Accommodation wanted
For info call Carole Smith/Anne Goring on 01620 810620 email: www.festivall‘
I CENTRAL EDINBURGH HOLIDAY :\l’x\R'l'.\lli.\J'l‘ .\'car Royal .\lilc. l)atcs ayail- ahlc including l-‘cstiyal. Visit
w (’all or tcxt 07792 542 972
I Lovely New Town llat .\'lirthttmhcrland Strcct. Part ol l'ttlly littrnishcd first floor (icorgian town housc. ()nc hcd- room. largc lottngc/kitchcn. Suit quict singlc pt‘olcssional or couplc. Ayailahlc August £560 pcm. Rcl'crcnccs
rcquircd. 'l’cl: 013i 339 6277 or 07771 550 954.
HIRE A VAN WITH A MAN l.ocal & long distancc. Largc & small. llousc /()l‘licc/ garagc clcaranccs/lkca l’ickups ctc. Rcliahlc. l-‘ricndly (and on timc). lircc quotations. l)isclosurc Scotland (‘crtilicatc ('ontact Philip 013] 332 1272/ 07836 633 006
I Fantastic modern one hcdroomcd flat in Kclyinhridgc. 10 mins walk from (ilasgow l'ni. l-‘ully l'ur- ttishcd and rcccntly dccoratcd. Would suit non smoking pro- l‘cssional/maturc .studcnt. .\lust sch £500 pcm plus hills. Tel: 07966 293 582
I Bright double room in spacious two hcdrooni flat in Strathhungo sharing with female. Looking for casygo- ing clcan. tidy l'latinatc. Suit l’t'olt‘ssiotlal. chl £270 pctn plus hills. Ayailahlc lst Scptcnthct' 'l’cl: 07979 035 004
I Warm bright quiet room in rcl‘urhishcd wcst cnd gardcn llat ncar undcrground. Sharc with two .\'/S. dog and cat. l’rol‘cssionals only. £300 pcm including hills. £150 dcposil 'l‘cl: 07789 098 HI
I West End luxury lilat. l’riyatc parking. Sharing with onc othcr. l’rol‘cssional pcr- son wantcd. non-smokcr. 20 minutc walk to (’ity (‘cntrc. l0 tnintttc walk to liyrcs Road. £300 pcm plus ("l‘ and hills. Availahlc lst Scptcnthcr. Tel: 07771 918
I Bright double room in spacious two hcdroom flat in l’ollokshiclds. \\ itlt cat. \‘ct'y conycnicnt location. Looking for casygoing clcan/tidy lilatmatc. .\laturc studcnt/prol‘cssional. cht £290 plus ("I' and hills. 'l‘cl: 0797l 304 380
0131 550 3060 to place your ad
I Double room to lct in 3 hcd .sc‘llil-Vlllil in licarsdcn. (lose to licarsdcn and Wcstciton train stations. cht is £350 pcm including gas. clcctric and ("II \Vould suit prol'cssional lcmalc Tel: 07866 262 659
I Large bedroom in spa- cious flat shared 2 othcrs. on Paislcy Rd West. near (‘cssnock l'ndcrground. Shared loungc. kitchcn. hathroom. cht £289 pcm includes ("II hills cxtra. Id: 07890 848 736
I Double room to lct on Victoria Road in Southsidc. cht is £ l 80 pctn plus sharc of hills. Sharing with 3 othcrs in a traditional tcnctncnt llat. 'l‘cl: 07842 993 435
I Double room available to share with one male profes- sional in Shawlands. l-‘ully lur— nishcd. all mod cons. Sk)+. wirclcss hroadhand ctc. £350 pcm inclusch ol‘ all hills. ayail- ahlc mid to latc Augtist. Tel: 0797] 448 783
I Southside Queens Park ncar (‘ity ('cntrc. l‘ricnd- ly llatsharc. luxury l'urnishcd. high ccilings, woodcn floors. washcr/dricr. clcctric show crs. lrcc hills and ('ouncil Tax. Sorry no smokcrs or couplcs. Minimum 6 month lcasc. £65 pL‘l‘ \\ L‘L‘ls 'lt‘li 0797-1 233 5.57
I Bright and spacious douhlc room in sunny. tradi— tional l‘lat. Largc dining kitchcn and largc sitting room. (ircat attnosphcrc. grcat location. In sharc with onc othcr. £340 pcm 'l'cl: ()l3l 22‘) 2004
I New Town, double hcdroom in largc main door l'lat. share with 3 others. scp- aratc loungc. Sharcd gardcn. \cry ccntral. £350 pcm inc ("l and hills. Tel: 07974 699 302
I 2 double rooms ayail- ahlc in rcally nicc thrcc hcd llat in Marchmont from Sept
l 1. For .\'/S prol'cssionals/sttl- dcnts who are willing to pay £400 pcm plus hills and ("II Singlc occupancy prcl‘crrcd/cxtra rcnt l‘or couplc. 'licl: 07500 65l 364
I Edinburgh Haymarket comfortable hright dotthlc rooms in spacious rcl‘urhishcd modct'niscd llat all mod cons. WM. (i(’ll. (‘Iosc to all atncni- tics and (‘ity (‘cntrc. Broadhand intcrnct. £300 and £320 pcm inc ("1' Tc]: 07788 854 7L3 ot‘013l 667 6338
Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE
Got a room to rent? Then The List F latshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful Way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's bestselling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What’s more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.
Terms 8 Conditions
Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service. For administration purposes, advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication). The Flatshare service is for . people seeking a flatmate. Ont flatshare adverts wrll e acce ted for publication in his section. Adverts for rent ng a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It IS company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.
If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal
safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are oing to see a room in a flat.
7—1-1 Aug 2008 THE LIST 45