


Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

You can reach us at Please supply a postal address when using e—mail.

Place your I Saw You online at

You must supply your full name and address with your I Saw You for it to be printed In The List.

All you have to do is send your letter to:

and we will forward it. 0 Write the Box Number clearly in the TOP LEFT-HAND

I Saw You cont.

. I Saw You ()oooh spook} llallou'ccn licnd can't unit to scc _\ou all drcsscd up and look- ing llot. l. (ilo (a

V I Saw You lilling tip thc strccts on a Saturda) night r- it’s ()ctohcrl l’ut somc clothcs on! And don’t drink so much nc\t timc )a \\ cc ham I~ (ilo I3

0 I Saw You \\ondcring \\hcthcr to cross thc road in Iron! of" thc numhcr St) has - glad )ou didn't? \\‘cll dottc on thc timing I' (no I3

9 I Saw You making mc I‘rcnch 'I'oast on Sunda) morning in )our llat - no“ it's in) turn - pancakcs'.’ You'll lta\ c to bring )otlt‘ o\\ n maplc s_\ rup though!

1' Mb l—l

. I Saw You did l‘.’ ()i' did _\ott scc mc'.’ I can’t tcll thcsc days it's all too much? Ilcllo‘.’ I' (do l5


. I Saw You at in thc bar at ('amco (‘incma l.othian Rd. You: drinking shand} and looking hot - .\lc: drinking (iuinncss and looking shot? I‘anc} anothcr \\ cc drink} somctimc soon??? I' (do lo

.I Saw You \\ltCll i soltl _\ou a sligltll} muck} kilt

iackct l\\ hich \\ c hrtislicd

do“ It) Illctt pt'occsscd lo dirch _\otl to Brcad St. on tltc 33nd ccccklll? ll (do l7

V I Saw You .\Ir. hcardcd man \\ caring a hluc cap in RustY Xil’ onc prc—hallouccn 'l‘ucs‘da). 'l‘hc \\a} )otl \cr} Iltot'otlglll} inspcctcd tltc soolt~ to-hc )ours shirt licklcd mc... Ho“ thrill}. (ict in touch \

l' (ilo lh’

. I Saw You (’had ('arr) inc oil on a crcs't undcr thc moonlight? - .\Ict _\ou Oct 7. unl'ortunatcl}. tlic Margaritas carricd mc oil. that night? ('oll I‘cc'.’ I. (do l‘)

V I Saw You (i'S Irish gu}

\\ ith .-\incrican girll'ricnd (ia\ c _\oll soniculicrc Io slit} l‘cd _\ou and ga\ c )otl hoo/c .You insulch inc and ahuscd in) ltospilttlil). Ditch him lot‘ _\our o\\tt sttkc l. ()lo 3()

v I Saw You slttpitl o'clock Sat. inc looking I’m \cht lind park st. ll carr} ing a Icncc. I'm still looking for that jokc. il'l saw u again I might inst rcmcmhcrl l' olo 2i

. I Saw You cutc girl \\ ith blond hair & pink highlights \\atching tlic druinmcrs at lhc hotlom ol thc mound. I-‘rom lhc go) in thc dcnim iackct

l~ (ilo 33

v I Saw You l.ipring and intclligcnt C)Cs (u BCHIIsL‘CllC (’lcrk St. Sat c\ c - sau cach othcr as l \x as gctting tip to Ian c \\ ith l'ricnds - click!‘.’

I. mo 33

0 I Saw You 1 5a“ You

at 'I‘liX .\Ili.\ II on Saturda) in lltc \\ itttlou \\ ith a load of I‘ricnds. 'l'all hlond \\ ith a rcd top. I am smittcn. hlcu _\ou a kiss I. ()lo 3-1

.I Saw You I Sit“ You a

\ ision ol‘ l.inda-l.a Ilughcs lo\clincss in that cat—suit. ()ncc )ou shonc in Iidinhurgh. hut )ott haw \anishcd lo (ilasgou in a hla/c ol~ glittch l' ()l(\ 25

V I Saw You drinking tca \\ith tltc clcphants -- hit} )ou a cookic’.’ I. (do Io

OI Saw You at Bill} ('I_\ro _\ou arc so \cr) l'ar aua}. comc pla_\ soon. or I \\ ill conic and imadc (ilttsgtm. .\'o.)ou hang tip..\ I' (do 27

v I Saw You in (illl). You lookcd likc :t httkctl potato. \\‘on'l )ou hakc .\lY polato‘.’ I. (do 33

V I Saw You at tcatn lo\ c.

I miss m} hcd and m} hcst lricnd (‘onrad I ha\ c hccn sp_\ing. lct inc in \\\ l' Mo 2‘)

9| Saw You No“ \\atclt this spaccl It's up to )tltl. l'ni axailahlc. mm its (limit to )tiii ...l' (il() 30

VI Saw You .\I} lo\cl) cakc making hostcss \\ ith thc most~ L'ss \\ isll I could hc tlict'c \\ illt _\ou all. I' ()l() 3|

. I Saw You (icot‘gc. \\‘lICl'C arc _\ou no\\'.’ I hax c )our lipstick and )titii' licclslf You will hc lost \\ ith out thcm.

I. (ilo 32

O I Saw You crossing Iltc lights at thc top ol Broughton sti'cct \\ caring a hroxx n lcathcr L‘Uttl. You stttllCtl. l sillilctl. \L‘\I titnc sit} lli. 1. ()lo 33

. I Saw You \lt' Dolphin. lo\ ing _\our \\orkl l.o\ ing _\our tin pct? Ila'ua) man? l)rink )our mclrosc\ual cocktail?

l' (ilo 3—1

V I Saw You missing all )our classcs hccausc ol' thc patronising \‘cgans - darn tlicni till! I. (do 35

V I Saw You I sau ntc. hccausc ttoltotl) clsc docs 4 ninja slczllllll Mullahahaha l. ()16 36

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m PO Box 169, Edinburgh EH3 GSG

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0 Box Numbers are valid for three months. . Remote crime reporting

0 Replies will be forwarded once a week.

102 THE LIST Ti’, ()6? ‘w: N::. Q’i'fii Q“. '3 \, . THE LIST 102