1. The Baader Meinhof Complex 1 181 2.00. 8.311.
Girl with a Suitcase (La Bagazza con la valigia)1151 11.011.
2. Hunger 1 151 1.011. 3.15. 8.50.
The Baader Meinhof Complex 1 181 5.45. 3. EasyVirtue11’(11 1.15. 8.31). Conversations with my Gardener 1 12.1\1 3.30. (1.00.
1. The Baader Meinhof Complex 1 181 2.00. 5.111. 8.15.
2. Hunger 1 151 1.011. 3.15. (1.00. Desert of the Tartars (ll Oeserto dei Tartari)11518.15.
3. EasyVirtue11’(;1 1.15. 11.15. Conversations with my Gardener 1 12./\1 3.30. 8.30.
Ingleby Gallery
15 ('11111111 R11111|.55(14441. 1HURSDAY 9‘1) NOV Eyes of Laura Mars 1 151 11.00.
118 1.111111110 R0111). 0131 221 1477. 2410' 11111111019 1&1111‘11z0871 33 44 007. 13111:. .'\111111\ £7 (£0 1111111111 3(1011: (X11118 £5. ’1111)RSi’)AY ‘5) NOV
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 1 12.v\1 2.45. 5.511. 8.15.
Burn After Reading1151 8.111.
Easy Virtue 111(‘11 2.50. 5.511. 8.20. High School Musical 3: Senior Year 1 l '1 3.311. 5.45.
Quantum of Solace 1 12..\1 2.311. 5.311. 8.011.
1R1DAY 1.2 11-1URSDAY 21) The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 1 12.\1
1)1111_\: 3.15. 5.411.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12..\1
'l'uc: 111.3(111111.
Burn After Reading 1 151
[)1111}: 18.15.
Max Payne 1 151
D1111}: 3.45. 5.15. 8.31). Quantum of Solace 1 12.v\1
111111}: 2.30. 5.30. 8.110.
WALL-E (Senior Screening) 111 111C: 11.001101.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno 1 181
D1111}: 3.51). 5.50. 8.15.
Odeon Wester Hailes
\M‘xlxidc 1’111/11. 13()\\1‘\1c1‘ 1111111'8 R0101. 34111'13111111111138 t\ 1111.11: 1)831 33 44 1107. 111. 31110. \Vcd 1k '1'1111: .\1111|1\ £0.45 (£5.05 111‘1‘111'1' 4111111: (1100 £4.90. 8111. .81111 N 1311011 11111111108: £11.45; (‘1111cx £4.00. 15110111} 11C1\C1: £4.00 1‘111‘11 1011010111111 3 [1111111101. 1311131110 1111} 1'1'111'1: £575; ('1101'\ £4.75. 1‘111‘ [11'1‘11111'1‘ 801118
111111 £1.
Burn After Reading1151 8.15. EasyVirtue11’(;1 4.1111. (1.15. 8.311. GhostTown112.v\1 3.15. 5.45. 8.15. High School Musical 3: Senior Year 111 2.15. 3.30. 5.110. 11.00. 7.45.
Quantum of Solace 1 12.41 1.15. 2.1111. 2.45. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 7.15. 8.30. Quantum of Solace (Subtitled) 1 12.41 8.30. SawV1181 3.45. 11.15. 8.30.
FRIDAY 14 11-1URS1)AY 21)
Burn After Reading 1 151 1)1111} 111111 111111: (1.15. ."\1\11.8111 18 .81111: 1.45. Ghost Town 1 12.v\1 D1111}: 2.45. 5.15. 7.45.
101111115 showinobelween
[m3 3. 3 '3 4 3 Fl 3
,1. _.., ‘ .. ‘- =1 “-
318111 .1531: " Z'- *.
54 THE LIST ": I ‘T11'.../
High School Musical 3: Senior Year 111 [)1111}: 3.31) 111111 3111111. 5.1511111l\\1‘111. 7.45111111'1‘11111.
.-\1\11.81111\ .81111: 11.4511111.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Subtitled) 11'1
.\l110: 3.30.
“(‘11: 1.5.
11111: ..45. Igor mm .8111& .8110: 13.311.
Mamma Mia! 11’(‘.1
l)11i|_\ 11111111101: 4.01).
Max Payne 1 151
1)1111_\: 3.30. (1.111). 8.31). .v\1\11.81111\' .81111: 1.00.
My Best Friend’s Girl 1 151 11111: 3.00. 5.30. 8.111). Quantum of Solace 1 12.-\1 D1111}: 3.00. 3.45. 3.45. 4.45. 3.15. 8.01). 8.31).
.'\1\11.81111k .81111: 13.15. 1.15. Saw V1181
1)1111_\ 111111 11101: 8.311.
Star Wars: Clone Wars mm .8111: 11.301101.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno 1 181 D1111}: 3.111). 5.31). 8.15. .’\1\11.81111k .81111: 13.30.
Scotsman Screening Room
811118111110 111111‘1. 31) 51111111 131‘111gc.(133 300‘). £8.5111£7.501. .\11‘111 [111111113218 £30. .8111: 11\x\\.81'1118011018101110111g\.1'1101 1111' 111111‘1‘ 10111101111100.
SUNDAY 113 NOV Cool Hand Luke 1 151 8.01).
SUNDAY 2:1 NOV The Four Feathers 111(11 8.1111.
We Edinburgh Ocean
()1'111111111111101111. ()1'1'1111 1)1‘1\c. 1.1'1111. 34111" 1111111111115 N 111111: 118713 341) 340. .'\111111\ £(1.501£5.45 .\11111~-1"1'1 111‘1‘111'1' 511011: ('1111111'1'11 £4.35 (£4. 111 111111111 5111111: 8111111‘111x/1 ).v\1’\ £4.50 (£4.15 11111111: 5111111. 11110111} 11111111 £131£1(1.40 111'1111'1' 5111111. K111x'1'11111: £1.51) 111111‘ 111‘1'11111111111)111g_' 11111111 1'1'1‘1'1. 1.1111: \1‘1‘1‘1‘11111gx 11111111 10.301101 ~ 11\c1' 18x 11111} 1: £5.45: (‘11110 £4.15. 101': £4 1111 101018.
111111181JAY 13 NOV Burn After Beading1151 4.15. 11.45.
Eagle Eye112.-\1 1.20. Easylfiitue11’(;1 1.011. 3.111. 5.30. 8.11). GhostTown112.\1 1.15. 8.50.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year 111 2.10. 3.00. 3.30. 5.011. 5.40. (1.15. 8.30.
Mamma Mia!11’(i1 2.40. 5.15. 7.50. Pride and Glory1l51 2.50. 5.50. 8.40. Quantum of Solace 1 12M 1.20. 2.20. 3.20. 4.10. 5.10. 8.011. 11.00. 11.45. Quantum of Solace (Over 18s Screening)112.\1 3.20. 11.10. «1.00. SawV1181 2.30. 4.50. 7.15. 8.15. 11.311.
1R1DAY 1.1 1HURSDAY ’21)
Burn After Reading 1 151
D1111}: 4.31). ‘).15.
Eagle Eye 1 12.'\1
8111& .8110: 111.3511111.
Eagle Eye (Subtitled) 1 12.v\1
.81111 1k M1111: 1.05.
Easy Virtue 11’(;1
D1111}: 3.40. 5.50& 8.111111111111111. Ghost Town 1 12..\1
1)111|_\: 3.00. 5.40. 8.20.
.'\1\1111111‘ 1'11 18 .8111: 111.51).
.v\1\118111 1k .81111: 10.11111111. 13.411. Ghost Town (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 113.-\1
\Vcd: 11.31111111.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year 111 Hull): 1.15. 3.15. 4.111). 5.111). (1.45. 7.45.
.r\1\11 1'11 1& 18111: .v\1\1181111& .8011: 11.31111111.
5.51). (1.31),
10.151101. 11.001011.
Igor 11’(;1
D1111): 1.1)1).
.-\1\11.8111 & .81111: 111.4511111.
Mamma Mia! 11’(‘.1
[)1111}: 1.45. (1.311.
.'\1\11.81111k .8101: 10.501101.
Mamma Mia! (Senior Screening) 11’( i1 W011: 11.301011.
Max Payne 1 151
[)1111}: 1.1)1). 3.31). (1.1)1). 8.31).
.'\1\11 1111c 1511 18 8111: 11.1)(). .'\1\11.81111k .8011: 10.201101.
My Best Friend’s Girl 1 151
11111: 5.51). 8.10.
Pride and Glory 1 151
D1111}: 3.111). 5.45. 8.45.
Quantum of Solace 1 12..\1
11.111): 1.211. 2.211. 4.10. 5.111. 7.1111. 8.1)(). 0.45.
.-\1\11 11111‘ 111 1k .8111: 10.40, .'\1\11.8111 1k .800: 10.301101. .-\1\11'1‘11c: 3.31). (1.10, 0.110. Quantum of Solace (Over 18s Screening) 1 12.31
D1111) 111111111111: 13.311. ‘).1)().
Saw V 1 I81
1)1111_\: 9.31).
.'\1\11'I'11c: 1.31). 3.50. (1.31). 8.51). Zack and Miri Make a Porno 1 181 [)1111}: 1.411. 4.15. (1.41). 0.10. A1811 1111c Hi 18 .8111: 1 1.31).
Vue Edinburgh Omni
()111111. (irccnxidc 1’1111‘1‘. 34111‘11111111111328 1k 10111: 08713 341) 341). .'\111111\ £(1.51)1£5.45 31110-1511 111'1'111'1' 511011; 8111111‘111x/().v\1’\ £4.51) 1£4.l5 311111-1511 1111111111: 5(1011: (4111111011 £4.35 1£~1.11).\11111-1'.l'l 1‘C11H'L‘ 5111111. 1110111} 111‘111‘1 £171£1(1.40M110-1‘1'1 11011116 5(11111. (111111('111\\lic1\cl\ (11\ 1‘1‘ 18x 11111} 1: £8.‘)51£7.‘)5 31110-1511111111111: 5111111.
Burn After Beadlng1151 11111111. 2.20. 4.40. 7.00. (1.40.
Eagle Eye 1 12..\1 8.20. EasyVirtue11’(;1 1.30. 3.50. 11.30. «1.00.
Ghost Town (Gold Class) 1 12.31 12.30. 3.10. 5.511. 8.30.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year 111 11.501110. 1.011. 2.30. 4.00. 5.20. (1.40.
11.41). 11.31111111.
3.31). (1.11).
Mamma Mia! (Gold Class) mm 2.011.
BiomecficalEthics m Festival
Quantum of Solace 1 12.-\1 1 1.401110. 12.211. 1.211. 2.00. 2.40. 3.20. 4.20. 5.00. 5.40. (1.20. 7.20. 8.110. 8.40. 11.40.
Quantum of Solace (Gold Class) 1 12.-\1 5.00. 8.011.
SawV(GoId Class) 1 181 1.111. 3.30. (1.11). 18.51).
W1l51 1.45. 4.50. 7.40.
Burn After Reading 1 151
D1111}: 11111111111111.8001. 3.21). 4.40. 7.00 (011111101. 9.30.
Burn After Reading (Subtitled) 1 151 .81111: 11111111.
1111‘: 7.00.
Eagle Eye 1 12A.
.8111: 10.4511111.
Easy Virtue (Gold Class) 1 1’1 1 1
D1111}: 1.41). 4.11). (1.31). 8.51).
Ghost Town (Gold Class) 1 12.-\1
111111): 3.40. 8.51).
High School Musical 3: Senior Year 11‘ 1 D1111}: 1.110111111811111. 1.51) (11111 111111. 3.50. 4.5010111 111111. (1.45 10111 11101. :\1\11.811l& 8110: 10.101101. 11.1011111. High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Subtitled) 11'1
81111: 1.1111.
luv: (1.45.
.8111 18 .8101: 10.0011111.
Mamma Mia! (Sing-a-Long) 11’( ‘11
.8111 1k .8110: 111.3011111.
Max Payne 1 151
111111} 111111 '1‘111-1: 12.30. 3.00. 5.311. 8.211. .v\1\11 1111C 1'11 18 .8211: 11.31).
Max Payne (Gold Class) 1 151
1111': 13.30. 3.111). 5.31). 8.31).
My Best Friend’s Girl 1 151
11111: 13.11). 3.50. 5.111. 7.41). Quantum of Solace 1 12.41
D1111}: 11.401101. 13.31). 1.30. 3.00. 3.40. 311111111 11101. 4.20. 5.110. 5.41). (1.31). 31). 8.111). 8.41). 9.41). .v\1\111‘1'1 1& .8111: 10.31). 11.11).
.'\1\(1 .8111 N .8110: 11.1)011111.
Quantum of Solace (Gold Class) 1 12.41 [)1111} 111111 1111‘): 3.01). 5.00, 8.0010111 “('11)
W (Gold Class) 1 151
D1111}: 13.51). (1.110.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno 1 181 D1111}: 1.31). 4.111). (1.31). 9.111).
:\1.\11 1111c 1’1'1 1k .8111: 11.41).
This year’s Biomedical Ethics film festival
centres on the issue of euthanasia with panel discussions accompanying every film. The festival opens with Reverend Death (pictured), broadcaster Jon Ronson’s fascinating film about Reverend George Exoo, the West Virginian minister who helps non-terminally ill people to commit suicide. Real life dramas The Sea Inside and Julian Schnabel’s stunning adaptation of Jean Dominique Bauby’s The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
will also be showing.
Ill/11111111181). [xi/1111111101 from F11 14-8110 16 Nov.