A Cornish three-piece, Rosie, Pixie and
Plums are bringing the 803 back by conjoining the three lady forces of the age — Bush, Harry and Lauper. Having already supported Cindi, they are now embarking on their own tour, dressing up in some fabulous outfits and bringing you their keyboard-focussed electropop, with the bonus of being joined by Art Brut and hosted by Hugh Cornwell.
L, JD So? [LUSH/PIS. . . [VOW I
ol countr} at thix altcrnoon c\cut. l’i'occcdx go to Scottixh Spina Bilida .'\\\ocialiou illank \\a\ an undiagnoxcd \ul‘l'crcr) and (ilaxgou \Vonicn'x ;\id (‘rcatiw Kldx l‘und.
I Elliot Minor and The Hot Melts :\B(‘. 330 Saltcilit‘iltlii Sll'L‘L‘l. 5.53 33.53. 7[)lli. U3. ()\cl‘- |4\ \ilt)\\. liltio kid\ li'Ulll York naincd al'lcr thcir piano.
I Seth Lakeman ()uccu Margarcl l'nion. 33 l‘ni\cr\it'\ (iardcnx. 33‘) 0734. 7pm. L'lii. .\ haunting original lakc on l‘olk rock il'Ulll ihc l'oi‘incr .\1crcur} .\lu\ic l’ri/c nomincc. uho \xax laxt \ccn in liquation \\ ith Kaic Ruxh} and ('ara Dillon.
I The Stranglers (‘arling .-\cadciu_\. l3| liglinton Sircct. ()844 477 3i)i)i). 7pm. £33. ‘l‘hc old punk \\;tl'il()l'\t‘\ pla} on without Hugh (‘orimclk li\pcct claxxic hitx lroin thcir hack cataloguc. \uch ax ‘l’cachcx'. ‘(ioldcn Hronn‘. ‘.\'o \itil‘c HL‘l'iKN. and ‘Strangc l.itllc (iil’k. I Laura Marling (il;l\go\\ School ol .'\l'l. m7 chl'rcu Slrcct. 353 4531. 7.30pm. U3. lingaging altiolk l'roin lhc uail-likc lccnagcr “iinxc .\lcrcur_\ nominatcd .l/m / (1mm)! Sui/ii alhuiu ix onc Ul lhc )L‘al‘K i)t‘\l.
I Ron Sexsmith ()i'an Mm: 731 735 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 357 (i3i)i), 7.30pm. £30. Suhliinc (‘anadian \ongxxriicr \\ ith a plaintn c touch to hix caxil} inclodic \tillg‘x.
Seeds of Thought (‘(';\. 350 Sauchichall Slt'cct. 353 4000. 7.30pm. l.i\ c \pokcn \xord. acollxllc llllhlt'. draina \kctchcx and opcn inic.
I The Walkmen Slci‘co. 2t) 28 chlicld lanc. 333 335-1. 7.30pm.
L'I l.5i). \cu York indic t|l|inlcl uho dig Springxlccn. lhc (‘urc and .lo_\ I)i\ ixion. I The Zonules of Zinn \icc‘n‘Slca/y ‘l3l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ()‘)i)i), 7.30pm. ()lllkillcl‘ illdic pop hand proinolc lhcir ncu alhuin /mn l.(’\'('.
I Buddy Holly: A Legend Reborn Sl'.(‘(': (‘l}dc Auditorium. l'iunicxlon Qua}. i)h’7i) (Hi) 4i)i)i). Spin. L'IX £30. ’l'rihutc to thc Iatc. grcal Budd} Holl}
Hos/o (Elli) f/‘o Golfing; '.
f!) A"! Brut. ABC. (i/(ISiflNJK. 7i/o
lcatui'ing lhc \tar of \cht lind touring lllll\iL‘;li BIN/(IV.
I Dead Famous i’i\o l’i\o. 15 Waterloo Slrcct. 50-1 .\’li)i). 8pm. to. Hallouc‘cn c\cnl \\ilh li\ c inuxic ll‘Ulll 'l‘hc /.oinhccgcc\. XMRV. Shc'x Hit and ’l'hc Buck} Ragc. l’atronx arc in\ ich to conic drcxxcd a\ a dcad rock \lar.
I The Departures and This Familiar Smile Barll). 3N) (3i)tiL‘ Sll'L‘t‘l. ()370 907 (NW). 8pm. to. liinoixh \oundx l'roin thc (‘ohccd and ('amhria-likc ‘l‘hix hilllilillll' Smilc.
The Paranoid Monkeys and Alkotron 'l‘hc Halt Bar. lot) \Voodlandx Road. 353 0090. 8pm. \Vcckl) Halt Bar Hijack night.
I Michelle Shocked and Robin Auld King ‘l‘ut‘x \\'ah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vincent Sli'ccl. 35.3 NOW). 8.30pm. U5. ['8 l‘t)t)l\ \tai'. \\ how \t_\ lc L‘llL‘Ullip;i\\L‘\ cxcr} thing l'roin hci' cai‘l} cainpiirc loik lo lull- hioodcd countr} wing.
I Kochka, Codeen, The Cover Girls and The Number l3lh \olc ('al‘c‘. 5i) on King Strcct. 553 I038. 0pm. lndic \xith \oui l'rom Kochka. and :lllllt)\[)iiL‘l'iL‘ guitar \oundxcapcx il'Ulll (‘odccn
I Dead or American and Souvaris (’apiain'x Rut. lh‘5 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 331 3733. Stirling-hawd angular rockcrx hcadlinc.
I Broken Records The Bongo (‘1qu .\lora_\ Hollxc. 37 Ht)i}l't)t)d Road. 553 Tool 7pm. L'h’ iL'7i. liuropcau l‘olk lllCL‘l\ allcrnaln c indic li'Ulll thix acclaimcd lidinhurgh cnxcinhlc.
I Kult 'l'hc liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strccl. 335 3504. 7pm. £l7. Romng l’olhh l'ock act.
I Bohemond, Conflict Diamonds and The Show 'l‘hc :\l’k. .3 7 \Valct’ioo l’lacc. 33K 0303. 7.30pm. £4. lndic and rock.
I Serious Sam Barrett, David Broad, Oldseed and The Wee Rogue ('anonx‘ (iait. 333 (‘anongattx 0704 I93 033‘). 7.3ilpin. L4. Bitlc‘x. hillt‘gl';l\\ and cotlnll‘} li'Ulll liiix l.ccd\ hcadlincr.
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1%.? Oct '34 NA. ‘:4 THE LIST 69