
I Lykke Li and Esser 'l‘lic :\l‘c‘llc\. 353 :\t'g}lc Strcct. 565 I000. 7pm. £14. litbcrcal. quirk) clcctro l't‘otn tltc Snctlixli \ocali\l \\ ho ga\c ll\ tlic \trippctl do“ it pop of ‘l.ittlc Bit'. Snppot'tctl b) tip-antl- coming \olo :tt’lixl.

I McFly Sli('('. l‘innicxton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. Uh £36. lllc pop punk poppclx cnibark on a grcatcxt hitx tour.

I Thunder (‘arling .'\Clt(lL‘lll_\. l3l liglinton Strcct. 0344 477 3000. 7pm. £31. Big-bait'ctl Ulll \cliool ntctal.

I Dalek, Sileni and Destructo Swarmbots 'I‘hc .'\l‘c‘llc‘\. 353 :\t‘g} lc Stt'cct. 50.5 I000. 7.30pm. U0. li\lt'L‘lth L‘Clcclic \Ulllltl\ lt'otlt l)alcl\.

I Future of the Left \icc‘n'Slcax}. 43l ~S‘auclticball Stt‘cct. 333 0000. 7.30pm. .\'c\\ funk} punk} garagc band l'ortnctl b} .\lcl.u\l\}\ And) l‘alkonx. Acoustic Sessions and Open Mic ()ran .\lor. 73| 735 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 357 6300. 8pm. Scc Mon 34.

I Anberlin, Furthest Drive Home and Data.Select.Party King 'l‘nt'x \Vah \Vali llnt. 373a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). «\‘pin. L“). ()\ct'— l-l\ \lttm. l-‘loritla quintct “ho l1a\ c tourctl \\ illl l-‘all ()nt Bo} and .\l_\ ('bcinical Roinancc.

I Dividing the Line, Lower Than Atlantis, Silent Ground and So she Said lizll'l'l}. 300 (‘l_\tlc Strcct. 0370 907 099‘). Split. {(1. ()\Cl'- l—l\ \lltt“. lnipoxxibl} lrcxli-l'acctl \Vorccxtcr \crcatno quintct bcatllinc.

I Gorgoroth, Averse, Sefira and Zebediah’s Crow l\ot‘_\ Black. 50 ()\\\;tltl Strcct. 348 4l 14. 3pm. U5. .-\notlicr Scantlinzn ian \atanic mctal bantl. tbix lot arc l'rom Bcrgcn. \orxxa}. and narncd altcr a cltcct‘} location in lord of thc Ringx.

I The Magic Carpet Cabaret ‘l‘chai ()\ na. 43 ()tago lanc. 357 4534. 8pm. [3 Jim .\lc:\tcct‘ prcxcntx a night ol'

\Ullg\\t'llCt‘\ and bandx. §§E=E Phiktion, Jackie Treehorn, Dub Chieftain and Spanish Boy’s Name l’i\o l’i\o. l5 \Valcrloo Strccl. 504 8l00. Spin. Blccptronica troni l’liiktion. prog rock l't'otn Jackic 'l'rcchorn. gatncbo} \(tlllltl\ cl'lcctx and banjo combination l'rorn I)th ('bicl‘tain antl poxt-rock nootlling from Spanish Bo) ‘\ .\'atnc. I Strawberry Blondes, The Red Eyes, The Zips and The Hold Up \Iziggic Ma} 'x. ()0 Albion Strcct. \lc‘t‘c‘lltlttl (ill). 5-13 l350. 8pm. L7. \Vc‘bll \ka punkx licatl llll\ punk bill. r «a John MCCusker’s Under One Sky 'I'hc ()ltl l-‘ruittnarkct. ('antllcriggx. 353 8000. 8pm. £15. .-\ collaboratch projcct bringing togcthcr lllll\lL‘l;tll\ lroin diwrsc lmckgronntlx lL‘tl b} litlrllcr John .\lc(‘n\l\ct‘ \\ ith Julic lionlis. \Ul‘llltlll Blakc. Rodd} \Voornblc. J;llttc‘\ \lackintoxh and lincn \crnal. Scc pl‘L‘\ lc‘“. pztgL‘ 5‘).

Acoustic Night 'l'lic Buttcrll} & tlic Pig. l5} Bath Strcct. 331 771 1. 8.30pm. Scc 'l‘tic 18. The Bottleneckers Blackt‘riaix. 3o Bcll Strcct. 553 5034. 0pm. Scc 'l‘nc

Glasgow Songwriters

titl‘x. 30 lic‘ll Slt‘cct. 553 5934. 0pm. l-‘ortnightl_\ gatltcring ol lltc mnxicianx‘ collcctnc \\ itlr l'caturctl artixtx. opcn mic and a \trict original tnatcrial polic).

I Mary Hampton and Pete Greenwood ('aptain'x cht. 185 (it'cat \chtcrn Road. 33l 3733. l’nt'c. l'ragilc t'iilkitic'xx l‘roni Briglnon'x Mar} Hampton and a ccrtain lolk inllncncc from London- baxctl l’ctc (irccnuootl too.


I We Were Promised Jetpacks, Endor and Dupec ('abat‘ct \‘oltairc.

3o 38 lllair Strcct. 330 ()l7(l. 7pm. £4. ‘l‘lic l-‘at (’at-xignctl lllkllL‘-PUPPCI\ tra\cr\c tltc .\li\' l‘ot' lltix \lton.

ll ll H” II '. lhlll! l'lfl ‘Jlt tll‘.l / lJl ll-‘l ll /-.‘,l I) ll-’/\( l'”,

me QUEN’S mi PRESENTS * 3 ""133? NOVEMBER 20o8'}i313

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'\ .. -' THE LIST 71