
Classical Music

original compositions and arrangements by Michael (Barrett.

I Sonic Fusion Festival (‘anongate Kirk. I53 ('anongate. 7.30pm. £10 (£5). Pieces by Jancaite and (mains sung by Skaidra Jancaitc.


I A Concert, a Cocktail and a Canapé ()ran .\lot'. 731 73.5 (heat Western Road. 357 0200. 0.15pm. £10 (includes cocktail and canapes). Ireland’s (‘nm‘t'rlmo I’usloml. Molart's sir/ugh) um/ Rum/r) '(i/un llrn'nmnir'u'. (ilentyyorth‘s Sun/it'll (\yith lleatber ('orbett on percussion) and Vaughan Williams (‘nnu'rlu (irosw. ('onducted by Julian ('layton.

Tuesday ‘23


I Get Organised: John Kitchen St ('uthbert‘s (’hurch. 5 l.othian Road. 0131 22l 3380. 1.10 1.50pm. £3. (‘ity' ()rganist John Kitchen presents a programme entitled ’l’antasies and 'l'occatas’. Tickets ayailable on the door front l2.30pm.


I Summer Organ Concert - Diapasons and Flutes Galore! ('aird Hall. ('ity Square. 01382 434940. 7.l5pm. £3.25. ()rganist Stttart .\luir is joined by llautist Kathryn \\'elclt in a progrannne of classical music for lime and organ.

Wednesday 24 .


I Sonic Fusion Festival St (iiles‘ ('athedral. Royal Mile. 220 0073. 7.30pm. £ l0 (£7 ). Key'in Boyyyer performs ()liyiet' Messlttcn's l.l-l'l't’ ([1! Sat!!! .S'ucl'rllm'ltl.

Glasgow FREE Edinburgh Quartet & Alba Quartet (ilasgou l'niyersity ('oncerl Hall. l'niy'ersity .v\\'enue. 3304092. 1.10 2pm. The Music in the l'niyersity season starts back up for auttnnn \\ ith a performance of Mendelssohn's ()(‘It'L BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (‘ity Halls. (‘andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £10 £23. A chorus assembled by Scottish ()pera. along \y ith soloists soprano Susan (iritlon. mel/o- soprano Karen (‘argill. tenor 'l‘im Robinson and bass Neal l)a\ ies. joins tlte orchestra for Beethoven‘s Syrup/tony .\'u 9. ('lmru/ and its triumphant (Me to Joy. (it'itton also stars in the same composer‘s .lli.’ l’r'rlir/o in a programme which opens \\ ith Janacek's orchestral piece 'Iizrus Ital/m. (’onducled by Hall \olkoy. l’t‘e- concert talk at 0.45pm and post-concert coda of a \ocal recital by Neal |)a\'ies.


I Sonic Fusion Festival (’anongate Kirk. 153 (‘anongate. 7.30pm. £10 (£5). .\ mi\ed programme by the Research linsemble.


I Matt Sharp and Viv Mclean .‘ylellerstain Honse. (iot‘tlon. 01573 410225. 7.30pm. £15 (£10). A programme from the romantic and modern repertoire by pianist .\lcl.ean and baritone Sharp.


I Caledon: Always to Be Here Mother“ ell ('oncert Hall. ('iy ic ('entre. \Vindtnillhill Street. 01098 302999. 7.30pm. £l2 (£10.50). See Thu 18.


I Schubert in Depth: Schubert and Scotland Perth (‘oncert Hall. Mill Street. 0845 012 0324. l.30pnt. £5. An exploration of the life and \yorks of Schubert. with Words and music from

S\ end Broyy it. Part u/l/tr' Sc/tu/u'rliurl.


I Scottish Opera: The Merry Widow Albert Halls. l)umbarton Road.

0844 847 1045. 7.30pm. £13 (£5). Scottish ()pera returns with a layish new production of l-‘ran/ l.ehar‘s light opera. Set in Paris l‘)l2. T/It' .llt'l’ry' Hit/nu tells the tale of Hanna (Hawaii. the “lay \yidou of a filthy rich man. a ho is in search of a neyy spouse.

I Michael McGoldrick, John Doyle and John Joe Kelly 'l'olhooth. Jail \Vy-nd. 01780 274000. 8pm. £12 (£10). 'l‘raditional lrish llute innsie from maestro .\lc(ioldrick. guitarist Doyle and bodhran player Jolm Joe Kelly.


I Sonic Fusion Festival Stockbridgc Parish ('hurch. Saxe (‘oburg Street. 332 0122. 7.30pm. £10 (£5). Nicholas .-\sl11on performs \y'orks by Robert ('t‘ayy'lot‘d (to coincide u ith a ('1) launch) and Haydn.

Glasgow FREE Scottish Opera Babbity' Boys slct's. l0 Blitcklt'litt‘s Street. lpm. 3.l5pm & 4.15pm. Singers from Scottish ()pera \\ ill be perfornting a selection of popular arias and duets from the Italian repertoire in a Variety of locations oyer the weekend. Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Classic Bites Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchieltall Street. 353 8000. 0pm. £10 (under 20s £5; under 10s free). Stephane Deneye directs and Day id Dan/may et' conducts a taster session of the RSNO's forthcoming season.


I Sonic Fusion Festival (‘anongate Kirk. l53 ('anongate. lpm. £5. l‘p-to- the-minute compositions from the ('ontemporary Music linsemble from Napier l'niy'ersity. conducted by Ken l)empster.

I Sonic Fusion Festival (‘anongate Kirk. 153 (‘anongate 7.30pm. £10 (£7). An eclectic programme by the Brake l)rum Percussion linsemble from 'l‘reyiso. ltaly.


I Michael McGoldrick, John Doyle and John Joe Kelly (‘arnegie Hall. liast Port. 01383 002302. 7.30pm. £l2 (£10 £1 1 1. See Thu 25.


I Scottish Opera: The Merry Widow l’erth 'l‘heatre. 185 High Street. (1844 847 1045. 7.45pm. £13 (£5). Scottish ()pera returns \\ ith a lay ish neys production of [dam l.eltar's light opera. SCI in l’ul'is l‘)l.7_. '/‘/I(‘ .llr'l'l'y Hit/nu" lclls the tale of Hanna (ilayyari. the u itty \yidoyy of a lilthily rich man. \\ ho is in search of a lien spouse.

Sunday 28


FREE Scottish Opera Babbily

Boys sters. l0 Blackl't'iat's Street. 2.l5pnt. 3.l5pm & 4.l5pm. See Sat 27.

I Orchestra of Scottish Opera St Andrew ‘s in the Square. St Andrew‘s Square. 559 5902. 3pm. £8.50 £1 l.50. .\ popular yyay to spend a Sunday afternoon. these Scottish ()pera concerts feature the too often unseen heroes of staged theatre perft)rmances. Today. the orchestra is conducted by Mtisic Director lirancesco (‘orti in Schubert and .\lo/art. I’url oft/iv .llt'n‘luml ('ily I'm/ml.

I International Guitar Night (‘ity Halls. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 8pm. £l2. Brian (iore is joined by three of the worlds foremost acoustic guitarists for an eyening of instrumental guitar \yot‘k. I’url n/‘l/n' .llr'n‘lmnl ('ily' I'i'slit‘ul.


FREE Sunday Morning Music National Mitseuln of Scotland.

(‘hambers Street. 247 4422. l lam. Wake up to the sounds of l’lutes en Route. a yibrant young flute quartet from (ilasgoyy. as part of the museum's regular monthly series.

FREE St Giles’ at Six: Waverley Singers St (iiles’ (‘athedraL Royal Mile. 220 0073. 0pm. The rent)“ ned girls choir under the direction of Pamela Duncan perform l"autt‘\ .llr’yst' Huur‘. lilgar's partsongs. madrigals and folksong arrangements with .\lorley Whitehead on the organ and piano.

I Sonic Fusion Festival ('anongate Kirk. I53 ('anongate. 7.30pm. £10 (£5). The Research linsetnble close the lcsliull \yith their ‘lilliolt ('arter and Nigel ()sborne Portrait (’oncert'. l’url ulSmi/r l-irsiun l-khsll'i'rll.


I Caledon: Always to Be Here .\lacrobert. l'niyersity of Stirling. 01780 400000. 8pm. £10 (£8). Sec 'l‘lttl l8.

Monday 29


A Concert, a Cocktail and a

Canapé ()ran .\lor. 731 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 0200. 0.l5ptn. £l0 (includes cocktail and canapes). \eyy uork by Stey e l-‘orman. .\lo/art‘s (inner/'1!) for Human” (yy iIlt soloist Karen (ieoghegan) and Suk‘s Scream/v in If/t.


I Beethoven Continued l’erth (‘oncert llttll. Mill Street. (LS-15 012 0324. lpm. £0.50 £10. 'l‘yso \iolilt sonatas and the 24th l’iunu Smut/(1 in I” Sharp ()p 78 performed by .’\le\ander Janic/ek (\ iolin) and l.ly r Williams (piano). I’url oft/1e Sella/termini.

Tuesday 30


I Edinburgh Quartet (ilasgoyy' l'niyersity ('oncert Hall. l'niy'ersity .'\\'enue. 330 4092. 1.10pm. £tbc. 'l'he quartet play s Schubert’s If Hut 0,) I25 .\‘n / and Bruclt's Quarter .\‘n 2 in If. I Sounds from Down Under Rantshorn 'l‘lteatre. 98 Ingram Street. 552 3489. 1.15 2pm. £4. Duncan (iardiner and his guitar perform music ranging from 19th century rarities 1o ne\\ Australian \sorks. his oyyn compositions and traditional Scottish music.

Wednesday 1


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra 1-‘estiyal ’l‘heatre. 13/29 Nicolson Street. 52‘) 0000. 7.30pm. £10 £28. The lidinburgh season for the RS.\'() commences \s ith Stephane Deneye conducting Wagner’s ()i‘t'rlnn' In The I’lying /)I!I('/IIII(III.

S/y'manon ski's sin/mm (‘mit'w‘lunlt' and M;tltlc‘t"s Syrup/unit .\'n 5 \\ illt pianist l’oilt' Anders/e“ ski. l’re-concet't talk by Michael 'l'umelty at 0.45pm.


I Schubert in Depth: Schubert and Scotland l’erth ('oncerl Hall. Mill Street. 0845 012 0324. 1.30pm. £5. See Wed 24.

I The Scottish Ensemble: Red l’erth (‘oncet't Hall. Mill Street. 0845 0120324. 7.30pm. £l2 £14.50. Young trumpeter Alison Balsom. and l’erthsltire—born pianist. Alasdair Beatson make their debuts \\ ith the linsemble. \\ ith a perfornmnce of Sbostakoy ich's (‘mu't'rln .\'u / in (' minor. 'l‘he programtne will also include works by Albinoni and (’orelli.

Thursday 2


FREE Graeme McNaught (ilasgoyy l‘niyersity ('oncert Hall. l'niyersity

:\\ entte. .330 4092. l.l(l 2pm. :\ solo

HST >l<


* Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Classic Bites Favourite excerpts from some of classical music‘s most loved pieces of orchestral music in a celebration of what lies ahead in the RSNO's winter concert season. Chef d‘orchestre, Stephane Den‘eve, not only conducts. but also explains what it’s all about. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 27 Sep.

* A Concert, a Cocktail and a Canapé Karen Geoghegan, the young bassoonist from West Lothian who was runner-up in 8802’s Classical Star competition. is soloist in what is probably the most well known work in the bassoon player's repertoire the Bassoon Concerto by Mozart, written when he was pretty much the same age as Geoghegan is now. Oran Mon. Glasgow, Mon 29 Sep.

ii: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Sotheby‘s in London sold the score for over 3 million dollars just five years ago, but for rather a lot less than that you can hear Beethoven‘s famous Choral Symphony, the last of his nine Symphonies, live in Glasgow with a top—notch quartet of soloists and chorus courtesy of Scottish Opera. City Hal/s, Glasgow, Thu 25 Sep.

lunchtime recital from this Scottish pianist.


FREE Duo Lisme National (iallery of Scotland. The Mound. 024 0200.

0 0.30pm. 'l‘he Dutch duo play a selection of classical guitar \\()1'ks featuring l‘rank l.amm and Peter 'l‘ltissen.


I Scottish Opera: The Merry Widow 'l'oyyn Hall. Sandgate. 0844 8-17 10—15. 7.30pm. £13 (£5). See Thu 25.


I The Scottish Ensemble: Red .\larryat Hall. (‘ity Square. 01382 434941. 7.30pm. £l2 £14.50 (£9 £11: under 20s £5; under 18s £3). Young trumpeter .-\lison Balsom. and l’erthsltire-born pianist. Alasdair Healson make their debuts “Hit the ensemble. \\ ith a performance of Sltoslakoy icli‘s ('mlr'r'rlu .Vu / Ill ('mimr)‘. llte programme also includes \yorks by Albinoni and ('orelli.

‘«:$-:, f.‘ THE LIST 83