l.Frost/Ixon1151 2.30. 6.00. 8.40. LTbelruuerHS) 3.00. 8.51). NRWHM (1.15. 3.llooseolfiybgDaggers115111x1 Walkman-«11513.30. loveandllonoI1I2A1 6.111). Tbelleader11518.40.
LFrostIIxonHS) 2.30. 6.00. 8.40. szeIresuerHS) 3.00. 6.15. 8.50. 3.!oveandllono-1I2A1315.
Myelefil1l51545. Tbelleader1151 8.511.
I.Frostllxon1151 2.30. 6.1111. 8.40. szelresuerHS) 3.00. 6.15. 8.50. Immunolmmby lbeCowadBobertFordoS) 1.31). 8.15. Tbelleader1151 5.40.
6.00. 8.35. zfiost/lxon1151 12.45. 3.211. 6.00. 8.40.
1TbeWrecller115) 1.30. 3.50. 8.50. SbawDogs11816.15.
1. Boad115) 1.00. 3.30. (1.00. 8.35. LFrnsthoIH5) 12.45. 3.20. 6.00, 8.4().
3.5113111100951181 1.1111. M'restlefll5) 3.30. 8.50. ”Mahatma 5.50.
SUNDAY 1 FEB 1.TbeFoxandlbeClid1U) 1.00. Wuhan”) 3.00. 6.00. 8.35. LWOIIHS) 12.45. 6.00. 8.40. MWMBIyTbeKId118) 3.21). 3.llwo(12A) 1.00.
MWHS) 3.10. 8.50. TbelIdBucli1181545.
1. "3 Fox and ll! C.“ (U) 10.30am. W M (15) 3.30. (1.“). 8.35. 2. W (15) 3.00. (1.00. 8.40.
3. The Wrestler (15) 3.30. 8.50.
Me Is My Friend's 1111151121111 6.30.
TUESDAY 3 FEB LllevohbonzylloadUS) 2.30. 6.00. 8.35.
zFroslIIxonUS) 3.00. 6.00. 8.40. 3.Tbelresber(15) 3.30. 8.50. TbeDodrleUleolVerodrpeUS) 6.30.
WEDNFSDAY 4 FEB l.llevohllonaylload115) 2.30. 6.00. 8.35.
Lmuflfl 3.00. 6.00. 8.40. lTbeIroslleru5) 3.30. 8.50. Bash-,TbelluleSb'agaMi) 6.15.
l.llevohuonaylload(15) 2.30. 6.00. 8.35.
LWUS) 3.00. 6.00. 8.40. 3.Taxllh'lIU(18) 1.30. 6.20. MWHS) 4.00. 8.50.
lngleby Gallery
15 (Talton Road. ()131 556 4441. Free. Email cvcnts(a)inglebygalleryeom to book. THURSDAY 29 JAN
mun-311111 6.00.
I 18 Lothian Road. ()131 221 1477. 24hr bookings & info: ()871 22 44 007. Bar. Adults £7 (£6 before 2pm); (‘oncs £5.
mozm 7.15.
“I.“PG) 2.15. 4.10. 6.15. 8.45. Sev-Po-dsuZA) 2.30. 5.30. 8.15. “”1151 3.00. 6.00.
“(15) 1.00. 3.30.
8.30. Yul-(12A) 2.45. 51X).
(RIDAY 713 lllURSDAY .99
BrideIars 1H1)
Sat& Sun: 330
m Jones a ll! W (I tll
Tue: 11.00.1111.
Seven Pourds112A1
Daily: 3. 30 (not Sat at Sun). 5.30. 8.30.
51?: Pounds (Parent 1. Baby Screerirg)
( - )
'l‘ue: 10.30am.
Slundog W115)
Daily: 3.45 (1101 Sat). 5.3011101 'l'ue). 8.15
(not 1110).
Shllflog W(W1151
Sat: 3.45.
'l’ue: 5.30.
11111: 8.15.
Daily: 3.15 (not Sat & S1111). 5.30. 8.30. (13A)
Daily: 3.30. 5.15. 8.00.
Yes Man112A)
Sat & Sun: 3.45.
Neon Nestor llalles
Westside Plant. 130 Wesler 11ailes Road. 34hr bookings 61: 111111: 0871 33 44007. Fri. Mon. Wed & 'llm: Adults £6.45 (£5.65 before 4pm); (‘ones £4.90. Sat. Sun 62 Bank Holidays: £6.45; ('ones £4.90. l5ami1y ticket: £4.90 each (minimum 3 people). Bargain day ('l'ue): £5.75; (‘ones £4.75. 1-'or premier seats add £1.
AustraIaHZA) 7.30. WWW“) 2.45. 5.15. BeverlylllllsClinralnaW) 3.30. 6.00. Brideflarso’o) 3.30. 5.45. 8.1111. 000309115) 4.45. 7.45. MadagmBmerAlrlcaMi) 3.1111. BoleModels1151 2.45. 5.311. BoleModels(Stdrtltled)11518.15. SevenPoinds112A) 2.30. 5.15. 8.01). SbndogflonaieHS) 2.31). 5.30. 8.15. TlreWrestler1I5) 5.45. 8.3(). Yeolan112A1 8.30.
FRIDAY 23 ll (URSDAY '20
WSW (H1) Daily: 6.15. Also Sat & Sun: 1.00. Beverly Ills Clitoabua 1U) Daily: 3.30. 6.00. Also Sat & Sun: 1.00. BrldeWars (PG) Daily: 5.45. Also Sat & Sun: Dellance115) Daily: 4.30. 7.30. FrosthontlS) Daily: 2.00. 5.30. 8.15. JouneytoTbeCenurolTTIeEarllI (PU) Sat: 11.30am. . Esme amt-3111111
Daily: 3.30. My MW ( 18) Daily: 8.30. BoleModelsHS) Daily: 3.15. 8.30. Seven Poi-Ids 112A) Daily: 3.00. 8.00.
MUM Daily: 2.15. 5.00. 7.45. Ilnder'orld 3: we olTbe lye-3115) Daily: 3.45. 6.00. 8.30. Also Sat & Sun: 1.15.
(12A) Daily: 2.(X) (not Mon). 5.15 (not Wed). 8.15 (not Thu). WWH2A) Mon: 2.00. Wed: 5.15. Thu. 8.I5.
Scotsman Screening Room
Scotsman Hotel. 20 North Bridge. 622 2999. £8.50 (£7.50). Meal packages £39. Sec wwwseotsmanscrccningseom for more information.
The Big M118) 8.00.
SATURDAY 31 JAN In Ia! (PG) 4.00.
SUNDAY 1 1113
Maruliahl’th 81111
Vue Edlnburgli Ocean
()eean lerlninal.()ee.111 D1111: 111111 34111 hoolongs 1\ 111111 08713 340 340 Adults £6 50 (£5 45 Mon 1~r11X'11111'5p1111. ('11111111'11 £4 35 (£4 1111X'lore 5111111. Sti1dents/( )Al’s £4 50114 15 111-tore 5111111 1‘;111111y 111'111'1 £171£1(1-1(11\‘1ore 5))1111 Kids' (1111) £1 50111111' .11‘1'11111pa11y1113: .1111111 lree) lateseree1111132s1ose1 18s only .1111‘1 1() 30pm) £5 45. ('o11es £4 15 1111' 14 .111 llt‘kets
lllURSDAY 1".) JAN
AustraliaHlA) 3 30. 545. 900 BedlineStorles1l’1113111).415.6111 Beverlyllillstflmalua11'1250. 510. 7.30.
BrldeWarsd’m 1.511. 125. 6 s11. Defiance1151 1.10. 4511~ 7511 bddreartd’m 1.30 MadagascanEscapeZAlrlcadKo 3311. 4.40. 7.1)().
MyBloodyValenune1181 11.45. 0311 1Tbelleader1151845
Also late l‘ri & Sat:
BoleModels1I51 4.00. (1.30. 851) SevenPounds112A1 2.011. 5.30. 81111 SexDrlve1151 (1.10. SltmdogMillloriaire1151 3 10. 520. 8.111.
TbeSpu'lt112.»\1 1.20,
Wozm 1.111. 3.15. TbeVlreetlerom 1.011. 1.10. 6.00. 831) Yes Man112A1 3.50. (1.10. 0,10.
11311)AY 713 11 (URSDAY 1“.)
Australia ( 13A)
Daily: 1.31). 7.45.
Bedtine Stories (1’('1)
Daily: 3.00. 4.30.
Also Sat (5'; S1111: 11.45am.
Beverlyllills Chihuahua 11')
Daily: 3.40. 4.50. 7.15.
Also Sat 8: S1111: 10.30am.
BrideWars 1I’(;1
Daily: 3.1011101 S1111). 5.301111115111111.
Also Sal & Sim: 10.30am.
Sun: 3.10.
M1111: 5.30.
The DayTbe Earth Stood Still (13A)
Fri. Sat & Wed: 10.00.
Daily: 5.41). 8.511(11111'1‘111‘).
111111): 3.00. 5.50. 8.30.
Also Sat 62 S1111: 13.15.
“dread 10(1)
Sat & Sun: 1 1.30am.
Madagascar: Escape 2111012111111
Daily: 1.00. 3.30.
Also Sat 8: S011: 10.45am.
My Bloodyllalenthe1181
Daily: 9.30.
The Beader1l51
Daily: 5.00.
Also Sal & S1111:
Bole Models115)
Daily: 1.45. 4.15. 6.40. 9.10.
Seven Pomds112A1
Daily: 3.15. 5.10. 8.15.
Also late l‘ri 8; Sat: 1 1.00.
Seven Poi-Ids (Parent 8. Baby Screening)
Wed: 11.30am.
Sex Drive ( 15)
late 1:11 & Sat: 11.15. W1 15)
Daily: 3.30. 5.30. 8.00.
Also Sal & Sun: noon.
Also late Fri. Sat & Wed:
5mm: (11)
Sat & Sun: 10.00am.
TlIeTaleolDesperoaux 1l'1
. 11.30.1111.
I” ( 13A)
Daily: 3.40.
Also Sat & Sun: 10.10am. 13.40.
Daily: 2.211. 4.45. 7.1111. 9.20.
Also Sat 8; Sun: 13.10.
13 31).
WH3A) Daily: 3.30. 6.10(not Mon). 9.0(). Also Sat & Sun: 10.15am. 13.45.
\11111 (1111
W(Senlor Screening) 1 151 “ed 11 30.1111 TbeWmtler1151 I).11|_\ 6311 .s .111 \1s111.111- I11.\ 5.11 Yes Man 1 1.‘ \
Huh (1 51).
111111 Edinburgh 0111111
(1111111.(111'e11s1111:1’1.111‘ .‘ 1111 11111111111ys 1\ 111111 08’1.‘ 3411311) \111111st'11 50115 45 \11111 1111\1-11111‘ 5111111. \111111'111\1()\1‘s
14 501°. 1 1‘ \11111 1111\1'11111‘ ‘1‘1111. (111111111121 35111 111 \11111 1111\1‘11111‘ 5111111 1.111111\ 111111'1t1‘11111411.\1oi1 1'11 111-(1111‘ 5111111 (iold('1.1ss1111.1‘1s1o\e1 18s onl_\1 189511‘95 \11111 1111\1'11111-5111111
1111113511111 . .1‘11\.
Australla11.‘\. 's11 lledtlrneStories11‘1111.‘15
BeverlyllillsClIihualiua1l‘1 1.‘ 15. .‘ 511. 5|5 BrideWarsd‘m 1011. 345615.815
Cbe:Part0ne(Gold Class)1151 12111. 3311 Defiance1151115.1311 '10 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 11111 1.‘ .‘0. .3 31) My Bloody Valentine (Gold Class) 1 181 (1 111. 8 All) The Reader (Gold Class) 1 151 .‘ 110. 5 011 8110 RoleModeIS1151 1 30. 11111 (1 111. 111s Seven Pound511.T-\1 .‘00, 5011 8110 Sex Drive (Gold Class) 1 151 3_‘0. 831) SlumdogMilllonaire1151 1215. 315. (1011. 9110 The Spirit (Cold Class)11.‘.\1 1011. 5 so Mllght11.‘.\1 .‘ 111 5111 81s Ther'estleril51 13 30. 100.515. Yes Man 1 13A) 4 45. 7‘ 41) 113111A‘1’I'i-l 11111131111A‘1’."1 Australia 1 HM S111 1k S1111 11100.1111 Australia (Gold Class) 1 13A1 Daily 500 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 111 Sal 1k S1111 100011111. 13 15 Bride Wars 11111 Daily. 1 40111111511111. 4 15. (11111'1‘111‘1 BrideWars (Subtitled) 111111 S1111. 140 lite. 9.30. Defiance (Gold Class) 1 151 Daily 3 30. 8.00 Frost/Nixon1151 Dad}: I 30. 4 31). 7.30 Also S111 1\’ S1111. 10 4511111 Madagascar: Escape ZAlr'lca 11’111 D1111}: 1.10 Also S111 1k: S1111 Mllk115) Daily 151). 4 45. 745 Also Sat 1% S1111. 1050:1111 Also late 1'11 1& Sat. 10.45 BacbeICettlngMarried(ColdClass)1151 Daily 1.10. 140. (115. 850. Tbelleadermold Class)1151 Dally: 315. 8 30 Also Sal 1k S1111 1 1.4011111 Role Models 1 151 Daily: 13.50. 315. 5.50. 8.15. Seven Pounds 1 12.51 Daily: 3.30. 5.30. 8,30. Sltlndog Mllllonalre1151 Daily: 3.00. 5.00. 8.00. Also Sat 1% S011: 1100:1111. Also lale 1'11 1% S111. 1055 Spacerlrnos1t'1 S1118; S011: 11). 30am.
112A) Daily: 3.30. (1.15. 9.10. Ilndervrodd3:lllseolTbeLymns1151 Daily: 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 9.00. Also l-‘n & Sat: 10401111111111! 111). 11.30. Valyrle112A1 1111111: 2.45. 5.40. 8.30, Also Sat (1' S1111: noon. Also late 1'r1 (c Sat: 11.30. TheWrutleI1l51 Late 1"“ (t Sat: 10.50. TheWreclleHGold Class) 1151 Daily: 5.30. Also Sat 13: S011: noon.
(1 »l5_ 9 31)
11 00.1111
77 1:11 '2 11:11’/(1(1’)THE LIST 51