
Gamemaker Workshop Mon 20 Thu 23 ()ct. 10am ~3piii. £35. Scottish Storytelling (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 556 9579. [Tse the latest software to explore storytelling iii computer gaming and create your own game. Bookitig recommended. Ages 12+.

FREE Scrapheap Challenge Mon

20 Fri 24 ()ct. 10.30am 12.30pm t&

1.30 4pm. National .\ltiseuni of Scotland. (‘hambers Street. 247 4422. The museum challenges yoti to btiild sotiietliitig that flies otit of scrap.

FREE A Slice of Life Mon 20 Hi 24 Oct. 1 larti lpiii & 2 4pm. National Museum of Scotland. ('hambers Street. 247 4422. Drop iii to hear stories of the olden days from the people who were there: from a steam engine driver. a doctor and a woman iii the stocks awaiting sentencing.

Red Kite Workshops Tue 21 l‘ri 24 ()ct (not Thu). Tue 21 & Wed 22 ()ct & Fri 24 ()ct 9am noon & 12.30 3.30pm. £60. ()ut ()l"I‘lie Blue Drill Hall. 30 36 Dalriieiiy Street. l.eith. 555 7101. Virtually save the planet iii a 2-1) workshop iii ariiriiation. including lilming with computers and cameras. Morning classes for ages 9 l4. alteriioons for l5 l8. Bushcraft Builders Tue 21 ()ct.

9am 5pm. £26. Ravelstoti \Voods Local Nature Reserve. ('raigcrook Road. 07796 677059. Test your survival skills by setting tip a woodland workshop then using natural materials to btiild shelters and loads more. Booking essential.

Campfires 8. carving Wed 22 ()ct. 9am 5pm. £26. Ravelstori Woods Local Nature Reserve. ('t'aigcrook Road. 07796 677059. (’ave man l'uii: try traditional lireriiaking techniques. carve and weave cooking implements and then cook up some tasty treats with wild food. Booking essential.

Wildlife Detectives Thu 23 ( )ct.

9am 5pm. £26. Ravelston Woods Local Nature Reserve. (‘raigcrook Road. 07796 677059. Take part in animal spotting. eco- system games arid setting otit traps to check on the Friday. Booking essential. Big Draw: Palaces in the Past and Future Thu 23 Tue 28 ()ct. riooii 3pm. Included in admission: £9.80 (£8.80: children £5.80; under 5s tree; lattiin ticket £25.40). Palace ol‘ iioly‘roodltottse. Royal Mile. 556 5100. (iet a taste of royal living at this drawing event.

Stone Age Olympics 1-‘ri 24 ()et.

9am 5pm. £26. Ravelstoii Woods Local Nature Reserve. (’raigcrook Road. 07796 677059. Stone Age activities including making tribal costumes. spear throwing. obstacle courses. camouflage and cave painting. Booking essential.

First Impressions: Guatmalan Kites Sat 25 Oct. 1 laiii noon & 1 2pm. £4.50. ()ut ()ld'he Blue Drill Hall. 30 36 Dalmeny Street. l.eith. 555 7101. (‘reate some (itiateriialari l‘olk art for the Day ol the Dead (of Halloween). First workshop for 3 6 years. second for ages 7+. '16 book contact Julie Dawson on 07951 137218 or jbdavv'soii(a tesco.net.

FREE The Antonine Guard Sun 26 ()ct. 11.45am. 12.45pm & 2.45pm. National Museum ()1 Scotland. ('ltariibers Street. 247 4422. .\leet Scotland's last Roman legion. Legio \‘l Viclrix. as they line tip for an impressive display of weapons. equipment and drill.

FREE Creepy Hallowe’en at the Haunted Hermitage Sun 26 ()cl.

1 3pm. Hermitage ()l‘ Braid Visitor (‘eritr'e. 69 Braid Road. 447 7145. Join the Hermitage ghosts and witches tor ati afternoon packed lull ol‘ cralt and fun before meeting real creepy crawliesf Booking essential.

Storylab: Legends and Life of the Inuit Stiii 26 Oct. 1 4.30pm. £10. l‘ilmhouse. 88 I.otliiari Road. 228 2688. (‘ral't a story with inspiration from the lilm Legends and life oft/re Inuit iii a workshop led by Michael Williams. Ages 9 12. Hallowe’en Spookiness Tue 28 & Wed 29 ()ct. 5pm. £7. Imagination Workshop. 136 Marcliriiont Road. 466 0148. liverytliirig youiieed to make a llallowe'en mask. Ages 5+.

Musrc * Children’s Classic Concerts:

Time Travellers Sun 26 ()ct. 3pm. £101cliildreti £6: laiiiily ticket £291. Queen’s Hall. 87 89 ('lerk Street. 668 201‘). See ca ition. below. Theatre ti Dance

Mary Poppins l'ntil Sat 6 Dec.

7.30pm (Wed & Sat tiiat 2.30piiit. £17.50 £30.50. Playhouse. 18 22 (ireeiiside Place. 0870 606 3424. ('ameroti .\lackiiitosli's spectacular musical l‘or all the laiiiily.

Something Wicked This Way

Comes t'ntil Sat 18 ()ct. 2.30pm tk 7pm. £9 £26 tcoiics available). Royal Lyceum 'l'lieatre. (iriiidlay Street. 248 4848. See (ilasgow.

Horrid Henry Wed 22 Sat 25 ()c1.

2pm & 6.30pm. £10 £14.50. King’s 'l'heati‘e. 2 [even Street. 529 6000. See preview. lel't. Hannah 8: Harvey - a Journey Across Worlds Fri 24 ()ct. 7.30pm. £10.50 (£8.50; under 18s (it. Brttiitoti Theatre. l.adyvvell Way. Mtisselburgli. 665 2240. Hannah and her Dad are having trouble seeing eye to eye bttt help eventually arrives in the 1mm o1 a big rabbit shaped package. Sttitablc l‘oi' ages 10+.


FREE Chris Bradford Sat 18 ()ct. 2.30pm. Borders Books. l‘ort Kinnaird Retail Park. 657 4041. The author ol' l'nruig Samurai will be instore tor a reading. signing arid to answer questions.


FREE Big Draw: North Sat 18 ()ct.

1 4pm. Scottish Storytelling ('eritte.

43 45 High Street. 556 95"). Wendy Woollsoti leads a latiiily workshop in creating art li'oiti live stories and northern lttles.

FREE Talking Trees Storytelling Suit l9 ()c1. 2 3pm. Royal Botanic Garden. 211a ltivei'leitlt ROW. 243 2‘)(it\’. ilttlt's til ntagic. mystery. trees and travel lor children o1 all ttg‘c‘s 15+).

Tiny Tales 'l‘tte 21 ()ct. llalll. £3 taccotiipaiiyirig adults It'eet. Scottish Storytelling (critic. 43 45 High Street. .556 9579. Stories. rhymes arid songs tor wee tatid not so weet ears. With Michael Kt‘t‘111\.:\:.lc‘s 6 months 3 yrs.

Peach and the Pirates ’1 tie 21 ()ct. 2.30pm. £6t£411aini|y ticket £15». Scottish Storytelling ('etiti‘e. 43 45 lligl: Street. 556 9579. Robert llovvat writes and pertoi'ttis lltlS sltit‘y lt‘lllttg‘ tttl\cltlllt't‘ ttltttlll lt‘at'lt‘ss l’eacli. \yho sneaks aboard a pirate ship and stumbles tipoti a w liolc world ol adventures.

FREE Tell-a-story Day Warm Up l‘ll 24 ()ct. 2.30pm. Scottish Storytelling (’etitre. 43 45 High Street. 556 9579. Warm up the vocal chords and .idd ttiel to the ittiaginatioti at this tariiily storytelling session. .'\f_'c‘\ (W.

FREE Felt Story: Northlands Sat 25 ()ct. 2pm. National library o1 Scotland. (icorge l\‘ Bridge. 62: ‘845. llear stories 1'i'oiti('lair'e llcvvitt. then it‘syott: turn to create a picture li‘orit telt and labi'ic Btttiktttg essettllttl. .\j_'cs 2*.

Children's Classic Concerts - Time Travellers

One of the best things about these excellent concerts for 4—14-year-olds, is seeing the orchestra members leave behind their formal wear and get into the spirit of things. And so can you. With prizes on offer for the best costumes, why not dress like time traveller Dr Who or one of his arch enemies? Then listen to some boisterous music from Jurassic Park, Star Wars and more. Expect participatory antics and fun from presenter

Alasdair Malloy.

I Roy/{t/ Concert //.'i//. Glasgow. Sat 9.") ()t (Juno/t3; Ila/L I trashing/r. 8.," g ‘6‘


FREE Lands of the Northern Lights Sttti 26 ( )ct. 1 4pm. Royal Botanic (idl'tlc‘tl. 2(lttl11\t‘1'lc‘lll1l<tt\\,222 “l‘l. Be enchanted by tales ot l;tittls ot loiest. ttords. ice arid sriow.

Northern Lights Stiri 26()c1_ .‘.illtiiii. £6 t L71 1. Scottish Storytelling (critic.

43 45 High Street. 556 ‘15"). Judy l’aterson hosts a session til I itintsh .tiid Scottish storytelling ‘.‘.lll1 llelt \tlllttli.‘11 and (‘latt'c llevyitt.

Outside the Cities

Activities {ttltt l-tttt

FREE Kids Go Free! l iitii l :i ll (lt'. titties vary. \ai'iotrs venues ac:oss \.*otl..tid. Historic Scotland tlit'ows open '. te doors to its properties toi lice _ under 16 arid .tccoiiipaitied by an adult \ee

w \y \\.l11sltt11v' scotl.trid.j.'ov.ttk kitisgoti'ce

L's'S .‘l

lot more ititorrtiattoti. Spooky Happenings l tziti 1 1'1 1! t). t. Illatn 5pm £5 «1.3 5th \lt‘dttlltl \alley llcritagc ('etttr‘e. \ltlltielti. l tvittgstott. 111511611495". \ llllit' llt‘llt‘l lt‘l lllt' autunitt holidays eiiioy scary .‘1.ll't\. gr'ttesottie gaiites arid a spine t hilltii; trait o1 terror around the old lai'tit Hallowe’en Experience 1 t: _‘_l Stitt .‘6 ()ct. llll‘tt‘S vary. L'tbc. liatttt..ti llottse. ltinet'leithcn.111896 830V? laitttly tttii leattiritig gaiiies. spooky happeiitiies. licst tlicsscd llallowe'en cltar'act.-r citllll‘t‘llllttlt and gliottltsh ghost stories to; all. l’lease check website tor titties and prices Hallowe’en Weekend Sat .25 .\ Sat. 26 ()ct. lllattt (tptii. [ll 25 if." 5‘1; children £275. tiitde: 3s 11cc; taiitiiy ticket 8' llcep Sea World. North (‘litcctistet'iv lll ib“ ll l.\.\1t. (iltttsliy j.‘.ttt‘.t‘\. c‘t'alis and walks. ('liildrcn iti costttiiie atc tree when accoittparitctl by a 1tiEl payiiiz' adult Steam ‘ri’ Scream Sat .‘5 tv Sun 2(i()ct. llaiit ipiti. Statioiid ttioti Street. lioness. 1115116 S2229S Sieaiii engine :itetizeti ll.tlltt'.t.t-\-ii cittei'taitiinerit ttlc'llltltt‘t;.‘ a \1sit to Bitkliill niine. (‘onie in laticy dress


l esttvzit

Discovery Film Festival 1a; 21

()c1 Suit .3. Nov :iiot \lttii Ezrites yary Prices vary. Dundee ( 'oti'etizpoiaiy \its. 152 \etlieigattt Dundee. "E W2 1“1‘1 9111‘. Scotlands show case lot international and home grown liltits iiiade by and lot" young people o1 all ages. now 111 its tiltlt year.

theatre 8 Dance

Hannah & Harvey - a Journey Across Worlds 1 11 1 ‘tv Sat 1\()c1.

7, 3ttpiii. L'l-l t£S L‘ltlt l-iyt'c lhcatic. .\liliey Street. St .\iidte\vs. "1 “1 125111111 See l'tliiilittigli

Don’t Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late Sun 19()ct. ‘piti. L551! 9.715t1._ \dattt Sittitli lillt‘alit‘. lit‘llltttt'li‘. Road. lsii'kt‘.tltly. 111.592 5S3 ‘02. lit}; Wooden llot'se presents this child titendly show pt‘oiitisitig lots o1 riittsic. laughs and audience participation \gcs ‘-

Hannah 8. Harvey - a Journey Across Worlds Inc _‘1 (let. £8 L1H. (illltll‘t'l'lldllltl llteatie. lsildrtitti. (‘utttberiiattld111.2% “USS”. See lidiiibtttgli.

Dilly Dilly Wed 22 t)ct. l l.ill.t|11t\

l. illpni. £8 t£6t By r'e llieatte. .\libey Sll‘c‘t‘l. .51 .\11tl1't‘\\s. 11] iii l—‘5llllll, I;tliitl.t Rasa Dance presents this play tttl arid poetic [it‘l'l'tll'ltlttllct‘ o1 dante .ttid song. The Singing Kettle: Pirate Island Sat 25 t\ Sttrt 26 ( )cl. Sat 2pm; Sttrt noon tk ipiii. [9.511 tlaiiiily ticket 2. i l t. \lothet'wcll (‘oiicert Hall \\ iiidiiiillliill Sti‘cel. \lotherwell,111698 ltt‘ttttt) Scotlatids lavouritc children‘s entertainers set sail with their new show.

Hannah 8. Harvey - a Journey Across Worlds Sat .‘5 t M. "pin. L5 L6. \lacroliett. l’iizvetstty o1 .\lttl111_‘_‘. ttl"S6 ~l(i(i(i(ili, Nt‘c‘ l'tlllll‘lllt'll.

Yee Ha! Sun .‘6 ( )ct. llaiit is .‘piii L'S t£6t. ,\l.ttioliet't. l'iiivetstty ol Stirling. lllubl‘ l(i(i(i(i(i \t‘lillj.‘ Nt‘ttlly st‘ls ttltl lit prove to young 1 ttltt that there is much more to the world o1 play than itist v ideo

ganies, Suitable tor aged. .

7.31 lpitt