I Ready to Fall, Ellis Island Rejects, Talking to Strangers, Guitars Don’t Fly and Zener Diode Barrow lartd 3. 344 (iallow gate. 553 4601. 7pm. £0. Over-14s show. Local hill. including (ireenock alt.rockers lillis Island Rejects.
I Syrach, Achren and Stabwound Stereo. 30 38 Renlield Lane. 333 3354. 7pm. Norwegian death/doom metallers headline with support from local pagan thrashers and death metal comhos.
I Wired Desire attd Darkwater The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 333 1130. 7pm. £7. ()ver- 14s show. (‘lassic rock from Wired Desire pltls (ilasgow punk-metallers Darkwater fronted hy ellin lead singer l.ora. Plus wet t-shit't cotnpetition you have heen warned at this Wet and Wired night.
I War from a Harlot’s Mouth Vs a Life Once Lost, Eternal Lord and Valour l\or_\ Blacks. .50 ()swald Street. 348 41 14. 7.15pm. £10. (irindcore from Berlin. and southern psych metal.
I The Concert they Never Gave King’s Theatre. 397 Batlt Street. 0870 001) (i048. 7.30pm. £13 £35.51). See .\loll (i.
I Curved Air The Arches. 35.3 Argy le Street. 50.5 1001). 7.30pm. £10. Sec Wed 8. I Errors ()ran Mor. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6300. 7.30pm. £7. (ilttsgou electronica lt'io promote their new Rock Action alhutn It's .\'ot Some/lime But i! is like ll‘ltuli't'i'r.
I Goldblade, The Rabble and Root System Rocket'\. 14 Midland Street. 331 0736. 7.30pm. Ramalama rock’n'roll cotnhincd with some vigorous soul influences and the admirahle wearing of hrothel creepers.
I Art Garfunkel Royal (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm.
£30 £35. An evening with the sweet— voiced Art (iarlttttkel. who w ill he running through hits from his Sitnon & (iarl'unkel day s and his suhsequent solo career. including the immortal ‘Bright Eyes:
I Fram, The Scarlet and Brawth .\'ice‘n'S1ca/y. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8pm. £5. Amhient indie in the vein of Sigur Ros from l’ram.
I John Young ’l'chai ()\ na. 43 ()tago lane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. Singer and kcyhoard player.
Sneaky Pete, Sol Diablos, Racing Green and The Statler Project Bos. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 333 543 I. 8pm. Melodic rock. indie and danceahle sounds from this mixed hill. I Surreal Knights and The LA Barrons Barfly. 360 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £6. lndie rock quartets ll'ottt larkhall and ('oathridge. respectively.
Isis Samuel 1)ow 's. 67 7| \ithsdalc Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. Soft rock.
I John Power, Symptoms and Electric Drugstore King Tut‘s Walt \Vah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £10. lix l.a's hassist arid ('ast frontman performs his hippy ish pop acoustically.
I Young Livers, Citizens and The Cost of Living 13th .\'ote (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. (irull punk rock from (i;litlc‘s\ ille. lilorida. pltis angular hardcore and girl-fronted punk supports.
The Easy Orchestra The Butterfly & the Pig. 153 Bath Street. 331 771 1. 9.30pm. See Hi 3.
I The Green Apple Sea, Be a Familiar and There Will Be Fireworks ('aptain‘s Rest. 185 (ireat Western Road. 331 3733. Alternative country rock from the (ierman headliners.
time 1: Dr Ruby’s Musical Surgery The Jan Bar. 1 (’hamhcrs Street. 330 4398. 5 8pm. Sec Thu 3.
I Yashin, Her Bright Skies, Mindset a Threat attd Your First Mistake Studio 34. 34 36 ('alton Road.
74 THE LIST 2 H.021 2/ 709'.
German electronic with a nod to art school punk and experimental pop. Naming themselves after a neon
sign they found at an abandoned jeans shop in Berlin, the band take the electro template as laid out by Kraftwerk but add a healthy dose of
tongue in cheek humour. Make sure you get there early for support from Manda Rin and Findo Gask, not forgetting an after party at Dolly Mixture
at the Flying Duck. Stereo. Glasgow. Sat 4 Oct.
558 3758. 6pm. £5. l-‘uneral for a 1‘riend-
stv 1e emo rock from Yashin. Borthwicks lispionage. 4 India Buildings. Victoria Street. 477 7007. 7pm. l-‘u/ly indie rock and acoustic interludes.
I Das Wanderlust and Dirty Summer (‘aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 3306176. 7pm. £6. Self-styled 'liisher Price pop' from the headliners. comprising fu/l guitars. shouty vocals and lots of crash. hang. wallop.
I Ded Hot Chilli Peppers The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 335 3564. 7pm. £10. Red Hot ('hilli Peppers trihute.
I Global Parasite, Down to Kill, Anti-Virus and The Begrudgers Henry ’s ('ellar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Street. 338 9393. 7pm. £5. Blistering hardcore punk.
I Jocasta Sleeps Wee Red Bar. lidinhnrgh ('ollege of Art. l.auriston Place. 339 1443. 7pm. £6. (‘omples‘ alt.rock from (ilasgow.
I Little Doses, Bohemond, Denied Sons of Iglesias and Irregular Company The Ark. .3 7 Waterloo Place. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £4. [ix-Snow Patrol hassist Mark .\1cl.e11and‘s new hand. hlending pop. punk and electronica.
#3:: Stacey Earle 8. Mark Stuart The Pleasance ('aharet Bar. 60 Pleasance. 7.30pm. £13. Steve's li'l sis
is a great country-orientated talent in her
own right. with a less liery. more poetic approach than her brother.
I The Flavours and Bobby King 8. the Kingfishers The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. 8.30pm. £5. Party tunes from house hand The l-lavonrs plus Vegas lounge and swing from Bohhy King.
I Miyagi, The Electric Ghosts, Jennifer Concannon and AI Shields Bannerman's. Niddry Street. 556 3354. 9pm. £thc. Slow Train Records indie showcase.
I One Child Charity Concert Potterrow Student l'nion. Bristo Square. 650 3656. 10pm 3am. £5. Featuring the myriad delights of video l)Js The Director/ (Kori-'l‘empt and 1)] Scott (irangerl. rockers Smoked (ilass. hip hoppers Killa litink. 1)]s Antis and
(‘ha/el plus M(' Ahmed Khader all pitching in for a good cause.
East Kilbride
I Arts Centre Band Nights liast Kilhride Arts ('entre. ()1d (‘oach Road. 01355 361000. 8pm. £7 (£6). The Arts (‘entre is calling upon all hudding rock stars. singers. his and performers to take to the stage and grab your chance to shine. Suitahle for all ages.
I Friday Night Live llarhottr Arts (‘entre. l 14 116 llarhour Street. 01394 374059. 8pm. £4. A showcase of live Ayrshire hands.
Glasgow I The Concert they Never Gave King's Theatre. 397 Bath Street. 0870 060 6648. 3pm & 7.30pm. £13 £35.50. See Mon 6.
I British Sea Power and Film School ABC. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £14. ()ver-l4s show. Angular. arty Brighton indie rock quartet with a compelling visual sense who were recently nominated for the Mercury Music Prize.
I Ded Hot Chili Peppers AB(‘3. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. 7pm. £10. ()ver- 16s show. See Fri 10.
I The Leads, Butterhook, Castro and Modern Faces Barrowland 3. 344 (iallowgate. 553 4601. 7pm. £6. Over- 14s show. lndie rockers from Denny head this Best of Barrowland 3 hill.
I Queen 8. Paul Rodgers Sii(‘('. l‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. £49.50. Queen’s classic pomp rock hits delivered by Brian May and Roger 'l‘aylor with liree's Paul Rodgers stepping into Freddie’s rather large shoes.
I Roni Size & Reprazent The Arches. 353 Argyle Street. 565 1000. 7pm. £14. (‘A.\'(‘lil.l.lil).
I The Vibrators Ivory Blacks. 56 ()swald Street. 348 41 14. 7.15pm. £9. Old school punkers formed way hack in 1976.
I You Can’t Eat the Word Food Nice'n‘Slea/y. 431 Sauchiehall Street.
333 0900. 7.30pm. Alternative rock with a touch of psychedelia.
I Ben Sturrock (‘ity llalls. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 8pm. £10. Singer-songwriter inspired by Ray Lamontagne. Van Morrison and Paul Simon.
FREE The Dials, Boycotts and Kiddo Box. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 333 5431. 8pm. The indie headliners have played with The l‘ratellis and The View. I Kaleidoscope Eyes and The Front Pivo Pivo. 15 Waterloo Street. 564 8100. 8pm. £5. Swampy sounds from Kaleidoscope liyes and shouty indie rock from The Front at this monthly Information l.ihre night.
I Natty and Karima Francis King Tut's Walt Walt llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8pm. £8. ()ver- 14s show. Rising roots reggae star from London.
I Yellow Bentines, Washington Irvine Band, Ross Baird and Kinetic Friends Barfly. 260 (‘Iyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £6. Piano pop with trumpet emhellishment from Yellow Bentines. who have supported the Arctic Monkeys and liditors.
FREE Kong Samuel [)ow's. 67 71 .\'ithsdale Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. Rock.
FREE The Ballarats Bar Bloc. 1 l7 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. lndie rockers who descrihe themselves as ‘six shit-kickers from the north east of lingland’.
I Sindre Bjerga, Hoh and Noma 13th Note (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. lixperimental electronica from Stavanger. Norway. with arnhient support from (ilasgow.
I Jamie Barnes & Cochise, The Big Licks and The Fakes Rockers. 14 Midland Street. 331 0736. (’lassic rock
I The Charlatans The Picture House. I.othian Road. 0844 847 1740. 7pm. £33.50. Still going strong. the (‘harlies perform their own hrand of rousing. anthemic indie rock.
I Dividing the Line, AII Forgotten, Lioness, Bury Your Senses and The Last Phixx Studio 34. 34 36 ('alton Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £6. Over- 14s show. Worcester-based screamo quintet headline.
I The Green Apple Sea, Curators and The Kays LaveIIe Henry‘s (‘ellar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Street. 338 9393. 7pm. £thc. Alternative country rock.
I The Ritalin Kids (‘aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 330 6176. 7pm. £5. Meinhers of Mamik and ('hase Manhattan join forces fora new edgy guitar project.
I RBRBRB, Hanney, Yoshi and Mayfield Drive The Ark. 37 Waterloo Place. 338 9393. 7.30pm. £4. 'I‘echno/indie/dance mash up.
I The Flavours and Mike Kearney The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. 8.30pm. £5 before 1 1pm; £7 after. See Sat 4.
I The Brent Flood, Josh Bray and Andy Knox Bannerman’s. .\'iddry Street. 556 3354. 9pm. £4. Post-punk headliners on this J\\' Freshers Tour 3008.
I Life Among People and PINPIM The Waterfront. 1 Queen's Drive. 01341 437777. 7.30pm. £thc. See Wed 8.
I Yashin Viewlield Hotel. 1 Viewtield Road. 08700 600100. 8pm. £6. Funeral for a l-‘riend-style emo rock.
I Carol Laula Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. 887 1010. 8pm. £10 (£7.50). The internationally renowned (ilasgow songstress presents a lively set.
I Peter Rowan Tolhooth. Jail Wynd. 01786 374000. 8pm. £13 (£10). Grammy Award winning bluegrass artist Rowan.