Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Indicates Hitlist entry
I Big Toe’s Hi-Fi at Wee Red Bar. l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Reggae. dancehall. hip hop and other duhhy- grooy es lrom Barha Poppa (‘hoppa. ('- Biscttit. Splitka and B-l)awg at this Spooky lli-l-‘i llalloween special leaturing special guest LuckyMe and The Blessings (liye).
I Bounce at P0 Na Na. l().3()pm 3am. £thc. Weekly. 'l‘hursday night tnix ol classic R&B. lunky ltouse and dance heats lrom 'I‘okyohlu’s John llutchison. I Coco Island at ()pal Lounge.
ltlpm 3am. £5. Weekly. (iareth Sommeryille hrings the party heats to ()pal’s 'l’iki lounge special.
I Crash at Luna. 1 lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Launch ol a new 'l'hursday nighter lor l.una. with electro. hip hop and indie upstairs and drtttn (k hass and duhstep in the hasement.
Dance or Die at the lliye.
l lpm 3am. Weekly. llands-up dance. electro house and ()()s with Rohhie and Andy.
itanBLACK at Wee Red Bar. l()pm 3am. Weekly. DJ Benetti plays ltalo disco non-stop all night.
I Kinky Indie at ('itrus (‘luh
l lptn 3am. £5 (£2). Weekly. Indie music with a touch ol ska. ()(ls and 80s.
I Limbo at the Voodoo Rooms. 8.30pm lam. £5 (£4). 3() ()ct & 13 No\‘. l‘ortttightly. The Black Spring DJs man the decks and hring you a handlul ol acts each week. including ('ancel 'l'he Astronauts. Bahygod and ('lint (3() ()ct ). l.imho takes a hreak on (i Noy httt is hack with Punch & the Apostles. llaight Ashhury and No l’assaran ( l3 .Nm‘l.
I Mutiny at the Bongo (’luh.
10.30pm 3am. £3 helore midnight: £5 alter. o Noy’. A blend ol drum & hass. hard techno. hreakcore and hardcore as Mutiny eelehrate their first hirthday with the Scottish dehut ol Donny (Barcode). Scamp. J Bostron and Nass 'l‘S('.
I Peanut Butter Jam at Wee Red Bar. l lpm 4am. £4 (£3). 13 Nos. lilectro. duhstep. l'ith. Baillie lunk and Bmorc.
I Robopop at (illQ. 10.30pm 3am. liree helore l lpm: £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. 'l’rendy Wendy and lriends mix classic pop tunes and electric heats lor those who can't wait another day to start their w eekend.
iii? Sick Note at ('aharet Voltaire.
l lpm 3am. Weekly. lndie/electro night lrotn the (ith. with residents lrotn ('lash and Spies in the Wires. Halloween special on 3() ()ct with drinks pri/es lor lancy dress. swiltly lollow ed hy' a lirst hirthday (o Noy),
I Vanity at Berlin Bierhaus.
l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. (‘utting edge soul. R&B. electro house and lunky house.
Chart & Party
I Bump at the Liquid Room.
lt).3()pni 3am. £3 (£l ). Weekly. Night ol chart. pop and R&B.
Thrive at lispionage. 7pm 3am.
Weekly. ('rossoy‘er mix ()l. dance. cheese
and party anthems.
it; f W fiv- :. ‘33."; h :4 in “pan. ~' .
I Adventures in Stereo at the Picture House. I lpm 3am. l‘ree helore midnight; £3 (£2) alter. Weekly. Andy Wilson heads this indie. electro. pop
night l‘or ‘mttsic loy‘ers who love to dance' at lidinhurgh’s newest Venue.
I Bass Syndicate at the Bongo (‘luh l lptn 3am. £8 (£0). 7 Nov. More hreaks mastery and heayy hass as Meat Katie (Lot 49) guests.
I Big Toe’s Hi-Fi at Wee Red Bar. l().3()pm 3am. £5. 7 Nos. See 'l‘hu. A meeting ol minds as (ilasgow's Mungo‘s lli-l‘i guest.
I Boombox at l.una. l().3()pm 3am. £l() (£9: £8 in lancy dress). 31 ()ct. BooBox Halloween special ol high energy techno. electro. trance. hard house and heyond with special guest Richard Durand.
I Cilla Slack at (illQ. ll).3()pm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm; £5 (£4) alter. Weekly. ('hart hits with a catnp twist lrom (’illa Slack while J'l~ keeps tlte hackroom grinding with some R&B.
I Club for Zombie Heroes at Wee Red Bar. 1 lptn 3am. £5 (£4). 3] ()ct. (‘lassic New York disco. (ierman techno and (’hicago house with a ‘healthy sense ol humour" at this Halloween special and they urge you to ‘come dressed scary '.
I DVB at Spider's Weh ('ellar Bar.
8pm lam. £10 (£5 tnemhers). 3| ()ct. l’etish cluh with I’ootman Jolm. The dress code asks lor a minimum ol smart hlack dresswear and a general letish-wear door policy. 'l‘hey preler that lirst-time y isitors contact the organisers helorehand.
I Evol at the liquid Rootn.
l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. lidinhurgh's longest running indie night. With the usual mix ol the hest current and classic alternatiye and crossoy er tunes. liy'ol‘s an institution.
I Fabuloz Fridays at Base.
ltlpm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. lidinhurgh’s hottest urhan party lrom DJ l‘ahulo/ and M(' l'ilow.
Q), Fast at the Bongo (‘luh. l lpm 3am. “5“” £5 (£4). 3l ()ct. More riotous punk. electro. garage and rock'n'roll at this Halloween special with rather appropriate liye act l'tlltgs.
I Flava at Massa. l().3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. llugely successlul RtVB and urhan night with Nick (i. l’ha/e 3 'llttl l’l‘ttspc‘c‘l.
at; JakN at Studio 34. ’l‘wo-lor-one Vt“ helore midnight; £5 (£4) alter. 3| ()ct. l-‘ilth hirthday and last ey er JakN. hut wipe those (cars they 're going out with a huge Halloween lancy dress party. Quality techno lrom the residents. pri/es lor the hest lancy dress. hurlesque perlormers and your last chance to get hold ol JakN 'Ilshirts.
I KandiFlip at l’o Na Na.
l().3()pm 3am. £3 helore midnight; £(i alter. \Vcckly. RtV’B. house and dance classics lrom Jay and Mark B.
I Misfits at the lli\e. l lpm 3am. l‘t'ee helore l l.3()pin; £4 alter. Weekly. DIV indie. electro. punk. rock and retro with hargain drinks.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.
l()pm 3am. l‘ree helore midnight; £o alter. Weekly. l‘unked tip \ocal house atid dance classics lrom Jc/ Hill.
I Our House at ('aharet Voltaire.
l lpm 3am. £(i helore midnight; £7 alter. 7 Noy. 'l‘ony K and Liam (i take oy er the Speakeasy with some classic liouse and lunky electro.
I Planet Earth at ('itrus ('luh. l().3()pm 3am. l-tee helore l lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. Music lrom l‘)7(i through to l‘)8‘). In other words. a healthy dose ol punk. new w an e. new rotnantic and electro-pop (now with added ‘)()s).
I Samhuinn Afterparty at Roxy Art House. llpm 3am. £7 (£5). 3l ()ct. (‘eltic celehration ol summer‘s pass into w inter at this alterparty/ltmdraiseer ol the Samhuinn l-‘ire l-"estiyal.
I Skunk Funk at the Jan Bar. ll.3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Night ol top lunk lrotn DJ Aki and lise guests. including lunk lrom Soul Vaccination (3| ()ct) and lunk/dance grooy es lrom The Beat l’oels (7 No\ l.
4, Soul Biscuits at ('aharet Voltaire. '5‘ l lptn 3am. £5. 7 No\. The hest in hip hop. heats and hreaks lrotn Nasty l’ with an in depth look into hip hop suh
Not since the days of Taste’s prime has Edinburgh managed to ‘ gather itself a successful Sunday night scene, and the weekly Scottish Hobo Society, as was, certainly didn’t change that. Yet the
now-rechristened Hobo is now under new management, and the sea change affected by new promoter Gamma Ray (pictured) is worth praising. Here, she’s got filthy Parisian punks Dead Sexy Inc and Toxic Sonic playing, alongside burlesque performers Impressive Johnson and Daiquiri Dusk, with guest DJ Vic Galloway.
Bongo Club. Edinburgh. Sun 5) Nov.
genres arid related intisic. pltts returning heatho\ing. hreaking. liy e acts and M(' guests.
I Sugarbeat at (’aharet Voltaire. l().3()pni 3am. £l(). 3| ()ct. Tim and Je/ (l'tah Saints) host this anything goes mash-up ol hreakheat. drtun is hass. electro and hip hop joined hy liyil Nine (liye) and Askill/ lor some genre twisting hreaks. l’lus Solescience makes a return lor some deep house and disco in room two.
at.) Sweet Potato at Hudson ('luh. lllpm 3am. £5 helore midnight: £7 alter. Weekly. New weekly night dedicated to ’eyerything classic' in the world ol lunk. hip hop. Motown. disco and pop rock. as long as it‘s good they 'll play it. I Telefunken at the (‘ayes. l lpm 3am. £8 (£(i). 7 No\. Deep lunked up house night with an international liayour as Bra/il‘s Jatnanta (‘rew pill in a liye PA. See prey iew. page .33.
Chart & Party
I Boogie Express at ('ity Nightcluh. l lptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (let down and lreak otit at this glittering disco party night like no other. all courtesy ol DJ Stretch limo. Dress tip il you dare. Espionage at tispionage.
7pm 3am. Weekly. l-‘iye hars oyer liy e lloors. playing eyerything lrom Rth to mainstream chart action with plenty ol dark corners lor copping oll in.
I Why Not? at Why Not'.’ l()pm 3am. £5. Weekl). ('hart. dance and liouse lor the weekend masses.
I Beat Control at the Picture House.
I lptn 3am. l‘ree helore midnight; £5 (£3) alter. Weekly. The l'.\t)l l)Js dish out the hest in twisted pop and altet'natiye heats. I Bubblegum at the His e. l lpm 3am. l‘ree helore l l.3()pm; £4 alter. Weekly. A student lriendly chewed tip. spat ottt mix ol electro. pop. dance. disco. soul and indie.
I The Egg ill Wee Red Hill.
llpm 3am. £2.50 helore midnight; £5
alter. Weekly. Indie. ()(ls garage. electro. northern sotil. ska. 7()s punk and new
w ay e at this lidinhurgh institution lor those in the know alter a quick lix ol decent music and attitude lree cluhhing. I Fever at l.tina. l lpm 3am. £l() (£5 metnhers helore l l.l5pm: £8 alter). I No\. Monthly. DJs l'isher ck l’rice (Taste) play an eclectic mix ol the hest undergrouml dance music.
I Fish Fry at the Jan Bar.
l l.3()pni 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Scottish ia/l. lunk. soul and Latin littiitlsioiri DJs lirik D'Viking and Astrohoy. l-‘eatttring _ia// lunk lroni Ray llarris & the l'tlsitm lixperience with guest DJ AB(' ( I Not ) and grooyes. hip hop. ja/l and house lrom Monkey See Monkey Do (8 Nos ). 7 The 40 at l’iyo (‘alle
l lpm 3am. 8 No\. Monthly. The l-'our (‘orners crew hring their lunk. ja/l. I.atin. sotil. Alto and trill—’30 mi”? l” l’iyo.
I 60-60 at Studio 24. llptn 3am. £5 (£4). l Noy. Swinging ()(ls garage. soul. mod. soul. new w as e. surl arid slea/y listening as residents 'l‘all Paul and Big (his return with a Halloween party leatttring l.es Boll liye.
I Grand Theft Audio at ('aharet Voltaire. l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. New Saturday nighter in the Speakeasy playing out hip hop and lttnk.
I Headspin at the Bongo (‘luh
l lpm 3am. £5 helore midnight; £7 alter. l Noy. ()y er ten years strong and no let up in the sheer qtiality ol tour-deck manipulated lttnk. hip hop. disco. house and heats.
I Karnival at (‘aharet Voltaire.
llpm 3am. £l() (£8). 8 NM. llouse night which promises to indulge 'eyery pleasure. eyery sin' with a guest set lrom one ol the greatest DJs on these lair isles in the shape ol Andrew Weatherall.
I Liquid Soul at l’o Na Na.
ltlpni 3am. £3 helore l lpm; £(i alter. Weekly. (iet down early lor this consistently capacity retro-disco and lunky' house night. leaturing l’o's ow it Mark B on the decks lusing classic and hang tip-to-datc lunky house lor those in the know.
at: ()5! '.i Nt‘s l’i‘iiti TIIE LIST 37