

V I Saw You .-\t Kushion. You. tall gu}. hlondish hair. glasscs. Inc-guy. longish dark hair? llad randoml} said hi oncc in ABC. \Vould likc to st!) morc than hi ncxt timc?

I' (II.3 Io

V I Saw You Rcd ltcad \\ itlt hlack shouldcr hag. Walking in Shau land. .\lc. random on a IIMX. You \scrc smiling and looking hot. Want to chill out o\cr a drink'.’ I' (I13 l7

V I Saw You man \\ ith cop} oli 'I‘hc l.i.sI at lllc paintcd \L‘ll in thc (‘incuorld glasgou aI'tcrnoon shots. Wish I had askcd _\ou il' _\ou cn'io} cd thc Iilm \ l' (:13 IX

0 I Saw You 'I‘odd in 'l‘indcrho\ B}rcs Rd. You arc hot? I likc )our tight 'l‘—shirt.s. I know \tc could hc happy togcthcr. l. (il.3 l‘)

V I Saw You tall man that \sot'ks in ‘l‘cnncnts Bar. Inc and thc chipcttcs sp} on _\ou? \

1‘ (Il.3 Ill

V I Saw You rockin and rollin in thc :\I'chcs calc bar. You \scrc \\ ith )tillt' Mancunian ho} t'ricnd. ditch him and Ict mc slum )IIII sonic \Vccgic lo\ in \ l' (I13 3|


V I Saw You cating toast in thc dungcons ol l)alkcith. 'l'ircd o I'oamin thc hallo“ cd halls alonc and uondcrin il' )ou \sanna IIIch Inc hchind thc hookcasc in thc lihrar} . . .

l' (Il3 33

V I Saw You ScpthIIhcr 4th. Bl;ic‘k\\cll's South Bridgc. Blondc )ou askcd hruncttc mc it. I'd cxcr uatchcd Scooh} l)oo. I said no. But I might start. it )ou‘d watch it \sith nIc. l' (Il3 33


V I Saw You at 'l‘K .\la.\\ ('raiglcith. 3‘) August. You kindl} pickcd up In} jackct \shcn I “as hcnt UVL'I‘. 'I‘()'I‘.-\I. .-\'I”I'R.\("l‘l().\' ALI-LR'I'TYY ('arc to mcct mc in thc changing rooms?! l' (Il3 34

V I Saw You And} through thc ha/c. across an cmpt) room. as )ou lct )our guard Iall... gra\ it} hc praiscd. ditcs dan. lit aprcs'.’ l‘ (Il3 35

V I Saw You at thc .la// liar. lidinhurgh 30th August. You. hair trcd'.’I in plaits. said nicc things as )IIII lclt. .\lc bald} hcard) t}pc chatting \\ ith thc hand. 'l‘hink l'\ c sccn )ou at KItockcngoi't'ocli l' (I13 26

V I Saw You Anna. \sondcring it this is for )ou. It is? .\Iisscd snapping mohilc numhcrs at l.iIc'}'s part). so hopc this works?! \Vould lo\ c to mcct tor a drink or txso‘.’ .Iim \\ l‘ (I13 27

V I Saw You Mr art loxcr laka smcll_\ toadi at thc train station and Ich cr lookcd hack. \\'c'\c sharcd 365 da_\ s or S760 hours or 535mm minutcsl (Ilad )oti'rc in III} tcam and looking Iot‘\\;tt'd to our ttc\l sct ol ad\cnturcs. .\Iuch lo\ c and hugs .\liss giral'lc lo\ct' (aka sausagc rolli \ l' (II 3 38

V I Saw You .\Ionsicur haricot \crts \\ caring )our hcrct around town likc an axant-gardc l)cpardicu \sannahc. :\llc/ allch \ \

1‘ M3 3‘)

V I Saw You sitting across l'rom Inc in thc chcnt Bar. lidinhurgh. rcadiug 'l‘hc 'l‘cmpcst. on 'l‘ucsda} 30th :\llgttsl. llo\\ hcautit‘ul mankind can hcl \icc hat tool I. (II.3 30

V I Saw You Bollo - l‘\c got a had l'ccling about this. I. (II .3 .3l

V I Saw You ('amco .\1atincc on thc I()th. You hroun haircd girl in a mac. .\lc guy sporting Ilatmcl shirt and applc. l-‘orgct I)ann} Bo}lc )ott \scrc thc onc hringing mc sunshinc l' (Il3 32

V I Saw You You took part in m} cxcrcisc to gct o\cI' thc l‘car ol' approaching attracti\c “omcn. ()tllsltlc ll;tt'\ L'_\ Nicks. Sat (Ith Scpt. 'l‘oo sh) to ask Mr )our numth I' (II.3 33

V I Saw You ('uha Not'tc 3lst .v\ug - l'm thc intcrrupting

drunk ~ )iiu work in "'l‘hc Arts".

(ict in touch. I‘ (Il3 34

V I Saw You at tltc Might} Boosli slit)“ looking hctttuscd - no \sondcr. too much

iaull' (I13 35

V I Saw You hcing taI'I'cd and l'catlicrcd ;\ttdt‘c\\ Masson. is that a l‘cathcr or _\our dignit) in tallcrs'.’ ('old da} \\ as it'.’

l' (II.3 30

V I Saw You in )our light. light hluc shirt hanging o\cr )our hcll). .\'o\\ thcrc's a man \\ ho nccds to \soI‘k out tor hu) higgcr clothcsi l’ (I13 37

V I Saw YOU looking good.

jogging in thc mcadous and I

couldn‘t kccp up \\ ith )ou hccausc _\ou'rc lit and )IIII knou it \ s \ I' (II.3 38

V I Saw You and )ott madc mcrfihing sal'c and L‘tts} hut tto\\ _\ou arc clscuhcrc. I miss this part ol )ou in In} Iil'c l'orc\cr. llapp} Birthda}. l hopc )ottt‘ drcams comc truc \

I. (II.3 3‘)

V I Saw You \\orking aua) in that rccord shop likc a sh} l'os. t\\ cc and sll}. Its simpl} adorahlc. ('omc out \\ Ith Inc and u c can look l'or rainhous and makc dais} chains?

l. (Il3 4U

W PO Box 169, Edinburgh EH3 686



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A Scott 31‘ C'Xt'l‘, NC SCCIIZIMITLI Rog) save-(I as a (I:>""I:a"‘, . ma (1, (harm‘ch \“z: '64-2-29


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