_\rnc. .lohn l)o_\le and .lohn .loc Kell}. l)annh. from up \lallaig wa_\. ha\c added (iaclic singer ('alum ,-\lc\ .\lac.\lillan to their pow crliousc instrumental sound.
I Mor Karbasi and Galant, Tu Perds Ton Temps St .-\lltll't'\\ 's III the Square. St .-\ndrcw ‘s Square. 55‘) 5003 8pm. [I350 Sephardi female singer .\lor Karhasi wcaxcs together ancient Jewish and modern influences Ill a unique sound. ()uchccois a capella group (ialant support with l-icnch tllttlt‘t'l stings.
I Jerry Douglas Band and Cherryholmes The Old l‘l'llllllttll'kt‘l. ('andleriggs. 35.3 8000, 0. 30pm. {to 'l'he .-\mcrican restmator-guitar star. and Artist in Residence at .\'ash\ille's (‘ountr) Music Hall of lame. has appcarcd on I000 alhums through his 34 war carccr. Support from the Stateside stage}. c\citing bluegrass lamil} hand.
I New Voices - Mairearad Green Ro_\al (’oncert llall: Strathclyle Stntc. Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. lplll.
L lllfill. :\ new c‘tiltllnlssltinctl composition from the _\oung North of Scotland accordionist. piper and pianist. known for her work with the .»\nna Hassle Band and The l’oo/Ics.
I Extreme Harmony Rtwal (”onccrt llall: li\hihition llall. Sauchichall Street. 353 8000. 1.30pm. £7. ('orrina llcwat lcads this fast—paced workshop w here _\ou are imitcd to learn new \ocal tricks. I BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year Final 2009 ('it) llalls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. 5pm. £13.50. Join the mums and dads as this wars contenders — Adam llolmes. Lorne .\lacl)ougal|. Ruairidh .‘slacmillan. Kenneth Nicolson. Jack Smedle) and Daniel 'l'liorpe - line up to perform.
I Grainne Duffy ('it) llalls: Recital Rooms. ('andlcriggs, 353 8000. hp”). ill). lt’lslt stitlgslt‘css (irainnc galnctl momcnttnn with her 3007 dchut ()ul u; the Dark and is sure to find herself with a few more followers after tonight.
I Yves Lambert ts The Bebert Orchestra, and The Martin Green Machine .'\B('. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7pm. L'l5. ()ncc the front man of leading ()uchcc lolk hand l.a Bottinc Souriantc. singer and hutton accordionist Yxes is now gaining equal recognition as a solo artist. lle's here with the all— acoustic Orchestra in arrangements of losc-songs. drinking anthems and dance tunes combined with jal/ and world roots. l.atl accordionist (irccn's scplcl perform tracks from forthcoming (imw Mac/zinc alhum. plus new mtisic involxing the 37-strong Kirkintilloch Brass Band.
I Transatlantic Sessions: Bringing it all Back Home Royal ('oncert llall: Main Auditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. 1.33-9.34. Sec Hi 30. I Final Night Bash with Moishe's Bagel and Friends (‘lassic (irand. IX Jamaica Street. 847 0830. 8pm. {I350 The festival's closing concert is headlined by Moishe‘s Bagel. foe world- class instrumentalists who mix kle/iner. jall. classical. ('cltic. Balkan. Latin and Middle liastern mUsical st)les. They will be joined by Shetland Violinist and fiddler (‘hris Stout and reedsman and multi-instrumentalist Fraser Hfield in an explosive end to the festival.