Personal . '


I Saw You cont.

V I Saw You .\lopping gun I from thc chuir lcg. ('ull Inc for soInc hot trump lch .\ .\ l' (ll-l 34

V I Saw You Iinchunting girl \\ ith dccp durk c) cs. dark hair and Morrissc) -csqc glusscs in Ilogshcud uhcn Iinglund hcztt (‘routiu und thcn in lidinhurgh Buckpuckcrs. (icl in touch.

I' 614 35

V I Saw You in u supcr nc\\ pinn} ut (‘irclc (are. looking \cr} dashing hchind thc countcr. lion long til it gcts filth} 1’ About 11 month I'd sit) .\ 1‘ ()l4 3(3

V I Saw You all li.\lontlo. You: lo\cl_\ gingcr huir. hcuutil‘ul prolilcl .\lc:

grc} huir (it's |o\cl} too. I hclichl. Iiiiic} u Inucchizito'.’ X I’ (ll-l 37

O I Saw You trip on thc pzncincnt ut l.cith Walk bus stop opposilc :\llk‘t'l Slt‘ccl. You listcning to ipod. ntc grccn juckct. l‘unc} unothct' trip'.’ I‘ (Il4 38

V I Saw You l.o\c|} sound cnginccr zit thc Ting Tings gig at (‘).\ll’. Ill)“ do _\ou lunc} middling this tull hruncttc's kttohs‘.’ I. (ii—l 3‘)

V I Saw You I'd jusl linishcd (catching. You ucrc purkcd ncxt to Inc in )our rcd Inn at l)_\ kchur llospitul. \Vuntcd to st!) ltcllo

~ I \Ius thc rcdhcud?

l' (il4 4()

0 I Saw You hchind tltc ('unico countcr. You \xcrc rcuding sonicthing I lorgol thc nuInc of. I got )ou to hold sotttc Iickcls Ior pcoplc. Yotl‘t'c kindn gcck}. but I Iikc thut \

l' ()l4 4]


9 I Saw You at Dnnicl Kitson. \Vc almost hcld hands. It “as \‘cry hot indccd.

I' (\l4 4?.

V I Saw You Juniic. of thc \Vhitc IIorsc. (ircut tinic Stu. .\Icunt to sit). should you c\ct‘ gct to thc singlc stugc )ou knou \xhcrc 1 arm. Kzttic l or is that 2'.’ t' (ll-l 43

V I Saw You \\ curing It I‘lut cup and hlnck junipcr ill llcudspin in thc Bongo (’luh. (‘uught )titii‘ c) c on thc duncc floor and sun )otl uguin \\lIL‘II _\'ott “CFC lL‘;t\ ing. Bud timing kL‘L‘p it] touch \ l. ()l-I 44

V I Saw You \Vc \Iorkcd in thc sunic l.cith ol‘licc huilding. )oll quit. (ioing to \\()l'l\ sucks knouing _\ou \Ion't hc pussing Inc on thc stairs smiling. Maniac )ours sucks too‘.’

l' ()I4 45

V I Saw You l‘risk} niccrkut ncur thc hog. Your cont glistcncd and _\our tccth spurklcd in thc \\ intcr shit. You :It'c so s\cltc. lironi \ltl\\ l.orris

l' (ti-l 46

V I Saw You .'\Illil l'rhunoxtskul I.ost )otlt' nuInhcr. lhcn nioch l‘lut. (ict in touch. li\. l' (ll-I 47

V I Saw You l’ink l.i//ic You \Icrc hcing lltt'oun out of thc (iIIQ l'or hctn} pctting. . . Rock & Roll! X l' (ii-I 48

V I Saw You Scrx ing hchind thc I'lilnthousc hnr. You uskcd it. | cutnc I‘I'om North Bcru ick. I stud Ito. l \\ ish I'd licd.

l' (ii—l 4‘)

V I Saw You Sc\} I)uni \Iorking ut 'l‘hc Strcct on It hlls} \xcckcndl |.ct's dutc sotnctimc. Your hcurt. . . .\1_\ hcurt \ I' m4 SI)

V I Saw You In (‘in ('utc \Iith your crau) do? Bonjourf l' (il4 5|

V I Saw You In thc ltoslcl plil) ing guitztr. Your \oicc took Inc to unothct' \\()l‘ltl. . . From this tttomcnt on I kncxt I lot cd )oul X I' (ii-I 53

0 I Saw You In The Strch _\cslcrdu} closc to thc Roytl Mttscutn. l cunt' stop thinking about _\ou. 'l‘ucsdu}. 5pm. thc sutnc plucc. . . \ \ .\ l. (il4 55

V I Saw You l‘lupping ncztr soInc l‘ilmhousc lcnllcts _\ottt‘ lushcs Iookcd IoIcI}. l l'clt )our Inctullic hcurthcztt. )ou gm c Inc lo\c hcutns. I could not look nun} \ I' (il4 54

V I Saw You Stcxcn l‘roni (‘qu Iluhatnull You :u'c onc ol' thc Inost hcztutil'ul gu}s I‘Ic cxcr sccn but I’m too sh} to usk for _\our nuinhcr \ \

l~ (rl4 55

V I Saw You Working

)our llss ol'l' \Ihilc l \\;l.\ gctting trushcd I thought. "l‘httt's in} (iirrrlf' I [Inc Ion miss} Itl\\;I}s I’I‘inccss Scurlctt Dior l' M4 50

V I Saw You Sc\} huhc drinking crunhcrr} jtiicc in thc Buscntcnt Bur. You rock In} \Iorltll l' (ii—I 57

V I Saw You In ('it} (‘ut'c Thanks for hclping Inc rcuch

IllL‘ l SAN You ho\l

l.U\L‘ (K Klssc‘s .\ l. ()l-l 53

V I Saw You Mikuclu

lcux iIig 'I‘hc Strcct. going on _\otIr \\;l} to dztncc Itll o\cr our IVs. \Yc‘ll till Iniss _\oul

I' OH 5‘)


PO Box 169, Edinburgh EH3 636.



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