Property To Let Flatshares
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Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 350,000 unique visits per month.
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Terms & Conditions
Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking serVIce. For administration purposes. advertisers must .supply their full name and address (NOT for publication). The Flatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication in his section. Adverts
for renting a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats
to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are availableon our website in the Shop section. It is company policy not‘to accept adverts that are deemed to be of en5ive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
If you would like further information about The List flatshare serVIce, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our webSite Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal
safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your llat. or when you are going tosee a room in a flat.
86 THE LIST -- . .
Edinburgh Central Lets Self catering holida} lets in the (it) (‘enti'e. for short breaks neekl} sla}s and corporate lets. Discounts for regular bookings. longer sla) s. Tel: 0 I 3| (30‘) 8535 www.cdinburgh
I Flat in Queens Park - Must be Seen? Beautiful furnished l bedroom Hat :1\ ailable l-‘eb in
top lloor of(ieorgian House in grounds ol'(‘)ueens park. Sunn} - great \ ie\\ s. Pris ale parking and garage. L5 l 5 plus bills. Tel: 07030 567 7 l 3
HIRE A VAN WITH A MAN l.ocal & long distance. large & small. House Office garage clearances lkea l’ickups etc. Reliable. l‘riendl) land on time). liree quotations. Disclosure Scotland ('erlilicale. ('onlael l’hiliplll3l 333 l372
07836 633 006
Accommodation wanted
For info call Carole Smith/Anne Goring on 01620 810620 email: www.lestivalllatsmet
Home Improvements
All aspects of painting & decorating:
9 Interior/Exterior O Domestic/Commercial 9 Free Estimates 9 No job too big or too small 0 Quality guaranteed
Contact: Alistair McAlpine
Tel: 0131 556 4841 Mobile: 07866 222 656
I Large double room
in traditional sandstone flat.
5 mins \xalk from Sham lands and 3 mins from Mount lilorida train station. ll) mins to (ilasgoxt. Stunning quiet llat. full_\ furnished. close to Queens Park. Warm. bright llat. .\'o DSS smokers £300 pcm pltis bills. Tel: 07705 058 033
I Room available in lusur) \Vest lind tenement llat in II} ndland to share \\ ith one other. I’uII} furnished. all mod cons. £350 pcm plus("l and hills. Tel: 07775 7| 5‘):
I Double bedroom to let in Southside apartment. (ireal transport links to ('it} ('entre. All mod cons. Would suit an}one in their 30s. Blls} nightlife nearby Rent £335 pcm. 'l‘el: 07012 (its’3 87‘)
I Room available in tenement in (ilasgim near Botanics. £170 pcm inc ("ll :\\ailable until June 200‘). .\'ice \ ie\\ s on quiet side building. plent) storage space. \Vould suit quiet non-smoking artist creati\e person. ’l‘el: 07857
7 I 3 857
I Beautiful room in bright llal. Strathbungo. Near Queens Park and Sham lands. .\lod eons. lu‘oadlnind.
e\cellenl transport and parking.
£03 per ueek e\cl bills ("ll :\\ailable mid .lanuar). ('ontact: (I784! 567 I35 or email
I Double room, just beside 'l‘lle Kel\ illgl'in e at
the top of Kel\ in \Vzt}. \Vell furnished. ll’L‘sltl} decorated. L35” pcm incl all bills. ('ontact Adam on 07008 (illo 338
I Strathbungo Townhouse ground llooi‘. Room to let from 35th Jan. ll) mins from ('it} ('enti‘e. Parking a\ailable. Rent pltis ("l £340 pcm. l'tilities appro\ L‘3ll pcm. ('all for \ ie\\ ing. Tel: 07083 335 985
I Share in Victorian comersion in Strathbungo.
2 mins to station and pri\ate parking. large room. but no li\ing room. .\liist ha\e oun duster. £350 pcm inc ("II 'l‘el: ()TX3h THU 00‘)
I Large double room in a llatshai‘e \\ ith l\\o females off Queen .\lgt l)ri\e. Male or l‘emale ltlle :lls Ul' 50s. .\'ice
li\ ing dining kitchen \\ith large
ltttll \ptlL‘L‘ lint" hikes. 'l‘eli “TX-'0 473 3.\'l
I Dennistoun. Double room in large \‘ictoi'ian
st_\ le llal. Ba) \\ indoxs ed lounge. broadband. gas fire
and hard\\ood llooring. large dining kitchen. £300 pcm inc bills ie\cl (“I"i. I’rel lemale. non smokers please. 'l‘eI: it‘lltlh’ (L30 IN)
I Southside - Large lusur} furnished room in friendl} n s llat. Minutes to (it) (\‘lllt'e. 4 poster bed.
high ceilings. chandeliers. 3 shouers. tumble drier. free gas. elec. ("l‘ ck broadband. ('leaner included. £75 per week. 'l‘el: 0707-1 232 537
I Double room available in 2 bed \Vest Iind flat from 5th Jan. Large lounge and kitchen. (i(‘ll. digital TV and broadband. £300 pcm
plus bills and ("II Tel: 0777‘) ()(I5 64‘)
I Large furnished double room in spacious
( I5()()sq.ft. ). \\ ell situated I\\o bedroom llat near l’la}house. (}(‘ll \Vi-I-‘i. shared kitchen. dram ing and dining rooms. L55” pcm lllc‘l. bills e\cl. ("l1 'I‘el: lll3l 478 (ill)!
I Spacious room for rent in .\leado\\ bank right next to .-\rthui"s Seat. Sharing \\ ith one eas_\ going llatmate. .-\ll mod cons plus dislmasher and great shower? £363.50 pcm plus (“11 ,\\ ailable lo Jan Tel: 077-17 6760! I
I Furnished double room in lU\ Cl} It s llttl close to shore in leith. Sharing \xith one other person. Rent £300 pcm plus ("I and bills. 'I‘el: (l78l2 13-1088
I Morningside - Maxwell Street. NS professional female to share
a lo\el) spacious llat \\ ith 3 others. (Kill. L3llll Pcin. /.olte parking LN) pa. .-\\ailable no“ Tel: 013] 4—13 3536
I The Shore - 'l'imberlnish. NS professional female to share clean. attracti\e. modern llat \\ ith
l other. Double bedroom. Parking. L‘Zh’ll pcm. :\\:iil:ible lltm. 'lieli (l l .5l 445 35.5001' ”73 l 3 983 ‘).\’ l
I Quiet room in (‘entt‘al llal. .\light suit l.(il3'l' student or _\otlltg professional. (iood location for unixei'sit) public transport amenities etc. Llh’ll pcm including ("l and bills. Deposit l'L‘qlltl'etl. leli ll l 3| ()6? 3763
I Double room in
large. alti'acti\e ('it} ('entre llat l’l‘ollci'ossl. looking for
n s professional or posl~grad to share \\ ith friendl} 35 51' old prof female. £350 pcm plus ("I‘ bills. .-\\ailable mid late .laiiuar}. ‘l‘el: “7705 IV," 555
I Large furnished double room a\ailablc mm in spacious l l5llll sq.fl. i. No bedroom llal near l’la} house. .v\ll mod cons. (it'll. \Vili. Share kitchen. di‘a“ ing and dining rooms. (35” pcm inc. bills e\. ("l1 'I'el: ll|3l 4‘8 llllll